The Prince's Story

The Wolf Prince's Princess


"UGHHHH!" Baekhyun punched the wall with his strongest most powerful fist angirly creating it to crack

but still not shutter like his other punches in the walls. He wanted to get out from the tower so badly.

He craved for his princess. He wanted her right beside him. 


Baekhyun breathe deeply as he leaned on the wall. *When am I getting out of this stupid tower?!* 

He loudly hit the floor as he messed up his hair and a tear escaped from his eye.

*I want my princess. I want her so badly.* he thought and leaned his head at the wall,

thinking of his regretfull actions. 






Baekhyun was called in the royal mountains by his fellow wolfs. Baekhyun said his goodbyes

to EXO and transformed inta white as snow wolf and ran like lightening into the mountains.

His eyes turned into deep fierce blue eyes as he ran through the bushes and trees. 


He felt like his parents had some good news to spread him, good news about his princess, 

since he turned already to the right age. Baekhyun has heard everything about other werewolfs 

princesses. Every werewolf has been destined to a different unique story, wether with a female wolf 

or the thing that barely happens with a normal human girl. 


Wolfs think if you end up with human girls, you wouldn't have a happy ending though. 

So everyone hoped for the main prince to get a female wolf and not a human girl as his princess. 


Baekhyun was incredibly excited for it. He has heard a lot of things but didn't care. 

He wanted his princess female wolf or not. He loved her from the first time he heard about her. 

His thoughts and imaginations made him fall for her even more. 


"Umma Appa." Baekhyun called when he arrived at the royal place in his human form fully

and his hair reached his neck.


A.N : Let's just say that werewolfs don't care about their outer appearance. 


"How are you doing my son?" the wolf king patted his son's shoulder. 

"I'm fine father, aren't you going to tell me something?" Baekhyun asked excitedly. 

The King and Queen look at each other and the queen spoke. 


"Baekhyun. my son, you're grown enough so you should start finding your princess,

who will take my place as a Queen when I die." the Queen proudly announced. 

Baekhyun brightly smiled. "Yes!" he cheered. 


"You're free to explore the mountains and forest of each part of the royal mountain

and you're even free to search the human world. You can start searching for her tomorrow."

the King said. "Be careful and be sure of your princess, don't let your greed overcome you." 

the King grabbed his shoulders and looked him straight into his eyes. 


Baekhyun sighed. "Yes father." The King and Queen nodded and left. 

Baekhyun started cheering with his friends. "Wow you can officially find your princess!" 

Sehun, the maknae of the group slung an arm around him. "I need several more years." he pouted. 


"Don't worry Sehun, your princess will soon come." Kai patted his back chuckling. 

"Baekhyun-ah! You're all grown up!" Luhan, Baekhyun's bestfriend high fived him. 

"Yeah, I can't wait to meet her." Baekhyun smiled at the imaginary thought of his princess. 


"I still can't find mine." Luhan awkwardly rubbed his neck. "You should at least make some

effort for her, not just standing here, waiting for her to come to you, cause that will never happen."

Baekhyun shook his head. "Eii." Luhan messed his long hair up laughing. 


Luhan was just not too passionate about his own princess. He just didn't felt like this was the

right time for him and his princess. He just believed destiny would find her for him.



So yeah! I've updated my first chapter for this story! I hope you liked it! :)

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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective