
The Wolf Prince's Princess


After the things you have heard, you still leaned in the wall for support. 

Everything you have just heard sounds nonsense and impossible. 

How can the boys you trust and love be monsters?


Your mind run into similarities the boys had being a werewolf. 

They ate like a wolf. They went out the nights during full moon. Fur filled some of their clothes.

They didn't know how to use human things and they were when they first showed up on you

and you even remembered Kai calling themselves wolfs instead of pigs. 


Those similarities explain everything about them. 


Luhan turned his head and found you at the wall, staring at the ground 

with an unreadable expression on your face. He immediately stood up and

appeared infront of you. "Jihyun? Why is your face like that? Are you okay?"

he asked worriedly as he grabbed your shoulders.


*Is really the person I love...* you lifted your head and looked at Luhan. *A monster?* 

You couldn't control your tears and let them flew down your cheeks. *She's crying.*

Luhan's eyes widened. "Jihyun's what's wrong?!" Baekhyun appeared infront of you such as the rest. 


*Are they really all of them like that?* you looked at each one troubled face. 

"Jihyun answer us!" Baekhyun shook your shoulders. 


"Oh ." Jiyeon who realized you heard everything covered her mouth in shock. 

"I'm leaving!" Jiyeon muttered and left the building.


You gently put Baekhyun's arms down and exited the restaurant running. 

Running not in fear but in confusement and disbelief. 


Xiumin paid the bill and everyone followed you. You ran into an alley and found no exit,

just like Jiyeon's situation before. You turned back and clenched your fist waiting for them 

to find you which wasn't something difficult. *I must know the truth.* 


You didn't fear them, you knew they wouldn't do anything to you

You wanted to face them. You wanted to learn the truth. 


They found you after tracing your scent. "She's here." Baekhyun pointed at the 

alley. You saw them slowly moving towards you. You gulped and tighten the grip of your fist. 

"Jihyun what happened?" Luhan softly asked to calm you down. 


"Is it true?" you asked as you confidently looked at them with your tears continiously falling.

Luhan's eyes widened and his heart started hurting. He had a feeling you knew everything.


"Just wait for the day when Jihyun will ask if everything is true.

You will know that time that I have just told to her everything about you guys."


Luhan remembered Jiyeon's words to him before. "Is true that you guys are different from us?

you asked. You didn't want to use the word 'monster' to them. You loved them no matter what,

they helped you and stayed by your side always. In your eyes they would never be monsters but friends. 


The boys looked at each other, Luhan stepped in front to talk for all of them. 

"It's true. We are different from all of you. To be exact we are werewolfs who lives in the forest.

We came here to find Baekhyun's princess for him since he was locked in a tower and protect

her until he comes for her." Luhan spoke admitting the truth.


"What?" you held your forehead in confusement. "This is nonsense." you muttered.

"Believe it Jihyun. It's all true." Kris announced. You fell in your knees and breathed hardly

as you couldn't believe what they were telling.  


"Baekhyun's princess...Do you mean me?" you asked. "That's right Jihyun." Baekhyun 

kneeled down on your eye level and spoke. "We are meant for each other. Destiny wrote it like that."

"You are my princess that for so long I waited to be mine. I love you Kang Jihyun and this is the real us."


*What...what am I hearing?* "That's impossible. So you're telling me I'm a wolf's princess?

Baekhyun's princess?! Are you guys crazy? That's nonsense." you stood up and run away from them. 


Baekhyun was about to follow you but Luhan stopped him.

"Leave her alone for a while. She needs to think." "All humans react like that so don't worry." Kris added. 

Baekhyun nodded. *I hope you understand my princess.* he thought. 


You run as fast as you could, everything was so confusing and it hurted you. 

You stopped as you held your pounding heart and took some breaths. You sat in the

nearest bench you could find. You covered your face as you started crying. 

*What is happening? Everything is so confusing.* Rain started pouring down which matched perfectly your mood. 


After a while, you have calmed down with the rain too. You hugged your knees as you thought

about everything the boys have told you and try to clear things up in your mind. 


"They are werewolfs. A mythical creature which can have a human body and an animal form." 

"They came here to protect me as Baekhyun was locked in the tower." "I'm destined to be with

Baekhyun and I'm a wolf princess." you closed your eyes in despair. 


"It's so hard to believe." you shouted and sighed. EXO was calmly watching behind the bushes. 

"I think she finally can understand everything." Suho said. The rest nodded in response. 

"It will take a while for our relationship to be like before." Xiumin said. 

"Yeah this is something humans will take long time tbelieve." Suhadded.


"We should give her some time to think and I know she will accept us." Luhan lovingly stared at you.


"Would you accept me for whatever am I?"

"Yeah. That is because I love you."



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Chapter 49: Waa ? i actually to be baek main thooo
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending :D
Dimple_doll #3
Chapter 62: This story is so so good
Chapter 62: omgggggg so cute i love it :)
Chapter 62: Poor Baekhyun..
But I like this story very much.
I though Baekhyun was main so I am reading it finally Luhan is main...
Chapter 62: Dang it, I feel bad for baekhyun but either way it was a fabulous story!!!
Chapter 8: Omfg I think I totally ruined it for myself because I read the other chapter titles...SHE BETTER END UP WITH BEAKHYUN OMG
Chapter 62: Sweet ending and it reminds me that we should fight our own destiny :)
Chapter 62: Daebak author nim!!! Jjang !
exo_infinity #10
Chapter 14: Ohhh~~~~ I really love Luhan oppa ^^ so protective