New Year

The Wolf Prince's Princess


"! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone shouted as all of you had 

gathered on the roof top and started firing up some colorful fireworks

into the sky. "Waah." you smiled while watching the colorful shapes of the fireworks.


"Happy new year my daughter!" Mrs Kang tightly hugged you and kissed your head. 

"Happy new year Umma!" you smiled as you hugged her back. "I just hope this

year will better than the previous one." you muttered to her. "It will be." Mrs Kang smiled.


"Happy new year guys!" you faced the boys who greeted each other. 

It's the first time the boys had celebrated something like this in the human world. In their home 

they would catch some deers and rabbits this time and happily ate with their families.


It was something common then to EXO. Just without the fireworks. 


"Happy new year Jihyun and Mrs Kang!" they chorused like soldiers. 

You chuckled. "Come on. Let's go eat!" Mrs Kang urged and everyone 

went downstairs to eat at the dining table. 


While you headed downstairs, you accidentally bumped with Luhan. 

He didn't went to Jiyeon but stayed with his true famil

You glanced at him. "Sorry." Luhan whispered. You nodded in response

and went down first. Luhan softly sighed and followed you. 


*It kinda feels nice that Luhan's here. It feels somehow complete.* you thought.


"Yehey food!" Sehun and Tao cheered as they waited for the food to be 

served. "You guys are always happy about food." you rolled your eyes laughing.

"Yeah we always are." Lay cutely smiled as his dimples showed. 


"Add me in!" Baekhyun raised his hand adding. "Oh please." you rolled your eyes

laughing. "The food is here!" Mrs Kang served in the middle of the table a 

big plate of grilled chicken. "Waaahh." everyone drooled. 


"Please. Pretty please eat slow." you pleaded. "It's fine Jihyun I can save for you." 

Baekhyun smiled at you. Luhan glanced at him. Mrs Kang grinned at the love situation 

of her daughter. "Thank you but I know these boys will listen at me right?" you raised an eyebrow. 


"Ok then." Kris nodded. "Mrs Kang, Jihyun? You take first then." Suho pointed at the dish. 

"Thank you Suho." you sighed and let your mom took first after you. 

"Attack." you muttered as you finished taking you food. 


At that moment the boys really attacked the dish and in less than 5 seconds 

everything from the plate was gone. *Unbelievable.* you shook your head chuckling. 


The night was spent with an hour of christmas family movie, that made some cry. 




"Where is really Luhan?" Jiyeon annoyed muttered as she continiously called his phone. 

"Aish. I can't stand it." Jiyeon grabbed her bag and left her house. 




"Bye Baekhyun. Happy new year again!" you smiled as all of you said your goodbyes 

tBaekhyun. ​"Bye guys." he waved at the rest. "Bye Jihyun." Baekhyun gave you his

charming smile like he always did, lifted your hand and gently kissed it again. 


Luhan looked away for his heart to calm from anger and jealousy. 


You smiled at him. "Bye!" he waved and closed the door. "Hey Jihyun I see your 

relationship with Baekhyun is going well." Chanyeol playfully ruffled your head. 

"Yah don't tell us is something more?!" Kai covered his mouth. 


Smile was the only response you could give them. 


Luhan annoyed by everything suddenly spoke. "I'm going out for a walk." 

He announced and slammed the door. You looked at the rest confused. 

"He might went to meet Jiyeon." you muttered and left. 


"Luhan is the really one that is hurting. It must be really bad to be in his place." 

D.O sighed. "Well destiny does it all my friend." Chen slung an arm around him. 




Luhan was getting out the house when Jiyeon suddenly saw him and wanted to call him

but stop when she saw him going into the bushes. Jiyeon narrowed her eyebrows and

followed from a far. 


Luhan madly punch with his strong power a tree and it shaked. Jiyeon covered her 

mouth shocked. *What is he doing?* Jiyeon worriedly thought. 


Luhan let out a yell and transformed into his wolf form and run into the bushes. 


Jiyeon's eyes widened. *L-Luhan is...* She covered her mouth in shock. 

She held in the tree to recover of what she had seen.

*Jinwoon's words were right. Luhan and the rest are monsters.* 


Jiyeon started running heading out from the bushes as fear was invading her.

She breathed deeply as she arrived at the road in front of your house. 


*Does Kang Jihyun know?!* Jiyeon looked at your house. 




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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective