They Won't...Or Will They?

Just A Phone Call Away

***Sungmin’s POV***

I sighed heavily when I let myself fall into the grass in the park nearby our company building.

I finally got off from work  this evening and had a little time to myself.

 I desperately needed to think some things through.

I groaned thinking about the two people who kept my mind busy most of the time these days.

It’s been a while for Hyukjae and Lin already.

They are dating for over a month now.

Honestly speaking, it was hard for me.

Not, that I’m not happy for them, because I am.

I love them both and they, being happy together, made me really happy.

But there were some times when I couldn’t help but feeling restless and bothered by them.

Watching them cuddle in the living room every day was hard.

Looking at them when they shared their sweet little moments, while seeing each other in their break time, was horrible.

Seeing them kissing each other when they thought no one would look was a stab to my heart.

Really, I’m happy for them, but sometimes I felt like punching a wall really hard.

I sighed and looked up at the sky.

That’s why I’m here to think things through.

This is a better time than any other, because right now Lin wasn’t around and Hyukjae wasn’t either.

With Lin in Taiwan it got easier to turn to my normal self, talking to Hyukjae like the good friends we’ve been for a while again.

With him going to Taiwan to visit Lin, it’s even easier on one hand as they both weren’t around to remind me of my feelings, but on the other hand I had to think what a romantic kind of thing to do it is, to follow your love to another country just because you miss them so much.

I groaned.

Get a grip of yourself, you idiot!

I closed my eyes to try to relax myself.

Just let go of all those emotions!

Just think about Lin as your friend, your little sister…anything far away from girlfriend material!

Remind yourself that Hyukjae is one of your closest friends.

You don’t want to see them unhappy!

You hate being unhappy yourself!

You are a happy guy!

You love happy colors!

You love pink for crying out loud!

You love cute animals!

You hate dark moods!

You hate tears!

You hate hearing someone cry!

Especially people you love!

I felt a smile slip on my face.









I sighed dreamily.

Such beautiful things!

I felt a frown appearing on my forehead.

What was this disturbing noise?

Why is someone bothering my happy thought therapy?

I hate that noise the most!

I opened my eyes and sat up, blinking because of the bright sun.

I looked around, searching for the cause of this disturbance.

There were families playing, friends hanging out, dogs playing with each other, business men relaxing, girls giggling.

Where is that hateful noise coming from?

Finally I could see a small figure standing next to a tree about 100 meters away.

It was a small boy, hiding his eyes behind his eyes, crying heartbreakingly.

I looked around.

Isn’t anyone around to notice the boy’s distress?

Where are the parents or siblings or at least a nanny!


I watched the boy cry for another 5 minutes, thinking someone must belong to him, but as nothing happened, I felt myself getting up from the ground and making my way over to him slowly.

I frowned as the boy seemed vaguely familiar to me.

When I made it to the boy’s side, I kneeled down in front of him.

“Annyeong, buddy, why are you crying?” I asked in a soothing voice, trying not to scare the kid off.

The kid slowly removed his hands from his face and stared at me with those brown doe-eyes that me like a lightening.

“Taeyoon-ah?” I asked, recognizing that very kid from our day out at the mall.

The boy didn’t even hesitate a second before he flung his arm around my neck.

I didn’t know what to do.

I could feel the trembling little guy against my body.

“Appa, Taeyoon got lost! Taeyoon wants Umma!”

My heart skipped a beat upon hearing him calling me his dad.

Really this was stupid!

I’m not this boy’s dad and I don’t even know why him calling me that affected me so much, but I couldn’t help myself, I slung my arms around the kid and pulled him in a tighter embrace.

“Taeyoon-ah, everything will be okay! Don’t cry anymore! Where is your umma?” I said soothingly.

“Taeyoon-ah got lost, appa!” Taeyoon sobbed into my neck.

I had to smile.

“You get lost a lot, Taeyoon-ah! Don’t worry, hyung will help you to find your umma!” I said reassuringly.

The guy eventually stopped crying and I pulled back a little to look at the boy.

Taeyoon looked back at me and all out of sudden he pecked my cheek.

“Taeyoon-ah loves appa!”

I felt my heart clench.

I’m not your dad, little one!

I sighed and ruffled his hair caringly.

“At least this is better than you not talking at all like the last time!”

Taeyoon smiled.

Warmth spread throughout my body and I smiled back.

Eventually I shook my head over myself and stood up, taking Taeyoon’s hand in mine.

“Okay, buddy, let’s go find your umma!” I said.

“Appa, Taeyoon is hungry!” the boy said looking at me pointedly.

I frowned.

“Let’s go find your umma first, Taeyoon-ah! I’m sure she will buy you something to eat!” I tried.

“Anniyo, Taeyoon is hungry now!” he looked at me with puppy eyes.

I sighed and eventually grinned.

“You know, I’m the master of aeygo! Those eyes won’t work on me!”

The boy pouted cutely and I couldn’t help myself, I ruffled his hair again.

“Aish, okay, let’s find something to eat then, but then we have to find your mom! She will be worried to death by now!”

Taeyoon grinned and pulled me with him happily.

I shook my head over myself and followed the boy with a grin.


*** 1 hour later***

“No!” I said firmly.

“Appa, please!” the boy tried his puppy eyes on me again.

“I told you we have to find your umma first!”

“Taeyoon wants a balloon! A fish one! Please!”

I groaned.

“Argh, you are reminding me of a dongsaeng of mine with that fish obsession of yours!”

I finally gave in and bought a fish-shaped balloon for the boy.

The girl who sold the balloons grinned at me knowingly.

“Your son is really cute! It’s hard to say “no” to him, I bet!”

“Oh, he isn’t my…”

I felt Taeyoon cling to my leg.

“Thank you, appa! Taeyoon loves appa the most!”

The girl smiled at Taeyoon.

“And I’m sure your appa loves you a lot, too, little man!”

The woman handed Taeyoon the balloon and I felt like face palming myself.

“You sure do look alike! I bet your umma is happy to have two handsome guys now!”

I groaned.

“Urgh, thank you! Taeyoon-ah, we have to go, your umma is waiting!”

“Can we buy a balloon for umma, too?”

I sighed as I knew Taeyoon wouldn’t back off unless I would buy another balloon.

I turned to the woman with an annoyed face and she grinned at me amused.

“Which one would you like, Sir?”

I rolled my eyes and looked at the balloons.

“I don’t really care!”

I felt Taeyoon pulling my sleeve and I looked down at him.

“Appa should get a heart balloon!”

I rolled my eyes.

“Taeyoon-ah, I…”

“Yuri says, if you are in love, you have to give away your heart!”

I frowned.

“Who is Yuri?”

Taeyoon giggled.

“You are so funny, appa! Yuri is my friend at kindergarten!”

The balloon-girl smiled.

“Your son is very intelligent, Sir!”

I sighed.

“Okay, give me that heart balloon!”

“Good choice!”

She handed me the balloon and I picked up Taeyoon.

“Now let’s find your mom!”

“Yay, off to find umma!” The guy yelled happily outstretching his arm like Superman.

I chuckled and walked around the park busy looking around for Taeyoon’s mum.

Where should I go to?

I walked around the area I found Taeyoon before.


I headed for the playground.

Still nothing!

“Taeyoon-ah, where did you see your umma the last time?” I looked at the guy and had to grin when I noticed his face.

He looked like thinking hard about my question.

Eventually he started grinning, too.

My grin!


“I don’t know, appa!”

I blinked a few times.

“Aiyo, how can you not know where you saw her last? You are already so big!”

“Taeyoon will be four soon!”

I shook my head.

“Almost four years old and still you don’t know where you saw your umma the last time?”

“Sorry, appa, I forgot! Don’t be sad!” Taeyoon said pecking my cheek again.

Such a cute affectionate boy!

I sighed.

“Okay, Taeyoon-ah, listen! Where do you and your umma go to when you are visiting this park?”

Again Taeyoon concentrated hard.

“We go to play with the fountain!” he finally exclaimed happily.

“The fountain! I could have thought of that! Let’s go!”

Finally something I could work with.

I fastened my pace and walked to the other side of the park.

The sun was already setting and I’m sure his mother must be worried sick.

It took me fifteen minutes to basically jog through the park to reach the fountain area.

It was a large area for people to play around with water.

Fountains would shoot up to the air from all over the ground in various times, making the people laugh whenever they got hit by the water unexpectedly.

As the sun was already almost gone and it got colder with each passing moment there wasn’t anyone around anymore, when I arrived at the area.

I groaned in frustration.

Where was his mom?

I already wanted to turn my back on the area, when something caught my eye.

There, right behind a formation of big rocks, someone was sitting on the ground, dripping wet.

I walked in that direction and could hear someone crying again.

What was it with everyone crying so hard today?

It obviously was a girl that was sitting on the ground looking like a picture of misery.

When I almost reached her another fountain shot up from the ground, hitting the girl, who just ignored it, sobbing heartbreakingly.

So, that’s why she was so wet.

What the hell was she trying to do?

Killing herself by catching a cold?

“YAH, are you out of your mind! Stand up, will you?”

I couldn’t stop myself before shouting at the girl angrily.

How can anyone be so careless?

The girl raised her head and turned it in my direction.

My eyes widened in surprise.

There before me sat an angel, I was sure of that.

Her light brown eyes were shining from all the tears she had cried, her hair had fallen into her face in wet curls, she was biting her rosy lips to keep herself from making noises while sobbing, failing horribly, and the dripping clothes clung to her body, showing off her feminine curves.

She gasped.

“Sungmin-oppa?” she asked surprised.

I still stared at her for a few seconds, mesmerized by her sight.

“Umma!” Taeyoon squealed happily.

Another fountain shot up and hit her already shaking body full force.

I was brought back to reality.

I quickly walked over to her and pulled her up from the ground.

“Oppa?” she asked irritated.

“Are you out of your mind, sitting here getting all wet? It’s getting colder, you know! Do you want to freeze to death?” I shouted at her.

What the hell got into me?

Her eyes widened in shock, obviously frightened by my angry behavior.

I groaned taking her hand in mine and pulled her with me.

She didn’t say anything, but kept staring at me.

When we were finally out of the fountain area I stopped, making her stumble against me.

“Oppa, what…”

“Umma, Appa found me and brought me back to you!” Taeyoon said happily.

Her eyes were looking at her son in confusion before new tears started to form in her eyes.

“Taeyoon-ah, how could you run away again? I was so worried for you!”

“Sorry, umma, but Taeyoon had to find appa! Look I found him!”

She closed her eyes for a second and then looked over at me.

“Mianhae, Oppa, I…”

“You are so careless getting yourself all wet!” I said, cutting in on her sentence.

She bit her lip in an embarrassed way.


I got more and more irritated by her with every passing second.

We stared at each other not saying anything.

The wind picked up and I saw her trembling again.

I looked down her body, seeing her summer dress clinging to her body and her dripping wet thin woolen jacket didn’t do anything to keep her warm.

I really didn’t want to stare at her body, but I couldn’t help myself.

She was just perfect.

When I looked up at her face again I felt myself blushing as she seemed to have noticed me checking her out.

She blushed, too.

“Umma, are you cold? You are shaking!”

The moment was broken and I mentally shook my head over myself.

Finally me being a down-to-earth person kicked in.

I put Taeyoon down and raised my hands to the shoulders of the trembling girl in front of me.

She widened her eyes in surprise, probably thinking I had some weird intentions.

I smiled when she in a breath as I took off her jacket.

I ignored the shiver that ran through her body when my warm hands brushed over her cold skin.

I took off my jacket and pulled it over her shoulders.

She finally seemed to wake up from her trancelike state.

“Oppa, this isn’t necessary!”

I groaned.

“You becoming ill isn’t necessary! Taeyoon needs his umma!”

She stared at me confused and I felt myself staring back.


She had amazing eyes.

“Appa, the balloon!” Taeyoon suddenly shouted happily.

I blinked a few times, before I remembered what Taeyoon was talking about.

I looked at Taeyoon holding out the balloon for me to take.

I felt embarrassed.

Oh to hell with it!

I took the heart-shaped balloon from the kid’s hands and presented it to Taeyoon’s mum.

“Well, Taeyoon kinda talked me into buying this for you and I think you should have it, so…”

I was silenced by a pair of cold lips pressing against mine.

I widened my eyes in shock.

I felt her hands at my nape and her lips touching mine softly.

I didn’t know what to do.

I could smell her sweet scent.

Like honey!

Her hands were caressing my neck softly.

Her heart beat frantically!

I registered the small sigh she let out as she finally let go of me.

“Kamsa hamnida, Sungmin-oppa!”

I stared at her in confusion.

She picked up Taeyoon and walked away quickly.

I watched her going as she suddenly stopped and turned back around again.

She walked up to me and I felt my heart beat sped up too this time.

Was she going to kiss me again?

She took the balloon from my hand and then finally left.

I stood there like a frozen idiot.

When I finally awoke from my frozen state she already was gone.

“What the hell?”

I touched my still tingling lips.


***Yesung’s POV***

I watched them going at it again.

“You are such an idiot!”

“Me? What did I do to you?”

“You were looking!”

“Something wrong with looking? Sorry that god gave me eyes!”

“Argh, of course you can look, but not in that way!”

“What way? I was basically looking! One is supposed to look up when someone enters the room!”

“God damn you, what’s wrong with you? You were looking at me like I’m the ugliest girl in the world, which, I know for sure, is not the case!”

“Then suite yourself and back off!”

“So you thought I was ugly earlier?”

“What? God, you are so irritating!”

“Why can’t you just be nice for once?”

“I didn’t do anything to you in the first place, woman!”

“Did to!”

“Did not!”



“Argh, I hate you!”

“I hate you more!”

“Get out of this apartment!”

“That’s my apartment!”

“It is not!”

“I’m sleeping here!”

“You are sleeping upstairs!”

“So? I’m allowed to be down here seeing as this is my band mates’ apartment! But who gave you the permission to be here?”

I took a sip of my tea and watched them arguing like they have been doing ever since Amber arrived almost two weeks ago.

I really didn’t get it.

Kibum could be snarky, but usually he was polite, especially with girls.

Amber was a happy and easy to get along with girl.

So what was their problem?

I could hear the apartment door open and a deep in thought Sungmin walked in.

I watched him closely.

Something was off with him, definitely.

Actually, something was off with him ever since a few weeks ago.

I could sense it.

I just didn’t bother to ask as I prefer people coming to talk to me, not me pestering them to tell me.

“Oh, you don’t know how much I want to kick you right now!” Amber yelled angrily and I couldn’t help myself but  I had to stare at her as she really was hot when she was mad like that.

Sungmin looked up, his thoughts obviously being disturbed upon hearing the fight that was still going on.

He caught my sight and shook his head irritated.

He walked up to me.

“Are they fighting again?”

I grinned.

“Why do you even ask?”

Sungmin watched Amber and Kibum in disbelieve.

“I thought they would eventually have sorted their problems out by now. They met more than a week ago, how can they still argue that much?”

“They just seem to tick each other off!” I said shrugging.

“What are they arguing about this time?” Sungmin asked interested, leaning against the counter to have an eye on the two fighting figures.

I thought about it for a moment.

“Actually I have absolutely no idea!”

“So you are just here watching them? Don’t you want to…you know…interfere?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Actually Amber and I were supposed to sneak out to go to the cinema, but I guess we won’t be going with the way Amber is busy with this fight. In the end they both probably will walk away to their apartments banging the doors! Isn’t it always like that whenever they see each other?”

Sungmin watched me closely.

“Ah, that’s the reason for your disguise. I was already wondering about that!”

I shrugged.

Well, I guess the effort was good for nothing now.

“You are the most arrogant I ever met!”



“Sorry, maybe would be more to your liking!”

I raised my eyebrows.

This was about to get dirty.

I just thought about getting involved, when suddenly somewhere in the dorm a door flew open with a loud bang.

Everyone froze when a totally mad Kyuhyun walked out of the hallway leading to his room.

“I’m in the middle of an important game and no one can concentrate with the two of you trying to bring down this building in a shouting match, so just shut up and leave this dorm, will you!”

I had to mentally applaud to the maknae as both, Kibum and Amber, looked to the ground embarrassed.

“Mianhae, Kyu-ya!”

“Mianhaeyo, Oppa!

“Seriously, the two of you should just spare us all the suffering and kiss! Go and have hot or something, just finally shut up! I’m sick of all this fighting. I’m having a constant headache!”

Okay, I totally didn’t agree with this one.

Who wants them to kiss or even worse have ?

“Urgh, Kyu, this is just…!” Kibum started to say.

“What? Something wrong with kissing me?” Amber snapped.

“Everything is wrong with it!”

“You are really the most hateful guy on this planet, you little…”

“Okay, that’s it! Enough! Both of you…OUT!”

I watched in fascination as Kyuhyun grabbed first Kibum’s and then Amber’s arm and dragged them both to the door.

“Go and annoy the hell out of someone else just don’t dare to fight in our dorm again!”

Sungmin and I blinked in utter disbelieve as Kyuhyun, the Kyuhyun who actually liked both, Amber and Kibum, a lot, the Kyuhyun  who was normally the one who didn’t let himself feel bothered by anything, kicked them out of the dorm, shutting the door with a lot of force.

Kyuhyun sighed happily and walked to the direction of his room.

“Finally a bit of peace! They really made my head ache a lot! I lost a game for heaven’s sake!” he mumbled.

“Yah, Kyu-ya!” I yelled out before thinking about it.

Kyuhyun stopped abruptly looking at me and Sungmin like he just noticed us standing there.

“Oh, hyungs, were you here the whole time?” he asked surprised.


This was odd.

Why is everyone behaving so odd these days?

Amber and Kibum are constantly trying to kill each other, Hyukie behaving all lovesick, Sungmin being in deep thoughts all the time and now Kyuhyun was acting all weird.

Kyuhyun crossed his arms.

“So why didn’t you stop them?”

I shrugged.

“Because it was kinda entertaining!”

“Hyung, they just made me lose an important game!”

Sungmin chuckled.

“Didn’t you lose games before?”

“Yes, but well, this was just...argh...forget about it!”

Kyuhyun was about to leave for his room, when I called out his name again.

He turned back around to me and looked at me questioning.

“Why did you tell them to kiss or have already?” I blurted out.

Well sorry, but with everyone being weird I want to have my share on being deep in thought and being moody.

Kyuhyun raised his brows and then rolled his eyes.

“Seriously hyung? They have this tension! You should watch dramas more often, hyung! People fighting like that always end up making out and falling in love! It’s just…it’s a rule, hyung!”

Kyuhyun walked away and I furrowed my brows.

I seriously didn’t like that!

“He is right, hyung! I think they will end up together eventually!” Sungmin said.

I didn’t like it at all.

I watched Sungmin pushing himself away from the kitchen counter energetically.

 “Are you hungry, hyung? I feel like making dinner!”


Why was he whistling so happily?

Wasn’t he all moody these past few weeks?

The apartment door flew open and a happily grinning Heechul walked in.

“I’m here!” he exclaimed excitedly.

Sungmin and I shared a glance before looking at the odd hyung irritated.

“Isn’t this just a wonderful day?” Heechul almost sang.

What is wrong with everyone these days?

They will end up together eventually!

No, they won’t…or will they?



Hm...what to say...don't know...hope you like that chapter as I liked it alot.

What do you people think? ^^


Want to say thank you to all the nice comments on my story so far...really love each of the comments!

Would be awesome to be featured, but sadly I'm not the person to decide on that...but I would be happy if I would one day ^^



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Meganmcc11 #1
Please update soon I really want to know what happens next :). -Megan
brattygurl #2
I constantly hope that you've updated this story because I love it so much. You're probably busy with school or work or both. I hope you haven't given up on this story and that you'll have time soon to update. Maybe an update as a holiday gift for your supportive followers!<br />
<br />
Hope all is well with you. Take care.
love it post more soon !
P.S. IT ANJA! HE IS NOT! <br />
<br />
P.P.S. I cannot wait until I pop in and get to annoy the y leader-ssi XD I ish not mad at not popping in yet, so dun worry ^^<br />
<br />
AHHHHHHHHHHH I saw my alert for new updates and was like "meh" then I saw Japca and was screaming lmao I SOWWY! I haven't been online a lot -.- my meds have FAILEDDDD and made me sleep nearly 24/7 TT_TT so tomorrow I shall be up and WRITINGGGGGGGGGGG XD I tol my doc to shove the pills up his ...apparently they tend to get a hint and stop making you take them anymore LOL anyways, AHHHHHHHHHH I hate you Anja -.- I hate you Mel -.- stealing both of my men TT_TT LOL at the SabHyuk scene at the end XD so cute! and Heechul? LOL love you dear, chat with you later~~
AwesomestAmber #6
buahahahahah fav line in ch Well, "some would call it bad luck – I call it HEECHUL!" - brilliant!<br />
naaaaaaaaaaaaw! Hangeng hug!<br />
LMFAO!!!!!! Oh boy, I swear I don’t need to wear rouge for the rest of my life as I’m sure that the blush appearing with that comment was burned into my skin<br />
omgosh oni no wonder u are dying in this ch! <br />
I LOVE it when she made him carry her bag!!<br />
YourMaster - Seriously DYING of laughter right now! I cant breathe from laughing!!!!!!!!<br />
I re-read the skype convo like 6 times it was so great<br />
linhae!!!!!!!!! FTW!
okay Kyyra hates it when i only write "i love it" but what do you expect me to write??? seriously???? love should be the highest honor and what else should i do apart from loving it??? on the other side i could say i hate it because it is NOT reality and THIS kinda pisses me off :-\<br />
<br />
reread it like 10 times i think... it is still open on my desktop... so i can re-read again and again :P<br />
<br />
my fav part starts actually with the late part of the flashback (walking home + back attack) and after that i just love it all... also i kinda had the first talk there with Kyu... haha you notice we have not so mcu dialog but i'm okay with that we are soulmates anyways XD <br />
<br />
no seriously real Anja was in tune with ff Anja... i just felt how she felt all the time.. so i can say so into the char Brina... always complaining and then doing a perfect job -.-<br />
<br />
ff Oni probably will end up in a psychiatric ward if he keeps doing that to her... or she will start to drink, cry and probably run away.. since she def thinks he is just having fun while she falls for him desperately... okay.. i could spazz like forever here...<br />
<br />
also loved the weird SJ- discussion on the beginning... especially how Brina talked about Hyukie's skills XD<br />
<br />
and Donghae&Mel are so cute it nearly makes a single person puke... but i love that about him... Donghae def can use Kyu's script line XD<br />
<br />
So i guess Lee will be pissed because she still didn't show up ;)<br />
and because of the chapi you wrote in general... i repeat Lee... KYU IS MINE!!! <br />
<br />
okay i stop now... so much to... only writing "Love it!!!" :P<br />
<br />
write the next chapi fast :P
brattygurl #8
wow, I was not expecting that about Kibum, poor baby. Amber needs to make a decision otherwise she'll tease Yesung while being in a go-nowhere relationship with Kibum, no one wins. I love the Kyu/Anja relationship, they are both so cheeky with each other. So is something going to happen at this celebratory dinner?
Atsume #9
YES 8D Although I feel really sorry for Kibummie, I was really hoping for her to end up with Yesung ^^ And lol Heechul is awesomeness. I really love your writing style, btw! ^^ I'll be waiting for your update!