I'm Just Having Fun

Just A Phone Call Away

***Anja’s POV***

I honestly tried my best to concentrate.

I stared at my screen non-stop, typing random words, some made sense and some didn’t.

Anything just to make me seem busy!

Actually I should be busy, but that damn man was keeping me from my work.

I stole another glance at him, just like I did for the last hour.

He stared at his own screen, headphones covering his ears, fingers flying over the keyboard – gaming.

Being totally and utterly attractive while gaming!

His nose was crinkled and he bit his lips in concentration.

Damn, a guy wasn’t supposed to look so hot while playing a game!

I could see the muscles of his arms flexing while he was clicking and pressing keys.

The outline of his face should be forbidden – an elegant straight nose, prominent cheekbones, an attractive jaw line, seductive lips, being parted slightly once in a while.

I silently groaned.

He chuckled softly and I swear I never heard anything as y as that.

I smiled involuntary hearing that velvety sound.

That nerd probably was happy about winning.

I continued watching him, totally forgetting that I was supposed to write.

Maybe you are wondering how I ended up being alone with Kyuhyun – in HIS room.

Well, some would call it bad luck – I call it HEECHUL!

Obviously that guy was totally determined to make us crack, to just spill the beans and make him the winner of that stupid bet Kyuhyun and he had.

Heechul didn’t leave a chance out.

I blushed remembering what he made us do last night.

I swear he was the pure evilness.

Not that I was really complaining, but it still felt a little awkward.



“So everyone, say “hi” to our new friend Anja!” Heechul exclaimed once he, Kyuhyun and I entered the private room of the restaurant, Donghae had rented.

Everyone looked over to us, with everyone I really meant everyone, as all the other members, excluding Kibum and Yesung, already had arrived.

“Duh, hyung, we already know her! Remember she is our Flower’s sister!” Kangin said rolling his eyes.

“Come on, pretty, you can sit next to me!” he offered me with a breathtaking smile.

I was about to sit next to him, when Heechul grabbed my wrist.

“Yeah, well, that’s not an option, Kangin-ah!” he said with a smirk.

“Wae, is she your possession already?” Leeteuk asked with a chuckle.

Heechul grinned.

“Ani, but she already is someone’s possession!”

I felt awkward and turned around to look at the guy that was standing behind me.

Kyuhyun’s expression was totally bored, as if not being involved in this at all.

“Chincha, Noona, you are already in a relationship?” Ryeowook asked with a sincere smile.


“Neh, Unnie, tell us about it!” Lin said with an ironic smile.

I shot her a look that promised her some evil payback.


Suddenly there were strong arms winding around my waist.

I shivered as I felt lips grazing the skin of my neck slightly.

“She already is mine” Kyuhyun said calmly.

I felt dumbfounded.

For one I still couldn’t believe his confidence and for two – my whole body tingled starting from my neck and sweeping over my whole body.

There was an awkward silence for a moment.

“Isn’t that great?” Heechul suddenly asked sardonically.

“Indeed, it is! Stop being so creepy about it, Chul-ah!” Hangeng said, standing up to smack the back of Heechul’s head.


Then I was hugged by the Chinese guy.

“Welcome to the family!” he said sincerely.

I felt weird, as everything about this sweet gesture of Hangeng was so wrong.

I wasn’t even Kyuhyun’s real girlfriend for heaven’s sake.

“Yah, how dare you, stupid China man!” Heechul exclaimed, rubbing his head.

“Oh, stop whining, it didn’t even hurt!” Hangeng mumbled.

“But it ruined his hair!” Melanie suddenly got involved with an amused smile.

Heechul threw her a happy smile.

“Exactly! Hae-ah, sorry to say that, but I really love your girlfriend!”

“It’s okay, hyung, I love her too!” Donghae said cheekily, hugging his smiling girlfriend closer to his body.

“I’m really happy for you, Kyu-ah! You, too Noona!” Ryeowook said with a smile.

“Did you know about this, Angel?” Eunhyuk asked irritated, looking at the two of us suspicious.

I avoided his eyes, as I wasn’t sure if I could keep this lie up.

I looked somewhere else.

Wrong move!

My eyes met Leeteuk’s, who looked like he could see right through me.


He must have some weird leader powers.

“Of course, I knew about it! Well, at least that they were chatting with each other!” Lin said with a playful smile.

“They did? I swear I never know about anything anymore!” Kangin mumbled annoyed.

 “How the hell did you get that guy away from his games to chat with you?” Shindong asked.

“With her wit…besides I can chat and play at the same time!” Kyuhyun answered arrogantly, intertwining his fingers with mine.

It felt so right.

“Is he good in bed?” Kangin burst out.

Oh boy, I swear I don’t need to wear rouge for the rest of my life as I’m sure that the blush appearing with that comment was burned into my skin.

“What? I have to know my competition!” Kangin stated when everyone was looking at him like he was crazy.

“Well, Hyuk is!” Sabrina (sometimes I loved my sister) diverted the attention to her.


I was glad that I wasn’t the only one that could blush like an idiot, Hyukjae made a good job of it too.

“What? It’s true! Those hips aren’t just good for dancing” Sabrina said with a wink, making a lot of the guys groan and some of them snicker.

“Too much information, really!” Leeteuk mumbled but an evil smile played around his lips.

“I know exactly what you are talking about, Brini!” Melanie said with another wink, making everyone blink at her in confusion.

Donghae smiled and nuzzled her neck lovingly.

“You are better not talking about Hyukjae right now!” he said in a seductive way, before kissing his girlfriend’s neck.

Another round of groans followed.

“Oh my god, I seriously don’t want to think what I’m thinking! My innocent baby Hae didn’t have , did he?” Leeteuk mumbled slamming back in his chair like an exhausted old man.

“Yah, it was time that he lost some of his innocence!” Heechul said with a smirk.

Donghae poked his tongue out at him.

“My innocence is not your concern, hyung!”

“Well, from what I have heard it was taken good care of!” Heechul said with a wink.

Everyone started chuckling.

“I don’t know why, but I feel so disturbed by this talk” Siwon mumbled.

“That’s just because you badly have to get laid” Kyuhyun said with a smirk.

“I swear your molesting on stage gets worse and worse!”

“It’s not!” Siwon protested.

“It totally does, almost rivaling Heechul-hyung!” Eunhyuk said with a teasing grin.

Siwon blushed.

“I do no such thing!” he mumbled.

“Yah, leave him alone already and let’s finally sit down to get this party started” Donghae tried to help out his friend.

When finally everyone’s attention was on something else again, I tried to break free from Kyuhyun’s arms to finally sit down next to Kangin.

“Where are you trying to go?” Kyuhyun whispered next to my ear.

I turned my head to take a look at him.


His face was so close to mine and his beautiful eyes were sparkling from mischief and amusement.

“Sitting down next to Kangin” I whispered back, trying to sound as unaffected as possible.

It was really hard to keep myself from shivering.

“You want to sit next to Kangin-hyung?” he asked amused.

I turned to look at the chair next to Kangin, which was right in between the raccoon and Ryeowook.

My eyes roamed around the table.

The other possibility would be to sit on the bench, which would leave room enough for me and Kyuhyun to sit next to each other.

That would be a really bad idea for my heart.

“Neh, Kangin offered the chair to me! It would be impolite to decline it!” I said calmly, congratulating myself for my quick thinking.

I’m doomed!

Kyuhyun smiled at me in a wicked way.

“Good thinking! That will make us look so much more convincing!”

My heart missed a beat as he pecked my cheek and then pulled me with him to Kangin.

Kyuhyun sat down and with a short tug on my wrist I was sent to sit on his lap.

“Yah, lovebirds, there is enough room next to me you don’t have to share a chair!” Leeteuk said, rolling his eyes.

“Neh, but I prefer it this way!” Kyuhyun said with a smile and nuzzled my neck.

I tried to prevent a groan.

Damn, that guy is killing me.

How could he be so natural with all of this?

We don’t even know each other that well!

How could he be so comfortable with touching me in that way?

Right, Anja, he is an actor, don’t forget about it!

“Aw, aren’t they cute?” Lin said with amusement shining from her eyes.

Updating my To-Do list!

Killing my sister!

The whole night went on like this.

Me sitting on Kyuhyun’s lap, him being all cuddly, even feeding me and me trying to not have a heart attack.

I was totally relieved when everyone finally called it a night and decided to leave.

Kyuhyun and I left the restaurant last as I finally needed a break and excused myself to the restroom.

As I came back Kyuhyun, ever the perfect boyfriend, waited for me.

We left the restaurant, walking next to each other in an awkward silence.

“Whatever the two of you are doing, you should practice on being more convincing, especially that girlfriend of yours, Kyu-ah!”

I was startled by the voice and turned around to see Leeteuk leaning against the wall next to the exit.

I swear that leader is scary.

Suddenly Leeteuk was his happy carefree self again, gone was the serious leader.

“Let’s go home!”

He passed us and walked over to his car.

“Wow, scary!” I muttered.

Kyuhyun chuckled and poked my cheek.

“Don’t worry! He knows everything! I don’t know how, but somehow he knows everything!”

I looked at Kyuhyun funnily.

“Like I said – scary!”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and then took my hand.

I wished he would stop doing this stuff so surprisingly.

As always my heart clenched.

“Come on, girlfriend, we have to practice on your acting skills!”

I got annoyed and pulled my hand from his.

“Sorry, I’m not a pro in this!”

I was about to walk away, but then a thought crossed my mind.

I my hand-bag at his chest.

He looked at my bag irritated and then back at me.

I smiled at him sweetly.

“You don’t mind carrying this for me, right, Jagiyah?”

I had to bite back my laughter upon seeing his dumbfounded face.

I turned around and walked away.

I looked over my shoulder to see him still standing there like an idiot.

“Are you coming?”

Suddenly Kyuhyun woke from his trance.

“YAH! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HOLD MY HAND!” he suddenly yelled, running up to me.

I didn’t mind as he made it a point to hold my hand.

I smiled all the way back home (he made it a point to walk for me to practice holding his hand) as he was showing a grumpy face, glaring at my bag in his hand once in a while.


****Flashback End****


I smiled as I remembered the end of last night.

He ordered me to buy some less girly bags if he was supposed to carry them.

It was just fun.

I decided to go and buy even more stupid and girly bags.

More pink and more lace.

I was pulled from my evil planning as my laptop suddenly “blinged”.

I looked at my screen to see that my skype was flashing, notifying me of a new message.

I furrowed my brows and opened the window.

“Are you done staring at me?”

I furrowed my brows even more.

Who was “YourMaster”?

I didn’t ever accept someone with that name.

“Stop frowning! It doesn’t look good on you!”

Woah, that’s scary!

“Who the hell are you?” I typed back irritated.

I looked up when I heard Kyuhyun chuckle.

Damn, that guy’s chuckle was the loveliest ever.

Another “bling” noise disturbed me in my spazzing.

“Obviously you are still not done, staring at me! Like what you see?”

I felt myself blushing.

Oh god, please don’t let this be true!

“The blush suits you better than the frown!”

I looked up only to see Kyuhyun still staring at his screen.

How the hell did he know?

“How the hell did you end up in my friends list in skype? I never would have accepted someone ridiculous as “YourMaster”” I typed, trying to save my pride.

Kyuhyun snorted.

“I have my ways!”

“So, you are an evil hacker? Should I call the police?”

Kyuhyun chuckled slightly and I smiled.

“Hacker? Me? I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“I’m sure I never accepted “YourMaster”!”

“But that’s what I am!”

I snorted.

“In your dreams! You can be my slave!”

“As if! I know you can’t resist me, judging from your constant staring!”

I fought my blush.

“Sorry, but it’s really not my fault if you look so nerdy while playing games! Are you really that addicted!”

Kyuhyun smirked.

“We both know I look handsome!”

I rolled my eyes.


“You like it!”

“I hope you are seeing my face right now and the lack of my reaction! Dream on!”

“All I see is your smile!”

And that damn guy was right!

 I was smiling all throughout our conversation.

“I hate you!”

Kyuhyun chuckled once again.

“Did you already change the script?”

I glared at him and then looked at my screen which was full of useless writing.

“How about I change the line “I like you, so I won’t let you go alone!” into “I love you more than all the stars out there so please let me stay by your side to accompany you home!””

I smiled while sending the message.

Kyuhyun snorted and started typing furiously.

“How about make that line “I love you so much it makes me puke so please accompany me home! I won’t make it alone! I will take you home the next time in return””

I laughed.

“You are an idiot, Kyu-ah!” I said making the guy turn his chair around to smile at me.

“But that line would be so much funnier!”

I rolled my eyes.

“You have no idea about script writing!”

“Neh, and you have no idea about acting!” he said teasingly.

“Well, duh, sorry, I’m no actor, Mr. Perfect!”

He grinned.

“Thanks for noticing!”

I groaned.

“Go back to your game, you !”

“How about we are practicing instead?”

I raised my brows.

“Practicing?” I asked.

My heartbeat sped up as I watched Kyuhyun standing up and walking over to me.

His smile disappeared and his face got all serious.

I let out a shaky breath as he sat down on the bed next to me.

He took my laptop from my hands and placed it carefully on his nightstand.

As his eyes met mine I swear I almost fainted.

“What are you doing?” I pressed out trying to sound amused.

He leaned in and our lips almost met.

I squeezed my eyes shut not knowing how to react to this weird situation.

I waited.


My eyes slowly fluttered open and I could see his warm eyes boring into mine.

“Kiss me” he ordered in a hushed voice.

My eyes widened.


He chuckled slightly.

“I want you to kiss me!”

This was mad.

I wanted to draw back, but his hand slowly captured my neck and held me in place.

“I need you to be comfortable with me for this to work!”

“This is crazy!” I murmured.

He smiled.

“Just kiss me! I won’t get mad at you for it!”

I looked at his lips and bit my own in hesitation.

Should I really?

“You aren’t afraid, are you?” he asked teasingly.

Oh to hell with it!

I leaned in and brushed my lips against his softly.

My head started spinning as a soft sigh escaped his lips.


***Kyuhyun’s POV***


I knew I had too much fun with this situation.

I was kinda grateful to that stupid bet and to the fate that had sent Anja my way.

No, I’m not being mushy here!

Really, I wasn’t in love and I’m not doing this in an evil effort to make her fall for me too.

I simply had fun!

She was so cute and amusing, blushing all the time.

I just enjoyed teasing her!

 It was a welcome change to all the work I was buried in.

Last night had been so much fun, making her all worked up, even though she tried her best to cover it up.

Today when she showed up at our apartment to look for Lin, I was just too happy about the fact that Heechul had been here to talk to Hyukjae.

The evil guy had seen Anja and sent her to my room immediately.

“Oh, are you here to visit your boyfriend?! Just go to his room! You two will be all alone!”

Heechul was evil and I had to give him that, he tried his best to make us crack.

Sadly for him I was enjoying this too much to feel annoyed or ready to crack.

It actually was a pleasure to make Anja all worked up.

She had no choice but to stay at my room and have “alone time” with me.

I was okay with her “working” while I “played”.

In truth none of us did what we were pretending to do.

I noticed that she didn’t type a lot and caught her staring at me from the reflections of my screen.

So she was staring at me, doing the funniest faces, while I was observing her secretly.

Okay, I knew what I did next wasn’t legal, but I still hacked into her skype account to add me as a friend secretly.

It was fun, besides we pretended to know each other through chatting a lot, it was only right to be on each other’s friends list, right?

Chatting with her was amusing.

She always seemed so embarrassed and shy around me and then suddenly surprising me with some fire.

Just like when she made me carry her bag.

Updating my To-Do list!

Find and burn this bag!

When I finally had turned around to look at her directly the urge to even more became overpowering.

I honestly didn’t know what made me tell her to kiss me.


We are practicing!

And maybe enjoying it a little bit, right Kyu?

Oh, well, I’m a bit love deprived after all, so why don’t make use of this odd situation?

Because kissing is for lovers and you aren’t!

Just shut up, silly brain!

Earth to Kyuhyun, this is your good heart speaking!

You shouldn’t be doing this!

Her lips touched mine softly and I couldn’t help it.

There was this unfamiliar feeling once again.

My heart beat sped up and I felt really odd.

But not bad!

I sighed!

I needed more of this weird sensation.

From the first time I kissed her I kinda liked this strange feeling, making me addicted to it.

I found myself powerless to this need I was feeling.

I wanted more of this warmth, this feeling that was burning through my body.

My arms pulled her body against mine, making her gasp.

I slipped my tongue inside .

We both moaned as our tongues met.

I leaned into her, making her body lower onto my bed.

My body tingled as I lay on top of her, feeling her soft curves beneath my firm body.

I never did anything like that before.

Sharing kisses with a girl here and there, but that was a while ago.

Her fingers played with the curls in my nape, tickling my skin.

My fingers travelled over her body, down her sides and her thighs, till I reached the back of her knee and pulled it up slightly, making more room for my body to fit in beneath her legs.

We both gasped.

Pure fire shot through me as our bodies touched more intimately.

You should stop this, Kyu, this isn’t right!

Indeed, it wasn’t!

But it felt so right!

Still you are not a real couple!

I groaned inwardly.


I let go of her lips.

I looked down at her and she looked totally irritated.

Totally adorable!

I couldn’t help it.

I pecked her lips softly one last time before I stood up.

I had to calm down my rapidly beating heart before I could say anything.

I looked at her and chuckled as she was touching her lips.

Suddenly she sat up and punched my shoulder.

“Yah, what the hell was that?” she asked.

I rubbed my arm and smirked.

“Practice?! You became better towards the end!”

I watched as she jumped from my bed and grabbed her laptop, then bending down to look for her ballet flats.

“We should practice more often!”

I really couldn’t help it.

Seeing her riled up was just too much fun.

She groaned and then basically made a run for the door.

I chuckled.

“See you around, Jagiyah!” I called out to her.

She swirled around with utmost annoyance displaying on her face.

She slipped out of one of her flats and threw it at me.

I laughed as I caught the flying object.

“Love you, too!”

She glared at me before leaving my room.

I looked at her shoe in my hand and chuckled.

She was adorable.

Get a grip of yourself, Kyu!

You are not her boyfriend and she isn’t your girlfriend!

Arasseo… stupid brain!

Once again, your heart speaking here: Don’t get carried away or you might end up hurt!

She is just doing you a favor!

I groaned.

I’m not in love with her anyways, for heaven’s sake.

Love on first sight is for fairytales!

I’m just having fun!

Whatever you are saying!


***Melanie’s POV***


I sighed as I arrived in front of the SM company building.

I really didn’t want to be here.

I felt so insecure.

Don’t get me wrong, I was happy and I really didn’t feel insecure with the way Donghae was treating me.

I loved him and I knew he loved me.

I played with the necklace around my neck.

After our night at the aquarium I was a bit worried that maybe he would regret it, seeing as this all seemed to happen so fast.

But he didn’t regret anything.

He send flowers to me the next morning and send me an incredible sweet text message, saying that he loved me and that he hoped I wouldn’t regret it as he loved every minute of it.

He was adorable, having the same worries as me.

When Heechul talked to me yesterday night, he told me to not hurt his favorite dongsaeng as he loved me a lot.

At first I thought that Heechul wanted to have a “talk” with me, maybe telling me the stories of the bees and the flowers, reminding me to be responsible.

That kind of stuff!

But actually he didn’t need any information on our “love making” as he really already got all that from Donghae.

Obviously that guy was too happy to hide anything, especially from his Heechul-hyung.

Heechul actually really was being totally sincere in his care about his dongsaeng, making sure that he wouldn’t get his heart broken.

Wasn’t that cute and totally calming?

It was nice to know that even Donghae’s closest friends knew that he was very much in love with me!

I sighed dreamily.

Such a sweetheart!

When Donghae had picked me up for our “party” he kept on touching and hugging me.

Some people might be annoyed by clingy partners, but I totally loved it.

Who would mind the hottest guy on earth loving you so much that he wanted to touch you constantly?

I smiled to myself.

I really felt loved!

I could take on some stupid bimbo fans that hated me!

Okay, I knew I shouldn’t have done it, but I couldn’t help myself.

After Leeteuk pulled me aside for a moment last night, to tell me to stay strong and to not let anything I would hear or read affect me, I grew curious.

Maybe Leeteuk wasn’t hinting to anything special and was just giving general advice, but I still needed to know.

I looked on the internet only to find out what Leeteuk was talking about.

They hated me!

Those fans really hated me!

There were some selcas of me and Donghae running from the fans in the mall.


Stupid western girl!

I hate her!


I thought Donghae-Oppa would have better taste!

I think I will drop Super Junior as they seem to have weird likings!

My favorite Donghae site shut down due to being totally disappointed with Oppa! Honestly I feel disappointed too!

The comments went on and on, fans being hurt, angry, sad, Donghae’s fansites closing down, Super Junior losing fans.

I felt horrible while reading on.

It’s not like I couldn’t live with fans hating me, I was already prepared for that.

But it hurt to know that I was responsible for Super Junior losing fans and being bashed.

It was just horrible.

Should we really go through with this?

I felt sick!

My mobile beeped and I looked at it.


I sighed and looked out of the car’s window.


Heechul had sent me a message to head over to their company building earlier.

I unbuckled my seat belt, handed some bills to the driver and left the car.

I walked up to the building’s entrance but didn’t really make it far.

“Yah, stay away from our Oppa!”

I closed my eyes and sighed, counting down to ten inwardly.

Those stupid girls, couldn’t they grow up?

“Yah, are you ignoring us? Do you think you are better than us just because Donghae Oppa is dating you?”

I didn’t say anything and tried to make my way through the crowed of girls that was surrounding me, growing by every second.

“Are you stupid? Do you want to die?”

I felt someone pull on my jacket and on my hair.

Oh, how I hated those girls!

I really wanted to yell at them, make them leave me alone, but I was torn as I was sure that wouldn’t be helpful and probably no good image.

I decided to just endure it for the sake of our relationship.

I really didn’t want to cause more problems to any of them.

I felt the pulling on my clothing, inflicting more and more pain by their pushing and pulling.

“Let her go!”

Everyone froze as a silent but authoritarian voice cut through the commotion.

“I said, let her go!”

I sighed in relieve when the pull on my body subsided and I finally had enough room to breathe again.

The girls made room for another person to approach me.

I looked up and was surprised but nonetheless really grateful to see the guy showing up in front of me.


Kibum walked up to me and flicked my forehead.

I touched the spot irritated.

“Pabo! Didn’t you know that this was dangerous?”

He looked at me reproachful, almost angry, but I could see a flicker of worry in his eyes too.

That guy was totally mysterious.

“Kibum-shi, kamsa ha…”

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist before pulling me along with him.

“Stop talking nonsense!” he snapped.

That guy was really totally odd.

Whenever the two of us talked - most of the time Amber was in the room then - he seemed to dislike me.

Right now for a short second he seemed like he cared, but then he was back to disliking me again.

What did I ever do to him?

Brina didn’t really know what was up with him either as he treated her perfectly fine.

Amber was constantly swooning over him, spazzing about how he was the perfect boyfriend.

So why did that guy dislike me?

We entered the company building and he instantly let go of me.

“Next time be more careful” he said annoyed.

I looked at him.

“Why do you dislike me?” the question was out before I could think about it.

Kibum froze in his movements for a moment.

He turned around to look at me for a second.

His eyes were full of pain.

Even though the “cold” feeling between us was mutual, his pained look got to me.

I wanted to say something, anything that would make him feel better, even if I didn’t really know what the cause for his pain was.

He walked away without answering my question.

What’s wrong with him?


My eyes left Kibum’s retreating figure to look over to what seemed the elevators.

Donghae was running in my direction, followed by Hyukjae, Leeteuk, Siwon and further in the back Heechul.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked, panting hard when he reached me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

I chuckled.

“I am!”

He took my face between his hands and roamed my face with his eyes to look for any signs of scratches.

I smiled and took his face between my hands, mirroring his gesture.

He widened his eyes as he saw my grin.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you are quite handsome, Mr.Lee?”

Donghae blushed and the guys behind him chuckled.

“I think he might have heard that one before” Hyukjae said, rolling his eyes.

I looked over Donghae’s shoulder to look at the other dancer.

“Jealous?” I asked teasingly.

Hyukjae crossed his arms in front his chest.

“Ani!” he said with a pout.

I chuckled and then my attention was drawn back to Donghae as he caressed my cheeks softly.

“You are really okay, aren’t you?” he asked with a soft smile.

I grinned.

“Sure, I had a knight in shining armor!”

Donghae furrowed his brows.

“You did? We just heard about the commotion and were immediately running!”

I shrugged my shoulder remembering the moody member of Super Junior.

“Kibum saved me?”

“Bummie?” Donghae asked surprised.

“I swear that guy is like a ghost these days, kinda scary!” Heechul mumbled amused.

I saw something flicker in Donghae’s eyes and I really wondered about it.

Should I ask about it?

Donghae seemed to be deep into thoughts.

Did anything happen between those two?

I should ask!

Donghae looked vulnerable.

Maybe later!

I smiled and poked his nose making his attention return to me.

“So, have you examined my face enough?” I asked teasingly.

His smile reto his handsome face, making him look almost a bit childish.

“Never” he murmured, brushing my forehead with his lips before letting go of me.

“Aw, so mushy!” Hyukjae said sarcastically.

“Someone call Lin, please, Hyukjae is unbearable when he is deprived of her!” Leeteuk mumbled.

“Yah, I’m not deprived! We see each other every day!” Hyukjae mumbled.

I grinned.

“Neh, but I have some sources telling me that you didn’t have a lot of action these past few days with Lin being with us, filming!” Heechul said evilly.

Hyukjae blushed and we laughed.

“Who the hell are your sources?” Hyukjae mumbled annoyed.

“Melanie!” he simply replied.

I grinned.

“Well and I heard it directly! Lin is a bit moody too!” I said with a wink.

Hyukjae glanced on his watch.

“I have about three hours before I have to be at Sukira recording” he mumbled before hurriedly leaving.

We all grinned.

“They are adorable when they are moody!” Siwon said amused.

I nodded.

“So, why am I here?”

“I need you to do my hair and make-up!” Heechul stated straightforwardly.

I was taken aback, not having expected something like that at all.


Donghae chuckled.

“Hyung made one of our stylists resign due to his temper! He wasn’t satisfied with his style for our concert!”

I looked at him shocked.

“You made her resign? That’s just…uh…evil?”

Heechul shrugged.

“That’s who I am!”

“So, why am I here?” I asked once again.

Leeteuk nudged Heechul.

“Because it’s the third stylist resigning because of him! His manager got really mad and told him to look for someone new or else we would run short on stylists for the concert!”

I blinked a few times.

“And I want you as you have taste! You aren’t as stupid as those other bimbos! She wanted to talk me out of doing a Lady Gaga parody! Such a bore!”

I blinked a few more times before bursting into laughter.

“I think you have found yourself a stylist, Mr.Kim!”

Heechul grinned

“Good and I won’t share!”

“Yah, hyung, what about me?” Donghae said with a pout.

“No chance!” Heechul said before taking my hand and pulling me along.

I grinned as Donghae followed us constantly whining about the unfairness of all this.

We had a great day testing on different styles for their concert, some utterly stupid, some cute, some really hot.

In the end I was allowed to do Donghae’s and Leeteuk’s make-up too.

Heechul had to give in to the cute pout of his dongsaeng eventually and to the strong will of the leader.

I quickly forgot about those stupid girls outside and about the grumpy Kibum.

At least for now!


***Lin’s POV***


I got aware that suddenly there was a commotion with the reporters surrounding the filming set.

It was a long day already and I felt grumpy and tired.

Not because the filming in general was so exhausting, but accompanying Kyuhyun to his shoot meant for me to have a total different schedule as Hyukjae, which made me miss him even though we saw us at night.

But most of the time we were too tired to do anything, especially him, since he was really exhausted from all the practices.

I looked over to the reporters and when I finally saw what all the uproar was about my eyes widened and a smile appeared on my face.

There he was, looking totally hot.

He wore tight jeans and a low cut v-neck t-shirt.

He almost looked like the first time I saw him, just with blonde hair instead of brown.

He waved at some of the cameras and then walked over to Kyuhyun.

What was he doing here?

Kyuhyun smiled happily once he saw his hyung and hugged him.

The reporters snapped away like crazy.

Damn, I really wanted to jump that guy!

His smile was driving me crazy.

Suddenly he looked around and when his eyes landed on me, his smile grew wider and he winked at me.

He wouldn’t mind me jumping him, right?

I just missed him.

I’m weird and Melanie, Anja and Amber already laughed at me, when I told them I missed him, even though we are living together.

I tried to fight my blush.

I didn’t even know why I was blushing, since we already basically shared everything with each other, but seeing this carefree and flirtatious Hyukjae was something I missed for a while now.

I straightened my shoulders and walked up to my two fosterlings.

“Oh, Lin-ah, look who dropped by to visit me” Kyuhyun said with a meaningful smirk.

“Annyeong, Hyukjae-shi, what are you doing here?” as I spoke I could see his eyes darken.

I grinned inwardly as I knew exactly what was going on inside of him.

Think us weird, but sometimes it was quite a thrill to pretend to be nothing more than a star and his personal assistant, nothing more than colleagues, mere acquaintances .

Right now, on this film set, we weren’t as free in our behavior towards each other as at the SM building or backstage at some events.

This was open for the world to see so we had to act “proper” with each other.

“Ah, I had some free time so I thought I could visit our maknae to see him failing at acting!” Hyukjae replied with a polite smile.

I nodded.

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone to talk! Don’t be late for your next schedule, neh?” I said and I knew it was evil to leave right now, but I had fun doing it, even though I still would have rather jumped him.

Hyukjae looked like he wanted to stop me, but he couldn’t, not with the reporters watching.

I smirked.

I made some extra effort to sway my hips when I walked away and I swear I heard Hyukjae groan.

I knew for sure that tonight he wouldn’t be too tired to have some fun.




So, what did you guys think?

Liked it? Hated it?


I like Kyu...he is weird, evil, nerdy, cute, y...and...yes Anja laugh at me...kinda innocent in his doings ^^


The ending part about Hyuk and Lin/Brina was just because I wanted a little bit fun for them too...it's actually totally pointless...but oh well...I liked it! :P


Sorry, Lee, still no you...next time for real...promise ^^

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Meganmcc11 #1
Please update soon I really want to know what happens next :). -Megan
brattygurl #2
I constantly hope that you've updated this story because I love it so much. You're probably busy with school or work or both. I hope you haven't given up on this story and that you'll have time soon to update. Maybe an update as a holiday gift for your supportive followers!<br />
<br />
Hope all is well with you. Take care.
love it post more soon !
P.S. IT ANJA! HE IS NOT! <br />
<br />
P.P.S. I cannot wait until I pop in and get to annoy the y leader-ssi XD I ish not mad at not popping in yet, so dun worry ^^<br />
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AHHHHHHHHHHH I saw my alert for new updates and was like "meh" then I saw Japca and was screaming lmao I SOWWY! I haven't been online a lot -.- my meds have FAILEDDDD and made me sleep nearly 24/7 TT_TT so tomorrow I shall be up and WRITINGGGGGGGGGGG XD I tol my doc to shove the pills up his ...apparently they tend to get a hint and stop making you take them anymore LOL anyways, AHHHHHHHHHH I hate you Anja -.- I hate you Mel -.- stealing both of my men TT_TT LOL at the SabHyuk scene at the end XD so cute! and Heechul? LOL love you dear, chat with you later~~
AwesomestAmber #6
buahahahahah fav line in ch Well, "some would call it bad luck – I call it HEECHUL!" - brilliant!<br />
naaaaaaaaaaaaw! Hangeng hug!<br />
LMFAO!!!!!! Oh boy, I swear I don’t need to wear rouge for the rest of my life as I’m sure that the blush appearing with that comment was burned into my skin<br />
omgosh oni no wonder u are dying in this ch! <br />
I LOVE it when she made him carry her bag!!<br />
YourMaster - Seriously DYING of laughter right now! I cant breathe from laughing!!!!!!!!<br />
I re-read the skype convo like 6 times it was so great<br />
linhae!!!!!!!!! FTW!
okay Kyyra hates it when i only write "i love it" but what do you expect me to write??? seriously???? love should be the highest honor and what else should i do apart from loving it??? on the other side i could say i hate it because it is NOT reality and THIS kinda pisses me off :-\<br />
<br />
reread it like 10 times i think... it is still open on my desktop... so i can re-read again and again :P<br />
<br />
my fav part starts actually with the late part of the flashback (walking home + back attack) and after that i just love it all... also i kinda had the first talk there with Kyu... haha you notice we have not so mcu dialog but i'm okay with that we are soulmates anyways XD <br />
<br />
no seriously real Anja was in tune with ff Anja... i just felt how she felt all the time.. so i can say so into the char Brina... always complaining and then doing a perfect job -.-<br />
<br />
ff Oni probably will end up in a psychiatric ward if he keeps doing that to her... or she will start to drink, cry and probably run away.. since she def thinks he is just having fun while she falls for him desperately... okay.. i could spazz like forever here...<br />
<br />
also loved the weird SJ- discussion on the beginning... especially how Brina talked about Hyukie's skills XD<br />
<br />
and Donghae&Mel are so cute it nearly makes a single person puke... but i love that about him... Donghae def can use Kyu's script line XD<br />
<br />
So i guess Lee will be pissed because she still didn't show up ;)<br />
and because of the chapi you wrote in general... i repeat Lee... KYU IS MINE!!! <br />
<br />
okay i stop now... so much to... only writing "Love it!!!" :P<br />
<br />
write the next chapi fast :P
brattygurl #8
wow, I was not expecting that about Kibum, poor baby. Amber needs to make a decision otherwise she'll tease Yesung while being in a go-nowhere relationship with Kibum, no one wins. I love the Kyu/Anja relationship, they are both so cheeky with each other. So is something going to happen at this celebratory dinner?
Atsume #9
YES 8D Although I feel really sorry for Kibummie, I was really hoping for her to end up with Yesung ^^ And lol Heechul is awesomeness. I really love your writing style, btw! ^^ I'll be waiting for your update!