
My Style

Once we reached the second floor Hakyeon oppa continued the role playing by giving out orders to the rest of the group as if this were a mission.

"Ok men and woman, it is time to divide and conquer! Team A, which is the hyung line and Haneul, we will go and retrieve the bed sheets. Team B dongsaeng line you guys go and gather all the other things we may need for the apartment. Then we will all meet at the cash register to pay. Any question?" He declared.

"Why am I stuck with the hyung line? I wanna go with Wonsik oppa." I whined.

"It's ok sis as much as we also want you in our team, they need you more. Knowing those three they'll take forever to choose a bed sheet for all of us." Wonsik oppa stated.

"That and your our stylist so you'd know what is good and bad." Hongbin oppa added.

"Well if there are no other question, everyone move out!" Jaehwan oppa exclaimed. Soon enough the so called dongsaeng line dashed there way towards the appliance section of the store. As I stared at the three run away, someone grabbed my hand and started to tug on it. I look up and saw it was Taekwoon oppa.

"Kaja." Came his reply. With his hand in my mind we made our way towards the bed sheets with Hakyeon and Jaehwan oppa leading the way. As I held Taekwoon oppa's hand I could feel my heart beating so fast. His hand fit so perfect with mines and it gave off this warmth that I just couldn't understand. Could it be that I like him? But isn't he just my best friend? I could feel a blush form on my cheeks as I stole glances on his flawless face.

That when a familiar pain started to attack. Everything happened so quickly, I yanked my hand out of Taekwoon oppa's hold and began to clutch my head. Taekwoon oppa who was shock quickly snapped out of it and began to put his hand on my shoulder.

"Haneul! Gwenchana? Yah Haneul!" He yelled getting both Hakyeon and Jaehwan oppa's attention. I leaned on Taekwoon oppa's shoulder as the pain kept coming I tightly closed my eyes hoping that it will lessen the pain. Images started to form like they did the day when we were in the fashion room. 

Warmth that all I felt. I smiled at the man in front of me with love radiating from my gaze. He returned the gesture by hugging me tightly and kissing me on the forehead.

"Sarangheyo." His soft voice echoed in my ear and I could feel my heart beating so fast that I thought it'd jump out of my chest.

"Nado oppa nomu nomu sarangheyo." I replied and tiptoed to kiss him gently on the lips. I pulled back and gave him a tight hug. We continued to walk around hand in hand and playing with the children that were playing the playground or randomly walking toward pet owners to play with their dogs.

"Haneul!" Taekwoon oppa shouted. I open my eyes and saw that I had my face buried deep into Taekwoon oppa's chest and my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. I looked up and saw the worry that clouded his eyes.

"Haneul are you ok do you want us to call an ambulence?" Hakyeon oppa asked.

"No I'm alright just that another memory came back, but I don't know who I was with."

"Do you know how that person looked like?" Jaehwan oppa asked.

"I don't know I couldn't see his face."

"What do you remember from the memory?" Taekwoon oppa asked. I put a hand on my forehead before I answered him.

"We were in the park he told me he loves me and that I loved him too. Then we walked around the park playing with children and animals." I explained. For some reason Hakyeon and Jaehwan oppa looked shock and looked at Taekwoon oppa.

"Maybe we should take you home so you can rest." Taekwoon oppa suggested.

"Yea me and Jaehwan can go buy the bed sheets. Leo you bring Haneul home to rest." Hakyeon oppa ordered.

"No I fine lets just go pick out the sheets." I began to walk only to stumble.

"No Haneul you are not ok. Listen to your oppas and go home with Taekwoon hyung and rest." Jaehwan oppa retorted.

"Come on we'll go pick up some food on the way so you can eat before you rest." Again he took my hand and wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and led me out the store. 





What is this!? She regained another piece of her memory? Too bad she couldn't see the face of her lover T.T Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this little update of mine ^.^ And thanks to all my new subscribers you guys are amazing!! Until my next update BAII!!





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Chapter 15: undertaker XDDD you're killing me
Chapter 36: Like father, Like son
Chapter 41: You can always write bonus #4 later. No one's rushing you to do it anyway.
starboiceN #4
Chapter 35: Ch.35:waaaaaah! Finally she got her memories back!!!!!!
MyLion92 #5
Chapter 40: I hope you can write more than 2 bonus chapter. This story is great!
Chapter 40: Thankfully Leo cared for Haneul more than the icecream XDDD
Chapter 39: Jealous and cheesy Leo XD
JungLeo17 #8
Chapter 39: So funny!!=) Leo looks so cute in the pic!!
Luv1234 #9
Can I just say I love your story like there's no tomorrow? I absolutely love my style and OMG I don't know what else to say!!! Everything is absolutely perfect, and I'm really sad to see its so close to ending T^T Thank you for giving us an amazing story, I live it so much<3