The Night Shift



Dongwoon’s POV

            “Hyung,” I said to Yoseob. “I have something to ask.”

            He drank some water and said, “Yeah?”

            “When you were dating IU-sshi, did you ever have to comfort her when she cried?”

            “No, I didn’t. Why?”

            “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just wondering. . .”

            He laughed. “What? Are you trying to steal Prince Jang's crown?”

            “Oh, no it’s just that when I went to the dorm Maeji was yelling on the phone and she started crying so I hugged her. When she was done, I asked her what was wrong but Junhyung hyung said she wouldn’t just talk about it and told me to come back here.”

            “Well that’s strange, just ask hyung I guess.”

            “Is it bad that I like Maeji?” Woops. That was NOT supposed to come out. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

            “What?” He was completely surprised.

            “It’s just she’s so cute and pretty and she’s really sweet. And when I was holding her everything just felt right. . .”

            “Yah! Son Dongwoon! She’s like Junhyung’s sister,” Gikwang hyung interrupted. Eavesdropper. Well that was a bit hypocritical, wasn’t it?

            “I know, and he seemed defensive of her.”

            “Then wait until she likes you back. Once she does, ask her out,” Gikwang advised. “Junhyung can’t do anything then.”

            “Yah! What is with you all today?” Dujun hyung asked. “Get up. Hyunseung, talk to Chae later. Yang Yoseob, you three don’t have time to talk until the plates break. Come on, we need to practice!”

            “Yes, hyung,” we all said.




Maeji’s POV

            I woke up. I never really remembered falling asleep though; I just remember pouring my heart out to a sleeping Junhyung. What was going on with me? I was split in two. One side wanted to be with Oppa, to always see him and never lose him again. The other thought differently. Why like him if it’s causing you distress? It asked. Besides, you’re too close. It would be awkward.

            I got off his bed as quietly as possible. I checked my watch, it was almost six. How did I sleep so long? I wondered. I lifted the washcloth off of Junhyung’s forehead. It cooled him down a little bit. I dipped the washcloth in the water, which was still cold, and put it back on his forehead. I walked out of the room to see if the rest of Beast was here. Nope. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages. I had two missed calls, one from Hyunseung and one from Dongwoon, and a text message from Dongwoon.

            *We’re not good at dancing >< so we’re coming home late, can you stay?*

            *Keke of course you can! You’re Beast! And I can stay, I’ll make dinner for everyone ^-^*

            *Well about to leave now, were you asleep?*

            *Yes, sorry about that~*

            *You shouldn’t be tired! Especially after today!*

            *Ah~ thank you, Dongwoon, that makes me feel better! I’ll see you when you get here, bye~*

            I went through the cupboards and found some ramen and since there was still fried rice so I’d reheat that. But what else? There was nothing else besides stuff to make a cake with. Alright, I’ll do that, I thought. I got out flour, eggs, and everything else I needed. I preheated the oven to 177 Celsius then mixed the dry and wet ingredients separately before adding them together. I grabbed the pan I found and poured the batter in then placed it in the oven. I set the timer for twenty-three minutes.

            I was happy the ramen wouldn’t take long, since Beast couldn’t be far away now. I boiled some water and put in the ramen and reheated the rice quickly though. When they walked in, I had the table set and the cake was cooling.

            “Hi,” I said with a wave.

            “Hi,” they all returned.

            “Is Junhyung any better?” Hunseung asked.

            “I think his fever went down and he’s a little stuffy, but other than that he’s fine.”

            “Maeji,” Dongwoon said, “did you make the rice yourself?”

            “Yes, don’t worry, I didn’t poison it,” I teased.

            He took a bite and gave me a this-is-really-good look and a thumbs-up. I smiled. Inside, I was screaming, “YES! YES! YES! OPPA LIKES MY FRIED RICE~!”

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OO. Funeral :/
><" don't worry guys! in the next updates Dongwoon will be better :)
Awh... Poor Dongwoon ><
I know ><" but he will be better soon you guys! :D
awww poor dongwoon :( <br />
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Awh, Poor Woonie.
rawr6127: I felt like there was a need for an awkward moment haha :))<br />
AeriPark: X) I'm happy you liked it! :D<br />
ABSOLUTElove: Yay! :D and i try to each weekend :) & the days when i don't have homework~! :D
ahaha , I love the ending very cute (: <br />
<br />
Update soon (: hwaiting !
AeriPark #9