When She Cries

Heart & Key: The Sequel


Hi, friends! I am greeting you now because you MIGHT hate me after reading this chapter! HAHAHAHAH! 

Thanks for supporting Joe-Na!!!! ♥ ^^

See you next chapter! :">>>>



“Noona.” Sungjae called you as the rest went home already.

You looked at him. “What?” You asked.

He sighed. “Why are you friends with Luna?” He asked you.

You gave him a look. “Not you too, why are you feeling so pissed about that?” You asked back.

He pouted. “I just want to know.” He replied with his dongsaeng accent.

You shook your head at his immaturity again.

You ignored him and motioned to walk upstairs.

“Noona!” Sungjae yelled.

You stopped and looked at him.

“Don’t get close to her. She is the epitome of seducing guys!” He beamed.

Your eyes narrowed on him. “That is really bad of you, Sungjae. You don’t have to go telling people those accusing words.” You reprimanded him.

Sungjae sighed hard. “Noona, please, don’t get close to her.” He pleaded.

You gave him a look. “Not with this, Sungjae.” You replied.

“She is not what you think she is. I know her. We have been in the same school before. I know all of her capabilities.” He said.

“People change, though.” You replied.

It’s Sungjae’s time to narrow his eyes on you. “That is not what it is in her case, noona.” He beamed. “No one really knows what her capacity is but I am sure that whatever she is doing, she is trying to do something bad.” He continued.

“Like what something bad is that?” You asked.

Sungjae stared at your eyes. “Like stealing L. Joe hyung from you.” He said in a serious tone.

You scoffed. “That is the most impossible thing that could happen.” You spoke. “She would never do that!” You said in disbelief.

“You think, noona!” He beamed. “You remember the girl I was telling you about that broke my heart because I wasn’t manly enough? That is Luna. She told me that because she saw someone that she likes more than me.” He added.

Your eyes widened. “What?” You asked in shock.

He nodded. “You still don’t believe she’s an evil woman?” He asked you.

You sighed. “I don’t know, Sungjae. But maybe she changed.” You replied, still not believing in what you heard.

Sungjae looked at you in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that you are still positive that Luna changed. *Like that’ll happen.* He thought as he looked at you walking your way upstairs. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, noona.” He told you before going out to meet BtoB.





































“And 1!”

Then, the cheerleaders began their routine practice for the upcoming intercollegiate cheerleading competition.

TOP University is the best in all aspects.

It is the school that always won every competition they joined.

A school of passion.

That’s why they are practicing so hard to live up to the expectations.

L. Joe and his team were watching the cheerleading squad because they are on break before the final wave of their practice begins again.

“They look so hot and y!” Junsu, one of the star players in baseball, remarked with his eyes wide.

The captain smacked his head. “Stop drooling, Junsu. They would never look at you.” He said.

Junsu rolled his eyes. “So with you too, captain.” He barked back making the rest of the team laugh at them.

L. Joe just smiled. Well, he isn’t interested at anyone at all. He has you anyways.

“L. Joe, look at Luna!” Sanghyun, his teammate, said.

L. Joe looked at him instead. “Why?” He asked.

Sanghyun grinned. “She has been looking at you for a while now. And her eyes are twinkling.” He beamed.

L. Joe scoffed silently and shook his head. “Like I care.” He said.

Sanghyun looked at L. Joe. “You have a girlfriend right?” He asked.

L. Joe nodded. “Yeah.” He replied shortly.

Sanghyung smiled. “Your girl must be having a hard time being your girl.” He said.

L. Joe narrowed his eyes on Sanghyun. “Why’d you say that?” He asked.

Sanghyun shrugged. “You know, you are quite popular among girls. She must have a lot of insecurities on the girls who like you despite knowing that you have a girlfriend already.” He replied. “Like Luna.” He added.

“What about Luna?” L. Joe asked. “And Hana’s prettier than anyone here. She doesn’t feel any insecurity at all.” He added.

Sanghyun smiled. “Don’t you know about Luna? I thought you are friends!” He beamed.

L. Joe narrowed his eyes on Sanghyun. “What about her?” He asked.

Sanghyun sighed. “Well, Luna is known to be the girl with strong affinities with guys. People say that she is the goddess of seducing guys.” He said.

L. Joe raised his brow. “Are you kidding me?” He asked.

Sanghyun shook his head. “No! I actually heard it from my classmate who was Luna’s schoolmate in high school.” He replied.

L. Joe looked at him.

“That classmate even said that Luna had different guys every week and she hooks with them. Sorry for the term.” He elaborated.

L. Joe scoffed. “Well, that isn’t good you know. Calling someone names isn’t good.” He said.

Sanghyun nodded. “I know but that is what they told me. I am just relaying it to you.” He replied.

L. Joe shook his head.

“Okay! Let’s practice!” The captain called and assembled the team.

























“Bye, girls!” Luna bade goodbye with her co-cheerleaders.

Her friends waved back and went home leaving her behind, before a group of queenkas appeared.

“Well, well, well. If this isn’t the hooker.” The leader said eyeing Luna up and down.

Luna looked at them. “Who are you?” She asked.

The leader smirked. “Well, , you don’t remember me?” She asked. “How about Lee Gikwang? Do you remember my ex-boyfriend that you flirted with?” She asked in an angry tone.

Luna looked back at her. “Well, that is not my problem that he likes me more than you.” She replied in her tone as well.

The leader smirked. “Well, at least I don’t have AIDS or something.” She said. “And what now? Trying to seduce Lee Byunghun, huh?” She asked.

Luna glared at her. “What the hell?” She cursed at she narrowed her eyes on the leader.

The leader smirked. “I know you, Luna. You are one heck of a 2-faced and . So, don’t you even dare do the things you did to me with someone else.” She warned.

“Stop it.”

The leader looked at the owner of the voice. Her eyes grew scared.

“Who are you to talk to other persons like that?” L. joe asked as he stepped in the growing fight.

The leader gulped. “Be careful with this girl, L. Joe. You don’t know her capabilities.” She warned before she and her friends went away.

L. Joe looked at the queenka and rolled his eyes. “Dramas.” He said as he looked at Luna.

To his shock, he saw Luna crying already.

“Hey.” He said with his soft voice. L. Joe couldn’t really bear seeing girls cry.

Luna bawled even harder and hugged L. Joe. “Thank you! I thought they are going to hurt me!” She cried as she buried her face in L. Joe’s chest.

L. Joe was taken aback by her actions. He cleared his throat. “Don’t cry. They’re gone already.” He said as he felt awkward.

Luna smiled and wiped her tears. “Still, thank you, Oppa.” She said.

L. Joe just nodded.

Oh, why? L. Joe’s weakness is a girl’s tear.

Real or not.

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Galaxy04 #1
i really love chunji's role! he's really the awesome lee chanhee!

but sometimes i hate hana for being stupid about what's happening around her kekeke
exoismysanity #2
Chapter 7: I kind of hate that you chose Luna for this role. Because personally I believe she has a very sweet reputation and I just couldn't see how Luna was picked for the antagonist role.
swaggeyy98 #3
Chapter 32: Hello! Im your new reader! Your fanfic sooooooo freakin cool! Plus my bias is jo brother(ljoe+changjo) and i really happy to see yenny at previous chapter :P your words is soo amazing.. i read hanjoe fanfic from the start and i just finished.. thanks for making my long day at school to be colorful with your fanfic.. i was smiling all day at school... keep writting with teen top as the main character ;P kkkk and its a relief that its a happy ending!
Love hanjoe always :D and love you author :3 kkkk
Chapter 32: make a triquel plisssssssssssss . i want them married and have a childdd ... plis author-nimm
Chapter 18: .....

You know Hana's niceness just reached the point where it's really annoying and frustrating.
Is it niceness or stupidity?
Either way, her and L.Joe's relationship is gonna go downhill because she won't ing believe what the people are telling her about Luna.
If she ends up crying after all this, I won't even feel bad cause it's just so frustrating for her to not see the obvious.
Well there's no turning back now, she was already warned waaaaay before when L. Joe said he disliked her.
Kay, now that I got that out my system, I feel less upset.
Sorry for ranting lol
exoshidae32 #6
Chapter 32: I definitely love the ending, after the hurts and sufferings they ended happily together. Sooo Daebak !
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 32: Awwww i love the ending ... serve luna ... btw its totally awesome ...
Chapter 32: aww finally happy ending . haha luna serve you right for making hana sad . hehe i am totaly in love with this story . goodjob authornim <3
Chapter 5: whatt okay i just read chapter 4 and it make me frust . aigoo i dont like luna . hahaha . aigoo so emo of me .ahhh hahaha but gonna finished reading this story :D
Chapter 19: just one thing what i love.. i love when infinite proactive over their band's kid