Perhaps, Darkness Envelops Light?

Everlasting Impressions

Seryung watched him whip off his shirt. At first she was scandalized and then she was embarrassed because he’d caught her staring, they’d made eye contact which after she stared at the floor deciding it was the safest thing to do. She heard his footsteps but remained hopeful until his shadow came into her path. Seryung hunched in fear of the owl and didn’t dare to look anywhere.


Tao cocked his head to the side, “What are you doing?” He asked noticing the bottles of water in her hands, an opened one and an unopened one. His eyes narrowed to the unopened one as his body realized just how parched he was, “Is that for me?” He asked pointing to the bottle.


Seryung continued staring at the ground, like an unmoving statue. She clenched her jaw when he lifted her chin, she didn’t like the unanticipated skinship but one look in his eyes made her forget that she wanted to yell at him, instead she explored their depths, entranced under a spell that only he could break and when he did she was half thankful yet have displeased.


“Is this mine?” he asked again pointing to the bottle, she followed his gaze and wondered why she was carrying two until he took one from her and uncapped it. He took a few sips before dowsing the rest over his head and sighing at the coolness.


Seryung stared at him until he was done, “It was for you,” She remembered and shifted her gaze again, her eyes traveled everywhere around him and as much as they wanted to look at him she was unwilling because a strange feeling captured her, when she did. Her eyes eventually fell onto the owl cage, ‘Facing your fears, huh? Do you know how to do that, Oh Seryung?'


Seryung wasn’t sure how prepared she was to face her fears but one look at the owl told her she should. She had carried the cage without much difficulty, it was only when the owl was released that she felt fear clutch at her heart, growing closer to the owl could rid her of that fear. She could also be as close to it as the foreign stranger.


“You should put your shirt back on Shu. I don’t know how open people are in China but here, people don’t like it if guys walk around shirtless. It’s considered rude and people will think you’re up to something strange.”


The Chinese man winced and scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “Can I wait until I’ve cooled down?” He asked earnestly, “It’s not easy to build one of those on your own.” He pointed towards the playhouse and opened his palms to show her his worn out hands. Seryung cringed, “You hurt yourself!” She pointed and made a face, “Wait here, I’ll go look for some ointment or something.”


The Chinese man laughed, “Are you going to become my nurse?” He asked grinning as he caught hold of her arm, “Just give me your bottle of water, nurse, I’m still thirsty.”


Seryung flushed at the increased skinship she was having with a foreign stranger in a homeless shelter, she inclined her head and shoved the bottle towards him and faced the opposite direction.


‘Why are you staring at his chest? He’s chiseled, so what? Can you not embarrass yourself by staring? He’s going to think you’re a ert for crying out loud!’


“Is something wrong, nurse?”


Seryung crossed her arms and shook her head, she tapped her foot impatiently and wondered what she was even waiting for. She clicked her tongue too and remembered the owl. Seryung turned around reluctantly and watched it stare at her with its beady amber eyes. She wanted anything but to take it home yet she forced her feet to move in its direction.


“Wait!” It was him again and Seryung was shocked to find him pull her back, it had come unexpected and so had falling into his bare chest. Seryung bit her lip and pushed him away to glare at him. He averted his eyes from hers, “Sorry, I just wanted to ask you if you’d let me keep MAMA. In return I’ll pay you back the money.”


Seryung’s glare hardened, ‘So that’s what you were up to! You wanted to tease me into thinking strange things so you could get the owl!’


“No!!!” She retorted and whipped around, she clenched her jaw as he took ahold of her wrist again, “I am going to kick you if you don’t let go. What you’re doing right now is called: harassment!”


Seryung blinked multiple times, she’d expected at least some sort of comeback yet he’d dropped her wrist.


“You’re misunderstanding me,” he told her quietly, the mischief in his voice was gone and he sauntered away from her.


Seryung’s mind remarked that he had a nice back before her thoughts dipped into other things rendering her confused. She massaged her temples and wondered if her IQ was dropping due to some kind of brain damage.


She grinded her teeth harder than she meant to and grumbled to herself before scurrying towards the owl cage, she avoided the owls glance and picked up the cage as gingerly as she had the first time. Raising the creature would be enough to drain her energy. Seryung stretched her neck from side to side and turned her attention towards the person glaring a hole into the side of her head.


“It’s my owl,” she told him firmly and wondered why she’d chosen to sound like a child fighting over a toy. Seryung shook her head, her mind was trying to convince itself that she wasn’t afraid yet thought differently.


“I know, you bought it, fair is fair, I built the playhouse, you bought the water. We’re even. You’re free to go home, do you want me to come too?” Tao added the last sentence as an after thought and watched her expression harden, even if she tried she couldn’t help the color flush her cheeks and even when her cheeks became normal her ears gave her away, she was embarrassed.


“You like me enough to ask strange things,” he put on his shirt and grinned at her waiting for a response. He enjoyed teasing her, she wasn’t able to come up with retorts as quickly and hence it made it all the fun to .


Seryung arched an eyebrow amid the chaos in her mind, “Not really, I thought you were Sehun oppa but you’re not. I guess it’s my fault that you think I like you. I don’t! I don’t even know you.” Seryung scoffed at him as his expression changed.


“Your brother is called ‘Sehun?’ Interesting… Then what’s your name?” Tao asked tapping his chin, it would be unbelievable if she were who he thought she was.


Seryung furrowed her brows, “Do you know oppa?” She asked him suddenly placing the cage by her feet while studying him closely, “Are you a friend?” She questioned, she didn’t recall Shu but she could have ben wrong, after all, her brother was a strange one.


“I’m Huang Zi Tao and yes, I’m acquainted with Oh Sehun. If you’re his sister, then you must be... Oh Seryung, am I right?”


Seryung was taken aback at the mention of her own name, she nodded slowly, “I know all of oppa’s friends, why don’t I remember you?”


“You don’t remember me Seryung? I’m offended.”


Seryung’s frown deepened as she tried to recall him but she remembered nothing about a Huang Zi Tao.


Tao pursed his lips, ‘You’re thinking very hard, keep thinking, you’ll still get nothing. Hana said you were ‘clever’ but Hana is nice. I actually don’t like you, I thought you were interesting when I first heard about you but you’ve given me the wrong impression. I don’t like you at all, you’re not someone Hana should be hanging around with. You’re just playing with her, like you toyed with the playhouse. I saved you then but guess what? I won’t let Hana get hurt.’


“If you don’t remember then I guess Sehun doesn’t either, ask him even. He’s probably forgotten about me already, the same way you have.”


Seryung shook her head vehemently, “No, no, oppa’s not the forgetful type. He'll remember you for sure!”


Tao shook his head dismissively. “He won’t. You don’t, so he won’t.”


Seryung pouted in retaliation and stared up at him. He was just as tall as her brother and probably around the same age. “Where did we first meet?”


Tao chuckled and lowered himself to her height, “You don’t remember? The first time we met, Oh Seryung, you fell for me. How can you forget? It all began when you came to a homeless shelter.”


Seryung pressed her lips together into a thin line, his eyes had regained their mischievous glint and amusement danced in them as he watched her react to his words.


“It all began and all ended here Mr. Huang. I hope we don’t meet again.”


“How can it end? You fell for me, quite literally.”


“That was an accident.”


“We’ll meet again Miss Oh, we were destined to meet.”


“You believe in destiny?”


“I believe it. You will too one day. When you do, remember today.”


Seryung scoffed at his vague words, she suspected they were laced with meaning, but that meaning was something she would discover at a later date.

"For now she is blissfully oblivious. And as for him, he will learn the meaning of the words he doth utter on whim." An invisible winged being spoke solemnly. The Angel of Truth gazed at them part.

"Time stops for no one," the Angel of Death appeared beside him. He was well acquainted with 'time,' having to mange the realm between living and dead.

"It shan't," Truth admitted honestly. He looked forward to the events that would unravel, as they had failed to do, all those years ago. "Shall it be different," he blessed.

The Angel of Death blinked and examined Truth. Perhaps, the white-winged creature was hoping for salvation. It was an odd sight to see. Who were they to intervene with humans? Their directions came from Above. Nothing more was a concern.

Maybe the high cheek-boned angel saw something, a premonition of some sort? Death was unaware, but his interest had awoken. He said nothing more to add to the conversation for he had work to do. Truth watched him leave with a sigh. The reason for his sigh stemmed from lies. There would be many to follow. He refused to count them because they were overwhelming. He was unable to identify them as they had not yet taken place, but deception would come. He could smell it. And what would humans be if they did not lie?

The Angel of Truth smiled. The corners of his mouth curled in an almost cat-like manner. It would be interesting to see. He would keep his eye out for it. However, not in person for he could not stand horrific lies.

"I shall have Kyung Soo inform me," the angel decided. If not Kyung Soo, who else would know of death?



Se Ryung couldn’t forget about Tao the whole way home. He was mysterious, yet she felt as if she may have met him before. Her thoughts may have been fabricated but something nagged her. She had felt a kind of connection with him that she couldn’t label with words. He knew her from somewhere but she was positive they'd never met. 


If they had, she was sure she'd remember him. His features were too distinct to forget. His attitude was flare-y, much like her own. She disliked him, yet she didn't. It was a confounding feeling. She was surprised he hadn't tried to flirt with her at all. That was new. Sort of... All the guys flirted with her. Why was he the exception? Hadn't he been attracted to her? She'd found him somewhat attractive. He was tall, handsome, and he must have been kind because he was helping out at a shelter. Then again she'd helped out too, but she'd only been covering for Sehun.


It was safe to say that when Seryung arrived home she was in no mood to entertain anyone. Seryung had forgotten about Hana while lost in thought. Her mind had become consumed with Huang Zitao. She'd never met such a peculiar person before.



‘‘Don’t fall in love with me.’  Those were Sehun's exact words, why does he even care? Is it because of Yoon Rae Mi?’  Hana sighed into her pillow, ‘How can he still be in love after all these years?’


Hana tossed to her side, ‘It would be understandable if Rae Mi had loved him too but she hadn’t. So how can he still love her? How do compete for affection if my rival in love is already dead?’ Hana kicked her duvet away and sat up, ‘Seryung should be awake...’


Hana listened to the owl coo in the darkness. Se Ryung stirred with every noise the owl made. 


“Seryung, are you afraid of owls?”


Seryung curled into a ball. It was just as dark as it had been on that night. She would have nightmares because of it. She wanted to hide somewhere, somewhere safe and far away from the owl cage that was Pandora's Box for her. Se Ryung was about to climb under her duvet when someone else joined her on her bed and squeezed her arm gently.


“Hana has never had a younger sister before. She was wondering if Seryung wanted to be her little sister.” Hana spoke to no one in particular. She felt Seryung tremble in small vibrations. Her heart dropped at the realization. The very person who'd extended her hand to Hana, when Hana was at her lowest point, was quivering in fear. Hana curled her arm around Seryung protectively not sure if her action would be of any solace against the owls hooting.


Seryung pressed her lips together ruefully and turned to face Hana. “Seryung is wondering why Hana wants to adopt her?”


“Hana thinks Seryung would make a cute little sister.”


“Seryung thinks Hana is trying to be nice so Seryung will let her sleep in her bed.” Seryung arched her brow in mistrust.


“Hana thinks Seryung would let Hana sleep in her bed, if Hana asked.”


“Seryung is not that nice of a person. Seryung thinks Hana is thinking too much of her.”


“Hana thinks Seryung is a nice person. Hana doesn’t like it if someone says bad things about her sister. Hana thinks, that Seryung might think Hana is using her…”


Seryung clicked her tongue sleepily. She deduced Hana was foolish for thinking as such. She was definitely not a kindred spirit but she was still human, sort of... That's why she couldn't help but smile at the face of sincerity. “Se Ryung thinks she would know, if someone was trying to use her.”


“Hana thinks, she wants to try to be like Rae Mi…” It had taken much conviction. She'd fought with her conscience and persevered. It was wrong to try, and become someone else especially if that someone was the object of her fiancee's affection. It was that very reason that compelled Hana to try. She could at least try a little bit for her own sake. She wanted to succeed in something for once. Her heart was set on Sehun. She thought she could do anything if it meant receiving a warm smile.


Seryung flinched as if she'd touched a hot iron. The owl was as restless as a student the night before a big exam. She regretted buying it and she lamented not ridding herself of it when Tao had been asking. Such thoughts were cumbersome to dwell on. She would have to be wiser next time she faced such an ordeal. The worst burden being what Hana had uttered. Seryung wished she could un-hear the words because they would weight heavy on the meek girl who knew nothing but simplicity. “Seryung thinks Hana is feeling burdened by Rae Mi. Seryung thinks Hana should take it slow and not jump into trying to be like Rae Mi. Hana might not be happy if she tries to undergo a 180 degree transformation.”


“Hana is glad her sister worries for her. Hana wants to tell her sister that she has an unni to talk to. If she’s ever worried about something, unni will help her.”


“Seryung is glad to have unni.”


“Unni is glad to have Seryung.”


Despite the warm exchange of words Seryung tossed and turned in her sleep whenever the owl cooed, but she didn’t have the nightmares she'd been expecting. She mumbled to herself a bit and had cried, but someone was there to soothe her. Someone stood watch for her throughout the night warding off the demons that threatened to terrorize, and even frightened the owl into silence. That someone spoke no words, but the translucent skin tone spoke more than words ever could. A ghost wandered the bedroom dressed in white like a child giving communion.


Hana hadn’t been able to sleep properly that night. She had been thinking about Rae Mi, or more precisely, how to become Rae Mi. It would be a difficult feat to achieve. In many photographs, Rae Mi had supported a bob hair cut. Hana had long hair which she felt reluctant to cut, but being told not to fall in love had hurt her. She'd already been low due to the disastrous school situation and Sehun's words had rubbed her the wrong way. If she wasn't allowed to fall in love, what would happen if he did? If Sehun fell in love with the Hana that was very much like Rae Mi would anyone suffer? She was not trying to steal Sehun from anyone. Sehun was very much single. So what if he fell in love? There was no harm in trying. Hana shivered although she was warm. Unknown to her, she'd caught the interest of something. A pair of eyes watched her with amusement, reading her thoughts and beaming a smile.


The unnatural being wished to stay the night however, ghosts did not rest. They were dead. They would never rest until they squeezed through purgatory, and to do that there was a task that had to be accomplished. 'Unfinished business' was a rather crude way of putting it, but the words spoke no lie. The supernatural creature left the vicinity of the rather spacious bedroom and ventured into a more unwelcoming station, the graveyard. Whether dead or alive, it was a misconception to think that graveyards were homely. For the living they brought sorrow and for the dead it was very much the same. An unforgotten grave was the source of much pain...


Time zones away, amid daylight, crisp pages of an old, leather-bound book turned unwillingly at the mercy of a chilling spectator. Eyes digested words of anguish, absorbing them as if they were its own. No tears fell from the piercing dark eyes, and not even the smallest facial muscle twitched in grief. Long fingers traced the words. A cruel smile flickered momentarily illuminating the sharp features, for a moment even the sharp, dagger-like eyes became strikingly alluring, only for a moment though. 

"It seems, it's time to go to school. So much for a holiday," muttered a deep voice in mock disdain. Beside him sat a neat bundle of textbooks. They'd been stored into a computer memory never to be forgotten, like the rest of his memories. Despite that, he chose to evade all forms of assessments which was why he'd ended up on holiday during the school year in which all the students, including the trio of the glass rooms, were confined to school. All except him...

"S-sir?" Asked a shaking voice.

"Do not make me repeat myself." The eerie lad slipped his hands into his pockets. His secured a pocket knife that he always carried.

"Y-y-yes sir!"

The 'sir' in question drew himself to full height towering over his trembling servant who scurried off to find a phone he was allowed to use.

"I bet they missed me back home," the male joked knowing the 'they' he spoke of would be cowering upon hearing he would be returning sooner rather than later. The 'they' were none other than the student's of the glass room, the princes, the snobs, and whatever other names they were known by. He only found them as deplorable henchmen.

"'... And the glass room sits on top of the school like a jeweled crown overlooking the schools garden like a scepter?'" He chuckled for a moment, almost appearing human... sort of. Until menacing eyes flashed with darkness in disapproval. He tossed the brochure he'd been reading over his shoulder and stared at the vain blue sky. He narrowed his eyes to see if he could sense them. 'Them' being those things, those creatures that no one else could see but he saw them, all of them. He knew more about them than they knew about themselves. Living or dead, if he wished, he could bring harm to both.



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Chapter 92: Wow, too many things happen and i kind of lost also in several chapter haha. But one thing is that i cannot stop read this stories because of the feeling of wanting to know what happen next yeahhh. Good job
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 87: Finish this story :) this so mysterious and no rush in developing charachter. Like watching a drama :) this cute fluffy angst and woah such rollercoaster feeling. Through this story im guessing who is sinister. Great work authornim! Thankyouu :))
Chapter 87: this is my most favourite story.... I want to see a movie like's romantic and the villain is such a scary bully.... he always scared me when he was going after Tao and Sehun's sister.... the ending was not as i taught it would be...
Chapter 56: Omg Mirotic is the best~!<3
And I love the sound of Ziana, it seriously does sound like a drug name XD
Chapter 10: Well this probably doesn't apply to now since you've finished the story but I like just about any type of lead, even the cliche types cause well it's just nice to read it sometimes
Though I don't like leads that betray each other and I sort of detest the one who goes for revenge cause it makes me uneasy
And I dislike leads that change their opinions and emotions so quickly
oddalls #6
Such an interesting concept! <3
Sumiaiya #7
Chapter 88: Superb story ❤️❤️
Chapter 88: how am i supposed to live without ur updates now?
Chapter 88: I was the one who mistook kai for sinister XDDD actually i've never read kai fics (i mean not as a lead role) so no it's not because i got used to the cool bad boy image XD it's rather because he was acting weird sometimes XDD
Junmyun tho ;; ♥
and MAMA, I'm still crying his death OTL