
Heart & Key: The Sequel


You are walking down the corridor when you saw Jongup who was smiling and waving happily at you.

“Good morning, Hana!” He greeted.

You smiled back. “Good morning, Jongup.” You replied with a smile.

Jongup looked around. “No L.Joe?” He asked.

You laughed and shook your head. “He said he is going to do something. Maybe baseball practice.” You replied.

He just smiled. “Oh.” He replied. “Wait, I heard Luna dropped out of school already.” He said.

You nodded and smiled sadly. You didn’t hear anything from her since the incident on her birthday party. You wanted to somehow apologize about the things that happened.

You once treated her as a friend and as a matter of fact, you do until now.

“Guess, she was brought back to her senses.” Jongup said. “She was ruining a lot of life because her life was ruined before.” He added.

You smiled and nodded. You don’t know how Jongup learned about Luna’s past. Or maybe Naeun did tell him because she knew that Naeun and BAP are getting along just fine these days.

“I hope she gets well and better now.” You said.

Jongup nodded. “Of course she would. She is a strong woman.” He assured you.

You smiled. Jongup would always tell you the right words at the right time. And that is what you love about him. Even though you have turned him down, he was always there for you.

Jongup glanced at his clock. “Omo! I think I have to go, Hana.” He told you. “Naeun and I are going to eat lunch together.” He said as he walked. “Bye! See you around! Say Hi to L.Joe and the boys for me!” He screamed as he waved and ran.

You nodded. “Will do.” You replied as you shook your head, smiling.

So, what is the real score between the two? They seem to be going out more often than before.

You laughed. “I hope something blooms between them.” You mumbled. Because after all, they deserve to be happy.


You walked to your class and were greeted by your classmates. You were about to enter the classroom when you noticed Woohyun and Sunggyu walking at the corridor.

“Daebu!!!!” You beamed as you ran to them. Like a child as ever.

Sunggyu and Woohyun looked at you, shocked. “Oh, Hana, why aren’t you in class?” Sunggyu asked. He sounded a little worried.

You shrugged. “Class hasn’t started yet. And the professor’s always late.” You replied.

They both nodded. “You go study your lessons while waiting for you professor! You have you study hard, Princess.” Woohyun shooed you to class.

You scoffed at them as they walked on leaving you in your classroom’s door. *Those middle agers!!!!* You angrily thought as you walked to class.

Class was boring as usual. What’s new? But you noticed something weird with Chunji.

“Hey.” You called him.

Chunji looked at you. “What?” He asked.

You gave him a look. “You look weird. You look a bit off.” You told him.

Chunji widened his eyes at you before laughing awkwardly. “No. I am just thinking of things.” He said.

You narrowed your eyes. “Like?” You asked.

Chunji rolled his eyes. “Aish! I have private life too, you know!” He told you.

You gave him a pointed look. “Oh really?” You asked, not convinced.

Chunji nodded his head furiously. “Of course! Why would I be weird and off?” He asked.

You shrugged. “Don’t know. I just noticed you weren’t the whistling Chunji today. Not as awesome as you think you are.” You beamed.

Chunji scoffed. “What? I am not awesome? Of course not! I AM AWESOME.” He acclaimed.

You chuckled. “Whatever, weirdo.” You said as you faced front and copied the notes in the board.

Chunji looked at you and smiled. *Aish. L.Joe’s giving me the hardest task ever!* HE thought as he slipped the note he was holding to your bag cautiously.

Classes ended before anyone knows it.

You looked at Chunji who was back to normal again. Of course, he had finished his task. There is no need to be uptight now.

“Where are you going?” He asked you as you prepared your bag.

You blinked at him. “Cafeteria?” You replied.

Chunji nodded. “Oh.” HE said. “How about you accompany me to the registrar first before going together to the cafeteria?” He asked you.

You hesitated at once. When did Chunji ever need your help?

“Okay.” You replied.

He smiled as he fixed his things.

He stood up and slung his backpack. “Come on!” He beamed as you both walked to the registrar.

On your way to the registrar you saw some weird notes pasted on the wall.

“Look, there are notes on the wall.” You told Chunji.

Chunji raised his brow. “Oh?” He asked as he suppressed the feeling inside him. He actually wanted to laugh but L.Joe will kill him once he sabotages his plan.

You nodded.

“Why don’t you look at it?” He asked you.

It seems like he was already late when he told you that because you were already looking at the notes.

*To the heart that my key unlocks, you know who you are. Gather all the notes on the wall. And follow the path. – The key *

You narrowed your eyes on the note. You looked at Chunji who was standing coolly beside you. “This seems familiar.”You said as you took the note.

Chunji smiled. *Aish. That L.Joe’s tricks, really.* HE thought as you walked towards the registrar.

You gave Chunji a pointed look. “Hey. You know about this, don’t you?” You asked him.

Chunji widened his eyes. “What? No! I don’t know anything about that.” He denied, well, lied.

You gave him a narrowed look, then, you looked at the note in your hand. “What if this isn’t mine?” You asked as you were about to put the note back.

“Look, Hana! Another one!” Chunji quickly said when you were about to bring the note back.

You looked at the next note. *To the owner of my heart. To my one and only best friend. No one could ever understand how moody and weird I am, other than you. You are the only girl that I will ever have. Now, on the next note.*

You looked at Chunji. “Is this mine?” You asked.

Chunji smiled. *Aish. Dense like L.Joe. Tch.*

You smiled and walked to the next notes. This time, you feel a bit fine about it. You felt like the notes are directed to you.

You smiled to yourself. *That puppy.*

Not long after, there was another note.

*I don’t know how I will last a day without you calling me a puppy. Call me obsessed. But you are really addicting. My own personal brand of heroin.*

You chuckled at the note.

Chunji looked at you. “Aish. Why are you all like this?” HE asked. “You blush over simple things!” He beamed.

You laughed. “Why don’t you just get yourself a girl, Lee Chanhee?!” You shot.

He immediately shook his head. “No. I don’t think I can do that anytime soon.” He said as he placed his hand on his pocket.

You shook your head at him. The truth is, you couldn’t even imagine Chunji longing for a girl. But you think that would be interesting.

Chunji falling in love.


*I am so blessed and grateful that I have you in my life. I don’t know how to last a day without looking at your beautiful face, listening to your awesome voice, holding your soft hands, hugging you tight and kissing your soft red lips. You don’t know how you make me crazy. You make me crazy everyday.

This is the 4th note. The last is in your bag.*

You immediately opened your bag to find for the last note as you read the note’s last line.

“Where is it?” you asked yourself as you practically messed everything in your bag.

Chunji couldn’t help but laugh at you being all out in finding the note he slipped in a while ago.

You smiled when you found it. “FINALLY!” You beamed as you began reading it.

*My love for you is as hot as hell, as awesome as the heavens, as loud as the growling tigers, as big as the whole milky way galaxy as deep as the ocean and as limitless as the sky.*

You smiled at the note. Well, that was one sweet confession from your love.

You have never imagined L.Joe being sweet to you like this. You felt like you don’t even deserve this kind of treatment.

What is he up to anyway?

You remembered when he first confessed to you. When he asked you to be his girl, finally.


“I’ve known you all my life. I’ve memorized everything about you. Everything. I know when you are happy, sad, mad, hungry, not in the mood and even when you have your period.” You slapped his head. “Owwww!” He whined. “Just let me finish first!” He beamed making the rest of Teen Top laugh at him.

You chuckled and nodded.

“I know I have been so blind to not see that I have loved you all along. It took me a lot of time to realize that all along, it was you. I even needed to hurt myself and hurt someone to finally believe myself, my feelings. For that, I am sorry.” He said as he kneeled down.

Your eyes widened. “Wait, wha-“

You were cut by his words. “I love you, Kim Hana. But shut your mouth first.” He said. You rolled your eyes and let him talk.

“You know what? I have gone mad for you. You got my head really think of you like crazy. I can’t even sleep when I think that you are mad at me and you will not talk to me.” He said as he chuckled weakly.

“But it’s alright, you know. It’s okay to be crazy when I know that you are the reason why. Because you are one of the most important – if not, the most important – person in this world for me. I don’t think I can live without you, without your loud voice, your chuckles and laughs, your pout which I find so cute by the way, your addiction to Lee Taemin even if I feel so jealous that you have more attention for him than me, your addiction to banana milk which has something to do with Taemin again and I am so jealous about it, you just don’t know how you are killing me when you look so happy to drink it because it is Taemin’s favorite, your sweet and addicting smile and your sweet and beautiful voice that I would like to hear every day.” He looked at you and smiled.

Yes, you are crying. Everything that he said, it just came right through you. This time, you’ve proven that he is really your best friend. The person who knows you so well.

You looked at L. Joe and smiled.

He smiled back and tightened his hold on your hands. “Kim Hana, I know you have been frustrated that I haven’t asked you yet. Sorry. I want it to be special, that’s why I have to wait for this day to ask you. I want it to be approved by your dad first. And I am glad that he approves us. Oh wait, like you said, there is no US yet, right?” He said as he looked at you.

You rolled your eyes.

Then you noticed him getting something from his pocket. Your eyes widened.

L. Joe took out a beautiful necklace.

“Wow.” You couldn’t help yourself from getting awed.

L. Joe smiled. “Kim Hana, you are my best friend, my heart.” He said as he stood up. He looked at you. “So, will you let me be the key to your heart forever?” He asked.

You smiled and nodded. You are awed. You are shocked. You are speechless, flabbergasted. This is the MOST perfect day in your life.

This day, that your best friend asked you to be his heart and is asking to be the key to your heart.

You nodded without even thinking. You love this guy. There’s no way that you wouldn’t accept him.

L. Joe noticed you nodding at him. His eyes widened. “Really?” He asked in disbelief.

You nodded and hugged him. You hugged him tightly. You hugged him with all your heart. You hugged him giving all your love to him.

Yes, this time, there is no holding back. There is no hiding of all the feelings that you feel about him and vice versa.

This time, you and L. Joe will share the best moments of your life, together.

All the happiest moments, with your one and only best friend, your one and only love, Lee Byunghun.

“I love you, Kim Hana.” He said as he hugged you tight.

You hugged him tighter. “I love you too, Lee Byunghun.” You said, like I said, without holding back.



You were taken aback by their voices. You were shocked.

You looked at the date. Oh yeah. It really is your birthday. You even forgot about it.

You looked at the students, Teen Top, BAP, APink, BTOB, Infinite and your mom who were smiling bright at you.

You smiled and walked to them.

“Awww. Thank you!” You said as you went to hug your mom and dad. “How come you are here?” You asked them.

They just shrugged. You laughed.

You looked around. Where is he?

“Looking for me?”

You were shocked when L.Joe suddenly walked behind you, snaking his arms around your waist.

You smiled. “Maybe?” You replied as you faced him.

He just smirked.

You gave him a look. “You planned this?” You asked.

He shrugged. “Wow. I never thought you wouldn’t be surprised.” He replied. “I worked hard for this to be coordinated you know!” He beamed.

You laughed, really touched at how L.Joe prepared for this.

You gave him a tight hug. “Thank you, Byunghun!” You beamed as you buried your face on his chest.

L.Joe chuckled and hugged you back. “Anything for you, my love.” He told you as he kissed the top of your head.


A series of fake coughs happened.

You and L.Joe looked at the Infinite boys who are raising their eyebrows at you both.

You smiled and ran to them, hugging each and everyone of them. “I love you, daebusss!!! Dadddd!!!!” you beamed.

“How about me, noona?” Sungjae asked.

You rolled your eyes. “Whatever, Sungjae.” You beamed.

He scoffed at you making everyone laugh. “Whatever, old woman!” He beamed earning himself a death glare from you.

Then, the music turned up.

Turns out, L.Joe has used the power of your daebus to cancel all the classes today.

You looked at everyone enjoying every beat of the music and that’s not all, there were foods and drinks for everyone. It’s like you celebrated your birthday with the whole school.

You looked at L.Joe who was just looking at you. You walked to him and smiled.  “Why are you not partying with them?” You pointed at the party people.

He smiled and held you close to him. “I am not in the mood.” He said. “I just want to have a special time with you today.” He added.

You looked at him and smiled.

He squeezed your hand. “Let’s go somewhere quiet?” He asked you.

You nodded.

He led you to the school’s auditorium. “Now this is quiet.” He told you.

You nodded and chuckled. He seemed like he couldn’t last a minute more in there.

You both sat at the chair, hands interlocked.

You looked at each other and smiled.

He kissed the back of your hand. This time, you both feel so complete. “Thanks.” He told you.

You looked at him. “No, thank you.” You reiterated.

He shook his head. “No. I thank you.” He said. “Thanks for being there for me even though I am a jerk. Thanks for standing with me through it all. Thanks for being born because you completed my life. I couldn’t even imagine my life without you.” He told you as he held your hand tighter.

You smiled and blushed.

“I love you, Hana. Don’t you ever forget that.” He told you.

You smiled and hugged him. “I love you too, Byunghun. Forever and always.” You replied.

He smiled as he kissed your forehead. “Close your eyes.” He told you.

You closed your eyes as told.

L.Joe smiled and brought out the promise ring he bought for you yesterday. Damn, he bothered your mom for this. “You can now open your eyes.” He told you.

You opened your eyes and found yourself shocked at the ring in front of your eyes. “Byunghun, what-“

“Ssssh. This is a promise ring. I am not marrying you yet but I promise when we graduate and are stable in our lives, I will marry you.” He told you. “So, will you accept this ring and promise to marry me in the future, Mrs. Lee to be?” He asked you.

You looked at him and smiled. Everyday, every single time, L.Joe just surprises you with different things. He never fails to make you touched and happy and grateful. “Yes. I promise to marry you in the future, Mr. Husband to be.” You replied.

L.Joe smiled as he slipped the ring on your finger. “I love you.” He told you as he pulled you in for a very passionate kiss.

*Forever and always.*








Sorry for the lame ending. :(

Thank you for being with L.Joe and Hana all throughout!

I love you all!

This is one of the fics I have put in my heart the most.(Well, when it is L.Joe, I always put my heart in.)

So, it is hard for me to end this.

I will miss writing this!











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Galaxy04 #1
i really love chunji's role! he's really the awesome lee chanhee!

but sometimes i hate hana for being stupid about what's happening around her kekeke
exoismysanity #2
Chapter 7: I kind of hate that you chose Luna for this role. Because personally I believe she has a very sweet reputation and I just couldn't see how Luna was picked for the antagonist role.
swaggeyy98 #3
Chapter 32: Hello! Im your new reader! Your fanfic sooooooo freakin cool! Plus my bias is jo brother(ljoe+changjo) and i really happy to see yenny at previous chapter :P your words is soo amazing.. i read hanjoe fanfic from the start and i just finished.. thanks for making my long day at school to be colorful with your fanfic.. i was smiling all day at school... keep writting with teen top as the main character ;P kkkk and its a relief that its a happy ending!
Love hanjoe always :D and love you author :3 kkkk
Chapter 32: make a triquel plisssssssssssss . i want them married and have a childdd ... plis author-nimm
Chapter 18: .....

You know Hana's niceness just reached the point where it's really annoying and frustrating.
Is it niceness or stupidity?
Either way, her and L.Joe's relationship is gonna go downhill because she won't ing believe what the people are telling her about Luna.
If she ends up crying after all this, I won't even feel bad cause it's just so frustrating for her to not see the obvious.
Well there's no turning back now, she was already warned waaaaay before when L. Joe said he disliked her.
Kay, now that I got that out my system, I feel less upset.
Sorry for ranting lol
exoshidae32 #6
Chapter 32: I definitely love the ending, after the hurts and sufferings they ended happily together. Sooo Daebak !
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 32: Awwww i love the ending ... serve luna ... btw its totally awesome ...
Chapter 32: aww finally happy ending . haha luna serve you right for making hana sad . hehe i am totaly in love with this story . goodjob authornim <3
Chapter 5: whatt okay i just read chapter 4 and it make me frust . aigoo i dont like luna . hahaha . aigoo so emo of me .ahhh hahaha but gonna finished reading this story :D
Chapter 19: just one thing what i love.. i love when infinite proactive over their band's kid