Walking Into His Death!

Just A Phone Call Away

***Donghae’s POV***

"Okay, I really can’t believe that I’m doing this!” I mumbled.

Kyuhyun sitting next to me chuckled, while Hyukjae on my other side patted my shoulder.

“Believe us! It is going to work!” they whispered back

I looked at both of them doubtfully.

Kyuhyun shrugged.

“If not, then you haven’t really lost anything!”

I shook my head and felt panic rise.

“You are really sure the managers and the other members agreed on this?”

“Aish, Donghae-ya, just get it over and done with! Your fear is really annoying!” Heechul, standing behind me, snapped in a hushed voice.

“Just don’t be afraid, Donghae-ya, they got over it really fast concerning me,” Shindong said with a smile.

“Yes, but you and Donghae are different,” Kibum mumbled barely audible.

My head snapped to the guy standing a few places away behind me.

“You are against it? I won’t do it if anyone is against it,” I whispered, feeling really nervous and helpless.

Mine and Kibum’s eyes met for a second and he seemed like he wanted to tell me something, but then his face softened and he shook his head.

“Just go ahead! Sooner or later it is going to happen anyway!”

I took in a deep breath and focused on the audience in front of me.

Siwon and I came back from Taiwan just two days ago and I already felt like running back.

The moment I arrived, Lin told me that there is going to be a press conference concerning our Super Show 3 and for me to clear the matter about my “marriage”.

I thought it would be a normal interview, nothing to worry about.

Until I set my feet into our dorm.

Hyukjae and Kyuhyun had been waiting for me to tell me about their “special” plan.

I felt someone nudging my shoulder and looked irritated at Hyukjae.

I straightened and tried to fight my fear, putting my effort into listening to what Teukie-hyung was saying about our spectacular Super Show 3.

“Now, before we are going to end this interview our Donghae wants to say a few words!”

I saw LLeeteuk’s encouraging smile before he handed me the microphone.

I took in another breath.

Here goes nothing!

“Uhm, neh, today I wanted to clear up an important matter.”

I heard the cameras clicking and felt the stares focused on me.

“Recently there has been an article published concerning me and a woman that just needed some correction.”

I smiled softly thinking about that nice woman.

The company really found her and I had the chance to apologize to her in person.

Her child was just adorable and she and her husband were really good people, actually laughing about the article.

“I want to apologize once again to that poor woman seeing as she got involved into some trouble that had nothing to do with her. There is no relation between me and her, nor her child. We are just some strangers that happened to be at the same time at the same place. Luckily enough the company was able to locate her for me to apologize to her and her real husband in person. They were nice enough to forgive me and therefore it was no harm done!”

The cameras clicked and filmed away happily catching every single moment on film.

Suddenly I felt sweaty and my heart started to beat hectically.

Hyukjae laid his arm around my shoulder and patted it encouraging.

I glanced at him for a split second and he just motioned for me to go on.

I felt the need to close my eyes while saying the next sentences, in hope to just let the world around me disappear.

“Although this marriage was just a rumor I still want to make an announcement concerning my relationship status. Ever since a few months ago I became acquainted to someone and we have been dating steadily for two months.”

As soon as I ended that sentence all hell broke loose.

Maybe I should have formulated it more carefully, but I just wanted to be done with it.

Fans were crying and shouting stuff, reporters were yelling questions, photographers tried to get even closer.

It was just a horrible moment and I actually felt like hiding somewhere and never coming out again.

I tried my best not to cry, seeing as the whole situation just put a lot of pressure on me.

I felt Hyukjae still patting my shoulder, Kyuhyun taking my hand in his and Heechul hugging me from behind, whispering encouraging words into my ear.

One could think I actually announced bad news, like me leaving or something, when in reality it would have been good news, if they had been true.

Who would have thought that I would ever announce having a relationship without really having one?

This was just plain crazy and I once again wondered why I agreed on it.

“Think about it Donghae, this is just genius! If you announce that you are having a girlfriend everyone will start bashing and crying, but they won’t really find a victim to take it out on. Eventually, after some time everybody will calm down and accept it!” Hyukjae had explained.

“And by the time Melanie will arrive everyone will have better stuff to complain about than your relationship. It will be old news so there is less hurt for Melanie and you left it already behind, making it possible for the two of you to date in peace!”

Well, when Kyuhyun had said it like that it had sounded like a really good idea.

The worst would already be over by the time Melanie will arrive in Korea!

Just genius!

Yes, but looking at the faces of my disappointed fans and the almost scary looks of the reporters made me still feel bad.

It’s for your own and Melanie’s happiness, I told myself.

It took the managers and the security a while to calm the audience down and by the time it got quiet again I handed the microphone back to Leeteuk.

“I know you all must be curious about Donghae’s relationship, but the couple decided on just keeping further information to themselves for now.”

“Is she a celebrity?” a reporter shouted and I almost rolled my eyes at the question.Leeteuk looked at me for a sign what to do and I just shrugged my shoulders.

Leeteuk smiled at the reporters once again.

“His girlfriend is not a celebrity, just a normal woman and therefore we all feel the need to protect her privacy!”

“So the other members know her too?” another reporter shouted.

“We all got to know her and came to like her a lot. Just as Shindong’s fianc, we welcomed her warmly in our Super Junior family!”

“What’s her name? Where does she live? Are they going to get married? How did they meet?”

I closed my eyes when the nonstop questioning started, but I was happy for the members around me that dodged all of the questions concerning the identity and private details gracefully.

“We want to thank everyone for coming today and hope to see everyone again at our concert!”

The end of the interview just flew past and I automatically raised my hand to do our official goodbye greeting, before Hyukjae pulled me from the stage.

Finally being in our private rooms again I leaned against the wall tiredly.

“Hell, that was just crazy!” Yesung said when he entered the room.

“We knew it will be a big deal if you would announce that, but for them to go this crazy?” Kangin stated almost impressed.

“You okay?” I looked up to see Lin standing in front of me with a concerned look on her face.

I leaned in for a hug, just needing some comfort.

“I will be fine, I just need some time!” I said when I pulled back.

Lin nodded understandingly.

Time - that was the thing we counted on for this plan to work.

Why the hell did I agree on this again?

Right, to see Melanie’s happy smile once she will be in Korea.

Just thinking about her calmed me down and I could feel a small smile forming on my lips.

For her I would endure the upcoming hardship anytime.

Was I being crazy to go through all of this for someone I never really met?


Did I regret doing it?

Absolutely not!


***Ryeowook’s POV***

I walked up and down in the hallway nervously.

This was just stupid!

I felt unbelievable nervous.

For no reason at all!

I have sung in front of thousands of people, I have been on TV numerous times, I have been in a movie, I got awards, I was a celebrity for heaven’s sake!

I leaned against the wall next to the door and closed my eyes to calm down myself.

I hated this building and that familiar smell!

There were a lot of places I wanted to be at and this probably would never be one of them!

I hated class-reunions!

Not that I ever have been on one, but I hated it seeing as it got me all worked up.

So I was sure that I hated class-reunions.

Ever since that invitation reached my parents home I felt unsettled.

I was a nobody in school – and I preferred it that way!

When I have been in school I had way more weight, was dressed like a nerd, wore ugly glasses and my looks were plain and ordinary.

People didn’t look down on me, they didn’t look at me at all.

And not being looked at was way better than the bullying some others received.

I was basically invisible in school.

No, wait!

They knew me!

Whenever there was a school concert they asked me to play the piano to accompany other students.

I sighed.

Did I really want to go in there?

Did I really want to see all my former class mates?

Would it be worse for them still to ignore me or to try to get on my good side because I was a celebrity now?

I really couldn’t decide which option I preferred, which one sounded more horrid?

Maybe I should just turn around and leave!

Yes, that’s it!

I have a new strawberry cake recipe I wanted to try and I was sure Hyukie-hyung would love!

My eyes snapped open when the door next to me suddenly opened.

Is there a way to hide in a wall?

“Aish, I’m such an idiot! Way to go Hye Mi! You are such a talented girl! Sure, why not go in there acting like a normal human being? Well, because you can rip your dress from your body in front of people! That would be even more fun! Is there a place to die in peace?”

I watched the small woman that had left the ballroom in panic.

She was hectically trying to fix her ripped dress.

To no avail!

There was a ripping noise and I widened my eyes as she just had made it worse by trying to fix it.

“Aish, paboya! Such an idiot! I’m such a clumsy fool!”

The dress was totally ragged, revealing the woman’s back by now.

I wondered how she could have ripped her dress like that.

“You are such a fool! As if anything would ever change in school, you are still the idiot from before! I should have never let myself being talked into dressing up like that! I’m a walking disaster anyway! Maybe I should just lock myself up so at least I won’t be a danger to other people!”

Suddenly she stopped and stared at her dress in annoyance.

“Stupid dress, you cost a fortune! How dare you rip on me just because of a stupid nail in the wall? That’s it, when I’m back home I will rip you into pieces and never wear you again! Ha, who is laughing now?”

I couldn’t help myself, I had to chuckle.

She froze in her movements and took some deep breathes.

“It would be a pity! That dress is really nice!” I said without thinking.

Well, it was!

It was clinging to her body in all the right places, showing of her delicate form, hugging her upper body tightly, while it was flowing around her hips and legs freely.

The pale blue color looked magical in the softly lit hallway.

The only offending detail about the dress was it being ripped at the back.

“Please, don’t tell me that there is someone standing behind me! Please, just tell me that you are a ghost! Better, you just didn’t see me behaving foolishly like that at all, you are not here! Oh yes, please, don’t be here!” she said pleadingly.

I bit my lips to stifle my laughter.

“Uhm, sorry, maybe we can agree on me being a ghost, at least for a while! Maybe long enough for me to help you to fix your dress?” I offered amused.

“Way to go, Hye Mi, just embarrass yourself in front of someone by giving him a private show of your madness! As if the people in the ballroom haven’t been enough!”

I think she didn’t intend for me to hear her mumbling, so I tried my best not to laugh.

“Fine!” she eventually groaned when she slowly turned around.

The woman had short curly hair, cute pouty lips, a straight nose and rather big warm brown eyes.

She was really adorable to look at.

Her eyes widened when she looked at me.

“Oh god, can this get any more embarrassing?” she whispered in shock before she turned away once again.

“Wow, I didn’t think that I was that scary looking! Other ghosts think me rather cute looking,” I said teasingly.

“Oh god, of all people I have to embarrass myself in front of it has to be you, Kim Ryeowook!”

I furrowed my brows and looked at the woman in front of me closer.

She had spoken like she knew me.

Or was she just aware of who I am through the media?

“Uhm, sorry, do I know you?” I asked eventually, not really being able to place her face to anyone I knew.

“No,” she said immediately.

“Were you one of my classmates?” I tried once again to discover her identity.

She threw a quick glance at me and I was quite shocked to see her anger.

“One would think you’d know me if I would have been your classmate!” she snapped.

“So, you were not?”I asked carefully.

I didn’t like for people to be angry at me.

“Ani, I already told you!”

We were silent for some awkward moments.

“I really should go, my dress is ruined anyway!”

I don’t know why but I really didn’t want her to go.

“Wait!” I called out when she was about to walk away.

I walked up to her and without a word took her hand in mine to pull her along the hallways.

It was almost scary how one never seems to forget one’s old school building.

The building was dark and silent.

It was a weird feeling being here after all those years.

“Where are we going?” Hye Mi asked irritated.

“I told you I will help you to fix your dress!” I just said continuing to walk in silence.

Her hand was really delicate in mine.

I wasn’t the tallest or strongest person in the world, but Hye Mi still managed to seem so much more fragile than me.

Well at least concerning her physique!

Her short fiery glance had told me that she wasn’t that helpless.

When we arrived in front of the room I was looking for I tried the door handle.

“It’s locked, silly! All the doors are at night, you should know that!” Hye Mi said wavering between being annoyed and amused.

I glanced at her quickly before blushing.

“Do you have a hair pin?”

“What?” she asked baffled.

“A hair pin, you know to…”

“I know what a hair pin is! What do you need it for?” she asked irritated.


I looked at her really wondering how one can ask so many questions.

My eyes wandered from her eyes to her lips.

She was really cute.

I took a step closer to her and I didn’t know why but Hye Mi took a step back and looked at me like she was being scared.

Did I look like I would hurt or anything?

I really didn’t get her.

In the end she was pressed against the wall like a scared little kid and I had to shake my head.

What was she thinking I would do to her?

Did I look like a violent person or a player?

I sighed and she winced slightly when I reached out my hand.

“Stop, Kim Ryeowook, you can’t…”

My fingers brushed slightly over her hair and she stopped midsentence.

I could hear her shallow breathing and her eyes stared at me wide open.

I looked at her face and I almost had to chuckle about her odd behavior.

It wasn’t like I was going to kiss her.

I’m not that kind of person!

I would never dare to do such a thing!

I’m more the shy kind of person for heaven’s sake!

My fingers finally found what they were looking for.

I smiled satisfied and Hye Mi let out a shaky breath.

“Found it!” I said happily when I carefully pulled a hair pin out of her hair.

I stepped back and walked to the door.

“Let’s see if you still can do it!” I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly I felt a punch against my shoulder and I looked up to see an annoyed looking Hye Mi.

“Yah, you could have just asked for the hair pin! There was no need to act all erted on me!”

I blinked a few times.

“erted? I…what? I asked you for the pin! I wasn’t being erted in any way! Maybe it is you that has erted thoughts!”

She stared at me open mouthed before she suddenly turned away, crossing her arms in front of her chest, mumbling incoherent things, which I was sure would amuse me immensely if I would have understood them.

I started to work on the lock with the pin hoping for it to open up.

“Do you even know how to…”

I smiled satisfied when there was a small ‘click’.

“Wah, I still can do it” I said amused and opened the door.

“You know how to pick a lock?” Hye Mi asked surprised.

I felt myself blushing.

“I got myself locked in a lot way back when I was still in school” I mumbled.

She blinked a few times.

“You were locked in?”

I scratched the back of my head in an embarrassed gesture.

“Well, I kinda fell asleep a lot!”

Suddenly I heard Hye Mi chuckle slightly and I looked up to see her smiling softly.

“You are just as much of a fail as me, Kim Ryeowook!”

I blushed even harder.

“So, now let’s see how you want to rescue my dress almighty lock picker!” she said and walked into the room, which turned out to be one of the home economics class rooms.

I followed her inside and then looked around for something helpful.

“You know how to sew?” she asked surprised.

I looked at her shocked.

“Ani, of course not! Maybe if you count sewing on buttons!”

She looked at me amused.

“So, how will you help me then?”

I shrugged.

“I learned how to be creative concerning clothes! You never know when something will be off with your stage outfit!”

“Oh right, you probably have assistants to sew for you now” I heard her mumble but I chose to ignore it, since I didn’t want to discuss this topic further.

I looked around and my eyes fell on a basket full of ribbons.

I smiled.

Just perfect!

I walked over and started to look through the ribbons for a fitting color.

When I came across a white ribbon I was pleased.

“Okay, Hye Mi, turn around!”

She looked at me suspiciously for a second.

“You are not going to get all erted on me again, are you?”

I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not a ert, Hye Mi-ah!”

“Fine” she said and turned around.

I picked up some scissors from a table nearby and took another look at the damage on her dress.

Eventually I decided how to go about this and just cut off the ripped parts.

“Are you sure about what you are doing?” Hye Mi asked nervously, glancing over her shoulder.

I tried my best to smile encouraging at her.

“Not at all!” I answered truthfully.

“Yah, Kim Ryeowook!”

She was about to turn around in annoyance, but I stopped her by gripping her hips.

“Just stay still, will you? Otherwise there will be more damaged than just your dress!” I ordered amused.

She groaned again.

“Just great a psycho erted star is trying to hurt me with some scissors and I’m supposed to stay still!” she mumbled and I had to shake my head about her odd talking.

Was she being serious?

I cut a neat ‘v’ out of the back of her dress, before adding some holes along the edge of the ‘v’.

“Oh god, please don’t tell me that my whole back is now!” Hye Mi mumbled shocked.

I grinned.

“Not done yet!”

I threaded the ribbon through the holes in a crossbreeding way and finally tied the ends of the ribbon into a neat bow.

When I was satisfied with the result and the perfect bow I stepped back to admire my work.

“Done” I said.

“Really? Oh thank goodness! I thought by the end I would be more than dressed!”

I glared at her.

“Yah, for the last time, I’m no ert!”

She looked at me and then she tried to take a glance at the backside of her dress.

When she had examined the outcome she looked up at me blinking confusedly.

“It looks pretty!”

Her irritated voice while complimenting my work made me smile shyly.

“I told you I had experience with messed up outfits!”

We looked at each other for a long time, not saying anything.

I felt really odd.

“Sooooo…” I said, just to break the silence.

“Thanks!” she blurted out.

I nodded in an accepting way and just smiled.

“Uhm, we probably should get back!”

I groaned remembering why I was here in the first place.

“Maybe I should just go home” I mumbled.

“You can’t!” Hye Mi exclaimed all out of sudden.

I raised my brows.


Hye Mi blushed and bit her lips.

“Well, because…you know…there are people that want to talk to you…and…”

I crossed my arms and pouted almost childishly.

“I’m not aware that there are even people in there that know me!”

“Yah, you still should go in there! Even if it is only to kick those people asses for ignoring you all those years! You can take revenge! Isn’t that what events like that are made for?”

I chuckled.

“Neh, but I really don’t feel like taking revenge….yah, didn’t you say we didn’t know each other? How would you know how my school life was like?”

She rolled her eyes.

“I said, you don’t know me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know you! Now let’s go and have some fun!” Hye Mi said determined taking my arm and dragging me out of the room and along the hallways.

“I really would prefer not to go in there!” I complained, trying to make her let go.

She snorted.

“You are way too nice for your own good! Well, if you don’t want to go in there because of revenge then you have to go to help me to overcome the embarrassment from before. If you don’t go in there with me than I will be the woman with the ripped dress for the whole night, but if you go in there with me now than I will be the one showing up with Kim Ryeowook and that sounds so much better!”

I raised my brows.

“So you actually want to make use of me?” I asked shocked of her bluntness.

She chuckled.

“No, I want you to help a damsel in distress!”

We reached the door and she was about to open it, when I tried to get a hold of something, anything to cling to just to not go in there.

“Wait, no, I really don’t want to go in there!”

Hye Mi stopped and turned around to look at me.

“Are you serious?” she asked amused seeing me hiding behind a post.

“I’m serious I really don’t want to go in there!”

“Did anyone ever saw such a childish star?”

I tried not to feel offended by her mumbling, but if it meant being childish if I didn’t want to go in there then I had to live with it.

She sighed.

“Kim Ryeowook, move your good looking and go in there!”

I pouted, trying to get out of it with my cute act that usually works on my fans.

Eventually she started to pout too and her eyes started to turn all sad.

“Fine, why would I think that people in this school would have changed over the years? Everyone is still as selfish as before! No one cares for the other! Fine I will go in there by myself, condemning me to be the ripped dress girl!”

I groaned.

Damn, she was way better than me.

I just couldn’t help my good heart.

I just couldn’t let anyone be sad when I knew I could make them happy.

“Okay, we will go in there, have a dance and then I will disappear again!” I said grudgingly.

Her pout disappeared and made way for a happy smile.

“I knew you wouldn’t let me go in there alone!” she said and I sighed before walking up to her to offer her my arm.

She took it with a shy smile and I took in a deep breath before finally opening the door.

When we entered the room people turned their heads to look at us and I could see them immediately huddling together whispering to each other like crazy.

“Oh, look, if that isn’t our Ryeowook-ah! Nice to see you again! How have you been? You look great!”

I saw a tall beautiful girl standing in front of me.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at her.

“Im Jae Eun?” I asked irritated.

She smiled widely.

“Oh, you remember me, that’s so sweet of you! Tell you a secret? I always knew we kind of had a connection to each other!”

I felt Hye Mi’s arm tightening around mine.


Just what I needed!

Our former school beauty hitting at me because of my success!

I remembered Im Jae Eun all too well.

She was the prettiest girl in school back then and she had everyone wrapped around her fingers.

I tried to fight against the blush that was creeping on my cheeks when I remembered one embarrassing Valentine’s day when I tried to confess to her but she basically laughed at my face.

“You want to dance?” she asked.

I blinked a few times.

I might be kindhearted but not a fool!

“You can go if you want to” Hye Mi next to me said softly.

I looked at her and I could see her staring to the ground.

“Park Hye Mi, is that you? You look so pretty! You lost some weight didn’t you? Wow, your eyes are so much bigger without the ridiculous glasses! Hey, are you okay? I saw what happened to your dress before! What a pity! Everyone was worried for you when you suddenly ran away!”

I felt my fists clenching upon hearing Jae Eun’s fake sweet talk.

Hye Mi blushed madly.

Park Hye Mi?

I really didn’t know her at all, but obviously she had to be a former student of this school.

I couldn’t place it, but the way Jae Eun talked to Hye Mi made me really angry and to be angry wasn’t really my thing.

I usually tended to be the happy, shy and nice guy!

I hated to feel angry and for other to hate each other or to fight.

I had enough of that at school and didn’t want to endure something like that in my adult life!

It was enough for the members to fight once in a while!

I always hated it and wished for them to stop.

But right now I really wished I could be more like Heechul-hyung, just telling Jae Eun off and scaring her to hell so she would immediately run home to consider her life!

I really hated how Jae Eun could make a blushing inferior girl out of the funny and lively Hye Mi I just met this evening.

I wished I could defend her.

Well, but I’m still me, plain shy Ryeowook!

“Uhm, sorry Jae Eun, but I just came to do Hye Mi a favor! I think I owe her a dance, so if you would excuse us?” I said politely and with a bow to Jae Eun I pulled Hye Mi with me to the dance floor.

“You could have danced with her, you know! I wouldn’t have felt offended, really!” Hye Mi said, biting her lips still trying to get over her embarrassment from before.

I smiled and positioned one of her hands on my shoulder while I took the other one in my hand.

“No, I want to dance with you, besides I’m not sure if Jae Eun would have been happy to dance with me! I’m a horrible dancer!” I said nervously, trying to joke to ease up the situation.

It really to be me at times.

It would be so much better to be one of my hyungs or dongsaengs, who are usually totally confident and funny, unlike me, who is only shy and polite.

And I wasn’t joking before, I really at dancing.

I could do okay on stage with those dance routines even if I was far from being the best, but dancing with a partner I was a major fail.

“How can that be? I don’t think there is anything talented Kim Ryeowook isn’t able to do!”

We both blushed and didn’t know what to say anymore.

When a slow song started to play I awkwardly started to dance with Hye Mi.

I was so concentrated on not stepping onto her feet that I was totally surprised when she took a step closer to me to lean her head on my shoulder.

“This feels just like the prom night I never had!” she mumbled.

She should really stop talking like I couldn’t hear her.

Her action took me by surprise so I stumbled over my own feet, eventually really stepping on her toes.

I heard her chuckle.

“You were right, you at dancing!”

“Mianhae, we can stop if you…”

“Ani, gwenchana” she mumbled softly, making me stop my embarrassed apologizing.

I swayed us around slowly, carefully not to step on her toes again.

I felt her short curls tickling the underside of my chin and her hand resting warmly on my shoulder.

I could feel the soft skin of her back beneath my fingers.

It felt weird to me.

I wasn’t a lady’s man and I surely hadn’t a lot of experience concerning women.

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I breathed in her flowery scent.

I forgot about my insecurity about dancing; the only thing that got me nervous was the girl in my arms.

I felt my hands becoming sweaty and I hoped for the dance to be over soon before I would embarrass myself.

“The song is over!”

“Huh?” My eyes snapped up to look at Hye Mi’s smiling face.

“The headmaster wants to talk to you!” she said and pointed behind me.

“What?” I felt totally dumb.

“I will get myself something to drink!”

Before I could do anything she turned away.

I wanted to stop her but nothing came out of my mouth.

When she suddenly turned around to me once again my heart missed a beat.

She walked up to me and stood on the tip of her toes to peck my cheek quickly.

“Thanks for tonight!”

And then she was really gone.

“Kim Ryeowook, such a pleasure to see you here tonight!”

I blinked a few times before I turned around to see my former headmaster standing in front of me.

I bowed respectfully and we both shook hands.

“It’s a pleasure to be here tonight!” I said absentmindedly while trying to make out Hye Mi in the crowed.

“I was hoping you would come today as I have a matter to discuss with you!”

My head snapped back to look at the man in front of me.

Just great!

Another person that is trying to get something out of our acquaintance!

“What matter?” I asked bluntly.

“We should talk somewhere more private, at my office maybe?” he asked politely.

I tried to find Hye Mi once more, but groaned when I couldn’t.

“Sure” I let out with a small smile.

I followed the headmaster to his office quietly, really not concentrating on the man’s talk.

He was telling me something about the happenings in the school and stating out achievements the school had made over the years.

I was really not interested.

When we finally arrived in his office I hoped he would just tell me what this talk is really about.

“You see, over the years there have been some problems concerning the student situation. More and more students are sent to other schools around this area, seeing as our school is one of the smaller ones and therefore has problems to compete with the bigger and newer schools.”

I blinked trying to understand what he was saying.

“Therefore the income of our school isn’t as high as before!”

I didn’t say anything.

What exactly did this guy want from me?

“I’m sorry, Sir, but how could I help you with this matter?”

The headmaster smiled at me.

“I want to organize a fund-raising gala for our school for our alumni and current parents to attend. I want to collect some money for the school and for it to gain more recognition!”

I let out a breath.

So this was about money.

Money for a school I basically hated.

I was just too soft hearted.

“So you want me to attend?”

The headmaster smiled.

“I was hoping for you to perform and maybe have a cooperation song with the school’s choir!”

I groaned inwardly.

“I’m not sure if my schedule allows it…”

“If you could make time, we would be most grateful! You know, I wouldn’t really have thought about asking you if it wouldn’t be for our music teacher Park Hye Mi” the man said kindly.

That name got my attention.

“Park Hye Mi?”

The man chuckled.

“Oh, sure, I saw her dancing with you just now! She is a former student too, same year as yours I believe! She suggested asking you to help when we were discussing the fund-raising gala! She will also be the one in charge of the choir!”

I bit my lips being totally unsure about my decision.

On one side I really hated this school, on the other side it would be for a good cause.

I liked to help people and this was something that could help a lot of students having a better learning institute.

Hye Mi!

Another thing I needed to consider.

The woman irritated me.

Was she trying to get on my good side so I would agree on this?

She didn’t seem to be the type for that!

But then again a lot of people pretend to be someone else if they think it might help them.

Did she really play with me tonight?

“It would be my honor to take part in the fund-raising gala!” I heard myself saying.

I couldn’t help it.

I had to make sure she was the woman I thought her to be.


***Yesung’s POV***

I walked out of the bathroom after taking my regular evening shower.

Okay, maybe evening would have been optimistic, it was more like in the middle of the night.

I passed the living room on my way back to my room, when I heard someone knocking persistently at the door.

“Yah, Kim Ryeowook!” I shouted and the younger guy sitting on the couch.

He jumped up startled.

“Neh, hyung?” he asked a little bit irritated.

I shook my head.

What was going on with that dongsaeng of mine recently?

Always absentminded or nose buried into those old class books of his.

Ever since he returned from his class reunion he was acting weird.

Maybe we should have a talk soon.

“There is someone knocking at the door” I said amused.

Ryeowook’s eyes widened.

“There is?”

I shook my head and chuckled.

“Aish, go back to your books, you are totally useless these days!”

Ryeowook bowed to me.

“Mianhae, hyung! Is there anything I can help you with? Are you hungry, shall I cook you something or…”

I ruffled his hair while passing him.

Such a good hearted guy.

“Gwenchana! Go back to what you were doing, I will get the door!”

Ryeowook got back to his books while I walked over to the door.

I opened the door slightly to peak at the person in front of it and was surprised to see a clad in pajamas Amber standing in front of it.

I pulled open the door.

“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” I asked surprised.

“Finally, I thought I would have to sleep in the hallway!” Amber said amused.

She was smiling at me until her eyes roamed over my body.

Her smile disappeared and was replaced by something in between a blush and a suggestive smile.

“Were you expecting someone?” she asked teasingly.

I looked down my body only to register that I was only in my pajama bottoms.

“Uh no, I was taking a shower!” I replied nonchalantly and to make a point I started to dry off my hair with the small towel I was still holding in my hands.

There was no reason to be embarrassed now seeing as one could see more at the beach with guys wearing just their swimming trunks.

“Jesus, Sungie-Oppa, could you please wear a shirt?” Amber asked a little embarrassed by now.

I smiled at her.

“Why? Am I making you nervous?” I asked teasingly.

The blush on her cheeks was just too adorable not to.

“Uhm, honestly? Of course you do! You are an attractive guy!” Amber said a little shy but with an amused note in her voice.

I felt like jumping around in happiness.

“You think me attractive?” I asked daringly.

“Aish, get dressed Oppa! I have a boyfriend, you know?” Amber pointed out amused.

Tons of cold water was nothing against to what I was feeling right now.

She had a boyfriend, right!

Everyone was quite shocked when Kibum blurted out that he and Amber were seeing each other the day when Donghae and Siwon returned from Taiwan.

Actually they had dated in secret for a few weeks, but now it was out in the open and quite a few of the members had been shocked about the news, seeing as we all were used to the sight of them bickering.

It wasn’t a secret to me of course.

The night Amber was supposed to have her date with Henry, Kibum had shown up to basically kidnap her.

I didn’t know if I should congratulate myself seeing as obviously Kibum had listened to my advice or if I should just kick myself.

Of course their date wasn’t a secret to me since Amber kept on talking for hours about it the next day.

She had made me watch a movie with her, which we didn’t really pay attention to seeing as someone was so excited that she couldn’t stop talking.

Obviously they must have had quite the perfect date, about which I preferred not really listening to the details to.


I was been pulled from my thoughts when Amber called out to me.

“Uh, come in!” I said trying to get a grip on myself.

Amber passed me and I shut the door behind her.

I walked away to my room to find myself a shirt.

I needed a second to myself.

Why was being the nice guy so hard sometimes?

I pulled a shirt over my head and then walked back to the living room to see Amber sitting next to Ryeowook looking through his class books with him.

“You looked adorable!” Amber stated.

“More like a fat turtle!” Ryeowook replied embarrassed.

“Aw, turtles are cute, besides you aren’t fat at all anymore, more like too thin! I should tell Lin to feed you more!” Amber said and poked Ryeowook’s cheek.

She was just adorable.

She was funny, nice, cheerful, beautiful and just everything a girl could be.

And she was totally Kibum’s girlfriend!

“So, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?”

Amber looked at me with a pout.

“Can’t I just visit you guys?”

“You haven’t done so in a while!” I stated.

Damn, I didn’t want to sound jealous.

I really should practice on me being nice.

“Mianhae, Oppa, I have been kinda busy!” Amber said with an embarrassedly chuckle.

“Kibummie seems to be all over you these days! Never would have thought that he could be that kind of a clingy boyfriend” Ryeowook said amused.

“I know, right? He is being totally adorable with me these days, maybe a little grumpy at times but still cute!” Amber said chuckling like a love struck school girl.

It was sickening.

“So you are here to visit us for no reasons in the middle of the night in your PJs?”

Amber chuckled.

“Okay, you caught me, but don’t tell anyone!”

“Are you having a fight with Lin?” Ryeowook asked worried.

Amber laughed.

“More like a fight with Hyukie-Oppa!”

I raised my brows.

“You are fighting with Hyukie?”

Amber grinned.

“No, not really! He and Lin were on a date tonight and when they came back he just kinda wanted to throw me out of Lin’s apartment, but Lin didn’t let him! So he promised to buy me that really expensive bag I wanted to if I would disappear and sleep in his room like…uh…immediately!”

“You blackmailed Hyukjae?” I asked not knowing to be shocked or amused.

“Just a little” she answered happily.

“Wow, he really must love Lin for him to spend so much money just for you to leave the apartment!” I stated, being really happy for my dongsaeng.

“I know! It’s so adorable! I would have left with him just asking nicely, but that way it is even better!”

“Why would he pay you to leave the apartment?” Ryeowook asked innocently making both me and Amber laughing out loud.

“You are just too cute for your own good Oppa!” Amber said and kissed Ryeowook’s blushing cheek.

Green-eyed monster that was what I was these days!

And I couldn’t help it at all!

“Well, sorry to tell you this, but Hyukjae’s room is already taken!” I said trying to distract myself.

“Hu? By whom?”

“Who is being cute now? Hyukjae’s bed is almost never empty at night!” Ryeowook said with a wink.

“Oh, that sounded dirty! Should I tell Lin about it?” Amber asked chuckling.

“Only if you think she might get jealous about Donghae!” I stated amused.

Amber rolled her eyes.

“Damn, that fish stole my bed!”

“Means Donghae’s bed up at Teukie’s room must be empty!” Ryeowook said trying to be helpful.

“Well, maybe I should knock there then! Hopefully they won’t make me wait as long as you guys did!”

“There is no way in hell that you will sleep in Teukie-hyung’s room!” I said without a second thought.

Amber and Ryeowook both looked at me surprised.

“Why not?”

“He tends to sleep !” I simply said.

Well, it was almost the truth.

Him wearing no shirt while sleeping is almost .

She saw you without a shirt too!

Well, but that’s different!

How so?

Because I wouldn’t do anything to her!

And you think LLeeteuk would?

Argh, just shut up, I just don’t want her to sleep with any guy!

What about Kibum, they will eventually…

Finishing this sentence and you will not live through another day!

How so? I’m your conscious.

Just shut up!

“I can sleep in LLeeteuk’s room then Amber can sleep in my bed!”

Did I ever tell Ryeowook how much I loved him?

As a dongsaeng of course!

I would buy him the best present for his next birthday!

Or maybe I shall just buy him something just because I feel like it!

“Really? Thanks, Oppa!” Amber said hugging Ryeowook quickly.

“No problem, I guess I should head upstairs then! It’s already late!” Ryeowook said and walked to our shared room to get some stuff and then with a wave goodnight left the apartment.

“Let’s go to bed! I have an early schedule tomorrow!”

“Sure!” Amber replied and stood up to follow me through the hallway.

We both wished a good night to Kyuhyun who was passing us in search of something to drink and disappeared in Wookie’s and mine shared room.

“Aw, look at you cutie turtles! Have you grown since I last saw you?”

I watched as Amber walked over to the terrarium to pat the turtles in there.

“They are so cute, just like their owner!”

Damn, this woman never knew when to shut up!

I switched off the light.

“Good night!” I simply said and buried myself in my blanket and pillow.

There was a moment of silence before I could hear Amber crossing the room in the dark.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked quietly.

I turned around only to see her kneel in front of my bed.

The moonlight illuminated her face softly and I felt my heart tightening painfully.

“Why should I be mad at you?”

“You seem weird these last few weeks, like something is bothering you!”

Damn, I have to hide it better.

I pinched her cheek.

“Nothing is bothering me!”

“Are you sure?” she asked looking intensely at me.

Your lips are bothering me.

I sighed.

“Yes, I’m sure! Just the crazy schedules are getting to me!”

I should talk to Lin and the managers to ask for more schedules so that would be really the reason for me acting weird.

Amber smiled.

“So, can we watch a movie before going to sleep? I’m not tired yet!”

I grinned.


Amber held up her hand waiting for me to do the same.

“Rock, Paper, Scissors!”

“I WIN! YAY!” Amber exclaimed jumping happily.

I faked annoyance.

“I will hide that movie!”

Amber stuck out her tongue at me.

“Then I will buy my own to watch it with you!”

She jumped on my bed and climbed over my body to reach the shelf that contains my DVDs.

Damn, tonight heaven hated me…or was that a kind of showing it’s love to me?

“Found it!” she said and I rolled my eyes at her in amusement.

“Here we go, Ninja Assassin once again!” I teased.

“Gosh, Rain is just too hot in that movie! I really don’t get why Lin prefers that Joon guy! Argh, don’t tell Hyukie about this! He might get jealous or something!”

I chuckled and waited for her to put in the DVD.

When she started the movie I expected her to go to Ryeowook’s bed, but instead she walked back to mine to lie down next to me.

“You know, you could have your own bed!” I reminded her teasingly.

“Sure, but I grew accustomed to yours, besides I have to keep you awake for it to be a movie night! Can’t have you miss all the Rain hotness!”

I felt warm inside.

She grew accustomed.

Damn you, stupid heart!

I tried my best to concentrate on the movie, but the body next to me was a great distraction.

I almost jumped when she suddenly snuggled close to my body.

“Amber?” I asked carefully, trying not to sound bothered by it.

I looked down at her face only to find her asleep.

I let out a breath and chuckled.

“Who needs to keep whom awake?”

I smiled seeing her relaxed sleeping face.

As god is my witness I tried my best not to make use of this situation, but my arms had their own will, they must be possessed by some higher power.

I found myself pulling her closer into my arms and she sighed softly, obviously being comfortable.

I watched her face closely, trying to count those cute little freckles.

She was being totally adorable.

I raised my hands to trace the outlines of her face with my finger softly.

I really loved her eyes as they had the most fascinating greenish blue color I had ever seen.

Her nose was just cute!

Her lips were pretty intriguing.

My breath became shallow as I looked at those lips.

Would it hurt to have a quick taste?

It wouldn’t, would it?

I leaned in stopping only millimeters away from her lips.

I almost could feel them touching mine.

Her breath was tickling my lips and I shivered.

You would make her cheat on her boyfriend, who happens to be your dongsaeng!

You would use her trust in you!

I groaned and carefully rose from my bed.

I turned off the TV and walked over to Ryeowook’s bed to make myself comfortable in it.

It really to be the good guy.


***Kyuhyun’s POV***

Still remembering our deal?

I snorted when I looked at the message suddenly appearing on my screen.

As if I would ever go through with it.

I chuckled.

Hyungs can be so oblivious!

In the end we both knew he wouldn’t really make me do it, seeing as I was just adorable when I pouted.

I just smirked.

Nope, there was no way this would be really happening!

Sure hyung, whatever you say!

I typed back and I didn’t have to wait too long for a reply.

Don’t think I will fall for your cute act this time! You definitely have to pay up!

I furrowed my brows.

He wouldn’t really make me do it, would he?

Already afraid? Kekeke

This was getting annoying and to tell the truth really a little bit frightening.

Will go to bed now, hyung! Early schedule!

I was about to close my laptop when another message showed up.

Someone is really afraid! Sweet dreams, Kyuhyunnie!

I groaned.

He was just trying to get to me!

He loves me too much to really go through with it!

Maybe it couldn’t hurt to be extra nice to him in the coming weeks.

 I turned around to ask Sungmin about his opinion.

I rolled my eyes.

Of course the guy wasn’t at home, once again!

I was really wondering what he was up to these past few weeks.

He never seemed to be at home.

Maybe I should do a little spying on him, since he just won’t tell me anything.

Not even when I filled him up the other night.

What was he hiding?

I sighed.

Maybe I should sort out my own problems first, concerning one special frightening hyung.

I decided to fetch myself a drink before going to bed so I left the room.

“Oh, hyung! Going somewhere?” I asked Ryeowook who was just leaving his room with his overnight bag.

“Just sleeping at LLeeteuk-hyung’s room tonight, seeing as Hyukie-hyung basically kicked Amber out of Lin’s apartment and Donghae is once again sleeping at Hyukie’s bed. So, have a good night, don’t stay up too long playing your games, neh?”

With that Ryeowook disappeared in the direction of the living room where I could hear Yesung and Amber talking to each other softly.

Hyukie kicked out Amber?

A devilish smile appeared on my face.

I walked in the direction of the living room only to pass Yesung and Amber.

“Ah, Kyu, still up? Losing a game again?” Amber asked teasingly.

I glared at her.

“Ani, just looking for something to drink!”

“Okay then, have a good night!” Yesung mumbled and I watched them disappear into Yesung’s room.

I grinned.

Who would think about something to drink when there was something better to do?

I sneaked into Hyukjae’s room to find a sleeping Donghae.

“Hyung!” I whispered and shook the sleeping guy lightly.

Donghae groaned and turned to look at me.

“Kyu? What is it?” he asked with a from sleep hoarse voice.

“Hyung, I really don’t feel too well!” I said trying my best to sound pitiful.

Donghae sat up tiredly.

He put his hand on my forehead to check on my temperature.

“Are you ill or something? Do you need me to bring you to the hospital?”

I shook my head slowly.

“Ani, I think it’s just a migraine or something!”

“Really? Then take some painkillers!” Donghae said sounding worried.

I pouted and held my head like it was really hurting.

“I would, but neither ours nor your dorm has any painkillers left anymore!”

Donghae furrowed his brows.

“Want me to get some from Lin’s apartment? I’m sure she will have some”

“I don’t know, I don’t want to bother her at night! I think she is already asleep! She didn’t answer her mobile.”

Donghae patted my head softly.

“Gwenchana, Kyu-ah, I know her door code! I will just sneak in, get some painkillers and be out of there without her even noticing me!”

I smiled weakly at him.

“Chincha? Hyung is the best!”

“Just go back to your room! I will be back shortly!”

I nodded and we both got up, me to head back to my room and Donghae to walk into his death!




Hi there...here we go with another chapter!

And it is even longer than the one before...so stop pestering me *glaring at my sister fynn1981*


This chapter should be specially dedicated to my friend Mel, since she acted so cute the other way that I decided to write another chapter! Hopefully she will have fun reading this after her long work day! *huuuuuuuuuuuuugs*


So, what do you think about this chapter? Any ideas you want to share with me or something you want me to write? I will consider it...promise!

And once again the question...who should Amber end up with?

Please vote!



THX for reading and commenting! ^^

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Meganmcc11 #1
Please update soon I really want to know what happens next :). -Megan
brattygurl #2
I constantly hope that you've updated this story because I love it so much. You're probably busy with school or work or both. I hope you haven't given up on this story and that you'll have time soon to update. Maybe an update as a holiday gift for your supportive followers!<br />
<br />
Hope all is well with you. Take care.
love it post more soon !
P.S. IT ANJA! HE IS NOT! <br />
<br />
P.P.S. I cannot wait until I pop in and get to annoy the y leader-ssi XD I ish not mad at not popping in yet, so dun worry ^^<br />
<br />
AHHHHHHHHHHH I saw my alert for new updates and was like "meh" then I saw Japca and was screaming lmao I SOWWY! I haven't been online a lot -.- my meds have FAILEDDDD and made me sleep nearly 24/7 TT_TT so tomorrow I shall be up and WRITINGGGGGGGGGGG XD I tol my doc to shove the pills up his ...apparently they tend to get a hint and stop making you take them anymore LOL anyways, AHHHHHHHHHH I hate you Anja -.- I hate you Mel -.- stealing both of my men TT_TT LOL at the SabHyuk scene at the end XD so cute! and Heechul? LOL love you dear, chat with you later~~
AwesomestAmber #6
buahahahahah fav line in ch Well, "some would call it bad luck – I call it HEECHUL!" - brilliant!<br />
naaaaaaaaaaaaw! Hangeng hug!<br />
LMFAO!!!!!! Oh boy, I swear I don’t need to wear rouge for the rest of my life as I’m sure that the blush appearing with that comment was burned into my skin<br />
omgosh oni no wonder u are dying in this ch! <br />
I LOVE it when she made him carry her bag!!<br />
YourMaster - Seriously DYING of laughter right now! I cant breathe from laughing!!!!!!!!<br />
I re-read the skype convo like 6 times it was so great<br />
linhae!!!!!!!!! FTW!
okay Kyyra hates it when i only write "i love it" but what do you expect me to write??? seriously???? love should be the highest honor and what else should i do apart from loving it??? on the other side i could say i hate it because it is NOT reality and THIS kinda pisses me off :-\<br />
<br />
reread it like 10 times i think... it is still open on my desktop... so i can re-read again and again :P<br />
<br />
my fav part starts actually with the late part of the flashback (walking home + back attack) and after that i just love it all... also i kinda had the first talk there with Kyu... haha you notice we have not so mcu dialog but i'm okay with that we are soulmates anyways XD <br />
<br />
no seriously real Anja was in tune with ff Anja... i just felt how she felt all the time.. so i can say so into the char Brina... always complaining and then doing a perfect job -.-<br />
<br />
ff Oni probably will end up in a psychiatric ward if he keeps doing that to her... or she will start to drink, cry and probably run away.. since she def thinks he is just having fun while she falls for him desperately... okay.. i could spazz like forever here...<br />
<br />
also loved the weird SJ- discussion on the beginning... especially how Brina talked about Hyukie's skills XD<br />
<br />
and Donghae&Mel are so cute it nearly makes a single person puke... but i love that about him... Donghae def can use Kyu's script line XD<br />
<br />
So i guess Lee will be pissed because she still didn't show up ;)<br />
and because of the chapi you wrote in general... i repeat Lee... KYU IS MINE!!! <br />
<br />
okay i stop now... so much to... only writing "Love it!!!" :P<br />
<br />
write the next chapi fast :P
brattygurl #8
wow, I was not expecting that about Kibum, poor baby. Amber needs to make a decision otherwise she'll tease Yesung while being in a go-nowhere relationship with Kibum, no one wins. I love the Kyu/Anja relationship, they are both so cheeky with each other. So is something going to happen at this celebratory dinner?
Atsume #9
YES 8D Although I feel really sorry for Kibummie, I was really hoping for her to end up with Yesung ^^ And lol Heechul is awesomeness. I really love your writing style, btw! ^^ I'll be waiting for your update!