Warring state

Everlasting Impressions

“That’s it! Just snap it. She needs to know her place.”


“Stop it, Sehun!”


Sehun let go as if his hand had just caught fire. He stared at in shock and then looked towards Hana. She massaged her arm and peered at him curiously, blissfully unaware that his hands wanted to reach for . Sehun wheezed. His anger was still boiling, screaming like a kettle and it was all directed towards Hana. He didn’t know why, or where this newfound hatred was coming from. He tripped backwards warily in fear of what he might have done. His thoughts were not his own, nor were his actions. He was acting like an alien, almost as if he were possessed.






Sehun rocked his head from side to side, and forced his legs to take another step backwards. Something as easy as carrying out an action was like trying to push a wall. He prayed to be in the midst of a nightmare conjured by stress. This murderous inkling wasn't normal.


“Stay here. I’m going to go for a walk. Stay right here, and don’t come after me. I’m not feeling well right now. Promise me you’ll stay here!”


“Are you okay?”


Hana’s confused expression brought a new wave of unfounded rage, and Sehun knew that staying near her any longer would bring disaster. He turned around unwillingly, and dragged himself away from her. He tried to wash his mind free from her, but he could think of nothing but torturing her. It didn’t make any sense to him at all. He weaved his way through book cases hoping – praying – she didn’t come after him because he didn’t know what he was capable of. He had an urge to strangle her, and that urge was burning to become a desire. His legs wanted to steer around, and return to her to carry out something unfathomable. He couldn't understand why. He didn't resent her anymore. So why?


This incorrigible fury was different, yet the same as the wrath he’d directed towards Seryung. Neither were rational. He hadn’t meant what he’d said to Seryung. In fact he couldn’t remember his words. All he knew was that he’d wanted to weaken her, and now he felt vindictive toward Hana.


Sehun glanced at his hands and wondered what on earth he was doing. ‘This isn’t normal. This sudden urge to mutilate someone is abnormal! Get a grip and calm down! You need to breathe. Don’t think of her. When you think of her you become psychotic.’


Sehun passed though an aisle until he reached the large windows. He threw them open and leaned his forehead against the cool glass. The windows in the library were functioned in such a way that they opened roughly to about four inches, which was a burden coming up to exams because the humidity became unbearable but for now, Sehun was thankful that the windows at least opened. He took shallow breaths, and held onto a nearby bookcase for support.


Yang Jinsung was furious! Sehun had defied the spell she was trying to put him under. She didn’t think it was possible for him to do that. The student underlord had said nothing about breaking it! The vengeful spirit threw a punch which sailed through Sehun’s head. She glared at him with the slitted eyes of a demon. She didn’t want to back out just yet. So what if he was rebelling? Her power was absolute! She could manipulate him to take over the world if she wanted. She could control his thoughts to the point where his real mind would become so corrupted, that he would believe that her brainwashing was his own feat. Feeling up to the challenge, she decided to whisper once again.


“Idiot! You’re not meant to break your trance. You were meant to break that girl! Why didn’t you? She’s ruining your life. Why can’t you see what she’s up to? She’s trying to weave a place for herself in your heart.”


Sehun posture stiffened. A series of goose-bumps raced across the nape of his neck, his arms and everywhere else. His body was sending his brain warning impulses. His brain however was having trouble deciphering. As a result his grip on the shelf tightened. He could feel the shelves imprint embed onto the inside of his palm. That was the least of his worries.


'She wants a place in my heart?’ He clenched his jaw as he seethed quietly like an enraged beast. He had done much to protect his heart from the likes of seductive women. He wouldn't let his effort go to waste.


The ghost wanted to laugh, but didn't dare to thwart her work. Her lips curved slyly upwards. She’d found his weakness! Now all she had to do was prod at it until it became an open wound. Only then would he would react to protect himself from the jeopardy he was led to believe Hana brought. It was the perfect crime! Her death was being brushed under the carpet. Why should she stay still? She would extract revenge. She would bury all who crossed her, all who looked at her the wrong way. They would die! As for Sehun, she had other plans for him. His noble aura would vanquish once he was labeled a killer. His future would dissipate, and all that would be left behind was a prison cell. He could never return to normal life after that. The ghost imagined he deserved as much.


“You don’t want to give Hana that spot.” She egged.


“Rae Mi’s place… Doesn’t belong to her...” Sehun clutched his head. It was searing in pain. His thoughts were all antagonizing but he recognized one thing. Yoon Rae Mi's name and his strong feelings for her. She was in danger of being forgotten. How could he sit back and let that happen? He wouldn't. By all cost, he would stop anything that threatened her.


The ghost puffed her cheek. Her enemy was perplexing. First he’d broken away from what she was trying to make him do, and now he was completely submissive to the point where he was mumbling. The ghost didn’t know Rae Mi, but she suspected that Rae Mi’s name would work to her advantage. Her task was becoming burdensome now that Sehun had walked away from Hana, but she aimed to persevere.


Sehun shut his eyes. He was thinking of Yoon Rae Mi once again. His thoughts were so strong he could almost suffocate on the scent of lavender she used to carry. He was unsettled and resentful! Everything suddenly became unfair to him. Everything was cruel. Fate was cold. His emotions were flittering like seasons. He felt exceedingly cynical. His positive thoughts drained steadily. His mind became devoid of positivity. Only negative emotions remained. His eyes narrowed into callous slits, and he snarled like a rabid wolf. 


He pulled back from the window and blinked. Someone had called his name. He hated that sweet, innocent voice. There was nothing sweet nor innocent about the owner of that tongue. He emitted a low growl.


Hana reached out to touch him. She'd been concerned ever since he’d given her the eccentric warning. It had been laced with trepidation, and his eyes had been terrified. She believed it was stress from study. She’d been examining his copybook and had recoiled at it because he was stuffing his mind with knowledge that took at least three days to fill.


Hana wondered if his parents were pressuring him to do well. From what Hana knew about Sehun, he’d always breezed through subjects. She wasn’t sure if he was suffering from pressure or stress. Why was he doing that to himself? He didn't need to carry all that weight yet. There was plenty of time till National exams. He didn't need to cram everything, not if the result warped him.


“If you want to go for a walk. The school garden is the ideal place to be,” Hana advised shyly and waited for his response. Sehun tensed further. He’d told her to stay put, but she was right behind him now. He avoiding looking at her. Each time he did, he wanted to do something horrifying.


“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting weird…” Hana placed her hand on his shoulder. Sehun felt the same unquenchable anger rise again. His hand flew to hers. It fit snugly in his own. He didn't have time to reflect on that. His thoughts were speaking for him. ‘She’s trying to weave a place in your heart.’ Sehun clenched his teeth. His thoughts became one with the ghosts words.


Sehun smirked quietly to himself as Hana yanked her hand away. She frowned, “What’s wrong with you? You’re being strange and out of character. You’re not the Sehun that I know.”


Hana bit her tongue and stopped mid way of her lecture, ‘You’d never trade anyone, but you did. It’s not like you at all. I don’t believe it. Something’s wrong isn’t it? Would you tell me if I asked? Would you believe me if I said I was worried, and that I wanted to help you? Both you and Seryung! We parted on a misunderstanding. I don’t even know why we’re fighting. We shouldn’t because that’s what those student's are hoping for…’


Sehun straightened his back, and turned to look at Hana with empty eyes. He scrutinized her mockingly. ‘So you think someone like you knows me? What do you know? You know nothing. I’ll show you how little you know about me...’


“Sehun?” Hana raised her hand to place against his forehead. His eyes were a frightening blank canvas devoid of everything except despair and demise. “What’s wrong with you?”


‘Don’t touch me!’ Sehun’s eyes narrowed and his body began to move of its own accord while his subconscious sank further away from himself. The ghost grinned, pleased with her work, “She says she knows you. Why not show her how much? Why not give her what she wants?”


Sehun pushed her. A cry muffled itself into Hana’s throat. She gasped as her back hit the bookcase. She was astonished at his behavior, but her discomfort was soon forgotten when Sehun pinned her against the bookcase. He smiled alluringly at her. Any tint of fear was drowned by a rise in infatuation. Why was he looking at her like that? His gaze was mesmerizing. Her judgment clouded with each contraction of her chest.


The ghost smiled. Color was slowly draining from Hana’s complexion. Sehun grinned coquettish at her.


“You need to teach her a lesson. Hurt her in such a way that she’ll never dare to approach you again.”


Sehun smirked and leaned forward until his head was mere inches away from hers. She could feel his breath on her cheek. Her face betrayed her. Her eyes widened when Sehun's eyes flashed nefariously. This was not the Sehun she knew, but he looked the same. Doubt hindered her. Her legs trembled, making her hold the bookcase behind her to keep herself steady.


Fear. He wanted her to taste dread. He needed to teach her a lesson. Sehun chuckled softly when Hana turned her head away, and shut her eyes. She was trying to shrink away from him.


Hana's breath died in . She’d never even dreamt of being pinned against a bookcase in the school library by Sehun, yet here she was experiencing it first hand! She felt heat creep into her cheeks. His breath was  condensing against her cheek. She didn’t know what to do. Her mind was too stunned to think of something. Her brain refused to call this reality. It was a figment of her imagination. She couldn't believe it!


 She gripped the bookcase behind her tightly, and wished it wasn’t there to impede her escape.


“What do you want, Hana?” Sehun drawled cautiously. He pushed her hair behind her ears to bring her face into view. Hana blinked and dared herself to look into his dark eyes. They bubbled sinisterly, yet there was a force in them that tried to lure her into the darkness. ‘His eyes are hypnotizing...'


She watched his eyes crinkle as he smiled at her encouragingly. A throaty chuckle passed through his lips. “What do you want, Hana? Why are you after me? Do you want to get married? I dare you to try it. I’ll make sure to make your life miserable.”


He was confusing her with his words and actions. They were too divergent from each other. His fingers began to her cheeks almost lovingly. Her breath caught in . His eyes were too strong for her to break her gaze. She was locked into them. Her mind told her to struggle, but his enchantment didn’t allow her to listen. He smirked knowingly at her again. She didn’t understand the meanings behind his subtle smirks. Only her heart soared as her will left her.


Sehun laughed bitterly and pulled away. “You like this?” He joked slightly taken aback. He was expecting a slap or some kind of retaliation, yet Hana was subdued. He found it disgusting while she was enjoying it. 


"So you like this," he cood. A callous, seductive smile found its way to his lips. He played with her hair and the cupped her face with a single hand. His thumb her cheek softly. There was alarm in her eyes. He leaned forward to brush his lips against hers. After the almost-kiss he cockily peered at her waiting for her to say something.


The ghost shuddered. She’s stopped whispering because her words had become effecting somewhere along the way. She’d touched a nerve. No she’d poked and prodded at it because now he was acting solely on the sentences she’d uttered. She watched the fruits of her labor with bated breath. She was both fascinated, and disgusted by what mind control could do.


Her handiwork was coming alive. She doubted Hana would ever dare to look for Sehun again. Not after this. Sehun had become terrifying. He was becoming animalistic. The ghost sensed he was under her spell. The spell that he’d helped cast on himself, and there was no turning away from it because it was as powerful as the underlord had said it would be.


Hana knew something was wrong. She knew what he was going to do when his eyes danced alluringly.  She sank back into the bookcase unable to stay upright. A red light was flashing in her head in warning. “S-stop,” she stuttered. His eyes smiled with amusement whereas his smile became seductive. She was enthralled by it. This side to him scared her yet she couldn’t stop him. Her thoughts divided in two. One screamed of danger while the other wanted to wait and see where he would lead her.


Hana’s heartbeat accelerated but it didn’t flutter as before. This time it was running, trying to get away, struggling, tripping, and staggering. His hand trailed the length of her arm. She felt his touch through her school jumper. It was suggestive. His lips moved closer to hers. She felt his hand slide to the nape of her neck. His fingers entangled her hair. A scorching warmth filled her to the brim. It made her stomach churn and it burnt . She whimpered.


The illusion of pressing her lips against his shattered in her mind. Hana instinctively closed her eyes. She felt his lips brush against hers and a whoosh of electricity zoomed though her. Her head spun, dizzyingly and she felt her heart pound as if it were about to stop.


 Sehun’s mind crackled with fury, hate, lust and passion. Then he heard it again. An eerie voice was trying to entice him. Sehun frowned subconsciously. His lips were sitting atop of Hana’s. He’d stopped them moving on their own accord. He felt as if his head was splitting open when he moved away from her. She looked at him with hurt and frightened eyes.


Sehun avoided her gaze, and rested his head against her shoulder. He pulled his hand away from the nape of her neck. He was partially disgusted at himself for almost taking advantage of her, and appalled that he couldn’t pull away further because he lacked the self control to do so. Any forceful movement made his head and eyes burn. His heart was racing too. It was racing against the mind control. He was slowly breaking away from it. He heard the voice again. This time it was clearer than before.


Hana blinked. A wave of shy embarrassment plummeted through her. She tried to control her breathing as he rested against her. She didn’t want to let him know how much he was starting to effect her. 


‘You like him! You like him a lot but since when?’ Hana thought about it. She had always found him attractive. It was no lie that his handsomeness drew her in, but she’d never felt like this back then. She’d always been self-conscious when he looked at her, and that was also because he was strikingly good looking but now it was different. Now it was ten times worse because a glance or even a smile affected her. His eyes had held power over her. He was leaning on her, and although her heart was trying to zoom out of her rib cage and fly to the moon. She was pacing her breathing because she didn’t want to disturb him, nor did she want him to know how much his stunt had affected her. Hana was depending on the bookcase for support. She was surprised and disappointed in herself. She’d been anticipating the kiss even though she knew he had no feelings for her. He’d been using his charm to toy with her, and she’d almost thrown away her self-respect.


Sehun clenched his teeth and heaved. ‘What the hell is going on?’


His mind was trying to sink back into subconsciousness, and the feeling to give in was overpowering. Sehun didn’t like it one bit! He used his last amount of free will to stumble back. “Go quickly! Before I hurt you.” He urged. He clenched and unclenched his fists in an effort to distract himself from the overpowering smog that threatened to blanket his volition.


Hana blinked at him. What was he saying? His inconsistency troubled her. They'd kiss, or rather he played with her. She's fallen into his trap rather pitifully. Instead of giving an explanation of some sort, he was sending her away. She was confounded. His inconsonant behavior wasn't the only thing out of place. Her feelings were in a twist too, like a ball of cheap tangled wool. She should have reproached his actions towards her. Why did she succumb to him? She hadn't even attempted to push him away. Was she that desperate for him?


“Quickly!” Sehun hissed almost tripping over his own feet. He clutched his head, and groaned.


Hana nodded uncertainly. She took in his appearance. He was rasping, and clenching his teeth as if he’d run a marathon and lost. His eyes were panicked, and out of focus. They darted across the room, but avoided her as if she was the bubonic plague. Hana chewed on her lower lip. She sensed something was wrong with him, but she couldn’t pin what it was. Suddenly her concoction of emotions converted into concern. “Are you sure you’re okay?”


Sehun shook his head furiously. “I don’t know, but the urge to hurt you is really strong. You need to get away from me before I act on it!” His words made no sense, but he wished she would listen to him before he really did something he would regret. The voice was back again. Now it was taunting him. Sehun's nostrils flared. He wouldn’t let it control him like a puppet!


Hana was baffled. He really wasn’t making any sense whatsoever, but the sense of urgency in his voice told her not to question him. She furrowed her brows, and tried to make sense of his words. “But you wouldn’t hurt me,” she blurted. She pulled herself away from the bookcase and watched him take a step back. His eyes were avoiding her as was his person. She frowned further at his strange behavior.


“I don’t know about that, that’s why...” Sehun spoke with a shaky voice. He pushed Hana roughly. “You have to go before I end up doing something terrible.” Sehun watched her nod and sighed in relief when she left. He was glad to see her go because the voice in his head became riled up.


Hana made her way back to Sehun’s desk. She collapsed into his seat. Her heart had calmed down by now. ‘What was that all about?’


She sighed and stared at his open books. ‘He works to hard. Is he planning to become a foreign diplomat?’


Hana scoffed to herself and flipped through a book. She had the same book, but his seemed so much different to hers. His was worn with notes, and post-its whereas her books were usually just colored in highlighter. ‘Maybe I should ask for study tips?’


She sighed again, and rested her head on the table. ‘We kissed…’   Her cheeks crimsoned when she recalled the moment. ‘His words were strange though. ‘You have to go before I end up doing something terrible.’ Pfft he spoke as if he were a webtoon hero or something when he was really just trying to harass me. Jerk! Ugh… He may have a personality disorder…’



The ghost screamed at Sehun. She’d been doing that ever since Sehun had tried to fight against her. She couldn’t believe her mind control had failed. It wasn’t supposed to fail! The devious lad had said it was unbreakable. Yang didn’t know why Sehun had the ability to break her control. She wasn’t happy at all! Her revenge had just withered in front of her eyes.


Sehun fell to his knees. He placed his palms onto the floor, and realized he was shaking. He still felt intense, unexplainable hatred towards Hana, and he didn’t know why. She hadn’t done anything to him, yet he wanted to destroy her. He shut his eyes tightly. He was growing tired and angry at himself. He was slowly losing his mind because all he wanted to do was kill, destroy and erase.


The ghost watched Sehun pick himself up from the floor and stumble. She was fuming at him. “Do you think reading a book is going to fix everything?” She shouted when Sehun reached for a book. He held the book and steadied his feet.


He was exasperated, but this time his irritability wasn’t unjustified. His lip curled upwards in a sarcastic smile. His mind was trying to fight for control. While his mind battled an external force, he decided to redirect his fury into his arm. He flung the book through the ghost.


“What are you trying to do?” Sehun asked in a low voice. He scrutinized the ghost. He hadn’t been able to see it before, but now she was clear. She was detailed enough, in her uniform, for Sehun to gather the school she belonged to.


The ghost receded backwards in shock. “Y-you can see me?”


She hadn’t expected him to lock eyes with her while she used him for her mischievous deeds.


“What the hell are you trying to do?”


The ghost smiled eerily. She’d almost forgotten that he couldn’t hurt her, and knowing that was comforting in itself. She crossed her arms, and brought herself to the ground.

“Why are you so angry? You were just going to shift* her. What’s wrong with a kiss? You know she was waiting for it too. She must be disappointed.”


Sehun laughed to himself. She was the first ghost he could see clearly, She was clearer than Mi Young, but unlike Mi Young this ghost raised the hairs on his arms with just her unnatural voice.


“Don’t lie. You weren’t going to let it end at a kiss. You were trying to make me take it further. Do you take me for a fool?” Sehun’s expression darkened. He’d never been made to feel so dirty in his life! He hated the ghost for trying to turn him into a ravenous wolf.


“So what? I’m sure she would have consented. That girl wants you.”


“What she wants is none of your business. You’re lucky you’re already dead because I really want to kill you.”


“Ha, you already killed me! Do you want to kill me a second time, Oh Sehun? Do you think that’s possible? I dare you to try!”


“What are you talking about?”


“You killed me! You’re a murder!” The ghost shouted. She pointed at him accusingly with glaring eyes, and was infuriated by the confusion in his eyes.


“No, I don’t remember seeing you…” He scratched his head. He usually forgot most girl's faces and names because there were just too many of them to remember. It was a bother to try and learn everyone’s names. His mind didn’t have to capacity to do so. “Jeong Soo?”


“Jinsung! Yang Jinsung!”


Sehun scrunched his face. This ghost was just as annoying as any live girl. Her screaming was becoming bothersome. He hadn’t murdered anyone, however knowing she was murdered only induced pity towards her. Rather than saying he didn’t know her at al,l when her name rang a bell, would mean that she would forever label him as her murderer.


“Ah… That name… We were meant to carry boxes of old school equipment into the basement. I had to leave early because something cropped up. We decided we’d finish our work the next day, but you never showed up.”


The ghost trembled. A faint memory at the back of her mind was resurfacing. She was getting flashbacks.


“I died… Some time then. I died…”


She shook her head and placed a hand over . The flashbacks were becoming stronger until everything came back to her. Yang Jinsung shuddered at the memory.


“I couldn’t remember any of it before but now I remember. I really was murdered! It happened after you left. I can’t believe this! That guy told me that it was you who did it, and I believed him because I was mad. I-”


Her eyes widened in horror. She felt as if she’d been caught in a vortex, and was being torn. Then, she disappeared for eternity...

*shift = snogging.

LOL!!! In Ireland, we don't use the term 'snogging.' It felt too unnatural to use, so I went with 'shift.' People 'shift' in this country xDDD
Sehun shifted Hana, almost... Are you jealous? xP

​Do you all hate Yang? Don't hate her. She's gone for good. There's another person who deserves hate and that person is the one who sent Yang to Sehun. The impervious-to-evil creature that is Sinister. He fueled Yang. Remember, Yang didn't have any memory of her killer. She woke up as a ghost and only remembered Sehun. That led her to falsely believe that Sehun was her killer. Sinister knew this, and used her. Do you like this villain? I've grown quite fond of him. He's the epitome of malice. Now, can you try guess his identity? He could be an impressionist.


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Get Even aka novel vers of Everlasting Impressions is now available in paperback on Amazon!


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Chapter 92: Wow, too many things happen and i kind of lost also in several chapter haha. But one thing is that i cannot stop read this stories because of the feeling of wanting to know what happen next yeahhh. Good job
gogogirl26 #2
Chapter 87: Finish this story :) this so mysterious and no rush in developing charachter. Like watching a drama :) this cute fluffy angst and woah such rollercoaster feeling. Through this story im guessing who is sinister. Great work authornim! Thankyouu :))
Chapter 87: this is my most favourite story.... I want to see a movie like this....it's romantic and the villain is such a scary bully.... he always scared me when he was going after Tao and Sehun's sister.... the ending was not as i taught it would be...
Chapter 56: Omg Mirotic is the best~!<3
And I love the sound of Ziana, it seriously does sound like a drug name XD
Chapter 10: Well this probably doesn't apply to now since you've finished the story but I like just about any type of lead, even the cliche types cause well it's just nice to read it sometimes
Though I don't like leads that betray each other and I sort of detest the one who goes for revenge cause it makes me uneasy
And I dislike leads that change their opinions and emotions so quickly
oddalls #6
Such an interesting concept! <3
Sumiaiya #7
Chapter 88: Superb story ❤️❤️
Chapter 88: how am i supposed to live without ur updates now?
Chapter 88: I was the one who mistook kai for sinister XDDD actually i've never read kai fics (i mean not as a lead role) so no it's not because i got used to the cool bad boy image XD it's rather because he was acting weird sometimes XDD
Junmyun tho ;; ♥
and MAMA, I'm still crying his death OTL