
The Wolf Prince's Princess


"Food is served! Come and eat!" several teachers called the students 

who were done on fixing the tents including EXO. "Food!" When that

word was mentioned, EXO rushed and sat down at the big long camping tables. 


"Sit down girls, thanks for helping us." a teacher said and you headed 

to the camping tables when EXO called you. "Jihyun sit here with us!"

Chanyeol called. You nodded in response and sat between Chanyeol and Xiumin,


"Teacher, you mean that Jihyun helped all of you cook?" a guy said grabbing

the attention of everyone. "Yeah..." the teacher nodded. "Oh she might have 

put something on our food!" he guy responded and the students started doubting. 


You closed your eyes, sighed and stood up approaching the guy before 

EXO would able to talk. "If you don't want to eat the food, then starve." 

you grabbed the plate. All the boys were very hungry since they were 

working on a lot of tents, tables, chairs and some props for the camp,

so the guy grabbed the plate back.


"It's fine." he made a face and started eating his food. 

You smirked and crossed your arms. "So who thinks Jihyun put something

on the food? Give us your plate and starve." Xiumin glared at everyone.


Everyone shook their head and started eating. Once you arrived at your sit,

you facepalmed yourself. "Good job, Jihyun." Suho smiled at you. "It's nothing,

I know I will get used to it." you sighed and started eating. 


After dinner the teacher announced. "Students for today, you will be free to do 

anything, you want. You can go to the forest and explore but remember not to 

go deeper since there is no sun anymore." 


"Ohhh" the students chorused at their excitement. "Remember don't go deeper 

into the forest." she reminded. "Yes teacher!" they chorused and they all split up

into their own groups.


"So Jihyun do you want to go to the forest like all the other students?" 

Chen asked you. "Uhm if you guys want to go, you can go, I will stay here." 

you muttered. "Why?" D.O titled his head. "I will skip for now." you grinned. 


"Are you afraid?" Luhan muttered. " no." you shook your head. 

*She is.* EXO smirked. "Well, if you don't want to go to the forest, we will 

stay here with you." Lay said with the rest agreeing. 


"Is that what you guys want? I'm telling you can go, I'm totally fine here." 

you insisted. "No we will stay here with you." Luhan crossed his arms avoiding

your eyes. "Alright then. So why don't we sit down around a camp fire and eat

marshmallows with a stick?" you suggested smiling. 


Luhan lips curled at your smiling face and tried his best to hide it. 


"Marshmallows?" Sehun titled his head at that unknown word for them. 

"Yeah let's go." you grabbed Luhan's arm since he was the closest to you

and dragged him to the camp fire with the rest following from the back. 


*Why do you do this? Every day seems harder and harder to let you go.* 

Luhan stared at your hand at his arm. 


"You take a marshmallow and you put this on the top of the stick then 

cook it!" you gave them your first example and they followed. "When it's cooked

you take it out from the fire and slowly eat since it's hot." you said and ate the marshmallow.

"Ahhh so good!" you closed your eyes as you munched. 


Luhan who was beside you ate it too. *Wow it's really good.* he thought surprised

like everyone. "Hey Sehun Tao take it out from the fire!" you shouted as they didn't

looked at you when you took out the marshmallow because they were talking to each other. 


"AAAAAA!!" Sehun and Tao shouted when they took out a firey marshmallow. 

"Drop it on the floor and cover it with the sand." you immediately said.

"Such trouble makers." Kris shook his head. 


The fire was gone from the marshmallows. "Ugh our marshmallows are gone!" 

Sehun pouted while Tao crossed his arms. You chuckled. "Here have mine." 

you handed the sticks to them and they ate it. 


"Waahh so tasty!" they munched. "Jihyun indeed is a good cooker!" Tao pointed at you.

"It's nothing." you laughed shaking your head. 


Soon all the boys ate the marshmallows and left the last for you.

"Uhm here take the last one." Lay rubbed his neck and handed to you. 

"Thanks." you shook your head with a smile on your face and cooked it. 


"Does anyone knows how to sing here?" you asked as the marshmallow was getting

cooked at the fire. "Sing?" Chanyeol asked. "Yes." you nodded. 

"We've got a lot of great singers in our group!" Xiumin announced. 


"Really?!" you were surprised. "Who?" you titled your head and ate the marshmallow.

"D.O, Chen, Luhan and Suho are the one who have got voices." Kai said. 

*Including Baekhyun too.* they thought. "Can you sing please?" you pleaded.

They nodded and Chanyeol gave the beat with two hard sticks.


"Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes

Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened

You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known

So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you" 


From the starting until the end of the song, your eyes were focused on Luhan and only.

His voice felt like heavens were singing to you. His eyes were staring at you as he

sang with full of emotions. 


You knew that time you had fallen even deeper for Luhan.


"Woaaahhh." you clapped. "Amazing!" you said in awe. "I didn't know you guys have

those awesome voices!" you continued clapping dazed. "You still don't know anything

about us." Luhan pressed his lips in a thin line. "Woahh." you were totally amazed. 




It was already past midnight everyone was already deeply asleep in their own 

tents except for  11 people. A howl of a wolf was heard. *It's Baekhyun. He's waiting.*

Luhan stared at the full moon, so did the other boys.


"Let's go." Luhan nodded to the rest of the boys and before they transformed into

their wolf form they made sure none was around and then run like lightening into

the deep, dark forest. 



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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective