A Wolf's Love

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luhan and hyojin arrived in hyojin's house.

hyojin:"so there's 11 more?................wolves??"

luhan:"yup, but we lost one.................."

hyojin:"you did??...............were is he?"

luhan:"he's been taken by the humans, i don't know where he is now......................i hope he's fine..........he was still a pup in that time and i know he can't remember a thing of what had happened"

hyojin:"oh.................s-so........that's why.............i have to go to my bedroom now...............stay here and sleep in the sofa"

luhan:"wait, can i sleep with you?? the moonlight shines only in your room window, i like leeting the moonlight shine down my fur"

hyojin:"uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh fine, but distance and don't ever come near me. EVER!!!"

luhan:"o-okey??? alright.........."   so hyojin and luhan went to hyojin's room "okey i'm gonna transform now"

hyojin:"wait wait..................please............it's......it's scaring me........i don't want to see it"  luhan goes closer to hyojin and covered her eyes

luhan:"i'm gonna cover your eyes while i transform, so that you'll not be afraid"  hyojin just froze then luhan transformed into a wolf. hyojin opened her eyes and her eyes is filled with fear.



hyojin:"luhan.........ahhhhh i think i need to sleep........" hyojin stood up but then she was with pain that suho just scratched earlier. then, she sat on the bed.  the wolf walked towards hyojin and the open wound "YAH!!!!! you're so disgusting!!!! what are you doing?? aiiisshhh..........just sleep under the moonlight, araseo?"  the wolf smiled and lay down near the window and hyojin lay on her bed, hugging her huge mansized pillow


in the middle of the night, luhan woke up and sniffed in hyojin's closet. he see to it that hyojin is sleeping and slowly opened her closet. there he saw this red, soft scarf that hyojin was using when they first met in the snow. he sniffed it, hugged it and he rolled on the floor xD. he remembered the time they first met and he blushed hard just by thinking about it. he walk towards hyojin and lay beside her.

luhan:"i'm so happy i see you again"


early in the morning, there is no class so hyojin can wake up any time she wants. she wants to wake up early so that she can buy food for herself. while she was stretching, she hugged her big mansized pillow that was under her blanket, but then it was hard.

"why is my mansize pillow so hard???? it was so fluffy last night" when she turned her head to the opposite side, she saw her mansize pillow there.

hyojin:"wait.............my pillow is here..................SO WHAT THE HECK IS-" when she removed the blanket that was covering the "thing" that she was hugging, she saw luhan there, half . "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  hyojin was shouting, freakin out, etc. luhan was just smilingly stretching and yawning, showing his bed hair

luhan:"good morning yeh-ppeun!!!"  luhan jumped behind the "freaked out" hyojin, and back hug her. he rest his chin in hyojin's shoulders, still yawning and embraced her with his arms wrapping in hyojin's waist.

hyojin:"YYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" hyojin pushed luhan. "why are you here in my bed???!!!!! AAAHHHHHH BYUNTAE!!!!!"  hyojin's mind was filled with craziness. "since when are you sleeping in my bed? how long have you been there?"

luhan:"last night, and i had a great sleep"

hyojin:"wh-what did you do to me last night???"

luhan:"what?? what do you mean?"

hyojin:"did you............aaahhh"

luhan:"did i what???"

hyojin:"did you.......you know.....TTTRRRRRRRR" hyojin murmured some words. luhan was just confused

luhan:"did what??????????????????"

hyojin:"did you touch something???? while i was sleeping??"  hyojin slowly said because of the embarrassing thing she asked

luhan:"did i touch something???"

*uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh you're making this difficult*  hyojin thought

hyojin:"yes.................that is unappropriate for you to touch??????????"

luhan:"hhhhhhmmmmm well......."


luhan:"..............................yes i did.........."  luhan calmly said and jumped off the bed and went downstairs to eat.

hyojin:"OMG.......ottoke ottoke.........ok ok..............it's just a misunderstanding.........hyojin, nothing happened with you and luhan last night...........i mean........he didn't do anything to you last night.............that's that......(frowned) uhuhuhuhu!!!!!!! how should i know???!!!! aiiissshhhhh"  hyojin rushed downstairs "aaahhhhhhh luhan, are you sure you touched something??? last night??"

luhan:"yeah..............sorry about that............i didn't ask permission..............but it was all worth it because i love hugging it and it was so soft!!!!!"

hyojin:"s-s-soft???"  unappropriate thinking xD (yah know what i mean) "YAAAAHHHHH YOU BYUNTAE!!! BYUNTAE!!!! BIG HEADED DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYUNTAE BYUNTAE!!!!!"

luhan:"wait wait wait...........what did i do???"


luhan:"sorry, the scarf is just so soft and so red like back then, i can't handle hugging it."

hyojin:"YOU SON OF A-.............................wait..........what??????!!!!!!!!"

luhan:"your scarf?? i secretly hugged your scarf?? but its not a secret now..........................this is about your scarf right???"

hyojin:"a SCARF????!!!!!!!!  this was all about a SCARF????!!!!"  hyojin sat on the sofa looking frustrated.

luhan:"well yeah......................what are you thinking about anyway??? and why are you saying i'm a byuntae?? what did you think that i was doing???"

hyojin:"aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...........gotta go buy some food!!!" hyojin ran out of the house "aaiisshhh this erted brain of mine.......thinking something so wrong...aaaahhhh i'm not even ready about things like that......." murmuring while walking.

luhan:"hey wait yeh-ppeun!!! may i go with you in the market?"


luhan:"please????  i will act like a dog"

hyojin:"woah woah wwoooaaahhhh. no, is there a dog that is ten times bigger than a regular dog?? no, i don't think so....acting like a human, that's the choice....ok?"

luhan:"so is that a yes?"



hyojin:"because you look like a street kid........you're half .........aaiiissshhhh...............go find some shirt then i'll let you go with me........"  hyojin walked and left luhan.

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HiyaMin #1
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
HiyaMin #2
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
Nightingale99 #3
Chapter 55: Wahhh you almost make me cry..seriously
Nightingale99 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue I really love this story!!!
Chapter 53: Daebak . Perfect stories :)
songyoonhee #6
Chapter 54: Please continueeee ><
Chapter 54: Yes. Yes Yes... Please. This story is amazing
Jolynn #8
Chapter 54: yes yes yes! Continue X3
Thank you guys so much.aawwww i'm really touched by your comments :')
molinayardenysrael #10
Chapter 53: waahh , yey ! tapos na siya :)
grabe .. inaabangan ko tlga to e ..
ganda, gawa ka pa uli ng ganitoaganda unnie haa ~ slmat