Seung Ah’s sick

My life as a President


@max_woo_lin ; there will be rivalry between the three >.<

@madz67 ; yeah :D

Sorry if I didn’t replied to all of your comments!


Seung Ah is working over the papers that is finished when her head aches, she has been experiencing this since yesterday. She only ignores this and worked more, once she is finished with all the papers; she decided to walk around the building and check of there’s something wrong in the building.


Fortunately, the building is perfectly fine and the idols are practicing. She decided to enter the practice room of B2ST, when she entered they are practicing to FICTION which is her favorite song for now.


They don’t know that she entered because they are occupied to what they are doing. She silently sat on one of the chairs and crossed her legs, she looked at each member through the mirror and they realized she is there.


They finished the practice and walked to her, she clapped her hands with a smile. “You did well,” she said and they bowed altogether. “Seung Ah-sshi, we’re thankful that you had the time to watch us. Well, we’ll be late to our next schedule at SGB.” Junhyung said as he dragged Yoseob with him and bowed again “Anyeong!” then grabbed their bags from the floor. Kikwang, Hyunseung and Dongwoon have schedules too so they got out of the room leaving Seung Ah and Doojoon alone.


An awkward silence remained as the two only stared at each other, she started to giggle because of the awkwardness while he just blink in confusion. “so what are we going to do now?” she asked and he only shrugged.


They talked about the future projects of B2ST, Seung Ah felt again the dizziness she felt earlier at her office. She told Doojoon that she needs air and they only stood outside the building.


They decided to go home after a few minutes and rest, Seung Ah invited Doojoon to stay because there are no members yet going home and he agreed.


After an hour, she is preparing coffee and Doojoon is only watching sports. They watched together and Seung Ah’s eye lid is getting heavier. Soon, she out and lied down on his lap. He is surprised as he tried to wake Seung Ah up, yet there’s no response. He lightly placed his hand to the forehead of her, she is hot and she needs to go rest. It seems like Doojoon needs to take care of her, he decided to put Seung Ah on her bed upstairs.


He placed Seung Ah on the bed and thought, ‘it seems like I need to take care of her’ 

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Woah! Good job man!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
WHOA!!!!!!<br />
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End is near?! :/
pls update again :]<br />
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Wha! A ring~!!!
T_T i miss you all guys and i lost one or two subscriber(s) i think? :))) but thank you for all those who waited for this. :)))
yay! they kissed! woohooo!<br />
junhyung is such a lady killer! lol!<br />
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oh no!!! doojoon oppa!!!!<br />
i thought you were asleep along with the other members.. toobad you were awake.>.<<br />
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oh no.. make a moove! doojoonie! ^>^<br />
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ahahhaha I can't choose between them. lmao~<br />
I'll support both! kekeke
Jaimee #6
YES!! Seung Ah fall for Junhyung!!!<br />
poor Doojoon!! But I'm supporting Junhyung all of the way!
pls update again :]<br />
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OMO~!!! HE confessED~!!!<br />
And DOOJOON~!!! OMO~!!! OMO~!!!
Jaimee #8
oh yeah!! I remember now!<br />
yea! Junhyung! punch him in the face!! ^_^<br />
Thanks for the update :)