The Valiant Trade

Everlasting Impressions

Seryung had just woken up when Sehun had finished his conversation with the President’s son. Sehun didn’t know whether to trust Kangjun’s words or not but he decided to accept them for now as he formulated his own back-up plan. Meanwhile Seryung sat in bed and rubbed her eyes, she searched for a ghost but Mi Young was absent. Seryung pursed her lips. Mi Young was busy, she’d found a new friend and was now having fun with MAMA. Seryung was glad to have the owl away from her, every night Seryung asked the maid to open the cage, the owl was free to roam at night and Mi Young usually joined him.


Seryung sniffed, feeling slightly injured, her eyes rested on her arm and filled her with strange warmth. She wondered if she’d ever meet him again, the thought brought a smile to her lips as she hopped out of bed to prepare herself for the days ordeals.


Seryung had decided she would no longer act afraid of them, if they tried something again she would get her revenge by sending them all to the emergency room, time was something they couldn’t afford in grade eleven. Seryung smiled nefariously to herself as she hurriedly got dressed for school. Her brother had left early again today and she’d used her alarm to wake her instead of him. Seryung scoffed to herself, she’d become too dependent on him without even realizing it. She had been a fool. ‘In a world like today, you shouldn’t trust anyone!’ Seryung hardened her heart not bothering to drop by the kitchen because she didn’t want breakfast. Seryung’s journey to school had been quiet with only her thoughts to distract her.




Seryung blinked at her desk. Nasty words and inappropriate drawings had been carved into it rendering a useless desk. She raised her eyebrows at the words that called her a ‘’ and more. She shook her head at the childishness but was glad the bullying wasn’t physical, these types of games didn’t hurt her! She would have sat down but the bolts in her chair gave her second thoughts. They were faulty in her eyes, she suspected they’d been tampered with.


She made her way to the spare desk by the window. She inspected it carefully before sitting down. She stared outside as the students began to flock into school. She’d come in slightly early to avoid any planned harassment.


She let her thoughts wander as her classmates came pouring in. They were all surprised to see her but couldn’t quite make eye contact with her. She found this interesting as they’d been ready to hurt her before. What was the difference between today and yesterday? A couple of hours? She ignored them and prepared herself for the first lesson.


She had been daydreaming slightly when the teacher walked in. She’d nearly fallen out of her seat when she saw who else had come in. It was that guy! Seryung stared at how good he made the school uniform look. He caught her eye and nodded in her direction. Seryung raised her brows at him and nodded.


The teacher - Mrs. Kim - introduced the new student as ‘Huang Zi Tao.’ He was from China and had come to Korea as a transfer student. It was then that Mrs. Kim noticed that the spare seat by the window had been taken. Mrs. Kim stared at Oh Seryung who sat in the transfer student’s seat. She pursed her lips at the bold student.

“Oh Seryung, move back to your seat.”


Seryung slouched in her chair for a second before shaking her head. “Can’t. It’s been defiled, a misconduct with school equipment. I think we should find the culprits and punish them.” Seryung scanned the room for flinching faces. She found them – all of them – the class subtly shifted in their seats. Seryung scoffed feeling insulted and wondering what wrongs she’d committed for them to draw her as a . As far as she was aware she didn’t even speak to them. They knew nothing about her yet judged her character! Seryung muttered under her voice. She would have their lies exposed!


Mrs. Kim sighed, “Oh Seryung move back to your seat now!”

Seryung shook her head and crossed her arms wondering how long this argument could last.


Tao raised a brow as Seryung remained passive. She had just ruined his introduction. He spotted the empty desk in the center of the classroom. Tao smiled curtly, “I’ll sit at that table,” he pointed to Seryung’s old desk.


The teacher nodded primly still glaring at Oh Seryung. Under the teachers watchful eyes, she eyed her table and frowned heavily. She stood up from her seat, and now the two students and the full attention of the class.


“This is my seat!” Seryung declared loudly rushing to her old desk and dropping her bag onto the table to block the writing that endorsed it. The class buzzed with anticipation. The Chinese scoffed, “It’s mine now so go back to where you were sitting.”


Her eyes pleaded with him begging to listen to her. She frowned when Tao didn’t understand her actions. She took her bag and threw her bag onto the chair with as much force as she could muster. The chair buckled under the weight and the loosely screwed bolts failed. It fell to the floor and Seryung crossed her arms satisfied by the look of horror that flickered across Tao’s face.


She picked up her bag and placed it onto the table. She rolled her eyes at the eyes that were watching her. Did they think she didn’t know? She shrugged and went to get a spare chair from among those stacked at the back of the classroom.


Those seated near the rear of the class watched with interest as Zi Tao removed Seryung’s hands from where the stack of chairs sat. He pulled the girl back by her shoulder. Oh Seryung didn’t resist which heightened their curiosity.


“Get back,” he warned, and pulled on the transparent thread that had been placed as a prank with great caution. They watched in horror as paint fell onto the spot where Seryung was meant to stand. A prank had been ruined!


She frowned at the look she knew Tao was giving her. He knew now too, he knew she was being bullied! She swallowed the remainder of her pride and took the painted chair and set it aside to pull out a new one. The chair was taken from her hands by Tao who was now gazing at her, “Mind your own business and go sit at your seat.”


Seryung understood the meaning behind his words when he motioned to the seat by the window. She didn’t want him sitting at the wangta table but that’s exactly where he went to sit. She watched as he used his feet to cast away the broken chair. She hid a smile as Tao provided a safety net for her to fall into.


She sat at her new table and wondered what on Earth Tao was doing in her class, helping her and what he would think of her when he saw what was inscribed onto her table. Would he still be willing to fight for her if he read those things? Seryung hid her face in her hands and took a deep breath. It would be okay. It had to be okay! Tao wasn’t judgmental he wouldn’t class her by those dirty drawings that were supposed to be of her. For the first time she wasn’t able to focus on the lesson. She ducked as a piece of chalk came flying towards her head.


“Oh Seryung stop your fidgeting this instant you’re disturbing the class!” Seryung blinked and looked around. They all seemed busy with something that wasn’t her.


“I’m not bothering anyone.”


Mrs. Kim glowered at her student, “Just because you are well apt at taking exams, does not mean you are allowed to waste the classes time!”


Seryung made a face, she wasn’t disturbing anyone. It was the teacher who was wasting time by admonishing her for no reason. She kept her thoughts to herself not wanting to waddle further into trouble.


Tao closed his eyes and listened to the teacher yell until she turned red, he raised his hand to speak and chose to speak before he was asked, “Ms. please continue teaching and ignore the girl by the window she’ll just waste everyone’s time.” There was a chorus of giggles as the class agreed. Seryung clenched her fists and looked to Tao for an explanation. There were none of course it was still class time and the teacher had gone back to teaching.


Seryung had then been able to tune into the lesson until she’d begun to have notes passed to her. The teacher continued to ignore her and her curiosity made her unfold the pieces of paper.


‘She’s got the Chinese boy wrapped around her finger.’
‘She really is a ! !’
‘She must have provided a good service to him for him to stand up for her.’
‘Will you provide others with your services Oh Seryung?’
‘Dirty !!!!!’
‘I didn’t think you were like that. How disgusting. Why hasn’t the school expelled you?’
‘She really is a f***ing hahaha.’
‘She’s been sleeping around.’
‘Her brother must be too embarrassed to show himself that’s why he missed school before.’
‘Sleazy .’
‘How dare you dirty Sehun’s name you .’
‘I thought it was just a rumor Oh Seryung.’
‘Will you beg the kingkas to free you by offering services?’
‘Disgusting f***er.’
‘If she does get away from this we will know the kingkas are being provided for.’
‘This wangta is the worst one yet. How dirty. She deserves being a wangta more than Kim Hana.’
‘Kim Hana is pure not like this .’
‘She doesn’t think we’re good enough for her. She likes the Chinese boys. They must be her .’
‘Shameless girl you go around acting high and mighty but you’re really doing these things. Aren’t you embarrassed?’
‘I feel sorry for your parents they don’t know do they? They’ll find out when you get AIDS.’
‘The Chinese will think our women are easy because of you.’


Seryung’s throat burned with rage. She scrunched the pieces of paper into one. She didn’t have the patience to read the remaining ones.


“Oh Seryung are you passing notes in class?”


She wanted to laugh at the irony but quickly composed herself. “Yes, I’m going to pass them to the bin.”


Mrs. Kim clenched the piece of chalk in her hand and slammed her hand onto the table, “Sit down, Oh Seryung!!!”


She ignored her and made her way to the bin. Tao watched uninterestedly, “Ms. please continue teaching the students who want to learn.”


She sighed with relief and Mrs. Kim began to teach again. Seryung made a note to thank Tao for his indirect help. The pain in her heart eased when she sensed someone was there for her.


Seryung exhaled slowly as the teacher left the room. Lunchtime. This was the time where Kim Hana had been bullied to no end. She wondered what it would be like for her. She pressed her lips together as a new note landed on her table. She looked around to find the culprit but Tao distorted her field vision. She tried to crane her neck to see those behind him but her actions were of no avail. She leapt for the paper that Tao took from her desk.


Tao unfolded the torn page. His expression remained passive as he read the contents of the paper. He scoffed at the mention of his name and swirled around to find the senseless composer. Tao swore loudly, “Whose clever idea is this?” The class flinched collectively in their seats. Tao narrowed his eyes on the one person trying to hide. Tao slapped Seryung’s table startling everyone including her.


Tao took the evidence slammed his feet as he walked towards the accused. He lifted the boy out of his seat.


“Is this your work of art?” The boy stared at the page that Tao was showing him. It was his but the Chinese student was seething. Tao recognized the guilty look in the boy’s eyes. He sneered at the perpetrator, “Don’t ever draw me like this again. If you try to judge my character one more time. I’ll make sure to repay you by transforming you into a figure no one will recognize. I can assure you it will be more painful than it sounds.” The boy paled at the threat. Tao tore the note into pieces grumpily, “Open your mouth. Open it now!” The boy shook in fear and did as he was told in fear. Tao raised the clumped pieces of paper and the boy shut his mouth promptly with his eyes wide. Tao clenched his teeth at this and squeezed the boy’s cheeks forcing his mouth open. The Chinese student then proceeded to stuff the paper into this mouth.


“Eat your words, swallow then down,” Tao commanded. The boy begun to gag inducing Tao’s anger, “Do as I say otherwise I can’t guarantee your physical wellbeing.”


The boy indeed ate his words in fear of the new student’s wrath, he was as direct as he was scary. He’d commanded the boy to open his mouth to inspect whether or not the boy had followed his instructions.


Tao smirked and pushed his back onto his seat. ‘Quivering coward! People like you really don’t deserve to be studying at such a prestigious school. Picking on little girls when that kid did nothing. Shameful fool.’


“Anyone who gets on my bad side will suffer, got it?!” Tao thundered. The example he’d made of the quivering coward would be enough to scare sense into the remaining class. Tao headed to where the little girl in question sat – by the window. Seryung had been watching awestruck at how devilishly Tao had handled the situation. He’d struck fear into their hearts. Even her own heart had skipped several beats in fear. She recalled the Tao she knew who would never do what he’d been proposing. Had he learnt that from her? Pretending to be evil? She ducked her head in an effort to hide when the Chinese student came for her.


“Did you tell them strange things?” He asked his voice below a whisper. Seryung caught his words and shook her head. ‘How could he even think that?’


Tao frowned, he wasn’t finished his interrogation, but she looked like she had finished answering hence, taking everything that had happened into account, he didn’t pester her further. This was very similar to what Hana had cried to him on the phone. This, Tao hoped, wasn’t still happening to Hana because he wasn’t in her class and ergo couldn’t help her. Tao ruffled his hair in annoyance and whipped out his phone after plopping back to his seat. Tao toyed with the idea of recruiting Sehun’s help and eventually tossed a coin into the bucket. The response was quick although they were waiting for the last lesson before lunch to commence. Sehun was clearly perturbed by the photos of Seryung’s desk and the remaining components of what used to be her chair.


“What do they think they’re doing down there? Did they forget they’re in school? - Sehun”


“They were passing notes to her too. Not very nice ones - Tao”


“I see… - Sehun”


“No you don’t - Tao”


“Help her for me - Sehun”


“In exchange take care of Hana - Tao”


“Alright, we’ll do it that way. You mind Seryung and I’ll mind Hana. We’ll keep them both safe this way - Sehun”


“That was my suggestion no? - Tao”


“It was and I thank you for making the request. Teacher’s here g2g! - Sehun”


Oh Sehun clenched his jaw. The school was out of control. He wouldn’t stand to see anyone else get involved. He’d known all along that Seryung would make her way to school. She was stubborn and strong headed. Of course she’d never listen. He had taken matters into his own hands and requested the help of one the most ‘dangerous’ student.


He sighed, the library was as abandoned as it had been yesterday before everyone managed to disturb him. Today he couldn’t concentrate, it was harder than he’d anticipated and then came a moment he thought he’d never have -- he’d given up!


Sehun marveled at himself, he’d already begun to do stupid things, he wondered what he’d do next as began to pack his bag. After slinging the bag over his shoulder he wondered if he ought to nag Kangjun, about how efficiently the President’s son was working, and then he remembered Tao. Tao had said he would take care of Seryung so he didn’t have to worry, he just needed to take care of Hana in return. Sehun’s eyes darkened, he mind dwelled on Tao and Hana, Hana and Tao, what was their relationship? He decided he would ask her.



Hana had been dreading the project and now that it was finally here no one wanted to partner up with her. Hana smiled to herself, the English class was even numbered in the absence of Oh Sehun but the person who should have been her partner wanted to go solo, and so she was left on her own. She exhaled slowly, no one wanted to be in a group of three either, she could tell from their eyes, so she hadn’t pestered the teacher about not having a partner. Saying things like “I don’t want to work on my own,” or “I need a partner,” or “We’re not supposed to be working on our own!” Were out of Hana’s jurisdiction and she wasn’t going to beg. She made a face and stared at her blank notebook, she didn’t even have ideas for what she wanted to do with the project, and such was her dilemma!


It might just have been Hana’s dumb luck, Oh Sehun walked into the classroom with his bag slung on his back asking if he could 'join in' because he wanted a sufficient break from self-study. The teacher gaped at him as did the students and so did Hana.


“I want to take part in the project, can I…?” Sehun asked hoping he wouldn’t get turned away because if he did he would have nowhere left to go.


“S-sure…” The teacher looked at him puzzled that he would want to return to do a partner project rather than study on his own. The teacher pointed at Hana.

 “She’s the only one left without a partner, unless you want to work on your own.” The teacher smiled, her best student had returned to her class and subsequently brightened up her day. She would have allowed him to work in any way he wanted whether be it solo or even in a group. She was just glad he’d returned to raise the English class’ average grade.


Hana played with the fingers on her lap, Sehun had just flashed her a smile and was making his way towards her. She felt highly unconscious of herself as she became the source of everyone’s – boys and girls – envy, ‘A handsome partner, and a free A-grade,’ she thought sourly, ‘Why is he here?’


“Hi,” Sehun greeted plopping himself down in the seat beside Hana who tried to cover her face in an attempt to divert attention from herself. “Hi,” Hana replied meekly.


Sehun leaned back in his chair nonchalantly, he’d been accepted back into his class, ‘Now what?’  “Have you made a list of what you want to choose from?”


Hana stared at her blank notebook and wondered if words would just form themselves because she hadn’t been able to come up with any. “We were just assigned pairs before you came in. No one’s made lists yet!” Hana pursed her lips, she was sure they might have already but she needed an excuse because the project had ‘officially’ just started.


“Hm… You didn’t think of anything in advance?” Sehun tapped his chin and stared at the black board, ‘Descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, informative and short story essays… What to write about?’  Sehun inclined his head, “How do you want to do this project? Do you want to take part or can I do it on my own?”


Hana pursed her lips, she would have loved for him to take the project, write it himself and print her name down stating she took part but then she wouldn’t learn anything. “Let’s do it together, we have five weeks.”


Sehun sighed, five long weeks, ‘A waste of time…’


“Don’t you want to do it?” Hana asked curiously, ‘If you didn’t want to do the project why did you come?’


“It’s not that, I just don’t want to spend five weeks on something that would take about a week anyway.”


‘A week?’ Hana blinked, ‘Can you give me your brain? I’d love to be able to say that it’d only take a week to do.’


“Should we get started then?”



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Get Even aka novel vers of Everlasting Impressions is now available in paperback on Amazon!


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Chapter 92: Wow, too many things happen and i kind of lost also in several chapter haha. But one thing is that i cannot stop read this stories because of the feeling of wanting to know what happen next yeahhh. Good job
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 87: Finish this story :) this so mysterious and no rush in developing charachter. Like watching a drama :) this cute fluffy angst and woah such rollercoaster feeling. Through this story im guessing who is sinister. Great work authornim! Thankyouu :))
Chapter 87: this is my most favourite story.... I want to see a movie like's romantic and the villain is such a scary bully.... he always scared me when he was going after Tao and Sehun's sister.... the ending was not as i taught it would be...
Chapter 56: Omg Mirotic is the best~!<3
And I love the sound of Ziana, it seriously does sound like a drug name XD
Chapter 10: Well this probably doesn't apply to now since you've finished the story but I like just about any type of lead, even the cliche types cause well it's just nice to read it sometimes
Though I don't like leads that betray each other and I sort of detest the one who goes for revenge cause it makes me uneasy
And I dislike leads that change their opinions and emotions so quickly
oddalls #6
Such an interesting concept! <3
Sumiaiya #7
Chapter 88: Superb story ❤️❤️
Chapter 88: how am i supposed to live without ur updates now?
Chapter 88: I was the one who mistook kai for sinister XDDD actually i've never read kai fics (i mean not as a lead role) so no it's not because i got used to the cool bad boy image XD it's rather because he was acting weird sometimes XDD
Junmyun tho ;; ♥
and MAMA, I'm still crying his death OTL