Street Light

The Wolf Prince's Princess


Few days had passed after you learned that the boys you trust, you cared and love

were different from all of you. Different from you, from your mother, different from

your classmates. Different from humans. 


Returning from home that night and the following days, the boys had not once

returned to your house, even the school. Everything seemed so silent. So dead.

You lied to your mom about them and she was kinda sad as the house was soulless without them


Watching your favourite drama with the boys before was fun but now, 

as you watched alone everything seemed boring and made you sad as you thought of them.

You felt like the wall that was protecting you had fall and break into million pieces.


Everytime you passed by their room, you felt lonely and desperate. You missed them a lot

and count your mother in too. You could see in her face that she missed them too. 



The truth was you actually didn't care about them being different. You weren't scared of them.

They were some true friends right there. They protected you, they were always by your side every

time you needed them. They loved and cared a lot about you and you could see that. 


They were some people you're lucky to have by your side. 


School seemed out of all the most different. Everybody wondered where the boys are

and why they weren't attending school. You ate alone and sat alone in classes. 


Jiyeon was as expected happy about all of this. She wanted Kang Jihyun to be her old self.

Jiyeon wanted the old, forever alone, silent and bullied Kang Jihyun to reappear and she made

ways for that to happen. 


"Yah Kang Jihyun!" Jiyeon and her group appeared infront of you at lunch break. 

You closed your eyes and sighed. Everything about Jiyeon, how she tried to frame 

the boys and how she faked all the friendship with you, you all knew it and hated her a lot more. 


"What it is Jiyeon?" you turned back at her and suddenly met water. Jiyeon had thrown 

a glass of cold water in your face and started laughing with her group. Jinwoon smirked 

beside Jiyeon. You clenched your fist in anger. 


"You're nothing but a two faced liar." you stood up, grabbed the juice in your table and 

threw it on her. Jiyeon's jaw dropped in shock. "You think I can't defeat you? You think

I can't fight for myself?" you shouted. Jiyeon smirked and responded.


"Yeah, the boys that have always been with you aren't here anymore. They left."

Jiyeon said. "They're in the forest, eating human liver." Jiyeon whispered in your ear. 


"Shut up!" you pushed her. "You don't have the right to talk about them. You don't

anything about them. The true them. Not the outer appearance but the inner. So shut your mouth."

you glared at her and left the place angrily.


You exited the building with tears in your eyes. You decided to skip the left hours.

You couldn't handle this pressure and this whole situation and headed home. 


"She's going home!" Sehun announced. "Noffense, but your princess is a horrible person."

Kai told to Luhan. "Tell me about it." Luhan rolled his eyes. 


Every single day EXO didn't leave their sight of you. They were watching your every move.

They have seen how much you suffered. How much you missed them. EXO suffered

too as they watch you being bullied like before, they hated it. They haven't seen a smile or 

heard a laugh from you. Baekhyun would have broke the bones of Jiyeon and her group if it wasn't the boys. 


Luhan couldn't do anything else but watch his love of his life being sad which he hated.

But all of them waited the time for you to finally accept them and when you are ready they will show up.


Darkness filled the sky. The house once again from the noisiness of the boys before,

now was so silent and dead. You were in your room laying in your bed, thinking. 

*I want to meet them. I miss them so much.* You stood up and changed into warmer clothes

and left your house.


You started walking to where your feet were taking you. You stopped into a bench and sat down. 

You glanced at the street light that was turning off and on. It was broken. Memories passed through

your mind. *If the guys where with me, they would have fixed it.* you thought.


"I miss them so much." you muttered and started reaching the light when a soft familiar voice spoke.

"Don't touch it. It's dangerous." 


Your eyes widened. *It's...* you turned back. "How are you Kang Jihyun?" Luhan  

and the rest smiled. "Guys..." you covered your mouth in surprise as you started crying. 

The boys moved towards you and group hugged you. You cried harder. 

"I missed you guys." you muttered sobbing. "We too.." Suho smiled. 


After a minute they pulled back. "Why did you leave me?" you wiped your tears away. 

"We didn't." Chanyeol shook his head. "We were always with you." Xiumin smiled. 

"Even at school, we were there." Lay muttered. 


"We didn't leave you Kang Jihyun, we were always there." Baekhyun patted your shoulder.

"We didn't approach you so that you can think about us a little bit more." Luhan said. 


"At first, I was really shocked, to be honest." you started explaining. "But I was never scared

of you guys. You guys are my protectors, my best friends. I will accept all of you no matter what 

you guys truly look like, even if you are different from us."  you muttered

as tears fall on your cheeks. "I love you guys." you smiled. 


"That's so touching." Sehun cried on Tao's shoulder. "Control yourself man!" Tao pushed him. 

You chuckled. "I really missed you guys. Thank you." "We thank you. Thank for accepting

us for what we really are." Kris gave you a thumbs up. 


"Come on. Let's go home. I will order something special for you my werewolfs." 

you chuckled. "Is it meat tell me it is." D.O clapped his hands. "Yes it is!" you smiled. 


*Will Jihyun follow destiny?* Luhan looked at you and Baekhyun. 

*Will you really accept me as your prince?* Baekhyun glanced at you with a smile. 


*I will love you guys no matter what.* you thought as all of you walked home happily.

*Thank you Kang Jihyun, you're the best for accepting us.* the boys happily thought. 



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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective