A Wolf's Love

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hyojin just listened to luhan, singing. Her eyes were widened round. luhan has this voice that make girls fall for him. luhan waved his hand, saying to hyojin to come on stage. hyojin didn't do anything, because she was mesmerized, she was just staring at him. luhan can't wait, so he goes near to her and grabbed her towards the small stage. hyojin was embarrassed because chanyeol was watching them, smiling and he thinks they're romantic. hyojin pulled away, thinking that chanyeol was her crush, so she doesn't want chanyeol to think that they're (luhan and hyojin) together.

But luhan doesn't want to let go. He pulled hyojin closer that both of their forehead meet. He stared and smiled while singing. The mic that luhan was using is in between both hyojin and luhan’s lips. The mic touched hyojin’s lips. She was like sweating in nervousness.  But then the song ended, and luhan removed the mic that was touching both of their lips. Both of them almost kissed but hyojin pushed luhan.

Hyojin:”aaaiiisshhh luhan!!!” the girls that were watching them were so envious

“your score is…………..100!!!!! chukahamnida!!!! ” the karaoke machine says

Sunji:”waaaahhh here’s your prize, a big snoopy dog stuffed toy!!!” 


luhan received the prize and gave it to hyojin. hyojin saw chanyeol not there anymore.

hyojin:"luhan, i'll be going somewhere............" she left luhan holding this big stuffed toy

Hyojin:”that luhan.....what is he trying to do????!!! it was so embarrassing!!!!”  hyojin pouted and walked away, but she heard this voice behind


Hyojin:”chanyeol???  Oh, hello”

Chanyeol:”you and your boyfriend look good together ^_^”

*why is he smiling about that??  You shouldn’t smile chanyeol, he’s not even my boyfriend!!!!* hyojin thought

Hyojin:”no no no.that’s a BIG misunderstanding. You see he’s not my boyfriend”

Chanyeol:”really?? Then are you two relatives??”

Hyojin:”aaahhhh he’s my friend, just a friend”

Chanyeol:”oh, I’m sorry if I said he was your boyfriend…….”

Hyojin:”it’s ok”

Chanyeol:”15 minutes to go and the festival is closed…………….so, want to play some games with me??”

*are you serious???!!!! I would love to!!!* hyojin thought

Hyojin:”sure sure………..”

Chanyeol:”you know what?? You’ll get a higher grade if you’ll enter or play all the booths”

Hyojin:”really??? Then, I’ll enter all the booths!!!! PLUS POINTS!!!!” chanyeol laughed. Suddenly, hyojin remembered what happened to luhan and her awhile ago.

 *luhan…………..how could I…………I just left him…….*  hyojin murmured.  She shake her head to forget the happening

so both of them went in the fishing game, throwing game, and lots of games.

Chanyeol:”one game left, wanna play that??” chanyeol pointed at the couple game. Hyojin was so red and she can’t feel her fingers. Chanyeol didn’t hesitate, so he entered first. In going inside, there were hearts everywhere, and cute messages pasted on the walls.

“hello, welcome to our booth, so you two must be a couple??” a younger student said. In charge of the booth

 Hyojin:”oh no no we’re not a couple” hyojin shake her both hands, in saying they’re not a couple.

“but we need a couple to enter in this game”

Hyojin:”no no we’re not a couple, is it ok if we do it individually?”

“it’s not actually allowed” the student insist. Chanyeol was just staring at their “conversation”.

Chanyeol:”fine then, we’re a couple……..”  hyojin widen her eyes “we just want to play this game…………” hyojin was lost in confusion. She blushed and blushed.

“are you sure both of you are couples??”

Hyojin:”aahhh N-“

Chanyeol:”yes we are……..please move on, on what we’ll do” chanyeol said and winked at hyojin.

She just can’t contain the feels.

“ok, so this game is called the pepero game. For this particular challenge, each couple was asked to hold a single large pepero between their mouths, and chomp as much as they possibly could. The couple who can overcome their awkwardness and leave the shortest pepero stick would be declared as the winners of the challenge. Your prize will be the best prize of your life. The last smallest was, 1.8 cm. if you’ll go below that, you win!!!” The student said. Hyojin was getting awkward already. Since, chanyeol is her crush and chanyeol don’t know her too much.


*araseo???  He agreed to that??? This is so so so weird!!!!* hyojin was so nervous *but this is the last game, I’ll get a high score if I’ll finish this game. LET’S DO THIS!!!!*

Hyojin:”araseo, i-If chanyeol say so……>////<” the student gave the pepero to chanyeol. Chanyeol already bit the end of it, leaving the other end for hyojin to chomp.

Chanyeol:”go ahead……….bit the end of the pepero” chanyeol ordered and hyojin followed

“alright……ready???...............GO!!!”  chanyeol was moving closer and hyojin was just stuck in the tip of the pepero. She didn’t chomp but she just closed her eyes as chanyeol draws closer to her. In a small distance of chanyeol and hyojin’s lips, chanyeol twist and it’s like he was about to kiss her. No matter what happens, hyojin doesn’t want to open her eyes. The last chomp of chanyeol has ended and hyojin was still closing her eyes.

“aahhhh unnie”  the student said. hyojin opened her eyes and gave the pepero that was left. “………it’s……………………………………………………..wwaaahhh…………………………….1.5 cm!!!waahhh daebak……here’s your prize!!!”



hyojin:"wwwaaahhhh this is so cute!!!!!"

chanyeol:"you take it, a gift from me to you"

hyojin:"really?? kamsamida!!!!!! thanks a bunch!!!!!!"

chanyeol:"now you've completed the games, your grades will rank high now"

hyojin:"wwaaaaahhhhh awesome!!! thanks for your help......."  hyojin keeps on hugging the bear. but then she remembered the snoopy dog stuffed toy that luhan was about to give her.

*luhan...............*  now she felt guilty.

hyojin:"chanyeol, i have to go now.................i have to go get my friend"

chanyeol:"ok.............i had a great time with you........see yah!!"  chanyeol left first.

hyojin was roaming around. all the booths were already closed.

hyojin:"luhan must be home already............i hope he is because he's so dead"  hyojin walked towards the school gate but she saw their booth still open "huh?? i thought they left already??"  hyojin goes to their karaoke booth. there she saw luhan sitting there with his large snoopy dog stuffed toy. "have you been waiting for me??" luhan stood up and he saw hyojin carrying this huge teddy bear. luhan didn't say a word. he just passed by hyojin "hey!!! i'm talking to you!!!" hyojin followed luhan. from afar luhan stopped, because he was being blocked by the squealing girls again.

"luhan-ssi!!! you're so cute!!!"  "can i please have your number???!!!"  "oppa....can we hang out some other time??" were heard from those girls.

luhan:"mianhamnida...............i already met someone.................she's perfect and beautiful...............even though she likes other person, i still don't mind that........................" luhan faced hyojin who was looking at him

"aahhh oppa. that stuffed toy is cute.............can i........have it??" a girl said

luhan: "i think i don't need this (the stuffed toy) anymore......." the girl directly snatched the toy

"kamsamida oppah"  luhan gave a weak smile, bowed and walk ahead. the girls were wild and were stealing the stuff toy with each other.

hyojin ran towards those girls and shouted "YYAHH!!!" the girls stopped and stared at hyojin

"what???"  one of the girls said

hyojin:"that....................he g-gave that t-to......."  hyojin didn't have the courage to say those words.

"haha you must be nuts...........yah.......this stuffed toy is ours.......go away you "  one of the girls said


"hey stop talking or you're dead!!" the girl carried the snoopy stuffed toy

hyojin:"hey, put that down!!"

"i said SHUT UP!!!" a girl slapped hyojin, which knocks her down on the floor. luhan saw the whole thing and it made him mad. his eyes was turning red but he resist and cooled down.

luhan:"yah!! don't do that!!" he ran to hyojin. 

"aahh oppa, she started this"

luhan:"all of you.......go home!!!!"  the girls got shocked and went to their homes with the snoopy stuffed toy.  "what are you trying to do??"

hyojin:"nothing......." she stood up. it's like nothing happened. luhan was trying to help

luhan:"yah you have a bruse! why do you have to steal the toy anyway............you already have a teddy bear..........from chanyeol..."  luhan said, rolling his eyes, looks irritated when he called the name "chanyeol"

hyojin:"aaaahhh..........."  hyojin gave a deep sigh. She was frustrated and a bit embarrassed. she faced away. luhan stared, and then smiled. like his worries and his little jealousy was been removed. he can't get angry with hyojin.

luhan:".......*smiled..............if you really love that toy.......why didn't you accept it in the first place??"

hyojin:"aaaahhhhhhh don't make me frustrated and uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh it's making me crazy"

luhan:"how about this...........to make you feel better, why don't we go to a mall.........."

hyojin:"idiot!! do you even have money??? i don't think so..."

luhan:"i do........the games in the festival.............i won one of the games and they gave me cash..........awesome right??"

hyojin:"so are you saying..............you're treating me???!!!!!!!"  luhan nod and smiled  "WWWAAAAHHHH DAEBAK!!! GAJA!!!!" 

luhan:"you're happy already??.........leave that bear in the house.........or you'll loose it"  they first gone to their house and left to the mall.

*luhan's not mad???....................i'm glad he's not..........i mean WHO CARES??!!! WHO CARES  IF HE'S MAD AT ME?? IS THAT EVEN MY RESPONSIBILITY??? AAAIIISSSHHH* hyojin thought.


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HiyaMin #1
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
HiyaMin #2
I really want to cry now! Why you always do that for me author-nim. Waeyo!!! Btw, I love your story. No eat, no tv and just read your fanfic for 2 day! Woah! I love you
Nightingale99 #3
Chapter 55: Wahhh you almost make me cry..seriously
Nightingale99 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue I really love this story!!!
Chapter 53: Daebak . Perfect stories :)
songyoonhee #6
Chapter 54: Please continueeee ><
Chapter 54: Yes. Yes Yes... Please. This story is amazing
Jolynn #8
Chapter 54: yes yes yes! Continue X3
Thank you guys so much.aawwww i'm really touched by your comments :')
molinayardenysrael #10
Chapter 53: waahh , yey ! tapos na siya :)
grabe .. inaabangan ko tlga to e ..
ganda, gawa ka pa uli ng ganitoaganda unnie haa ~ slmat