In Love

The Wolf Prince's Princess


"Oh guys you are back the dinner is ready-" Mrs Kang's words stopped as she 

saw yours and the boys situation. "Oh my gosh what happened to you?" Mrs Kang 

said as she panicked. "Shh." Lay placed a finger near his mouth. "Jihyun is sleeping."

he muttered as he pointed at you, who had fallen asleep at Kai's back.


"We will explain everything later, we'll just bring her in her bed and come down."

Kai whispered. Mrs Kang nodded worriedly. She watched as everyone headed to

your room. *Wait, someone's missing...Where's Luhan?* Mrs Kang narrowed her eyebrows.


As soon as the boys placed you in your bed, they headed downstairs and sat on the couch

silently. "What happened to all of you? What are those bruises and wounds on your faces?!"

Mrs Kang  asked as she took the medicines and cotton from the bathroom and started treating each 

one of them. "Uhm...We were at the library for homework." Suho started the story.


"Ouch." Suho winced in pain as the cotton touc


hed his wounds. "Then Jihyun wanted to

go to the restroom, us ofcourse couldn't go with her and she even denied when Luhan asked 

her." Chanyeol continued. "Then we heard a loud scream coming from Jihyun." Chen explained.


"Don't touch it Chanyeol!" Mrs Kang warned Chanyeol as he was about to touch his wound. 

"Oh." Chanyeol put his hand down. "Then what happened?" Mrs Kang asked sadly as she

moved to Kai. EXO told the story excluding the part of Luhan while Mrs Kang was healing their wounds. 


"Those stupid kids. I will tell the school tomorrow and have them expel!" Mrs Kang angrily

shouted. "They hurted my only daughter, they will get what they deserve!" she continued. 

"Mrs Kang calm down." D.O patted her back.


"But guys I just want to say thank you, thanks for fighting for her, now know that you guys

are her true friends...Thank you." Mrs Kang lowered her head. "It's nothing." Kris nodded. 

"We will always find ways to protect her." Tao said. "And make her happy." Sehun finished the sentence.


"Thank you." Mrs Kang smiled. "Now go sleep, I know all of you must be tired." she insisted. 

"I will just pass by Jihyun's room and treat her wounds as she sleep. Goodnight boys." she

muttered and headed to your room.


EXO sighed. "Where do you think Luhan is?" Sehun asked with a sad expression on hia face.

"We don't know." Kris muttered. At that moment a loud wolf cry was heard. 


*It must be Luhan.* they sadly thought.


Mrs Kang gently patted the cotton with alcohol in your wounds at your face. 

*Why would my daughter suffer so much?* she sighed. Mrs Kang saw you moving 

your head and slowly opening your eyes. "Jihyun?" she softly called. 


"Umma?" you tried standing up. "No, Jihyun don't." she put you back down. 

"Is Luhan back?" you immediately asked. "No.." she shook her head. 

"Did something happen?" Mrs Kang asked. You lowered your head. 


"Luhan fought for me, really bad. You will believe me if I tell you I saw something different

in him that moment?" you remembered his bloody red eyes. "What different?" she asked.

"No, it's nothing. I might just imagining things." you shook your head.


"Alright then....I will make those people who hurted you today pay for it." Mrs Kang clenched

her fist. You held her hand. "No Umma. Don't please." "They hurted you! Really bad! 

The school should expel them!" Mrs Kang grew angry. "Please Umma no." you shook your head

as you looked deeply in her eyes.


Mrs Kang sighed giving up. "Fine. But if they will do something like this again I will not

think twice and go to the school." "Thank you." you nodded. "Good night Jihyun." she kissed

your forehead, picked up the first aid box and left your room. 


You sighed. "Where Luhan could be?" you whispered and remembered how he 

threw punches at Jinwoon, so hard and full of anger, with those memories you had fallen 

asleep again. 


A few minutes later the window of your room started rising up and someone entered.


It was Luhan.


He sat in the chair behind your bed and just stared at you. *I'm sorry, I crossed the board.* 

he covered his face disappointed at himself. *Why am I even acting like this?!What's happening with me?*

He looked at you lovingly, his heart fastly pounding and ears turning red. 

He then remembered something. 


"Wahh my heart is just beating so fast as I think of her! I must have really fallen

for my princess. Even though I haven't even met her yet. I'm so inlove."

Baekhyun said as he laid on his bed happily.


"Ugh I'm getting bored listening about your princess!" Luhan joked.

"Hey remember this! Once you fall in love your heart will beat so fast when you see

and think of her. Your ears are going to turn red like mine right now. Everything

you see to her is perfect and when someone hurt her you will get so angry and even 

get to the point of beating them up or chewing their face off." Baekhyun explained. 


"Eii falling in love is not on my mind right now. I don't even where my princess is."

Luhan commented. "Remember don't come happily to my side and tell me about how

much you're in love with your princess like I'm doing now." Baekhyun joked.

Luhan and Baekhyun laughed together.


*Oh no.* Luhan shook his head. You slowly opened your eyes as you felt presence behind

you. Luhan panicked and was about to leave when you spoke. "Luhan? Is that you?" you managed

to sat up straight despite the pain of your back. Luhan froze at his spot and slowly faced you. 


"I was just checking you." he said avoiding your eyes. "Oh I'm glad you're back." 

you gave him a tiny smile that fire his heart up. "Sit down here." you patted the space 

behind your bed. *She's not afraid of me?* Luhan thought and sat down

"Your glasses broke." Luhan handed them as she saw them down earlier. 


"Ohh..thank you." you took them and put them at your nightstand. 

"I just wanted to say thank you, thanks for fighting for me. I shouldn't have responded

them back, then things wouldn't be like this." you lowered your head. 


"No, everything you did is perfect. You faced them with confidence right?" he asked.

You nodded. "Because of you guys, you thought me how to." you smiled. 

"Thanks for everything Luhan." Without knowing your arms flew around Luhan's neck and hugged

him. It felt like the right thing to do that time. 


Luhan froze at the action and both hearts beat so fast as if  they will expload. 

*I'm in love with Baekhyun's princess.* he thought realizing his feelings.

*I think I'm in love with this guy.* you thought and smiled. 



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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective