It's Starting

Heart & Key: The Sequel


The night of that day, you were on the couch and watching some crazy music videos of SHINee. Your overflowing love for this group is just too much to explain.

Especially Lee Taemin.

You would even not mind about L. Joe sitting next to you or talking sweet talks to you if Taemin lands on your eyes.

Believe it or not, of all the boys out there, L. Joe is so so so so so so so much jealous of Taemin. Even if he knows that what you feel is just some crush from a fan.

“Why! Soooo! Seeeeerrrriiiiiious!!!!” You chanted as you watched SHINee’s music videos.

You were even jumping in your seat like you are in a concert or you are watching a live performance.


Kim Hana = Shawol.

“Noona?” Sungjae gaped at you who were so immersed into SHINee.

You were stopped from what you are doing upon hearing your brother speak. “Yes?” You asked as you tried to act normally again.

Sungjae raised his brow. “Fangirling again?” He asked you.

You immediately shook your head. “Aniyo. I’m just watching peacefully.” You replied immediately.

Sungjae raised his brow again and chuckled. “Yeah right. Watching peacefully.” He said as he nodded his head on you. Pretending to believe you but you can sense that he is actually teasing you.

You narrowed your eyes on him. “I said I am doing great.” You replied. Then you began to calm down. “Why are you here anyways?” You asked.

Sungjae grinned. Then he sat beside you and changed the channel.

You were so mad that he really has to do it. “HEY!!!” you screamed like a crazy fan girl, making him look at you weirdly.

He ignored you and flipped the channel to Sistar19’s stage. Your eyes widened and you gaped at him in disbelief. “Now look who’s fanboying.” You muttered as you shook your head.

You looked at your brother and saw him enjoying himself so much. “Yeah. I’ll go ahead now.” You said.

He nodded at you but his eyes were glued on the TV screen. “Yeah. Gone. Not around any longer.” He replied as you chuckled. *Runs in the blood.*











Meanwhile, L. Joe and Chunji were off at the gym the next day. (Yes. They do visit the gym sometimes too.) As they stepped outside, they saw some swarm of girls.

They were all gathered, like there is a fan meeting or something.

Chunji nudged L. Joe. “What the hell is happening?” He asked him as he nodded at the girls.

L. Joe shrugged. He too doesn’t know anything about this. “How do you expect me to know?” He asked him back.

Chunji shrugged. “I just thought you would know since you have the most fan girls among us.” He replied.

L. Joe looked at him weirdly. “Yeah and as far as I remember, I am the only one with a girl among us too.” He shot back.

Chunji chuckled. “Yeah. Forgot about that.” He said as they walked on.

The two stopped by CAP’s place since they were scheduled for a duel on the PS with CAP and Niel today.

And yes, the CAPNIEL team has never been beaten ever.

Even the CHUNJOE team isn’t good enough as compared to them.

“We have to win this.” L. Joe told Chunji. “I don’t want to buy food to feed these strange couple.” He added.

Chunji nodded and chuckled. “Me neither.” He replied.

They both smirked and entered CAP’s crib.

They arrived there and saw CAP and Niel fighting. They are originally practicing something, like the game or something, when things got changed and they ended up fighting. Well. The usual of this couple (team).

Chunji and L. Joe just snatched the controllers from them and they just continued fighting not even greeting their friends who just arrived, not even minding that they don’t already have their controllers with them.

It was about 10 minutes later that CAP and Niel came back and shooed L. Joe and Chunji away.

“YAH! We were practicing!” L. Joe snarled.

CAP just carried him out of the scene and took the controller from him. Chunji moved before he gtes kicked again. “Move. Wait for your turn.” CAP told them.

L. Joe and Chunji rolled their eyes. “You were the ones to wait for your turn supposed to be.” They chorused making Niel and CAP glare at them.

CHUNJOE team just shook their heads in disagreement. *Wait till your winning streak ends.* They both thought with fire burning in their eyes.










The four of them attacked the food.

“Thank you for the food hyung!” Chunji beamed with CAP not minding and just eating the whole thing. CHUNJOE FINALLY WON OVER THE CAPNIEL TEAM!!!! ^^

L. Joe and Niel were eating furiously as well.

“Hyung, slowly.” Niel said. “You just went to the gym right? Don’t you think all your efforts will be put to---“ Niel stopped as he saw L. Joe getting more food again, just after his first plate. “---waste.” He continued with much awe in his voice.

*Didn’t think this hyung is a binger.* Niel thought as he shook his head and gulped his food down, not letting his hyungs eat all the food.

“Why aren’t you and Hana on a date today, L. Joe?” CAP asked all of a sudden.

L. Joe stopped eating and shrugged. “She said she will do something today.” He replied as he continued to eat his food. “Probably fangirling over Lee Taemin again.” He added nonchalantly.

CAP, Niel and Chunji chuckled. “Losing to a celebrity?” They all asked.

“Pfffft.” L. Joe smirked. “Not like she can love another better than me.” He said confidently.

The three shrugged. “Who knows hyung? Hana noona is really beautiful. Maybe she’ll meet someone who could get her interest more than you.” Niel replied.

Chunji nodded. “You have known each other for so long. Don’t you think she is bored when she’s with you?” He asked again.

L. Joe gave each of them his death glare. “What’s with the negativism guys?” He asked them. “Hana and I are fine as hell you know! Why do you need to ask me questions that make me want to bury you six feet under the ground?” He asked pissed.

The three shrugged.

“We were just asking, L. Joe.” CAP said.

“Tch. Stop asking those kinds of questions.” L. Joe said as he ate his food again.

The three just looked at each other and shrugged. *PISS L. JOE, SUCCESSFUL.*

They just actually did that so that L. Joe would not eat all of the food. Look at these guys. Lol

Chunji looked out and saw a girl walking down the street. “Is that the weird Luna girl?” He asked making the rest look at the direction he is pointing.

They all nodded. Well, L. Joe just glared at Luna’s figure. “I hate that human.” He beamed.

CAP and Niel nodded.

“She is the weirdest girl I have known in my life.” Niel replied.

CAP nodded. “There seems to be so wrong with her.” He added.

“Or odd.” Chunji corrected. “It’s like I’ve seen her somewhere.” He added.

L. Joe shook his head. “I don’t think you’ve seen her somewhere unless you go the library or something.” He shot.

Chunji shook his head. “No. I think I’ve seen her. I am certain that I have seen her.” He insisted as he thought hard about it.

L. Joe shrugged. “Familiar or not, she is still a weird and clingy girl I hate her.” He snarled.

CAP and Niel nodded while Chunji thought about her. *Is it Sungjae’s school?* He thought.

“Stop thinking about it, Chanhee.” CAP said. “Maybe you did see her and you do think she is familiar but that doesn’t change the fact that she is weird.” He added.

Chunji nodded, not fully listening to his hyung. *But it is still strange. Why would I see her in Sungjae’s school?* He thought again as his inner detective spirit rises up again.

Here he is again.

The Awesome Lee Chanhee.

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Galaxy04 #1
i really love chunji's role! he's really the awesome lee chanhee!

but sometimes i hate hana for being stupid about what's happening around her kekeke
exoismysanity #2
Chapter 7: I kind of hate that you chose Luna for this role. Because personally I believe she has a very sweet reputation and I just couldn't see how Luna was picked for the antagonist role.
swaggeyy98 #3
Chapter 32: Hello! Im your new reader! Your fanfic sooooooo freakin cool! Plus my bias is jo brother(ljoe+changjo) and i really happy to see yenny at previous chapter :P your words is soo amazing.. i read hanjoe fanfic from the start and i just finished.. thanks for making my long day at school to be colorful with your fanfic.. i was smiling all day at school... keep writting with teen top as the main character ;P kkkk and its a relief that its a happy ending!
Love hanjoe always :D and love you author :3 kkkk
Chapter 32: make a triquel plisssssssssssss . i want them married and have a childdd ... plis author-nimm
Chapter 18: .....

You know Hana's niceness just reached the point where it's really annoying and frustrating.
Is it niceness or stupidity?
Either way, her and L.Joe's relationship is gonna go downhill because she won't ing believe what the people are telling her about Luna.
If she ends up crying after all this, I won't even feel bad cause it's just so frustrating for her to not see the obvious.
Well there's no turning back now, she was already warned waaaaay before when L. Joe said he disliked her.
Kay, now that I got that out my system, I feel less upset.
Sorry for ranting lol
exoshidae32 #6
Chapter 32: I definitely love the ending, after the hurts and sufferings they ended happily together. Sooo Daebak !
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 32: Awwww i love the ending ... serve luna ... btw its totally awesome ...
Chapter 32: aww finally happy ending . haha luna serve you right for making hana sad . hehe i am totaly in love with this story . goodjob authornim <3
Chapter 5: whatt okay i just read chapter 4 and it make me frust . aigoo i dont like luna . hahaha . aigoo so emo of me .ahhh hahaha but gonna finished reading this story :D
Chapter 19: just one thing what i love.. i love when infinite proactive over their band's kid