Did I Do Something Wrong?

Who To Choose?
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I went upstairs after that happened. "Agh. Guys are just.... Agh!!! Just damn confusing". I went to my room and head to the closet and get my pajamas. I smelt my hair. "Eww stinks.", pouting my lips.

After an hour later, I got out and got get ready for bed. YAWN! 

"I should go to sleep.", yawning to sleep. 

-friday morning-

I look at the clock 7:25 am. I got my bag and head out to go to school. I walked out of my house. I turned the corner and saw a cafe. I saw a sign on the door, HIRING A CASHIER/WAITERS or WAITERESSES! "Hmm maybe i should work here. Hope they don't hiring anybody yet after I'm done with school." 

I walked away from the cafe & head to school. I got to the bus stop and waited for the bus. The bus came and I went on. The bus was filled with students. I groaned, "Agh. So many people." I just kept a straight face and walked in the back. I had to stand cause there were no more seats. I was standing and hanging on to the railing on the top. 

There were four guys behind me, looking at me with their erted eyes. One of the boys lifted up my skirt. 

I had my eyes wide open, looking behind of me. I see them laughing. I was soo angry. I yelled out. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS! DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE THE DECENCY TO NOT BE ERTED!?! UGH!"

I walked away and pulled the string. I couldn't stand staying there in the bus anymore. The bus stopped and i walked to the back door. I turned back one last time. They were still laughing. I looked at their uniforms. They go to the same school class as me. I groaned. "Ugh! I'm going to see them again." I went out of the bus and walked. 

I walked to school instead. It only took 10-15 mins. I felt more calmer. I breathed in the fresh morning air. "Ah. Refreshing.", smiling. 

I got to the gate and see BTS. I smiled. I walked up to them, "Hey guys, why are you guys here?"

"Waiting for you!", Taehyung wrapping his left arm with my right arm.

I giggled. "Aw thanks.", smiling at him. I looked around the boys and I see Jimin leaning on the wall. I remember that time. I sighed. 

"Um guys. I forgot I have to talk to a teacher about my homework. Bye.", giving them a weak smile. I walked away.

I walked in the halls. I got to my locker and grabbed my books I need for today. I closed the door and i turned around and see Myungsoo with his friends. I smiled and had my hand up. Myungsoo saw me doing that and ignored me. He just went by me and past me. I felt sad. I just went to class. 

I went to class and see Myungsoo talking his friends. I walked up to him. "Hey. Are we still hanging out today?"

"Whatevers up to you.", shrugging at me.

"Oh okay. I'll see you around then.", giving him a half smile.

He saw me leaving. He sighed. 

While feeling bummed out, i also feel very gloomy. I feel like i made everyone mad at me. I was just doodling in my notebook the whole class to relieve my sadness.

Class ended after a minute later. I didn't hear the bell. I was still in my own world.

Kris was in the same class as me, he saw me attached to my notebook. He walked up to me and shook my shoulder. 

"Jiyeon, you know the bell rang.", looking down at me. 

I looked up and see Kris. "Oh really?!? Oh goodness! I'm late!" I packed my stuff and ran out of my classroom to go to my other class. But my notebook fell out of my bag. 

Kris looked at me confusing and just walked away, but he saw the notebook on the floor. He picked it up and looked through it. He saw drawings and writings. "This must be Jiyeon's notebook." He went back to his seat and got his stuff. 

I ran to my dancing and singing class. I opened to the door, panting so hard. I looked inside. No one was there. "Where..... Is...... Everybody....??", breathing so hard. I looked at the door. CLASS IS CANCELLED. WILL RESUME ON MONDAY. 

I cursed in my head. I head out and walked in the halls. "Now where am i supposed to go?", pouting at myself. 

I thought for a second. I tapped on my chin, "Oh. The roof." 

I walked up to the stairs and saw Myungsoo sitting on the stairs. He had his head down on his arms that was on his knees. I slowly walked up to him. I tapped his shoulder. "Myungsoo-shi?" I shook his shoulders. "Are you sleeping?" No response. "Such a heavy sleeper", mumbling to myself. 

I sat next to Myungsoo. Myungsoo turned his head to the right. He was really sleeping. I looked at his sleeping face. I traced his face with my eyes, seeing his features on his face. I put my head in the same position like Myungsoo.

I was looking at him. "He looks like a baby when he is sleeping.", being mean. I yawned. My eyes was slowly closing. Then i fell into a deep sleep. 

About 30 mins later, Myungsoo slowly woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and saw you, sleeping. He put his head up. "Ow.", he put his hand on his back of his neck. "Ugh. Slept the wrong way.

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DragonHeartOwO #1
Chapter 39: hehehehe thank yoouuu for updating wahh
it was nice to find out you didnt just give up on this story or forgot about it
Good job with this story ill be waiting for the last chapter ^~^
DragonHeartOwO #2
Chapter 38: update soon!!!!!!! i luv your story ^~^ i hope she picks jimin x3