My Style

"So do you recall anything from hanging out with them? Seems like they know you well. I'm surprised you didn't ask any questions after they told you they knew you." Yun oppa asked as we walk towards our car. Now that I think of it why didn't I ask them? According to Wonsik oppa we were all really close, Ken even said we all grew up together and there was even a picture that proved it.

"I don't know myself. I guess it's because now isn't the right time. I mean we already have our first assignment so I guess the questions can wait. I'm just happy that I finally got to see Wonsik oppa after so long."

"That does make sense. Well let's go eat lunch first before we go meet up with the producers."

"Ok but no western food! We're finally back in Korea so I expect nothing more but Korean cuisine ok?"

"Your wish is my command m'lady." I laughed at him and we drove off. What I didn't know was that six pairs of eyes were spying at them from the apartment entrance.

"Hyung do you really think that their best friends?" Hyuk asked Ravi.

"Well they claim they are and Haneul says he's like another big brother, but I don't know the fact that they live together kinda throws me off." Everyone looked at Leo for a second.

"I'm ok guys if they really are together then I guess I'll let her go." The second eldest muttered.

"Let her go!? Are you out of your mind! You waited patiently for her for three years now that she's in front of you you want to let her go!?" N retorted.

"Like I said she has amnesia the chances that she will remember are so slim. It's better if I start to let her go slowly."

"And what she recovers her memories? Just cause she lives with a guy doesn't mean they are an item. Like Yun said he is her best friend and partner hyung." Ken replied.

"He's right hyung they are just friends so don't lose hope." Hongbin added.

"That's how it starts they become best friends then over the years they'll become something more." Leo whispers in his soft voice.

"Hyung stop all this negativity we don't know what will happen, but what I do know that deep down in my sister heart that she still loves you. Her brain is just blinding her to see that. Look she's working with us now, which mean will be spending a lot of time with her. We will slowly tell her about our times together maybe that will help her recover her memories." Ravi said.

"He right just don't lose hope hyung. You know she still wears that ring around her neck." Hyuk stated.

"Really?" Leo asked.

"Yup I saw it under her shirt."

"Hold up what were you doing looking into my sister shirt you freaking ert!?" Ravi immediately started chasing the maknae around.

"It was an accident I didn't mean it!" He yelled as he ran. Only to be held by the collar of his shirt by Leo.

"She may not remember me. but that is my girlfriend you were peeping at." Leo said in a calm yet scary voice.

"I'm sorry peace?" Hyuk asked making a peace sign trying to act cute. However, Leo wasn't buying it and thump the poor maknae behind the head.

"Aww that hurts hyung!" Hyuk pouted.


Yun oppa and were back in the company after our little lunch break to meet up with the boys music producer. We were lead by one of the staff to a recording studio where a man was fiddling with one of the equipment. We cleared our throats to catch his attention.

"Hello my name is Kim Haneul and this is my partner Han Seung Yun we are VIXX's new stylist and designers." I introduces us.

"Ah yes I was expecting you two. You guys wanted to discuss their new concept."

"Ne that is right. We wanted to start  the designing process right away since it'll take awhile." Yun oppa stated.

"Very well, their new concept is Jekyll and Hyde have you guys heard of that story?"

"Yes I have. It's about the doctor that has split personality right one evil and the other good." I explained.

"Precisely, but instead of being doctors they are dark angels."

"Intresting. How about the song what is it about?"

"Like Jekyll and Hyde the boys have two personality one good one evil. The lyrics talks about an abusive relationship basically. One moment the guy is the sweetest person on Earth Jekyll but turn into a brute the next which is Hyde. The concept of the music video will more fantasy then reality. Instead of showing how it looks like in the real world, we will do a more dark video. We plan on a dark manor and forest that will help portray it. Do you guys kind of get what we're trying to achieve?"

"Hmmm yea we understand. So I'm guessing outfit wise the guys will have two sets of out fit one dark and one pure. Maybe we can make the boys wear two different colors during the music video to further portray the concept Jekyll and Hyde." I explained.

"Yes that's how I vision it too. We can have three of the members in a dark outfit while the other wear a light outfit. However we still need to see the choreography to further see what we can add." Yun oppa added.

"Seems like we have everything settled then." The producer asked.

"Ne will let you see the designs after we see all the preparations. If that is all we be headed out now thank you for all the time you given up." 

"Pleasure was all mine I'll be looking forward to your designs Miss Kim."

"I'll get them to you as soon as possible sir." I replied he led us to the door and we were off back home to start designing.





Chapter 5 complete let me know what you guys think ok! And big thanks to all that have comment totally made my day that you guys enjoy my story!!


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Chapter 15: undertaker XDDD you're killing me
Chapter 36: Like father, Like son
Chapter 41: You can always write bonus #4 later. No one's rushing you to do it anyway.
starboiceN #4
Chapter 35: Ch.35:waaaaaah! Finally she got her memories back!!!!!!
MyLion92 #5
Chapter 40: I hope you can write more than 2 bonus chapter. This story is great!
Chapter 40: Thankfully Leo cared for Haneul more than the icecream XDDD
Chapter 39: Jealous and cheesy Leo XD
JungLeo17 #8
Chapter 39: So funny!!=) Leo looks so cute in the pic!!
Luv1234 #9
Can I just say I love your story like there's no tomorrow? I absolutely love my style and OMG I don't know what else to say!!! Everything is absolutely perfect, and I'm really sad to see its so close to ending T^T Thank you for giving us an amazing story, I live it so much<3