Disagree to Agree

Everlasting Impressions

 Sehun's eyes flickered over to the change in light gradient. He squinted at the spot until the ghostly figure became clearer to his eyes. The ghost peered at him shockingly. She wasn't accustomed with being seen by him. She opened to speak and then clamped it shut. She waved her hand instead and zoomed right in front of him.


Sehun leaned backwards in his seat and the ghost smirked satisfactorily. She zoomed away from him and pointed to Hana and spoke words Sehun wasn't able to catch. Sehun frowned and strained his ears as he felt the ghost chant however he was unable to hear her words.


"Innocent?" Sehun repeated and quizzically raised an eyebrow. The ghost nodded and sighed with relief before dematerializing.


Hana scratched her head in confusion, "What's going on?" She asked curiously looking about the room in confusion, "Innocent?" She echoed making Sehun laugh. Hana stared as Sehun laughed to himself, she tried to gather his emotions from his eyes but he was too overwhelmed to settle for just one.




"I'm sorry."


Hana frowned not understanding anything. He'd laughed then apologized but she didn't understand why and for what? Sehun swallowed and rubbed his temples again as his headache worsened. He cursed the ghost for being the cause and cursed himself for subconsciously calling for it.


"Sehun-shi?" Hana called and jumped from her seat, she hurried over to where he sat, "Are you okay?" Sehun had tighted his eyes shut and was holding his head in pain. Hana flustered and crouched down beside him. "What's wrong?" She panicked tempted to shake his shoulders and snap him out of whatever was wrong.


Hana gasped as he suddenly clutched her wrists. "Seryung. Get Seryung!" He urged with half crazed eyes. Hana nodded as her eyes filled with fear as he paled and shook. "Quickly!"


Hana didn't want to leave him in his current state as he writhed in pain, reluctantly she stood up and raced for the door.


Seryung gasped as Hana nearly ran into her. "What's wrong?" Seryung asked, and shuddered when something materialized and pointed towards Sehun.


Hana had been trying to say something but Seryung ignored her and rushed over to him. She followed and tripped over her skirt. She grimaced and stared at Seryung who was shaking Sehun by the shoulders. Hana stood up once more and dragged her feet over to where Sehun lay unconsciously.


"What-" Hana asked again as Seryung gripped her arm tightly. Seryung was also acting strange, "Did you see something?" Seryung questioned her sharply.


"See what?" Hana asked confused. Her eyes trailed towards Sehun whose features had sunk into a peaceful state. "Will he be okay?" She whispered fearfully, "He started acting strange..." Hana trailed off as her thoughts began to tell her ridiculous things that couldn't possibly be true.


"Stay with him. Hold his hand until I get back," Seryung spoke distantly as she stared at the door where a ghost was shrugging. Hana followed Seryung's gaze and stared too but she saw nothing.


"Seryung," Hana removed Seryung's hand from her arm, "What's going on? You have to tell me, for me to understand."


Seryung shook her head and turned her attention to Hana. "I can't do that, but I want you to stay with oppa. Please Hana, just until I finish a few things. I want you to stay with him. If he stirs try to pacify him, just for a while."


Hana was at a loss as Seryung hurriedly left the room. She blinked and chuckled as a stream of confused tears rolled down her cheeks. She crouched down beside Sehun and held his hand as she'd been asked. Unlike his prickly personality his hands were surprisingly warm.


Hana sniffed and poked his forehead. "You make me out to be some kind of monster. Are you going to misunderstand me again, after this?


"'Did you see something?' Your sister asked me that, what was I meant to see? What did you see? You saw something right? Like what, a demon?"


Hana squeezed his hand and pressed it against her forehead. Sehun mumbled incoherently making Hana peer at him. She chuckled once again and poked his forehead. "You frown so much, you're going to age," she told him as he relaxed once more. Hana held her breath when his grip on her hand tightened. "Don't leave me! Please stay, noona..."


She tired to make sense of his words as he began to stir again. Warmth left him and the hand Hana was clutching became cold. Hana panicked as he began to flush, 'Does he have a fever?' She wondered and placed the back of her hand against his forehead. Hana sat perplexed. She placed a hand against her own forehead. His temperature seemed normal.


"Sehun-shi?" Hana mumbled. "What's happening to you?" Hana held his hand and then reached for the other which was equally as cold. She watched him flush once again. He released her hands from hers to hold hers instead.


"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, my fault, hurt you..."


"It's okay, please just be okay," Hana replied to his mumbling. "I forgive you," she replied and watched as his creased forehead returned to normal. Hana sighed and tried to warm his unnaturally cold hands. Unknown to her a third presence was also in the room.


"It's not my fault. I just told him what he already knew," the ghost told Hana and stared at Sehun from where she drifted. "Seryung, will be mad at me. Sehun oppa, can you still hear me? Don't listen to me, every time you listen to me you collapse and Seryung gets mad.


"Don't listen to my voice. Hana can't hear me, you should be like her, Sehun oppa, I think you're mistaking Hana for unni, she's not Rae Mi unni. But if you want to make Hana cry I don't mind. I don't like her very much, she's trying to steal my friend. Oppa, would you like if she stole your friend, you would be mad right? I'm mad too, I don't want her to be Seryung's friend, so you take her. If oppa's nice to Hana then Seryung won't try to be nice."


The ghost smiled and whooshed through Sehun making him shudder. "Oppa, it's time to wake up," the ghost nodded and smiled when Hana smiled with relief. The door parted open making the ghost dematerialize.


Seryung felt haggard. She'd just waved Hana's parent's goodbye and had spent a good deal of time trying to convince them they didn't need to say goodbye to their son-in-law. She closed the door carefully behind her and locked it to make sure no one else entered until Sehun was conscious.


"How is he?" Seryung asked Hana quietly. "Better, I think, he's stopped mumbling and his hands aren't cold anymore," Hana replied softly as Seryung crouched down beside her.


"You can't tell anyone what happened," Seryung stated curling her arms over her knees. Hana nodded, "No one will believe me anyway," she replied as Sehun began to cough. Seryung nodded and Hana released his hands as his eyes twitched open.


Sehun blinked until his vision returned to normal. He stared at the girls who were staring at him before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Sehun eyes darted from his sister to Hana and back. He hoped Seryung hadn't told Hana more than she should have known.


Hana hid her hands behind her back and mustered a shy smile. She recalled his mumbling words and blushed. He'd said so many out-of-character things to her before Seryung had arrived.


"Oppa, are you feeling better?" Seryung asked him quietly. Sehun nodded and smiled, "Much better," he assured her and stood up. He noted that Hana was glancing at him, he turned to look at her and tilted his head when she averted her eyes.


"Hana was taking care of you," Seryung answered his question and shot him a warning glance. Sehun nodded and smiled graciously at Hana. "Thank you."


Hana blushed crimson and nodded. "It was nothing," she waved her hands dismissively. "I'm glad you're okay."


Sehun nodded once more and looked towards Seryung for help. Seryung understood his glance and feigned a smile. "Oppa, your in-law's have left," she told him and then pointed toward Hana. "Your parent's said to enjoy the sleepover."


"I'm sure she will enjoy it," Sehun mused, he recalled the ghost's word before turning to Hana, "Even if you don't enjoy it, you can always pretend," Sehun assured Hana and avoided a swat from his sister.


Seryung paused for a moment as Hana stood rooted to her spot. "Unni, let's go," she urged. Hana felt as if she were being left out of a secret but shrugged away the feeling and nodded.


Sehun sighed once they were gone. The ghost was back, she lowered her head apologetically.


"It's my fault, I asked first." Sehun stared at the door where the two girls had exited from just moments ago, "Next time I ask a stupid question, remind me of this type of situation," he told it. "That way, I'll be more careful. I think Hana knows."


The ghost crossed her arms in front of herself and shook her head making Sehun smile. "Your friend is going to be very angry at you for talking to me. I hope you're prepared!" Sehun warned as the ghost hung her head.


"Miyoung, do you know how to tell someone you're sorry?" Sehun asked suddenly as he 'tousled' his hair. "You said 'innocent,' that means, I owe someone an apology."


Miyoung's jaw slackened, 'He wants to apologize to her? Is that cuz of me? Doesn't he still hate her for trying to get close? What about Rae Mi unni?!'


"It's only an apology," Sehun replied reading the ghost's expression. "I won't ever forget noona."


Miyoung grimaced and dematerialized for the final time that day. The ghost had much to think about, as did Sehun, who couldn't recall how apologies went.


Se Ryung remained silent as she painted her nails. Her thoughts were too preoccupied with the ghost's appearance. It was bad enough that Miyoung would follow Se Ryung around but bothering Sehun was another story. Sehun wasn't used to the ghost like she was. To make things worse she didn't know what Hana was thinking at all.


"So how's school going?" She asked hoping to remove any strange thoughts from Hana's head.


Hana shrugged and blew on her nails wanting to apply a second coat but unwilling to ruin her current work. "It's gotten better recently, Sehun-shi has been helping."


Seryung nodded waiting for a ghost to appear but it never did. "Do you like oppa?"


Hana blushed but didn't respond. It hadn't occurred to her that she may like him any more than a crush. Hana blew on her nails and listened to her heart beat when she recalled how he'd mumbled telling her not to leave him, but to stay with him and that he loved her. Hana accidently knocked over the nail varnish in her haste. Seryung pursed her lips woefully as the color bled into her carpet. Hana lifted the bottle and placed it upright staring as the color seeped further into the carpet. "Sorry," Hana whispered staring at the magenta spot.


"It was an accident," Seryung shrugged. "I'll have it replaced and no one will be the wiser, but back to the question. Do you like oppa?"


"A little bit? I'm not sure if I like him that much though."


Seryung nodded at the vague answer, "Is that a 'yes?'" Seryung asked examining her nails and then peering at Hana's to compare before deciding that she didn't like her nails anymore.


"I guess but he doesn't like me so..." Hana's thoughts ventured back to Sehun. He'd been 'nice' when he'd been sending her away from him today but Hana felt as if the two siblings were hiding something from her, both had been alarmed to find her with them when Sehun had acted strangely. It perturbed her to feel like an 'outsider' when that was clearly what she was. However this kind of feeling was much more different than an average outsider - it was scary.


"I'm asking because I remember, you once asked about oppa's ideal type. I didn't want to tell you anything back then, but now I think I will; only if you like him." Seryung clicked her tongue, turning Hana into Rae Mi or someone similar would mean that Sehun might try to move on. If Hana were similar enough but not obviously so, Sehun might just fall in love. Seryung was willing to bet on the idea that Sehun might start to warm up to Hana. He was already helping her in school, the same Sehun who was indifferent to the world was helping Kim Hana, a stranger.


Seryung  her lips. She'd never fallen in love before, and hence didn't know the in's and out's of love but she had witnessed her brother's one sided romance on both occasions. If that wasn't enough, there was always the internet...


Seryung digested the idea of the challenge. She would help Hana become closer to Sehun if it meant her brother would move on and possibly become happy. If Hana loved him and was willing to give it a try Seryung was willing to accept.


"What are you thinking?" Hana asked as she finished her work. "You suddenly start telling me about his ideal type, and asking if I love him. Are you trying to set us up?"


Seryung shook her head and dabbed a cotton swab to see if the carpet was still wet with polish, it was. "I want to help you, if you love oppa then I'll have you become his ideal type!"


Hana raised a hand to and laughed when Seryung frowned at her. Hana ducked as the cotton swab flew over her head and Seryung crossed her arms pouting. Hana pressed her lips together and shrugged. "You can't make someone fall in love by looking like their ideal type."


Seryung tapped her chin and grinned to herself, "Not just by looking, but if you walk, talk and act the same way then what is the difference between two people? Oppa had someone he liked a very long time ago. If you can become like that unni, then he'll fall in love with you, right?"


"I don't think he'll like that. What'll happen to me, if I become someone else?" Hana questioned smiling. She appreciated Seryung's efforts at matchmaking. However, "Sehun-shi doesn't like the fact that we're friends either," Hana pointed out. "What will he think if he finds out I'm trying to become his ideal type?"


Seryung shrugged reaching for the nail varnish remover. "We won't tell him anything! He doesn't need to know everything anyway. Let's try it! You don't have to become Rae Mi unni from tomorrow onwards, just little by little.

"Think about it! Your parents want you to marry oppa, my parents also want this marriage, neither of you have a choice in this matter! Would you rather have a loveless married life or would you like to be loved?"


Hana scrunched her nose at the proposal. Of course it was plain to see that anyone would want love in their life - she was no different. It would be ideal - in her case - to have Sehun fall in love with her, and if not even to treat her with kindness was enough.


"What's his ideal type like?" Hana asked Seryung's hopeful eyes. Seryung's eyes glittered at the prospect. She raised a hand to indicate for Hana to wait as she got up and rushed to her chest of drawers.


She dug through the drawers until a picture of Rae Mi came into her hands. Seryung glared at the photograph, and had on multiple occasions wanted to rip it into pieces, but her brother had insisted that she keep it for him. She didn't know why he insisted on keeping his beloved noona's picture with his sister. She clicked her tongue before hurrying back to Hana to hand her the picture.


Hana pressed her lips together until they disappeared. "She's pretty," Hana commented as the pressure of comparing herself to the pretty girl hit her. The girl staring back at her had short dark hair, a pleasant smile, a sparkling eye smile, small lips and perfectly aligned pearly teeth, her nose was sharp albeit a little wide, her make up was sultry without being overbearing, and she was dressed in a chic manner. Hana made a face as this 'unni' could have given Han Chae Young* a run for her money.


"What's wrong?" Seryung asked as Hana put down the photo in contempt. "Do you think I can look like that?" Hana asked shocked that Seryung would compare her to someone so different.


Seryung chuckled at the misunderstanding and shrugged, "It might take a couple dozen surgeries but I'm sure if you try hard enough."


Seryung laughed as Hana's expression darkened into one of horror. The younger girl shook her hands insisting that wasn't part of the plan, "No, your face isn't going to get surgically altered, maybe everything else?" Seryung took up the picture again and compared Hana against it. She squinted her eyes and debated what needed to be done before deciding that Hana was a million times better than Rae Mi both in personality, and looks. Hana was wearing very little makeup whereas Seryung remembered Rae Mi wearing more.


"Can you make a list or something?" Hana asked, "I don't know what this girl is like so if you could just write down some things I should be doing."


Seryung nodded and wandered over to her desk. She grabbed her i-pad as well as pen and paper. "Okay, let's do this first, we can do the rest later," Seryung suggested happily. Hana nodded unconvinced that this idea would work. She believed Sehun was much clever than that and would catch onto this plan, but that didn't mean Hana didn't want to try and catch his interest.


"What I remember of Rae Mi unni was that she had short hair, yours is... Very. Long." Seryung pointed to Hana's hair which reached her waist.


"Are you willing to let all that go?" Seryung asked knowing that hair was something all girls cherished. Hana combed her length with her fingers and stared at her hair, "Does it look bad?" Hana asked making Seryung click her tongue unsurely.


"That's up to you to decide, we should look at hairstyles," Seryung suggested hoping she could convince Hana to become Sehun's ideal type, and rid Sehun's mind of Rae Mi.


The girls were busy searching the internet for ideas on Daum** and discussing different types of fashion, and styles until Hana's mind began to accept the idea of becoming Sehun's ideal. Hana imagined her version was much different than the what Seryung was thinking; when in fact both were the same: A girl who could capture Oh Sehun's heart.


*Han Chae Young - She's an actress under SM C&C and has been nicknamed 'Korea's Barbie Doll.'

**Daum - is Korea's version of Google.


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Chapter 92: Wow, too many things happen and i kind of lost also in several chapter haha. But one thing is that i cannot stop read this stories because of the feeling of wanting to know what happen next yeahhh. Good job
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 87: Finish this story :) this so mysterious and no rush in developing charachter. Like watching a drama :) this cute fluffy angst and woah such rollercoaster feeling. Through this story im guessing who is sinister. Great work authornim! Thankyouu :))
Chapter 87: this is my most favourite story.... I want to see a movie like this....it's romantic and the villain is such a scary bully.... he always scared me when he was going after Tao and Sehun's sister.... the ending was not as i taught it would be...
Chapter 56: Omg Mirotic is the best~!<3
And I love the sound of Ziana, it seriously does sound like a drug name XD
Chapter 10: Well this probably doesn't apply to now since you've finished the story but I like just about any type of lead, even the cliche types cause well it's just nice to read it sometimes
Though I don't like leads that betray each other and I sort of detest the one who goes for revenge cause it makes me uneasy
And I dislike leads that change their opinions and emotions so quickly
oddalls #6
Such an interesting concept! <3
Sumiaiya #7
Chapter 88: Superb story ❤️❤️
Chapter 88: how am i supposed to live without ur updates now?
Chapter 88: I was the one who mistook kai for sinister XDDD actually i've never read kai fics (i mean not as a lead role) so no it's not because i got used to the cool bad boy image XD it's rather because he was acting weird sometimes XDD
Junmyun tho ;; ♥
and MAMA, I'm still crying his death OTL