Ice Enchantress

Will you be my Cinderella?


He shoved his phone back into his pocket and shifted his sunglasses back onto the bridge of his nose. He had a smug smile stretched across his flawless skin. Well, that was easy. All it took was a simple, “Guess I’ll just go bother Krys–, “and she had already agreed to go with him. That side of her hadn’t changed at all; she was still the overly protective older sister she had always been. Little did she know that it had been years since he lost interest in Krystal. Sure, she shared the same gorgeous Jung genes, but she hadn’t changed much. Jessica on the other hand, had surprised him. She was no longer the cutesy ditsy goody two shoes with a blond bob. Ice Princess had become an Ice Enchantress. Her chocolate brown curls, model like air, and seductive appeal had definitely not gone unnoticed. He wasn’t going to lie; he was curious about this new Jessica and couldn’t wait to see her. Lifting his fisted hand he gave a loud knock. He heard a few muffled noises and turned the door knob.


KHJ: Hey you ready yet?

Jessica: YAH! KIM HYUN JOONG! I literally JUST finished changing.

He looked her up and down. Mmm. She was wearing a loose fitted cheetah top over a nice tight black tank.

(This picture without the bow in her hair)

KHJ: Not my fault that you change as slow as a girl.

Jessica slung her bag over her shoulder and walked up to Hyun Joong who had been leaning against the doorframe. She leaned in and gave him a confident smirk.  

Jessica: That’s because I AM a girl.

KHJ: (Coolly) never would have known.

Jessica: (Walks right past him) ugh. Ahjussi, where are we going?

KHJ: Excuse me?

Jessica: You heard me, where are we going?

KHJ: (Offended) no I mean, why are you calling me ahjussi?? I’m not that old!

Jessica: (In English and under her breath) whatever you say grandpa.

KHJ: You’re so not cute, you know that?

Jessica: I only show my cute side to people I like, sorry.

She leaned into one of the rooms before leaving.

Jessica: Donghae-ssi, I’ll be going now!

She smiled sweetly, tiptoed, and wrapped her arms around a stunned, but clearly pleased Donghae.

Donghae: I’ll text you later!

Jessica: I’ll be waiting (winks).


KHJ: (Mumbles to himself) oh, but he gets to see that side? 

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njemus #1
Chapter 35: Update pleasee...
Chapter 38: Seriously!!!!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #3
Chapter 38: Who's the guy?! Ugh please update soon!!! :)
Chapter 38: OMO! Is this some sort of prank? Who's the stranger?
Chapter 37: who is the stranger UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE
Chapter 37: Who cought her?!?
Chapter 37: Aigooo who's the stranger??? :O
Chapter 37: OMO she's caught!
Chapter 36: haha nice one. i hope she can manage to run away~