


Maeji’s POV

            I confessed.

            I felt like I need to cover my mouth and kick Junhyung out of my house, but another part of my felt like I should stay right here next to him, with his arm around me. It felt right.

            He hadn’t said anything. . . Did he love me back? Did he think that it was just the fatigue talking? Did he think that this was an effect of their deaths?

            I looked up at him.

            “I love you,” he said.

            Then, my lips were on his.

            I moved closer to him and he put his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck. His skin was soft, and he smelled nice. It wasn’t like that overbearing cologne smell, it was nice. It was Junhyung. It was something I’ve always liked.

            He turned his face away from me.

            “Maeji-ah, this isn’t right. . .”

            I looked down and rested my hands on my knees. “I know. . . I’m sorry.” I know I’m the most horrible girlfriend in the world.

            “No, I shouldn’t have said that I love you.”

            I gave myself a pitiful smile.

            “I do love you though. I’ve loved you for a while now. But you’re with Dongwoon now, and I can’t do this to him.”

            “It’s a bit too late to say that now. . .”

            He laughed. “I guess so.”

            “I like Dongwoon. . . But now, after everything that happened, I think I like him as a friend. I dated him to get over you and it kind of worked because for a bit I liked him more than anyone – even you. I’m not sure how he feels about me though. . .”


            “Junhyung-ah, he’s my boyfriend. Shouldn’t he be here instead of you?”

            He had a thoughtful look on his face. “Maeji, I’ll come back later, okay?”

            “Oh, okay bye–”

            He was already out the door.



Junhyung’s POV

            I called Dongwoon.

            “Hi hyung!”

            “Yah! Son Dongwoon!”

            “Yeah? Are you mad?”

            “Yes, I’m mad. Are you home?”

            “Yeah, everyone’s here but you.”

            I hung up. I was doing what you should’ve have done. You should have come with me at least.

            When I got to the dorm I yelled for Dongwoon.

            “Hyung, what did I do?” he asked nervously.

            “You knew that no one had heard from Maeji, right?”

            “Yeah, Hyunseung told us, remember?”
            “I remembered but did you? Did you even call to check up on your girlfriend!? Did you even go to her place to make sure she was okay!? No you didn’t! I had to! She calls you oppa not me – that means that you should be there for her! Why didn’t you do anything?” I yelled angrily. “Did you even call her? Or text her at least? Did you even do anything?”

            “Junhyung, calm down,” Gikwang said.

            “No! Lee Gikwang, do what I had to do then come talk to me. And Son Dongwoon, take better care of the girl you love.”

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OO. Funeral :/
><" don't worry guys! in the next updates Dongwoon will be better :)
Awh... Poor Dongwoon ><
I know ><" but he will be better soon you guys! :D
awww poor dongwoon :( <br />
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Awh, Poor Woonie.
rawr6127: I felt like there was a need for an awkward moment haha :))<br />
AeriPark: X) I'm happy you liked it! :D<br />
ABSOLUTElove: Yay! :D and i try to each weekend :) & the days when i don't have homework~! :D
ahaha , I love the ending very cute (: <br />
<br />
Update soon (: hwaiting !
AeriPark #9