024 Part 1 :'>

A Wolf's Love

Pls play while you read >_<





Luhan was just in the resort, waiting for hyojin. They’re going to go home for tomorrow and today is the last day that they will be staying In the resort.

Luhan:”where could she be??? I’m left here all alone now……aaaiiiiiissssssshhhhhhhh why on earth did I make that stupid deal?” luhan took his phone and planned to call hyojin, but he refused. He just lay down on the bed with his phone.


On the other hand,

Chanyeol was hugging hyojin and still, she didn’t move.

*so…………am i………..the person who chanyeol likes???* hyojin thought and pulled back from chanyeol’s embrace.

Hyojin:”aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh c-chanyeol…….aaaaaaaaaa” she was just blushing, really hard and all speechless. “aaahhhh s-so…..I-I’m the….”

“BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!” hyojin’s phone keeps on beeping, saying that she have some reminder.

Hyojin:”aaahhhh wait a second…….. Excuse me” chanyeol nod and hyojin ran from afar.

As she was walking, she was thinking about chanyeol at the same time luhan.

*why is it all of a sudden when chanyeol hugged me, I …… remembered someone* hyojin thought and read the reminder.


Feed luhan some meat, always at 11:00

Hyojin:”aaiiiissshhh  it’s just a reminder………….i thought that…………aaaaaaaaahhh I’m expecting too much……” hyojin went to her phonebook and looked at luhan’s name on the phonebook. She was thinking twice if she should call luhan or not but, she called anyway. She felt nervous just by clicking the call button.



Luhan:”YEAH-PPEUN!!!!!! You called…………….are you worried about me???”

Hyojin:”huh??? Aahhhhh no way……I’m just calling you if…………aahhh……….” Hyojin was thinking of a reason but because of nervousness, she’s speechless.

Luhan:”yah yeh-ppeun you have to feed me”

Hyojin:”yah! You’re old enough and human enough to handle things……………”

Luhan:”yeh-ppeun, just admit that you missed me” hyojin wasn’t answering. She was all quiet. “well, if you won’t admit it………then I’ll admit……….”

Hyojin:”admit what??”

Luhan:” that I miss you so much………” hyojin was covering her own mouth and endlessly blinking her eyes. She was all red.

*why are these boys making me feel weird today????* hyojin thought and soft patting her cheeks.

Luhan:” so come quick, ok? I’ll be waiting” hyojin just hang up and was fanning herself. She calm herself down and goes near to chanyeol.

Hyojin:”aaahhhh c-chanyeol, I need to go back to the resort……….luhan, sehun and kai are waiting for me………I’m sorry………we should see each other again there, or at school” hyojin smiled

Chanyeol:”oh, aahh ok…..i’ll see you there again………bye” hyojin waved and ran off.

Hyojin:”oh…….and thanks for the gifts” hyojin left

*I just can’t believe this…………….the person that I like, likes me back……aaaaahhhhhh* hyojin thought


Hyojin got already in the resort. When she peeked at their hut, luhan wasn’t there.

Hyojin:”aaiiisshhh where the heck is he??? Wait wait…………..this is getting weird because I usually don’t find him………” hyojin mumbled. Hyojin was finding luhan everywhere but she just can’t find him.

“where the heck is he???” she tries to call him on the phone but he won’t answer. She also checked sehun and kai’s hut but even sehun and kai aren’t there. “Did they just left me here????” she was all alone. She planned to go in their hut. “aaiisshhh so this is what it is when you’re alone………It’s damn lonely” hyojin just there laying on the bed.

“so………………this is how………luhan felt when I’m not around” hyojin planned to call luhan one more time. As she was calling, she heard a phone ringing inside the coffee table drawer. Hyojin opened the drawer and it was luhan’s phone. “aaiiisshhh that’s why he’s not answering” she was about to return the phone but when she saw the casing of the phone, she stopped. "this looks familiar.............." she took her phone and look back at luhan's phone "wwaahhh it's similar.......................................w-wait a minute" she put both of the phones together


hyojin didn't even know that luhan gave her a couples case. she was so so red and she keeps patting her cheeks.

hyojin calmed herself down and looked at the time. it's already 1:00 pm, but still luhan is no where to be found.

hyojin:"aaaiiisshhh where could that luhan be???" she was just lying on the bed and decided to watch luhan's gallery on the phone. in luhan's gallery, she saw many pictures of herself there. "aiiisshh too many pics of me..........what a crazy person he is....hehe.."  hyojin smiled and laughed a little "this is getting boring........my face is still my face......." hyojin planned to look at luhan's pics. when she oppened luhan's album, there is only 1 selca of himself but even though there is only 1, he looks absolutely handsome in it.

hyojin can't bare to watch because she keeps on blushing just by looking at luhan's pic. "why does he have such a nice face??? even kai, sehun and suho have such handsome faces. wolves are very attractive..........."  hyojin said to herself.

"you think so???" luhan came in the hut

hyojin:"wwaaahh.................aaahh...................I.........anyway, where have you been???? and where's sehun and kai???"

luhan:" i don't know...........I've been looking for them........sorry if i ever come late. and i left my phone"

hyojin:"aaiiisshhhh don't ever left your phone again, you hear me???!!!!!" hyojin look so mad. luhan is so worried because he already arrived at 6:30.

luhan:"I'm really sorry"

hyojin:"yeah yeah................I'm going to go to sleep"

luhan:" wait.....yeh-ppeun..............i have to show you something..........come with me"

hyojin:"no............I'll stay here............I don't have mood for your silly games" hyojin pouted. luhan didn't think twice but he carried hyojin, bridal style again and went to the place "YYAAHHH PUT ME DOWN!!!!"


they have arrived in the place where luhan wants to go

luhan:" ahh yeh-ppeun..............close your eyes and don't open them until i say so........."

hyojin:"what is this??? what are you going to do???" luhan decided to cover hyojin's eyes and slowly walking forwards. when they stopped, he slowly remove his hand covering her eyes. hyojin was amazed by the great city liner they're looking right now. "WWAAHHH DAEBAK!!! I've never seen a city liner before.......this is so cool!!!!........................................."

luhan:"we're on top of the resort's building................I've descovered this awhile ago when i was finding sehun and kai......" hyojin looked at luhan and directly faced away from him, looking mad.

luhan:"are you still mad at me?" luhan softly says. hyojin still in a serious face and remains quiet. she planned to stand and walk away but luhan grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry if I let you wait for so long............I'm so so so sorry..........." hyojin removed her hand

hyojin:"did you know how long I've been waiting for you here???!!!!!! 9 hours!!!! you said you'll be waiting but..........................................where were you???" hyojin realized what she was saying and felt embarrassed. "aaahhhh I-I mean..............It's fine..........I'll get used to that.........Let's j-just eat dinner now" luhan took hyojin's hand

luhan:"so...................you cut your day with chanyeol and wait for 9 hours.................for me??" hyojin didn't say anything. she widen her eyes and keeps on swallowing her own saliva of nervousness. luhan slowly came closer and closer. he tilt his head, staring at hyojin's lip like a person who is ready to give someone a kiss. hyojin was breathing endlessly as luhan draw near to hyojin. he was so close to hyojin that he can already hear hyoki's breathing. hyoki is so red and she can't stop blushing


*O-O.........................OTOKKE.....................* the only word that is in hyojin's mind









guys sorry again for updating late. It's because I'm making my project.

Luhan’s lovely wink (o`з’*)



luhan just can't handle xiumin's -_-. see yah guys on the next update!!! ANNYEONG!!! mwah :*

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HiyaMin #1
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
HiyaMin #2
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
Nightingale99 #3
Chapter 55: Wahhh you almost make me cry..seriously
Nightingale99 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue I really love this story!!!
Chapter 53: Daebak . Perfect stories :)
songyoonhee #6
Chapter 54: Please continueeee ><
Chapter 54: Yes. Yes Yes... Please. This story is amazing
Jolynn #8
Chapter 54: yes yes yes! Continue X3
Thank you guys so much.aawwww i'm really touched by your comments :')
molinayardenysrael #10
Chapter 53: waahh , yey ! tapos na siya :)
grabe .. inaabangan ko tlga to e ..
ganda, gawa ka pa uli ng ganitoaganda unnie haa ~ slmat