Dirty Thoughts

Just A Phone Call Away

***Melanie’s POV***

I widened my eyes when I saw the request for a video call on my skype.


Should I take it?

I felt nervous.

We never talked via video call before.

What if we are awkward with each other?

What if he thinks I look stupid?

I jumped from my chair in panic to run to the mirror.

I took in a deep breath.

You look fine, Melanie!

Well, for someone who is ready to go to bed not for someone who is about to see the guy who one is in love with!

I took a shower right after I came back from work and was too lazy to dress myself properly again.

So I wore my PJs and no make-up!

For goodness sake, couldn’t he have a better timing for this?

Like after I did an entire wellness day, went to a hairstylist, applied my make-up recently, wearing the perfect outfit with sunlight flooding our house and me feeling totally satisfied with myself?

Okay, face it, then there would never be a perfect timing!

I groaned and felt the ink to nervously gnaw on my fingernails.


I wouldn’t!

I took in a deep breath.

I walked back to my laptop.

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: I know you are there so accept the call! ^^

I sighed before deciding to tell him the truth.

Melanie: I’m in my PJs! I look horrible! So please don’t make me do a video conversation right now!

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: I know you don’t look horrible! You are always beautiful.

I snorted.

Melanie: You haven’t seen me without make-up! Or at all besides those photos Sabrina has with her!

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: I bet you I look worse without all the make-up and perfect hair the stylists put on me!

I smiled.

Melanie: I don’t think so!

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: I do! Never saw any pictures of me with those pimples all over my face? I assure you I have them for real! Even now!

I chuckled.

Melanie: Yes, well, but you are wearing a lot of make-up right now so if I accept that video call you will look all perfect while I will look all stupid and that is not acceptable! So the answer is “no”!

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: *pouts* please!

Melanie: No!

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: Okay, we’ll make a deal!

I widened my eyes.

Melanie: What kind of deal!

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: I will go and remove the make-up and find my PJs to wear so you will know that I said the truth and really look worse than you!

I blinked a few times then smiled.

Melanie: Will you wear those adorable PJs you wore in Full House, the pink ones with the pigs on it?

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: Oh god, you saw that?

I chuckled.

Melanie: Of course! It was adorable! So will you?

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: I don’t know if I still have those but I will look for them!

Melanie: So, but if you will do all that, that won’t change the fact that I don’t feel up to do a video call! :P

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: You have time to make yourself presentable while I’m trying to find those PJs and remove my make-up!

I thought about it.

If I said yes, then it would mean that I probably will only be halfway ready, which !

But if I said no it would mean I would miss the sight of a nerdy looking Donghae in pink PJs!

Hard decision!

Melanie: Fine!

With that I jumped from my chair and ran to the bathroom.

I felt like a chaotic goose not knowing what to do first – hair, make-up, outfit?

I took in a deep breath.

Okay, calm down!

You are a stylist for god’s sake, you can do this!

With now calmer hands I looked for the make-up and applied the most necessary things, a little bit concealer, a light blush and little lip balm.

Satisfied with the natural but pretty effect I decided to add a little mascara.

I groaned.

Not enough time to curl my hair so I just tied it up to a ponytail and curled only the front strands of hair.

Should I wear some perfume?

He can’t smell you, Melanie!

I heard the familiar noise of an incoming message on skype.

I groaned and still used a bit of my perfume!

One could never know!

Damn you, I’m still in my PJs!

Couldn’t he have been a little bit slower?

I looked at the mirror one last time.

Well, I guess this had to do, although I really hated the fact that I’m not completely done yet.

I walked over to my laptop once again.

<3PrincessAndThePea<3: Now you have to take the call and promise not to laugh!

I took in a deep breath before I accepted the video call.

Sorry, but I couldn’t contain myself.

He looked adorable stupid.

Without the make-up he looked quite normal.

He had pimples and his skin was still irritated from removing the make-up.

His nose was all shiny!

His hair was messy and half hidden beneath a beanie.

He wore nerdy glasses seeing as he must have removed his contacts.

And he wore those old stupid PJs he wore back in Full House!

His pouty face made me laugh!

How could a guy like that still look so adorable?

“Yah! You promised not to laugh!”

I tried to stifle my laughter.

“I didn’t! And besides you look dorky!”

He smiled at me.

“And you look beautiful, just like I said!”

His sincere voice made my heart skip a beat.

I didn’t know what to say to that.

“So, your skype name is interesting!” I said nervously, trying my best to control it.

He chuckled.

“Yes, I kinda grew fond of the Princess and the Pea! Plus, no one will ever find me under that name!”

I smirked.

“Yes, well, I wouldn’t have looked for a princess either! That’s kinda girly you know!”

He pouted.

“I could change it to prince!”

I chuckled.

“Well, but I like princess!”

“But I’d rather be your prince!”

I felt myself blushing.

“Cheesy!” I mumbled.

He laughed and I swear his laughter made me fall for him even more.

“So, why did you insist on doing this video call?” I asked trying to distract my crazily beating heart.

Donghae jerked up into a sitting position, obviously he had been lying on his bed before.

“Oh, neh, I need you to meet the members!”

I widened my eyes.


He couldn’t be for real!

I really wasn’t dressed for this occasion.

I hated this insecure feelings but I couldn’t help it.

He disappeared out of sight and then his room seemed to move.

“Donghae, wait! I don’t even know how to speak Korean!” I said panicky.

Well, truth was that I could, technically.

I learned it later on when I worked as a stylist, when Amber, Anja and Sabrina already had learned it.

That time I was kinda angry that they learned the language without me when I had to travel a lot for my job.

So when I finally learned it myself I never mentioned it to them.

Yes, well, I’m kinda stubborn sometimes!

One of my coworkers was Korean and she taught me a lot.

Seeing as I never really used it on anyone else but my coworker and was out of practice I never really dared to use my Korean with Donghae, let alone telling him that I knew how to.

Well, in fact my coworker always said that my Korean was very good, but I just felt insecure about it.

Like with so many things!

I really should learn to get rid of my insecurities!

Anyway I preferred Donghae and me talking English!

Firstly I was more comfortable with that language and secondly Donghae had the cutest English accent ever.

“Don’t worry! I will help you to talk to them!”

I wanted to hide.

I watched as walls passed the screen.

“Oh look, that’s Heechul’s cat Heebum!”

Donghae panned his screen to the floor so I could see the cat.

“Cute, but Donghae I really don’t think this is a good time to…”

“Yes it is and I really need you to meet them!”

“Why now?” I asked pleadingly.

He stopped a second.

“Just because” he said and then continued walking.

Oh wow, what a reason!

He passed a room that looked like the living room and then knocked on a door.

“Hyung? Can I come in? There is someone I need you to meet!”

I felt kinda relieved that I understood his Korean really well.

Maybe I’m not the Korean fail I thought I am.

I heard the door being opened.

“Hae-ah, it’s in the middle of the night! Something wrong?”

I chuckled as I heard the worried voice of Hankyung.

“Hyung, it’s like 11pm! That’s not that late! Besides, look hyung, I want you to meet someone!”

The laptop was spun around and I was face to face to the Chinese member of the group.

“Uhm, annyeong?” Hankyung said a bit irritated.

I smiled.

He looked funny, all tired like he had already been to bed.

“Ah, ni hao! Wo shi Melanie!” I said.

Lucky me I started out with Hangeng.

I even preferred talking Chinese over Korean.

Hangeng’s eyes widened and then he smiled.

“Ni hao, Melanie! Wo shi Hangeng!”

„Wo zhi dao!“ I said with a wink.

“Oh, duiyah! So, you are the girl Donghae always is talking to?”

I blushed slightly.

“Should be me or are there more girls you are talking to Lee Donghae?”

Suddenly Donghae’s face showed up on the screen, looking amazingly stupid seeing as it was so close to the cam, shaking his head, before disappearing again.

“Nice meeting you Melanie, but seriously I was already asleep! Would you mind me going back to bed?”

I chuckled.

“Go ahead! I don’t know why Donghae woke you up in the first place!”

Hangeng obviously was distracted for a moment as Donghae mumbled something in the background.

“Yah, Lee Donghae, what’s with the whispering?” I asked.

Hangeng suddenly smiled and nodded

“Oh, that’s why! Well then, very pleased to meet you and good night!”

He returned to his room and once again Donghae showed up on the screen.

“See, that wasn’t that bad! So off to the next room!”

“Are you planning to wake everyone up just to make them say hello to me?” I asked amused and a little unsettled.

“Ani, they should be awake! Hankyung just is a sleepaholic!”

“He is?”

Donghae smiled.

“No, actually not! I guess he must have had an early schedule today!”

I inwardly groaned as Donghae knocked on the next door.

“What?” I heard a pissed off voice.

“Hyung, it’s me, your favorite dongsaeng! Can you come out a second to meet someone?”

“Aish, chincha, fishy, if this isn’t important I’m holding you accounted for my messed up game!”

“I swear it’s important!”

“Donghae, you are lying!” I mumbled awkwardly and kind of nervous.

Donghae winked.

“To me it’s very important!”

Damn that cute smile and my heart that was too weak to resist it.

I heard the door being pulled open.

“So, what is so important?”

“Hyung, I want you to meet Melanie!” with that Donghae turned around the laptop.

I blinked.

He blinked.

What would one talk to a Cinderella about?

In English?

Of course, just one way to talk came to my mind and before I could stop myself, because honestly I was kinda dying to mock him with it ever since I saw Full House, it was already out of my mouth.

“Hey, yo, man, what’s up? You’re so gorgeous!”

I heard Donghae burst out into laughter and Heechul smirked.

“Yah, hyung!”

Suddenly the laptop moved closer to Heechul and I heard the door shut and the lock click.

“Yah, hyung, open up! What are you doing? Don’t scare her away!”

I saw Heechul roll his eyes and then smirk at me.

“So, you are that Melanie girl that is trying to catch herself a fish?”

“Hyung, she can’t speak Korean!”

I sighed.

At one point I had to jump over my shadow.

“That’s me!” I said in Korean.

Heechul smirked even more.

“But you know he isn’t just any fish! He is the prince of all fishes!”

“Neh, I know!” I said with a smile.

“So you too know I have to seriously scare you if you hurt him!”

I grinned.

“Aw, look who is all softhearted! I always knew you are a good guy Kim Heechul!”

“Yah, I’m not! I’m scary!” he said feigning annoyance.

“If you say so, but I still think you are a big softie!” I said teasingly.

He glared at me.

“So, what are your intentions with our kindhearted sensitive fishy?”

“I’d rather ask him what are his intentions! I‘m really confused about him these days!”


We both chuckled when we heard Donghae’s shouting in the background.

“He doesn’t know you speak Korean?” Heechul asked amused.

I winked slightly.

“Ani, his English is just too cute to talk Korean to him!”

“Sneaky! I like that!”

Deep down I always kinda knew that Heechul and I would get along.

“So, do you love him?”

I was taken aback by the direct question and squinted my eyes.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out after Donghae!”

Heechul grinned.

“You can tell me! I won’t tell him!”

I chuckled.

“Nope, no chance! Are you in love with Hangeng?”

Heechul laughed so hard at that I was afraid he would drop the laptop.

“Oh, you are good, really!” he said after a while.

I smirked.

“So, are you?”

“What would you say if I’d say ‘yes’?”

I shrugged.

“I would say congratulations and think ‘damn, I always was wrong when I thought Heechul is manlier than many people are giving him credit for! I’m sure he isn’t into men!’”

Heechul smirked.

“You think I am manly?”

I chuckled.

“You know, your laughter is way too dirty for a girly guy!”

He smirked.

“I like you, so you better don’t mess it up with the fishy prince!”

“I’ll try my best!” I replied sincerely.

Honestly, talking to Heechul was fun.

“So, you are going to help me with something!” he suddenly stated determined.

I grew curious.

“What is it?”

He turned the laptop to face his.

He clicked around a bit and some windows appeared on the screen until two trousers showed up.

“You know, I would have asked Lin, but I think Eunhyukkie will kill me if I call her for something like that again! Really he became evil these past few days! And I just needed some advice, so what’s his problem? So, which one should I buy?”

I chuckled and then took a closer look at those trousers.

“The black one! I always thought black suited you!”

The laptop was turned around once again and I faced Heechul.



I chuckled.

Heechul rolled his eyes.


He looked at me and winked.

“He is such a possessive guy!”


I could see the anger rise in Heechul’s face.

Uh oh!

Better not mess with that one.

“Mianhae, Melanie, I have to go and grill a fish!”

I chuckled although I was slightly worried at the yelling that was going on over there.

I jumped when I heard something crash and shattering.


I raised a brow in utter respect.

Was that Eeteuk yelling all authoritative?





I couldn’t help myself, I had to smile.

I was feeling all warm inside.

‘My girl’ he said!

Then there was more talking but not loud enough for me to understand.

The next thing that happened was Eeteuk showing up in front of the screen.

“Annyeong, Melanie? Park Jungsu imnida!”

„Annyeong, Eeteuk-shi! I already know who you are!“ I said a bit nervous.

Okay, I still felt weird with talking to all of them.

And that dimple smile guy was really gorgeous.

“Wah, your Korean is really good!”

“Uh, kamsa hamnida!” I said with a small smile.

“I’m going to kidnap you for awhile!” he said and then the laptop was lifted.

“Waeyo? What happened? Tell me those two are still alive!”

Eeteuk chuckled and turned the laptop for me to see a pissed off Heechul and a pouting Donghae sitting on the couch.

“I told them neither of them is allowed to talk to you until they made up with each other!”

I chuckled.

“Really? But that’s a punishment to me too!”

“See, she wants to talk to me!” Heechul snapped and Donghae glared at him.

“You are allowed to talk to her but not to steal her!”

I laughed.

“The two of you are funny, just make up soon so I can talk to the both of you fast, okay?” I said.

Donghae’s eyes widened.

“You really speak Korean?”

I blushed and winked.

“Neh, but I prefer you speaking English!”

Heechul nudged Donghae.


“Aish, hyung, stop it! You are annoying!”

“Okay, enough I will take Melanie with me to the other room until you both learn how to be decent beings again! You are embarrassing!”

I laughed at Eeteuk’s fatherly tone and Heechul’s and Donghae’s complaining.

“They are so childish sometimes! I swear to you, they should find another way to make up instead of throwing stuff and trashing the place all the time!” Leeteuk said annoyed.

I chuckled.

“Oh, Jungsu-ah, who are you talking to?”

“Oh, Melanie, meet our Kangin-ah! Kangin-ah, this Donghae’s Melanie!”

“Donghae’s Melanie?” I asked amused.

“Ah, yes, that guy is really possessive! He claims everything as his! Lin, Heechul, Eunhyuk, Minho, Kyuhyun, me…basically everyone he likes!”

I felt a little upset.

“So, I’m not special to him?” I asked without realizing that I said that out loud.

Kangin laughed.

“Oh, believe me, you are! He has gone through a lot for you!”

I widened my eyes.


“Aish, Kangin-ah, shut up, will you?” Eeteuk mumbled nervously.

“Wae, shouldn’t she know?” Kangin asked.

I didn’t know if I should be worried or excited.

“What are you talking about?”

Leeteuk smiled at me.

“Nothing much, really! You will know about this later!”

I groaned.

How I hated it when people are like this, teasing!

“I think she should know!” Kangin said and Eeteuk smacked his head.

“Yes, but from Donghae, paboyah!”

“Aish, these days there is no fun around here! Everyone is keeping secrets and we aren’t supposed to say anything! You know how I am unable to keep secrets!”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all!”

“Or he could just tell me!” I tried sweetly.

“Yes, that’s what I’m thinking too! So, listen Melanie…”

“Aish, chincha! I better get you out of here before he is talking more nonsense!”

I sighed.

Damn, now I really wanted to know!

“Have you two already made up?” Eeteuk asked while passing Donghae and Heechul.

“Does it look like it?” Heechul asked nicely.

“Uhm, no!” Eeteuk answered and left back two pouting guys.

I chuckled.

They were just too cute.

The surroundings changed and Eeteuk was obviously leaving the apartment.

“Where are we going now?”

“To the downstairs dorm! Donghae wanted you to meet everyone so I’m helping him out until his manners are back!”

“Uhm, okay” I said.

This day was just crazy.

When he entered the other apartment it was very silent.

“Eeteuk-shi, if they are already asleep, don’t bother to wake them up!” I said.

“Ani, they are just boring as usual and hiding in their rooms!”

He knocked at the first door he was passing and there was no reply.

“Ah, I guess Hyukjae should be over at Lin’s apartment, so let us look for the next one!”

He walked to another door and knocked again.


“Kyu-ah, it’s me, Teukie-hyung! Can I come in for a second!”

“Since when do you ask?”

I chuckled.

“Aish, don’t make me sound like a tyrant!” Leeteuk complained.

“You are a tyrant, hyung! I’m playing Starcraft hyung, so make it quick!” Kyuhyun said amused.

“Aish, chincha, that maknae is really rude! I’ll leave you to keep Donghae’s Melanie a little company! Make sure to bring her over to Yesung and Ryeowook after a while, alright?”

“What?” Kyuhyun asked irritated.

“Where is Sungmin?” Eeteuk asked.

“How would I know? Ask Lin about him!”

“I see! I will drop by her apartment then!”

“Neh!” Kyuhyun mumbled, obviously seeming busy.

The laptop was placed somewhere, maybe a bed or something then I heard footsteps moving away and the door being closed.

I waited for something to happen.

“Uhm, annyeong?”

There was no reaction.

I could hear the sounds of the keys of a keyboard being pressed furiously.

Wow, is this guy really ignoring me to play his game?

“Annyeong?” I repeated.

The clicking didn’t stop.

I shook my head.

That guy was ridiculous!

Well, if he wasn’t paying attention it wouldn’t hurt to a bit, would it?

“Well, if you are going to ignore me than I can as well listen to music! You don’t mind, do you?”

There was no reaction from the other side.

“Let’s see what should I listen to? Well, I could listen to Super Junior! How about the fourth album! I like Bonamana! Hm, no wait! Actually there is way too much K.R.Y on that album! I don’t like those songs that much!”

I grinned satisfied as the clicking slowed down.

“Such a pity! Why are good singers being such bores? I mean, at least Yesung has this y smoky voice that makes me bare with it! But come on, Kyu’s angelic perfect voice with those songs is plain boring!”

I heard him snorting.

“I wonder why he is singing those boring ballads all the time anyway! Hm, he probably loves them! Or maybe he can’t really sing other stuff that well! Hm, why doesn’t he sing a rocky song for once? That would be awesome! Well, on second thought! Yesung would be more fitting for the rocky kind of songs! I bet Kyu doesn’t know how to sing those songs!”

“Gosh, you talk a lot!”

I grinned as I heard his irritated mumbling and the clicking completely dying down.

“Hm, what should I listen to? Maybe I should listen to Donghae’s song or maybe I should watch that fancam of Hyukie to listen to him singing “I’m Yours”! I wonder why everyone thinks Kyuhyun is such an awesome singer! I prefer those two singing! It’s so much more fun and they seem cute in their imperfection! Really I think even Hyukie sings better than Kyuhyun!”

I heard another snort.

Oh, this was fun!

Well, not every part of what I was saying was true.

Actually I thought Kyuhyun’s voice really awesome, but it was true that I wasn’t so much into ballads, that is if they aren’t sung by Donghae of course!

“But recently I have to say Kyuhyun got better with his dancing! Damn, when he is wearing those tight trousers I really want to…”

“Yah, okay okay, I get it! I will talk to you, so please stop! This is heading into a direction that is really embarrassing!”

The laptop was turned around and I was faced by an embarrassed Kyuhyun.

I grinned.

“Wae, someone shy about me talking about butts?”

He groaned.

“Argh, stop!”

“So, would you prefer me talking about good singers again?”

“Better not! You are totally delusional in your judgment!” Kyuhyun said with a grin.

“Think so?”

“People who think that Hyukie-hyung sings better than me must be!”

“Well, it’s your own fault!” I said amused.


“Because you are singing those really boring songs all the time!”

“Aish, those songs are beautiful and well sung!”

“Yes and boring!” I said teasingly.

“They are not!”

“They are!”


“They so are!”

“Music philistine!”


“Rude German person!”

“Even ruder Korean person!”


“Right back at you!”

Suddenly Kyuhyun chuckled.

“Actually you are quiet funny!”

I laughed.

“Well, sorry, but sweet talking won’t help you with being boring!”

He winked.

“Girls love me!”

“They love your cheekiness and your voice but I bet you they would love you even more if you would sing a less boring song for once! Or not always perform your solo in a tux for every Super Show!”

Kyuhyun smirked.

“I look handsome in tuxes!”

I thought about it a moment.

“Well, you do, but you look way hotter in a tight jeans and a low cut shirt! Wear a jacket for all I care, but please don’t wear a tux again! Your looks way better in those tight jeans” I said teasingly.

Kyuhyun smirked.

“Sorry, clothes for the Super Show 3 are already chosen!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Let me guess! Tux again?”

Kyuhyun grinned.

“Yes and I chose a very boring song!”

“I am not surprised! I already fell asleep while watching the Super Show 2 DVD! I swear “7 years of love” makes anyone asleep!”

“Because of my beautiful dreamy voice!”

I nodded.

“Or because the song is plain boring!”

“Yah, you are really a fail at recognizing good music!”

I laughed at his pout.

“Mianhae, can’t help it! I like your voice but ballads all the time are really boring to me so I’m begging you! At least don’t wear a tux again!”

Kyuhyun grinned.

“Only if you will watch the concert live, standing in the audience holding up a Kyu sign!”

I groaned.

“No way! I’m not acting all fan girly!”

He sighed.

“Then I’m afraid I have to wear my comfortable tux again!”

I chuckled.

“Well, your loss!”

Kyuhyun smirked.

“No, yours! I have those really tight jeans and this really low cut shirt! I think it would have looked hot!”

I groaned.


That might really look hot!

And I knew someone else who would be dying to see him like that!

“Are you able to make Donghae wear something similar?” I asked amused.

“Only if the sign says ‘I <3 Kyu’!”

I groaned.

“Well, okay! I’m in!”

“Great! That’s a deal then!”

He didn’t say how big that sign has to be, so it wouldn’t hurt to have a mini sign with me, maybe a black one with black letters on it so no one would be able to read it.

He didn’t say it had to glow, right?

I smiled satisfied with myself.

“Somehow your smile tells me that something about this deal is not to my liking!” Kyuhyun said amused.

I shook my head.

“Ani, everything fine! You wear that outfit and make Donghae wear something similar and I will be there and hold that sign!”

Kyuhyun nodded satisfied.

“Good, now I will bring you to Yesungie-hyung and Wookie! You kept me long enough from my game!”

“Game addict!”

“Donghae addict!”

“Is that an insult?” I wondered.

“Don’t know! Is game addict?”

I had to laugh.

“It was fun talking to you, Kyunnie!”

“Not sure if that feeling is mutual!”

I chuckled.

His snarky character was just adorable.

He didn’t knock before he barged into another bedroom.

“Yah, Kyu-ah, why can’t you knock? How often do I have to ask you? You are always startling me to death!” Ryeowook complained.

“Aw, just because you still love me even if I don’t knock!”

“What are you doing with Donghae’s laptop?” a y voice asked from somewhere in the room.

Damn, it was true when I said I liked Yesung’s voice.

Who doesn’t?

It’s y as hell!

“Oh, you have to save me from this evil Donghae addict! I’m busy with my game!”

With that Kyu sat the laptop down on a table and I could see him walking out of the room.


I chuckled when I saw Ryeowook’s and Yesung’s faces lean into sight.

It looked comical.

“Oh, look, hyung, there is a girl!” Ryeowook said surprised.

Yesung walked closer and leaned in to take a closer look at the screen.

Thank you very much for the close-up of his handsome face.

And thanks even more for that low cut shirt he was wearing and that made it possible for me to almost see down to his navel when he bend over!

His body was just yummy and I bend my head to the side enjoying the sight.

He was really good looking.

“Wow, there really is! What is she doing there? You think this is one of Kyu’s evil pranks?” Yesung asked irritated.

“Maybe! You think she will suddenly jump up and scream scaring us to hell like this one scary coffee ad that he showed to us once?” Ryeowook wondered.

“Maybe it’s a game like a tamagotshi or something!” Yesung said.

Okay, those two were adorable.

I couldn’t stop myself from giggling.

“Hyung, she is laughing!”

“She is! Did you click something?”


“Oh god, guys, stop it! You two are the cutest!”

Yesung and Ryeowook blinked at each other.

“Can she see us?” Ryeowook asked almost frightened.

“Of course, I can! Seriously guys, have you never used a webcam before? That can’t be!”

Ryeowook and Yesung looked at each other before they started laughing.

“Stupid, Wookie-ah, she is just talking to us over webcam! Nothing scary at all!” Yesung said amused.

“Well, with Kyu you can never be too sure!” Ryeowook mumbled embarrassed.

“So, who are you? You look like an angel!” Yesung said happily.

 I blushed slightly and grinned.

I loved this adorable guy.

“Kamsa hamnida, Yesung-shi! Melanie imnida!”

„Oh, Donghae’s Melanie!“ Ryeowook exclaimed happily.

I chuckled.

It was fun how everyone referred to me as “Donghae’s Melanie”.

I had to admit, even if I like to be my own person, “Donghae’s Melanie” sounded just lovely.

“How did you come here?” Yesung wondered surprised.

I chuckled.

“First I talked to Donghae, who suddenly insisted on me meeting you guys! Then I talked to Hangeng very quick!”

“Makes sense! Hangkyung is kinda shy!” Yesung said.

I smiled.

“Then I talked to Heechul…

“Mianhae!” Yesung exclaimed.

I had to laugh.


“It’s Heechul, so I already feel sorry!” he explained with a smile.

I shook my head amused.

“Aniyo, it was fine! I talked to Heechul, who decided to kidnap me from Donghae, because he loved me so much! But that ended rather badly as him and Donghae got into a fight!”

“Did they trash the apartment again?” Ryeowook asked worried.

I shook my head.

“Not the last time I saw them! Anyway then Eeteuk kidnapped me from them both as punishment so I talked to him and Kangin for a bit!”


I laughed as this time it was Ryeowook who apologized.

“Why are you guys apologizing all the time?”

“Because talking to Eeteuk and Kangin usually is really exhausting!” Yesung explained.

“No, they were fine! Well, Eeteuk decided to run away with me before Kangin could tell me some secret concerning Donghae, so this time he brought me to Kyuhyun…”

“MIANHAE!” Yesung and Ryeowook shouted in unison.

Okay, those two were really amusing.

“It wasn’t that bad!”

“It wasn’t?” Yesung asked surprised.

“Maybe he decided to be his nice self today” Ryeowook wondered.

I snorted.

“Not necessarily, but I know how to help myself!”

“So, now you are with us?” Yesung asked.

“Obviously!” I stated.

“So, what are we supposed to do with you?” Ryeowook inquired.

I shrugged.

“Talk to me, I guess!”

“So, who did you like the most so far from all the members?” Yesung wanted to know.

I thought about it for a moment.

“I liked everyone!”

Yesung pouted.

I smiled softly.

This guy always had a soft spot in my heart.

“But you two are definitely the cutest!”

Ryeowook blushed and Yesung pouted even more.

“I’d rather be the most handsome, y, manly guy here!”

I laughed.

“Believe me Yesung, you are on the top of the list for that position!”

His face lit up.

“I am?”

“Well, none of the other guys let me look down their shirts and you have a rather manly body!”

Yesung looked down his body and finally noticed that his low-cut shirt was really revealing in the position he was in.

He immediately knelt down, making his upper body upright again and the shirt falling back to a proper place.

“Aw, what a shame!” I said teasingly.

He smirked not being overly embarrassed.

Ryeowook laughed and nudged Yesung.

“Donghae-hyung won’t like that!”

“What he doesn’t know…” Yesung implied teasingly.

“Well, if it wasn’t for Donghae you are the first I would think about, Yesung-shi!” I said amused.

“Aw, damn, I have to get rid of this dongsaeng of mine!”

I laughed.

“Better don’t let him know about this either or there will be another fight!” Ryeowook said chuckling.

“We’ll keep it a secret that she thinks me hot!” Yesung said sincerely.

I snorted.

“Who doesn’t? Have you listened to yourself or seen yourself?”

He smirked at me attractively.

“So you like my voice?” he said and I swear he purposely made his voice sound huskier than before.

“Aish, don’t do that! That’s evil!” I said accusingly.

He chuckled with that hoarse voice of his.

Who wouldn’t think that guy y?

If it weren’t for Donghae Yesung definitely would be my first choice.

“Hyung, stop making her blush! Noona, you want us to sing you a song?” Ryeowook asked cutely.

I smiled.

“Only if it isn’t a ballad!”

Ryeowook and Yesung looked at each other then grinned.

They stood up and disappeared from my sight.

“Guys?” I asked irritated.

I didn’t have to wait long, when suddenly a playback started to play in the room.

I laughed so hard when Ryeowook and Yesung showed up again wearing those ridiculous wigs from the Super Show 2 and danced and sang to Gee in their pajamas.

It was adorable, especially when they both started to dance in their nerdy crazy way.

“YAH! You two! What are you doing?”

“Hae-ah, come dance with us!” Yesung said hyper.

I almost dropped from my chair laughing when Donghae ran into the room looking totally embarrassed.

Yesung and Ryeowook took the chance and danced around Donghae all girly flirty!

Donghae tried to free himself from the guys, but only dripped and took Yesung down with him.

Ryeowook laughed so hard that he fell to the ground with the other guys.

“Uhmph, hyung let go of me!” Donghae complained, trying to crawl out of Yesung’s arms.

“Ani, you don’t visit us often so it’s Donghae cuddle time!”

Donghae groaned and then started to laugh as Yesung and Ryeowook snuggled closer to him tickling him in that process.

“Uhm, guys? You want me to give you some privacy?” I asked teasingly.

“Aish, no! I came to rescue you from those weirdos!” Donghae exclaimed muffled by Yesung’s body lying on top of his.

I chuckled.

“I’m kinda enjoying the show! It’s like Mini Drama all over again, just with YeHaeWook instead of Eunhae!”

Yesung and Ryeowook chuckled while Donghae finally broke free and crawled over to the laptop.

“Don’t worry we will be out of here now!”

I chuckled as Donghae made a run for it with the laptop leaving a whining Yesung and Ryeowook behind.

“Aish, chincha! Those two are so embarrassing!” Donghae said irritated.

“I thought them rather entertaining!” I said sincerely.

Donghae shook his head and then grinned.

“So, who are you still missing in your ‘get-to-know-suju’ tour?”

“I haven’t met Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon and Kibum so far!”

Donghae frowned.

“Well Shindong is out with his fiancé. Where Sungmin is only god and Lin knows! Sadly I can’t introduce you properly to my besties either! Eunhyuk is still at the company and Siwon should be at home!”

I chuckled about Donghae’s disappointed pout.

“But I already talked to Hyukjae, remember?”

Donghae smiled.

“Neh, besides I will introduce you to them another time!”

“So, what about Kibum?” I asked cheerfully.

I could see Donghae’s smile waver a bit.

“Uhm, he could be over at Lin’s and Amber’s place!” he mumbled.

I raised a brow.

“What is he doing over there?”

“Didn’t I tell you before? Kibum and Amber are dating!”

I widened my eyes.

“They do?” I asked surprised.

Well, it wasn’t really that surprising!

Amber always had a crush on Kibum, although I had to admit that I never really knew why.

Not that Kibum didn’t seem nice or was bad looking, but he just never was one of my favorites!

Something about him kinda irritated me.

“Well, if he is Amber’s boyfriend I definitely have to meet him! I have to grill him about his intentions with my little sis!”

“Hm, not sure if today is a good day for that, maybe we….”

“Yah, Lee Donghae, you made me meet almost all of your band mates while I’m wearing my PJs, so now bring me to meet this guy!” I ordered amused.

It was weird how Donghae seemed uneasy about this matter.

“Something wrong with it?” I asked carefully.

Suddenly Donghae smiled.

“Ani! I will bring you there!”

I would ask him about this odd scene later on.

He left the apartment to walk through the hallway, before I could hear him ringing the doorbell of another apartment.

The door opened.

“Oh, Hae-ah, can I help you with something?”

“BRINI!” I shouted.

I couldn’t help myself, when I heard Sabrina’s voice.

“MELLI!” Sabrina shouted and then she stepped next to Donghae.

“Wah, I miss you!” I said.

“Miss you more!” Sabrina said.

“Uh, Lin, is Kibum with Amber?” Donghae asked.

“Neh, they are watching a movie in the entertainment room! Waeyo?”

“I wanted him to meet Melanie!”

“Oh, chincha? Then come in!” she said.

Donghae stepped into Sabrina’s apartment.

“Brini, is that your apartment?” I asked seeing the luxurious furnishing.

“It is! Isn’t it awesome?” Sabrina said.

It was really beautiful.

“Damn, I’m jealous!”

“You should see the apartment I got for Anja and you, when you will come over!” Sabrina said.

I felt excited.

“Ah, tease! Want to see it! Do you have pictures?”

“I have, but I won’t show them to you! It will be a surprise!”


Sabrina laughed.

“That’s me, Meanie Brini!”

I chuckled.

“Oh, Hae-ah, by the way…uhm…do you…by any chance…do you know…”

I heard Donghae chuckling.

“Just spit it out, Lin-ah!”

“Can you tell me where Hyukjae is?”

I furrowed my brows hearing Sabrina’s embarrassed voice.

“Don’t you know where he is?” Donghae asked surprised.

“Ani, you two were supposed to be at the SM building to work on your solo, but since you are here and Hyukjae isn’t, I figured he must be somewhere else!”

I frowned.

Something must be up!

“Are you two fighting?” I asked surprised.

The last time I talked to Sabrina everything seemed fine.

Sabrina sighed.

“Just slightly, but it’s getting late and I’m a bit worried!”

Wow, she seemed to be a little out of it, seeing as she didn’t even realize she was talking in Korea to me.

Something definitely must be up.

“Don’t worry, Lin-ah, he is still at the SM building, working on his solo part a bit more! I guess he is a little bit afraid to come home!”

“Aish, chincha! As if I would kill him or something!”

Donghae chuckled.

“I will go and pick him up! He should get some rest!” Sabrina said and then I heard the door being opened and closed once again.

I felt bad for her.

“Was it a bad fight?” I asked Donghae.

He shrugged.

“I’m not sure, but I think they will make up!”

Again he seemed to be hiding something from me.

“Yah, Lee Donghae, stop hiding things from me! What is it?”

Donghae shook his head.

“I’m not really sure what to tell you since I’m not really sure if it’s something serious! I don’t want to you to be mad at Hyukjae for nothing! Maybe it’s nothing anyway!”

I grew a little bit annoyed.

“Yah, if that guy is doing something to hurt one of my best friends then I want to know about it, Lee Donghae!”

He groaned.

“Ani, I promise you, I will tell you if something bad happens, but so far it could be nothing! I swear to you, I don’t want Lin to get hurt either! So, just trust me!”

It was hard, but the pleading look in Donghae’s eyes made me give in.

“Fine, but I swear to you it won’t be a pretty sight if Hyukjae is doing something stupid and I will find out about it!”

“Arasseo! Now don’t be so worried and smile again, will you?”

I really couldn’t resist his pout, especially not when he was wearing those stupid pink PJs.

I chuckled.

“Those PJs really look ridiculous cute on you!”

“I will wear them more often for you then!” he said teasingly.

I would prefer him wearing nothing at all, but I guess I shouldn’t tell him that.

I chuckled at that thought.

“Yah, what’s there to chuckle about?”

“Nothing!” I mumbled amused.

“Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me…”

I laughed.

“You remind me of Amber, you know? Nope, I won’t tell you!”

He pouted again.



“Pretty please!”

“Don’t you ‘pretty please’ me! You are keeping things from me too, so I’m keeping things from you, too!”

“Fine!” he gave in and I smiled.

Suddenly he smirked at the camera.

“Was it something dirty?” he asked cheekily and I laughed.

“Won’t tell you!”

“Damn, I bet it was something dirty!”

I rolled my eyes.

Well, I wouldn’t call it dirty if I preferred him !

The really dirty stuff started after getting him , but I would not think about that now!

“You are blushing!”

“I’m not!”

“Yes, you are!”

“I’m not!”

He laughed.

“You are so having dirty thoughts about me right now!”

“I’m not!” I said, trying my best to sound calm.

“Too bad!” he said with a deep sigh.

I raised my brows.


“I’d like it if you had!”

I widened my eyes before I started to laugh.

“You didn’t just say that to me!”

“Oh, I did! You know, I have them too!”

Now I really was blushing furiously.

“Okay, Lee Donghae, that is way more than our usual harmless flirting!”

Donghae winked at me.

“Who says that I want to only harmless flirt with you?”

I felt so hot in that moment and didn’t really know what to say or to do.

“You know, maybe I should talk to Kibum on another day! I just remembered that I’m supposed to meet Anja later on, so I have to get ready for real!”

Donghae chuckled.


I groaned.

“You were supposed to be the innocent sweet guy!” I said accusingly.

“Yes, well, too bad! Sometimes the innocent part gets lost on me when I’m thinking about you!”

Oh god, this was really too much.

My heart beat like crazy and a shiver ran through my body.

“Uhm, I really have to go now!”

He winked at me teasingly.

“Okay, talk to you soon then!”

I nodded and smiled slightly.

“Talk to you…”

“Oh, and Melanie?”

I looked at him once again and I swear my heart stopped beating for a second when I saw his dark eyes looking at me quite dangerous.

“Yes?” I asked nervously.

“Sweet dreams tonight!”

Aish, that guy was evil and he knew exactly what he was doing in that moment.

“You too!” I mumbled.

“I know I will have!”

I groaned before quickly shutting down my skype.

I was sure he was laughing over in Korea.


That guy wasn’t just cute and romantic!

He was dangerous!



okay, people...after splitting it my chapter was still too long...so I realized it was missing some part in the end of Lin's POV....so I will split it in Melanie's POV and Lin's POV....aiyo....never happened to me before!

So, read the rest in the next chapter -.-

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Meganmcc11 #1
Please update soon I really want to know what happens next :). -Megan
brattygurl #2
I constantly hope that you've updated this story because I love it so much. You're probably busy with school or work or both. I hope you haven't given up on this story and that you'll have time soon to update. Maybe an update as a holiday gift for your supportive followers!<br />
<br />
Hope all is well with you. Take care.
love it post more soon !
P.S. IT ANJA! HE IS NOT! <br />
<br />
P.P.S. I cannot wait until I pop in and get to annoy the y leader-ssi XD I ish not mad at not popping in yet, so dun worry ^^<br />
<br />
AHHHHHHHHHHH I saw my alert for new updates and was like "meh" then I saw Japca and was screaming lmao I SOWWY! I haven't been online a lot -.- my meds have FAILEDDDD and made me sleep nearly 24/7 TT_TT so tomorrow I shall be up and WRITINGGGGGGGGGGG XD I tol my doc to shove the pills up his ...apparently they tend to get a hint and stop making you take them anymore LOL anyways, AHHHHHHHHHH I hate you Anja -.- I hate you Mel -.- stealing both of my men TT_TT LOL at the SabHyuk scene at the end XD so cute! and Heechul? LOL love you dear, chat with you later~~
AwesomestAmber #6
buahahahahah fav line in ch Well, "some would call it bad luck – I call it HEECHUL!" - brilliant!<br />
naaaaaaaaaaaaw! Hangeng hug!<br />
LMFAO!!!!!! Oh boy, I swear I don’t need to wear rouge for the rest of my life as I’m sure that the blush appearing with that comment was burned into my skin<br />
omgosh oni no wonder u are dying in this ch! <br />
I LOVE it when she made him carry her bag!!<br />
YourMaster - Seriously DYING of laughter right now! I cant breathe from laughing!!!!!!!!<br />
I re-read the skype convo like 6 times it was so great<br />
linhae!!!!!!!!! FTW!
okay Kyyra hates it when i only write "i love it" but what do you expect me to write??? seriously???? love should be the highest honor and what else should i do apart from loving it??? on the other side i could say i hate it because it is NOT reality and THIS kinda pisses me off :-\<br />
<br />
reread it like 10 times i think... it is still open on my desktop... so i can re-read again and again :P<br />
<br />
my fav part starts actually with the late part of the flashback (walking home + back attack) and after that i just love it all... also i kinda had the first talk there with Kyu... haha you notice we have not so mcu dialog but i'm okay with that we are soulmates anyways XD <br />
<br />
no seriously real Anja was in tune with ff Anja... i just felt how she felt all the time.. so i can say so into the char Brina... always complaining and then doing a perfect job -.-<br />
<br />
ff Oni probably will end up in a psychiatric ward if he keeps doing that to her... or she will start to drink, cry and probably run away.. since she def thinks he is just having fun while she falls for him desperately... okay.. i could spazz like forever here...<br />
<br />
also loved the weird SJ- discussion on the beginning... especially how Brina talked about Hyukie's skills XD<br />
<br />
and Donghae&Mel are so cute it nearly makes a single person puke... but i love that about him... Donghae def can use Kyu's script line XD<br />
<br />
So i guess Lee will be pissed because she still didn't show up ;)<br />
and because of the chapi you wrote in general... i repeat Lee... KYU IS MINE!!! <br />
<br />
okay i stop now... so much to... only writing "Love it!!!" :P<br />
<br />
write the next chapi fast :P
brattygurl #8
wow, I was not expecting that about Kibum, poor baby. Amber needs to make a decision otherwise she'll tease Yesung while being in a go-nowhere relationship with Kibum, no one wins. I love the Kyu/Anja relationship, they are both so cheeky with each other. So is something going to happen at this celebratory dinner?
Atsume #9
YES 8D Although I feel really sorry for Kibummie, I was really hoping for her to end up with Yesung ^^ And lol Heechul is awesomeness. I really love your writing style, btw! ^^ I'll be waiting for your update!