
The Wolf Prince's Princess


"We are one!" the boys shouted before they leave the place to search for you. 

Luhan and Baekhyun glanced at each other and gave each other a light pat in the back. 


Now the whole, complete EXO started finding for you desparetly. Divided into two groups 

with leaders, the rivals of your love, Luhan and Baekhyun. But searching for you, united as one.


"You think the kidnappers brought her into the human world?" Lay asked Luhan while Sehun asked

the same thing to Baekhyun as they scattered into the forest.


"No. I have a strong feeling Jihyun's here." Luhan and Baekhyun muttered at the same time looking around. 




You lifted your head as your neck was stiff with the position you were. You couldn't handle this anymore.

You were exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. "I need to get out of here." you whispered

and started looking around for any sharp item to free yourself, but there was literally nothing in the room. 


"What to do?" you bit your lip and an idea popped out in your mind. 


"Yah Jinwoon! Kim Jinwoon!" you started calling out loud. Jinwoon stood up from his chair and narrowed

his eyes. *What does she wants?* He grabbed a knife and placed it in his belt and headed on your room. 


You gulped as you were scared of what you were about to do. "What do you want?" Jinwoon raised his

eyebrow. "I need to use the bathroom." you said. "Huh?" Jinwoon titled his head. "I need to use the bathroom.

I'm a girl come on. I can't hold it anymore." you lied. Jinwoon moved closer and sat at your eye level. 


"You better not be playing a game or else.." Jinwoon took the knife from his belt and pretended 

to cut his neck. You stared at him expressionless but inside you were really scared. "I'm not. So now

let me go to the bathroom." you bravely commanded. 


Jinwoon eyed you and started untying you with a suspicious look on his face. 

He silently brought you inside the bathroom. "You're not going to stay inside with me, aren't you?" 

you raised an eyebrow. Jinwoon made a face and closed the door, waiting outside. 


You grabbed the chance and started looking around for any exit. *Come on, there must be an exit somewhere.* 

you thought then your eyes landed in that small window. *Jackpot.* you thought and started opening

the window but it was too heavy for you. "Aish." you whispered. 


"Are you finished?" Jinwoon asked with his arms crossed. "No. I must have eaten a lot." you pretended. 

Jinwoon shook his head believing. You glanced at the door to make sure you were safe and tried opening again

the window. You used your whole human power and finally the window opened. "Yes!" you whispered. 


You slid behind the window and finally you were out. "Thank God!" you whispered and started running

for your life. "Are you done?" Jinwoon asked again. But to his surprise none responded. "Jihyun?" 

he called. No one responded again and he finally opened the door finding none. 


He glanced at the the window that was open up. "Kang Jihyun, you're dead." Jinwoon clenched his fist

and immediately called his friends bringing their guns with them to search for you. 


You were running non stop for your life, until you heard Jinwoon screaming your name. "KANG JIHYUN!"

*Oh no. He found out.* you thought and double speed your running, but unfortunately you tripped

and fell on your knees letting out a groan. 


"She's there!" Jinwoon's friend saw you from a far. "Go get her!" Jinwoon angrily shouted. 

You stood up and started running again, regardless of the pain you were experiencing. 


"Wait." Baekhyun stopped and sniffed the atmosphere. "I can smell Jihyun." he muttered

and run away leaving the rest behind. 


You luckily found a big tree and hid yourself behind it, you breathed hardly as you wiped your sweat. 

"Where is she?!" Jinwoon shouted. "Find her! Don't you lose her!" he commanded and left that place. 


"Oh my." you took breaths reliefed. But then suddenly someone covered your mouth. 

*I'm dead.* you thought and turned around. Your eyes widened in shock. 




"It's me Jihyun!" Luhan had finally found you first. "Luhan..." you whispered and hugged him, crying. 

"Everything's alright. Shh calm down...I'm here." Luhan stroked your hair. Luhan has made

a run for it when he finally saw you leaving the rest of the boys.


"Thank you, thanks for finding me. If you were Jinwoon, I think I would have been dead now."

you muttered. "I'm sorry Jihyun, we're sorry for not finding you earlier. Did Jinwoon do something 

to you?" Luhan asked worriedly as he wiped your tears. 


You remembered how Jinwoon thought you were Jiyeon and tried to kiss you. You gulped 

and responded with a lowered head. "No, he didn't." Luhan looked at you. "You're lying, aren't you?" 

You didn't response. "Why did he do to you?" Luhan held your shoulders. 


"He tried to kiss me-" "What?!" Luhan clenched his fist. "But he was drunk, nothing happened, 

his friend saved me." you explained. Luhan sighed in relief and hugged you. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not 

being there to protect you. I'm very sorry." You hugged him back. "It's alright, you're here now." 


"Come on, we should meet Baekhyun now and let him know I found you, he's really worried

about you." Luhan announced. You nodded as you were surprise of their cooperation. 

Luhan held your hand and carefully moved.




"Jinwoon! Someone has fallen intour trap!" his friend shouted at Jinwoon. "It might be Jihyun!" 

they announced. "Come on." Jinwoon nodded and moved towards the cage they had set as a trap. 


"Oh look who we have here." Jinwoon laughed. "I think so, luck is in my side today." he clapped. 

"It's Baekhyun! I'm sure you are finding Jihyun." Jinwoon announced. "Where is Jihyun?! Let me out

of here or else will chew your faces off!" Baekhyun's eyes turned deep killing blue. 


"You can't get out. Those railings are really strong and if you don't behave, I have a special 

weapon right here." Jinwoon took out from his pocket a remote control. "What's that?" Baekhyun asked.

"Nice question." Jinwoon smirked and pressed the button which caused an electric wave to flow

under the feet of the boys. "Ugh!" he groaned in shock. 


"Yeah I love this machine." Jinwoon stopped pressing the on. Baekhyun was heavily breathing.

"Oh my God..Baekhyun." you whispered as you and Luhan watched from a far.

*Everyone is suffering because of me.* you thought and stood up.

"Jihyun what are you doing?! They will see you!" Luhan pulled you back down but you stood up again.


"Can't you see Baekhyun's suffering because of me! I can't handle this anymore." you run towards

Jinwoon's place. "No Kang Jihyun!" Luhan  run following you from the back but it was

already too late, you had arrived infront of Jinwoon. "Stop it!" you shouted. 


"Oh look who we have here too! Jihyun and Luhan!" Jinwoon sarcastically said. "Jihyun..."

Baekhyun whispered as he realized Luhan had found you first. 


Jinwoon suddenly grabbed you and placed the gun in your head. "KANG JIHYUN!" Baekhyun and Luhan 

chorused. "Don't touch her, you bastard, leave her now!" Baekhyun shouted. 


Luhan tried to move but then Jinwoon spoke. "Hey hey try to do something and I will pull this

trigger!" Jinwoon shouted. Luhan stepped back at the warning. "Enter the cage!" Jinwoon commanded.

"What?!" Luhan narrowed his eyes. "Enter or I will blow her head off!" Jinwoon yelled. 


Luhan had no other options and entered the cage. "Hold her." Jinwoon handed you to his

friend. "Jinwoon-ah don't do this! Stop it!" you cried. Jinwoon took out from his pocket the remote control. 

"Jihyun watch well as this monsters are going to be killed with electricity." Jinwoon smirked and pressed the button.


Baekhyun and Luhan groaned in pain as the electricity started flowing into their body. "STOP IT STOP IT!" 

you cried as you shook yourself from the guys who were holding you. Jinwoon laughed. "This is so much fun!"


"STOP IT JINWOON! LUHAN BAEKHYUN." you sobbed hard. It was an awful scene. The boys who

care for you, who love you, who protected you, whalways stayed by your side were being

tortured to death infront of your two innocent eyes. 


You felt like dying. 



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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective