Luhan vs Baekhyun

The Wolf Prince's Princess


The battle between Luhan and Baekhyun was scattered everywhere in Royal Mountains. 

A lot were in the side of Baekhyun since he was the prince, but a lot were on Luhan's since 

they were supporting his love for the princess. 


Luhan got healed from all his wound and bruises, he was fed good and was prepared for the battle,

just like how Baekhyun wanted it. Baekhyun didn't want to fight ta weak werewolf but 

a werewolf that was strong enough to fight for Jihyun. 




Baekhyun was staring at the beautiful pink-orange shade of the sky, which mentioned afternoon,

when his soldier called him. "Your highness, you have a visitor." he announced. "Who it is?" 

Baekhyun asked. Then the soldier stepped on the side revealing the fresh and full of confidence Luhan. 


"I'm ready." Luhan coldly muttered. Baekhyun and Luhan stared at each other,

with their eyes flashing their own unique colors.


The soldier had left to announce the news to everyone. "What it is now?" the maid asked surprised.

You glanced at your door at the voice of the maid and moved towards it  to listen clearer. 

"Yeah the battle of princes Baekhyun and Luhan is going to start in a while." the soldier announced to her. 


Your eyes widened. "No." you whispered and started hitting the door.

"Open this door! Don't let Luhan and Baekhyun fight!!" you shouted. The maid and the soldier looked

at your door in pity of you and left with a sigh. 


"No!!" you continiously hit the door but with no result. You fell on your knees and cried. 

"Don't let them fight..." you sobbed. 




Luhan and Baekhyun were in their positions ready to fight. The stage was far from the Royal Mountains.

It was a big grassy place, where the boys could move around freely. The moon had replaced the sun and

shined on the twboys serious faces, while staring at each other. 


The whole EXO were in the side, watching the both. They couldn't believe how far Baekhyun had gone. 

"Really our friends are fighting? Luhan and Baekhyun, the two best friends? That's unbelievable."

Suho announced in sadness. "I guess love can change people." Kris sighed. 


"Is Jihyun not coming?" Sehun asked. "I guess not. I'm sure Baekhyun doesn't want her

to see this scene." D.O muttered. "Poor Jihyun. She's by far the person I know that suffered a lot."

 Chanyeol sighed. "We can't stay here and do nothing." Kai muttered. 


"Jihyun is the only way to stop this battle. We need to bring her here." Kai announced. 

"I kinda agree too." Chen and Lay chorused. "The half stay here the other half can go." Suho nodded.

Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun and Taoffered to get you. "Be careful guys and be aware of everything." Kris warned. 


The King and Queen approached at the scene, while everyone was bowing at them. 

"Let the battle begin!" The King announced. 


Once the King announced the battle, Luhan and Baekhyun's finger nails and teeth started getting

longer. Their eyes totally turning into their own unique and killing colors. Veins were shown in their skins. 


 "Let's see how strong is your love for Jihyun." Baekhyun muttered

"Stronger than your expectations." Luhan glared at him. 




Tao and Kai started punching and kicking the soldiers that were guarding your door and 

then called out your name. "Jihyun? Jihyun?" You immediately stood up and moved towards the door. 

"Tao? Kai? Is that you guys?!" you called. "Yeah it's us! Now stepped back!!" they warned. 


The boys were saving you just like how Luhan did. They were indeed your saviors. 


The door flew open again. "Guys!" you hugged each one of them tightly thanking them. 

"Let's go! Luhan and Baekhyun have started the battle!" Kai announced. "Oh no." you shook 

your head and all of you left heading to Luhan and Baekhyun's battle.




Baekhyun had attacked first Luhan, giving him few punches and kicks and seemed to be winning. 

But Luhan wasn't backing down, he grabbed Baekhyun's arm and threw him far away, leaving 

a scratch and dirt on Baekhyun's face.


Baekhyun let out a loud scream which was something you heard during the travel you made.

"What was that?!" you looked at the sky. "Faster faster Jihyun!" Chanyeol urged. 


Baekhyun rushed on Luhan and scratched his arm. "UGH!" Luhan let out a groan from the pain. 

Luhan grew weak as he held his bloody arm. It was Baekhyun's chance to win. 


Baekhyun jumped high with his sharp fingers heading on Luhan's face, but luckily Luhan

was able to escape from it. Baekhyun landed in the ground making it quake and glared at Luhan. 


Luhan glanced at his deep wounded arm. The blood wouldn't stop flowing down. 


"Luhan.." EXO was worried about him. 


Luhan couldn't find the right place to attack, Baekhyun was indeed the strongest and the fastest 

among them two. Baekhyun and Luhan made circles as they stare at each other. 


"YAAAAAA!!" Luhan screamed and tried on kicking Baekhyun but missed and instead Baekhyun

made his wound worst. "UGHH!" Luhan held his wound as he kneel down. 


"As expected, you're not the strong, to beat me and that means your love for Jihyun is not that strong either." 

Baekhyun coldly muttered. "Showing my love for Jihyun will never be the way you showed, full 

of anger and jealousy. Even if you win this battle, Jihyun will never love you." Luhan shouted. 


Baekhyun clenched his fist. "I planned to let you live but you changed my mind. Let me finish you." 


Baekhyun rushed on top of Luhan and let out his sharp fingers heading them on Luhan's face when suddenly

someone shouted. "BAEKHYUN NO!!" 


You had arrived on the place at the right time. Baekhyun turned back and saw you. 

His eyes rounded. *Jihyun? What is she doing here?!* 


"Baekhyun-ah, just stop it. Stop everything." you cried. 


"I know you can't kill your best friend right? He is the person you trust and care about since young." 

"The Byun Baekhyun I know is a gentle warm werewolf. The Byun Baekhyun I know loves me

without this kind of things. The Byun Baekhyun I know can't kill Luhan or anyone." 


"Look what you did to Luhan because of me. Loving me will just cause hurt to everyone." 

"Baekhyun please, I beg you stop this. You are not making me happy with this." you sobbed. 


Baekhyun stared blankly as he listened to your words that touched his heart. 

He remembered his mother's words. 


"Make her happy uh? Happiness is a must for your relationship." The Queen announced.


A tear escaped from his eye and landed on Luhan's wounded arm, which it started healing. 


*I'm not making her happy. She's sad, terribly sad with all am doing.* 


Suddenly Baekhyun heard a sound of a loading gun and became alert. He searched around and found 

the silver gun that was pointing at Luhan's head. You looked at Baekhyun's expression and looked

at the way he was staring at. *Gun!* 


"WATCH OUT!" you shouted. The gun was about to shoot and made Luhan's head bleed 

but luckily Baekhyun held up Luhan and rolled aside causing the silver bullet tmiss it's destination. 


Everyone started panicking and running around. 


Nothing else mattered to both of Luhan and Baekhyun nowonly you just you. Your safety and protection. 


"JIHYUN!" Luhan and Baekhyun chorused and stood up to protect you but when they arrived

at the place you were standing you were gone.  


"Where is she?!" Baekhyun asked worriedly. "Oh no." Luhan searched around. "No no Kang Jihyun!"

Luhan run around searching for you, the same Baekhyun did. "She's gone." Luhan stared blankly. 

"KANG JIHYUN!" Baekhyun screamed. 





"We got her." Jinwoon smirked as he carried you unconsious in his shoulders. 




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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective