A Wolf's Love

Hyojin woke very early today, but offcourse, she always knows that luhan woke the very first, early in the morning. She went to the living room, and saw the wolves still sleeping.

Hyojin:”WAHAHAHAHAHA FINALLY! At last I woke up first!!! WHAHAHA………….I’m so awesome” hyojin took a pen and planned to draw doodles on their faces XD. “wahaha this will be fun” hyojin walked towards luhan first that was sleeping on the couch, the one she despised xD. “heeeeeheee” the pen was almost on luhan’s face but she stopped. I don’t know why she stopped but in an angelic, flower boy, face like that, It’s like she’s ashamed if she’ll dirty luhan’s face.

O/////O hyojin blushed just by looking at this angelic face.

Hyojin planned to draw on each of the wolves’ faces but, all of them look so angelic.

Hyojin:”AAHHH WHAT AM I PLANNING TO DO? Even their faces are prettier than mine T_T…………aahhh it’s just so boring…….when do they wake up? Should I wake them? I SHOULD! IT’S MY HOUSE AFTER ALL” hyojin took two pans and started banging them.


The wolves woke and they look so charming, so so so…….SO HANDSOME

Sehun:”hyojin-ah! It’s so damn early! *yawn yawn”

Luhan:”yeh-ppeun……….there’s no class today”

Hyojin:”I know…….”

Kai:”then why are you waking us this early?”

Hyojin:”we’re doing……………………………………………………chores” gave an evil look. Hyojin thought of it, and she knows, all people hate chores no matter what. She like it when they hate things, rather than hating vegetables.



Tao:”I love to try the chicken thing that reminds me of sehun’s hair!!!”


Luhan:”it’s called a feather duster” luhan laughed at the ignorant dongsaeng

Chen:”I want to try this shovel”

Luhan:”for heaven’s sake. It’s a dustpan for crying out loud” luhan laughed so hard

Chen:”I knew that………….I was just joking…..pft…”

Luhan:”joking my ….”

Hyojin:”wait wait………..people hate chores…….I do-“

Baekhyun:” but remember……….we’re not fully “people”…..because we’re not fully humans”

Hyojin:”oh……right -_-“

Luhan:”so yeh-ppeun…………..you should wipe the windows”

Hyojin:”I hate chores….i don’t want to”

Luhan:”look at the house………If your mother sees this……she might punish you………I might punish you”

Hyojin:”It’s also because of you, why the house we’re all jacked up! And look at that wall…….It’s all cracked up………..who did this?” all the wolves faced kai and sehun

Kai:” sehun did it”


Hyojin:”aaiisshhh just fix that”

Sehun:”sorry hyojin-ah….It wasn’t really my fault” making puppy eyes on hyojin “IT’S HIS FAULT” giving tantrum at kai

Kai:”now it’s my fault?”

Sehun:”It’s always is”

Hyojin:”aaiiisshhh stop it both of you…….you’re making my ears drop…….both of you, just clean that up”




Minutes of silence (because of focusing in cleaning). Hyojin was wiping the windows. She can’t reach the farther part of the window so luhan stood behind and reach it for her. Hyojin gave a questionable face on who’s cleaning and when she faced, she saw luhan, looking at her. Hyojin widen her eyes and pushed him away.

Lay keeps on walking back and forth. It’s like he’s forgetting something

Lay:”did I forget something?”

Hyojin:”Lay are you okey?”

Lay:”is there something that I should remember?”

D.O:”oh brother!................sunji called last night and was finding for you hyojin…….” Said to hyojin “is that what you’re “forgetting”??.......why so forgetful Lay hyung??” rolled his eyes.

Lay:”oh yeah………..that’s it” Lay laughed, showing his dimples again.

Hyojin:”really? What did she say?”

Lay:”she wants to have a bonding with you today, since there are no classes”

Hyojin:”REALLY??? Aaahhhh GOTTA GO!” hyojin ran in the house and planned to change quickly. But first, she needs to call sunji



“hello?” sunji answered her phone

Hyojin:”sunji! I’m free today. So what’s up?”

Sunji:”oh…haha….hey hyojin………we should go to the mall…………..my parents just gave my allowance and It’s damn big….. It’s because they’re proud of me when I got the top 3 rate last time remember?”

Hyojin:”oh yeah………..you were doing well……..so how much did they gave you?”

Sunji:”about $700 from my mom and $750 from my dad”

Hyojin”wow O_O” hyojin widen her eyes “Is that real?”

Sunji:”HAHA offcourse…….”

Hyojin:”and and………….you want to spend it ………w-with me?”

Sunji:”aahhh yeah……………why not?”

Hyojin:”sunji……..you shouldn’t………spend it with your little brother………..I’m more than fine with that ^_^”

Sunji:”I already gave him a share……….com’on………..this is already your opportunity and I know how you love to be treated. So I’ll treat you………….. this is also a congratulatory gift of being the top 1………poor chanyeol being the top 2………HAHA………good thing luhan tutored you in that time………yieeeehhhhh” teasing hyojin

Hyojin:”yah! Knock it off………-_-……….well…..are you sure you want to spend all your money with me?”

Sunji:”uuuhhhhh why oh why I called if I wasn’t inviting you”

Hyojin:”gosh……………thanks sunji! THANKS SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!”

Sunji:”you can bring lulu and the others if you want”

Hyojin:”NO!” the wolves turned their attention to hyojin. Hyojin just smiled and the wolves go back to the chores “no…..i beg of you….. Your day will be…..destroyed!”

Sunji:”oh com’on……please? The wolves won’t be that bad”

Hyojin:”wait……………you know that………the others are wolves too?”

Sunji:”uuhhhh It’s NOT obvious……….. do you remember the wolf experiment thingy back in the laboratory? The whistle thing? When sunsengnim said, the whistle were their weakness? And they were trembling? So as Lay in that time………he was my partner and so as luhan and the others….so that’s the time, I knew……”


Sunji:”and It’s super NOT obvious. Because they called the broom, “porcupine” HAHAHA. So yeah, I’ve already figured it out”

Hyojin:”you are as smart as I know…” hyojin laughed as well “ I should change and we will be on our way”

Sunji:”alright! And oh!...........DON’T FORGET TO BRING THE WOLVES!”

Hyojin:”no way I’m bringing them.” Dial disconnected





Kai………………………………………………………………………………………heard everything


Kai:”sunji said to bring us with her”


Kai:”she’s treating us!!”


Kai:”hyojin doesn’t want us to come with her”

“OH~” all said in unison

Luhan:”well, we’re invited………………….and yeh-ppeun is not our boss in this time because we’re invited by the one inviting us………..so……..let’s change and look the best as we can be………..gaja?”


Sehun:”good thing kai have some sense of hearing…..or you could’ve been useless”

Kai:”whatever -_-“

D.O:”we should take a bath first………..that’s what suho hyung always told us. Now we’re living as humans” everyone were going to have a shower


In the bathroom, hyojin was taking a bath. She’s done and took her towel. She checked if she took her undergarments with her. Then she saw it there with her in the bathroom, she sounded in relief. But the problem is, she forgot to bring her clothes.

Hyojin:”SHOOT!...........................good thing the wolves are outside cleaning the house…….hehe” hyojin got out and closed the door slowly. When she faced back, she saw the wolves in the hallway, with only wearing towels. Hyojin froze and the wolves we’re just smiling at her.


Kai:”witwew~……….too bad I didn’t make it” deserved a smack in the head from sehun “ouch! What’s your pro-“ deserved a glare from luhan “fine………….I’ll shut up -_-“



Luhan:”aahhh yeh-ppeun…………no one is staring at you and……………….the hallway is free for you to pass, just awhile ago”

Hyojin:”right……..I-I knew t-that” hyojin walked awkwardly but ran when she nearly reached her room

Kai:”so hyojin was just wearing the undergarments and a towel………..too bad really”

Sehun:”you ert!!! SON OF A ERT!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ears………T_T”


In hyojin’s room

Hyojin:”I should change quickly!!!” hyojin changed into her old fashion clothes. A big sweater and some jeans and rubber shoes. “ok…….done! I should go now” hyojin walked fast so that the wolves won’t notice her leaving the house but


Hyojin:”ouch my head! Wha- O_O” when hyojin faced the person she bumped, it was luhan.

Luhan:”where are you off to??”

Hyojin:”I thought you’re in the bathroom?”

Luhan:”I was………I finished first”

*that was fast -.-* hyojin thought. When she looked at luhan clearly, he was just wearing a robe.


Hyojin:”WAIT! WHY ARE YOU ???!!! And that’s my robe!!!”

Luhan:”why? You want me to be in front of you?”

Hyojin:”HECK NO!!!! ch-change damn it”

Luhan:”I know you want to look at my body” luhan started untying the robe.

Hyojin:”AAAAHHHHHHHH YOU ERT!!!!!!”  Hyojin directly ran outside of the house blushing xD luhan just laughed.

Xiumin:”you’re teasing her again?” drying and messing his hair with another towel.

Luhan:” I just love it whenever she blush “


At the park, sunji was already waiting there, until hyojin came.

Hyojin:”HEY!!!!” hyojin ran towards sunji

Sunji:”hey! You look…………” looking at hyojin from top to bottom “dressed.hehe” hyojin was ashamed of herself when she saw sunji in a dress and her hair was cutely tied.

Sunji was so pretty at the same time cute. She’s wearing a cute blue dress, a glittery headband, and wedged converse.

Hyojin:”wwahhh sunji??? Is that you?? You look so……….PRETTY!!!!”

Sunji:”aaiiisshhh stop………… I don’t even like this but mom and dad gave this to me so I should wear it”

Hyojin:”jeongmal yepuda!”

Sunji:”aaiiishhh I said stop!.......*sigh…………..anyway, where are the wolves?”

Hyojin:”I told you, they’re not coming -_-“

Sunji:”ok ok fine……………gaja?” they went in the mall “let’s buy you some clothes first, so that I will not be the only one wearing a fancy yet “girly” clothing”

Hyojin:”you really don’t-“

Sunji:”oh don’t get me started………..let’s just go…….GAJA!!!!!!” sunji grabbed hyojin towards the department store in the women’s clothes section.


Hyojin was shy to pick things, so sunji decided to pick for her.

Sunji bought many things for hyojin already. Like about 3 shoes. 2 pairs of converse and 1 pair of vans. 3 blouses, 2 jeans, 3 hats-1 bonnet and 2 caps, 2 headphones and 2 back packs.

Hyojin:”are these really mine???? They are all BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, sunji……….you really don’t have to do that…..”

Sunji:”oh……..so you want all of this to be returned??”

Hyojin:”ah HAHAHA….I didn’t say that ^_^’ “

Sunji:”good…….haha……oh.look hyojin!” sunji ran towards a store with men clothes “ do you think luhan and the other wolves look good in these clothes?”

Hyojin:”I bet NOT -_-“ hyojin said in a poker face “ well you can’t even buy those. What if it won’t fit them?”

*good thing I didn’t bring them.heehee* gave an evil laugh

Hyojin:”and, they’re not here……..”

Sunji:”really?.....” sunji raised a brow “guys! Let’s go! Let’s buy you some clothes” sunji shouted from afar. hyojin widen her eyes when she saw the wolves walking towards them. She didn’t know they were following them all this time. And the things that sunji picked, was actually luhan. He picked the things for her yeh-ppeun.

Hyojin:”what the-“

Sunji:”I invited them……” the wolves went inside the store. When luhan passed by, he winked at hyojin that made her blush “you couldn’t say no, to those adorable creatures could you?”

Hyojin:”yes I can”

Sunji:”you should be thankful……..” sunji went inside but forgot to tell hyojin something, so she goes back “oh and by the way, luhan was the one who picked those things…….” Sunji smiled and went in the store. Hyojin raised her eyebrows and looked at the bags that she was carrying, and smiled.







“thanks han :) “ she goes to the store.

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HiyaMin #1
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
HiyaMin #2
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
Nightingale99 #3
Chapter 55: Wahhh you almost make me cry..seriously
Nightingale99 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue I really love this story!!!
Chapter 53: Daebak . Perfect stories :)
songyoonhee #6
Chapter 54: Please continueeee ><
Chapter 54: Yes. Yes Yes... Please. This story is amazing
Jolynn #8
Chapter 54: yes yes yes! Continue X3
Thank you guys so much.aawwww i'm really touched by your comments :')
molinayardenysrael #10
Chapter 53: waahh , yey ! tapos na siya :)
grabe .. inaabangan ko tlga to e ..
ganda, gawa ka pa uli ng ganitoaganda unnie haa ~ slmat