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Dongwoo grinned while pasting the posters on the clipboards provided at corner of each Woollim's corridor.

He looked at it and smiled.


"Yah... Are you done?" Yejin, who was leaning on the wall beside him, asked with a bored tone.

"Just one more, it will be quick," Dongwoo said and he walked energetically to the opposite end of the campus.

Yejin followed him reluctantly.

Dongwoo promised to eat breakfast with her on the coffee shop nearby but it turned out, that Dongwoo had a bit of his own plan before that.

"Alright, let's go," he finally said, earning a smile from the girl.

They stop by and ordered toast and coffee when Yejin's eye caught....


She immediately gasped and closed her wide opened mouth. She didn't know what to feel at that time.

She was just surprised.

The guy was walking in front of the shop with his friends, laughing. And his laugh just showed Yejin that he was happy with his life now. Happier than the times when he knew Yejin. The guy turned his head and made an eye contact with her suddenly. Yejin was really sure that he saw her when he suddenly flicked and turned around to his friends again.

She felt like a blade stabbing right at her heart

."Hey... What are you looking at?" Dongwoo seemed confused with her sudden change of reaction.

Yejin shook her head and smiled, trying to control all her emotions. "Ani... I'm just amazed at the korean culture," she lied.

Dongwoo laughed.

"You know, I think you spent too much time on the states," he said.

"Oh really?" Yejin asked with a more cheerful tone.

Dongwoo nodded with a grin.

"There are a few things that had changed," she nodded.

"Of course," she said softly and looked down while sipping her black coffee, trying to hold back her tears.



"WHAT?! You guys did it?!" Woohyun shouted to Eunyoung the next morning. He peeped into her room last night, only to find Sungyeol and Eunyoung covered by the blanket, ly sleeping.

Eunyoung rolled her eyes. "It's not like you didn't do it with Gyu oppa," she said.

Then, it was time for Woohyun to have red cheeks. He was definitely busted by his sister. Eunyoung sighed.

"Okay, I'm going to wake Yeol up," she said and went into her room.

She sat at the edge of her bed and threw the blanket away.

Again, Sungyeol's well-built body couldn't make her stop admiring it. She traced her fingers from his chest down to his belly abs. She smiled and chuckled. Yeol had always wanted these abs during their high school days and it was great to see that he was able to achieve one of his 'dreams'.

"What are you looking at?" Sungyeol's voice surprised her. She immediately stood up.

"Ehrm... Go eat your breakfast, or I'll be late for my class," she said.

Sungyeol sat down and laughed.

Eunyoung glared at him.

"You didn't answer my question," he said.

"Should I?"

"Of course. So answer me, what were you looking at?

" "M-my hands," Eunyoung said, a bit stammering.

She didn't want Yeol to know that she was actually being 'entertained' by his abs. Sungyeol chuckled and stood up.

"We know you're admiring my beautiful muscles," he whispered to her and went out of the room, joining Woohyun for breakfast before bathing.



"I'm going to my class first," Eunyoung said when she, Woohyun and Sungyeol arrived at Woollim.

The two boys nodded and headed to the band room. Sungjong was already there with Sunggyu and Myungsoo. Woohyun immediately sat beside the leader and leaned his head on his chest. Myungsoo and Sungjong looked at them with a question mark on their face, then they turned their faces to Sungyeol.

"I know right?!" Sungyeol mouthed and sat behind his drums.

"Ehrm... Guys... I want to tell you something," Sungjong said awkwardly.

All eyes were on him. He took a deep breathe and exhaled it. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"I saw her..." He said softly.

"Do you mean..." Sunggyu was unable to continue his question.

The maknae nodded.

"Yejin..." He said, "She's here."

"W- where? Are you sure it was her?" Myungsoo asked carefully.

"Yes, it was definitely her. I saw her at the coffee shop when we were on our way to Woollim j

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ayucshan #1
Chapter 39: hoaah~the ending so short T.T can you make a sequel or side story for dongwoo and yejin? kkk thanks for the great story :D
hys_spirit #2
Chapter 39: i totally love ur fanfic omg! good job ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Not even gonna lie, I wish I had Woohyun as a brother. :) Is that Eunyoung of Two X in the poster?