Don't Hold Back (Part 2)

Heart & Key: The Sequel


L. Joe entered the cafeteria really thinking deeply.

He was thinking of ways to woo you back to him.

He knows he is wrong. He knows that he shouldn’t have believed on those photoshopped photos sent to him.

He was too dumb to not know about photoshops!

He sighed hard and shook his head as he walked to their table with his friends.

He was not looking in the surroundings. He was really focused thinking.

Not until…

“Kim Hana just broke up with L. Joe right?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Look at that! She’s with another cutie.”

“Oh my gosh! But what can we do? She is really kind and beautiful.”

“Yes. But I still pity L. Joe for losing a gem like her.”

L. Joe looked at the girls who was talking about you and this ‘cutie’ together.

He looked around the cafeteria and spotted you, being really close to Jongup. His heart began to race fast and he started to clench his fist.

This is just like what had happened before.

He is feeling the exact same thing. For the exact same persons. You and Jongup.

“Hyung! I thought Hana and Jongup broke up?” Ricky asked Chunji.

Chunji nodded. “Hana told me they broke up already.” He said while eating his food happily.

Ricky looked at you and Jongup bickering while eating. “But why do they look closer?” He mumbled as he hesitantly ate his food.

“Chorong Noona, eat this.” Niel offered his food.

Chorong just smiled and took some of what Niel offered.

Everyone seemed to be eating their food well.

Except for one.

L. Joe.

He is definitely spacing out since he heard Hana say that she loves him. Hana was always the person inside his head. Hana was the only person he is thinking every moment.

Hana. Hana.

Hana. Hana.

Hana. Hana.

Hana. Hana.

L. Joe shut his eyes and shook his head.

L. Joe sighed hard as he finally got to stand up for himself today. Just like how he did before.

Only this time, smarter and manlier.

He stood up and walked to where you and Jongup are, his heartbeat getting faster with every step closer to where you are.

This feeling you gave him, everything is the same.

It even seemed stronger this time.

And this feeling of jealousy is killing him as well. It has just been a minute and he thought he would die out of jealousy already.

He just couldn’t see you and another man together. He couldn’t even bear seeing you and another man talk for more than 3 minutes.

How much more a man – who happens to have a deep history with you – whispering something to you, and you looking so touched at what he just whispered to you.

Oh, trust me. L. Joe is freaking out right now.

What if Jongup told you he still likes you and he is willing to take you back?

What if Jongup asked you to forget about L. Joe and just be with him instead?

L. Joe couldn’t breathe. He is suffocating by that thought.

“Hana.” L. Joe’s trembling just by speaking your name.

You and Jongup looked at him.

Jongup smiled at him. *I knew this would work.* He thought. “Oh, hello, dude.” He greeted as he scooted even closer to you. 

Even you are shocked to see him this way.

L. Joe ignored Jongup’s greeting and focused his eyes on you.

You looked back into his eyes and saw how hurt he is right now. Your heart is beating faster by the minute with just looking at him.

His impact.

It is still there.

“Can we talk?” L. Joe asked you.

As you heard him ask you the first complete sentence after you broke up with him, you felt weaker.

His voice seemed to have mixed emotions. It is not the voice you are used to hear from a mushy, giggly and lovely L. Joe.

His voice seemed covered with pain, sadness and guilt.

You looked at Jongup who was just staring at you and L. Joe. Then your eyes went back to L. Joe.

You breathed hard. “Okay.” You said as you stood up.

L. Joe seemed to have felt relief when you said ‘okay’. It feels like he just gained the energy you drained from him.

Then that’s when he realized the quote the DJ from the radio said last night.

The person behind your saddest moment is the same exact person towards finding your happiness again.

Perhaps, he proves this statement right.

Only the person that mattered to one can make one feel the extremes of emotions.

For L. Joe situation, it’s you.

You are the only one who can make him feel down to hell. You are the only one who can make him feel the saddest person in the world. You are the only one who makes him cry.

But on the contrary, you are also the only one who can take all these loneliness away. You are the only one who can bring back his happiness. You are the only one who can make him smile genuinely.

Because you are the only one who mattered to him the most.

“Where are we going to talk?” You asked him quietly as you followed him to somewhere only he knows.

L. Joe stopped from his tracks, revealing the school’s dark alley. He sat with his back leaning on the wall.

You narrowed your eyes on him. “L. Joe, it’s dirty. Don’t sit there.” You said as you watched him ignore your remark.

“I’m sorry.” He spoke.

You stopped and just stayed quiet.

He looked at you. “Can’t you sit beside me?” He asked.

You gave him a look. But he returned your look as well.

You sighed and sat beside him with your back leaning on the wall as well.

You looked at the darkness. “Why do you want to talk all of a sudden?” you asked.

L. Joe took a deep breath. “Sorry, Hana. I’m wrong.” He spoke. “And I am jealous.” He added.

You gulped as you heard him say the words you were waiting for him to say.

Suddenly, all you were thinking is giving him a tight hug.

Forget about those “Independent Woman” thoughts you had last night.

Maybe it is like this. Maybe this really happens.

The person you loved and who hurt you so bad would come back when you have finally decided to move on.

“I was wrong. I should’ve listened to you.” L. Joe began with his trembling voice.

You looked straight forward, not wanting to have a glimpse of L. Joe crying beside you – because of you.

L. Joe breathed deeply, trying to compose himself again. “I should have known someone was just sabotaging us. I should’ve believed in you, in us, in what we have.” He continued failing to collect his cool.

Your eyes started to brim with tears. Just listening to this would bring back all the pain.

“Hana, I died. These past few days, I died. Up to this moment, I am dying.” He spoke. “I am dying because you are not with me. Because without you, I don’t think I can afford to live.” He continued, crying.

You couldn’t take all the emotions in. The tears kept falling.

You couldn’t take listening to L. Joe’s sad voice. Not because you are not used to him being sad, but because you don’t like him to be sad. You don’t like him to cry. You don’t like him to get hurt.

“These past few days, I don’t know what to react – especially when I knew the truth.” He started again. “I hated myself to the point that I wanted to stab my heart. I hated myself for not listening to you. I hated myself for doubting the girl who I have known for the rest of my life. I should’ve known better.” He breathed. “I should’ve known, better than anyone else.” He added.

You looked at him. Emotions filling in and mixing with one and another.

“You might really hate me right now for hurting you so bad, for being stupid. I understand because I think of myself like that as well.” L. Joe looked back into your eyes. “But I won’t give up on you.” He spoke.

Your heart skipped a beat as you heard him say those words. You shook your head.

He smiled, a weak and a sad one. “I understand if you choose to be with Jongup now too. I won’t hold you back.” He stifled a soft and sad chuckle. “But my heart is really going to burst of jealousy.” He continued. “Just a while ago, seeing you with him – seeing you look at him with that the blush on your face, I think I am being killed softly.” He said.

You looked at him, suppressing your sobs, and continued to listen.

“But it’s my fault. I lost trust. I disregarded everything about us. I believed in a freaking edited photo of you and stayed deaf from all the explanations you were giving me.” He said, tears falling. “You don’t know how much I regretted everything I did when I knew the truth. I was close to breaking down. I was so close to drowning myself.” He continued as he looked into your eyes. “Those were the times that I am reminded of how important you are to me. I realized that I really can’t possibly be living life without you. I needed you because you are my life and I love you too much.” He said.

“And because I love you too much, I did what I did. I hate seeing you with someone. I hate seeing you smile when I am not the reason behind it. I know I am selfish, but what can I do? I love you, that’s why.” He said.

You looked into him and felt the same. You don’t like seeing him interact with Luna – it kills you. That’s selfish, but what can you do?

You love him, that’s why.

“I love you too.” You finally blurted out, making L. Joe look at you in shock. “In fact, I love you just like the way you said you do to me.” You smiled.

L. Joe blinked at what you said, not digesting those words easily. He was in a state of shock.

“I also died, Byunghun. Days without really made my day quiet. You know I am not used to a quiet environment.” You beamed.

L. Joe smiled, finally, a genuine one.

You smiled back. “This time, it’s my time to tell you.” You said. “Lee Byunghun, don’t hold back. I love you too.” You said as you gave him a kiss of all your emotions.






Now, you all know what Jongup's plan is. ^^ IT is to make L. Joe jealous and come after Hana. :">>> 

If you read "I Am In Love With L. Joe, My Best Friend", you know what the last line means. Trust me, even, I, can't handle my feels. ^^

Sadly, it's almost there. :(

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Galaxy04 #1
i really love chunji's role! he's really the awesome lee chanhee!

but sometimes i hate hana for being stupid about what's happening around her kekeke
exoismysanity #2
Chapter 7: I kind of hate that you chose Luna for this role. Because personally I believe she has a very sweet reputation and I just couldn't see how Luna was picked for the antagonist role.
swaggeyy98 #3
Chapter 32: Hello! Im your new reader! Your fanfic sooooooo freakin cool! Plus my bias is jo brother(ljoe+changjo) and i really happy to see yenny at previous chapter :P your words is soo amazing.. i read hanjoe fanfic from the start and i just finished.. thanks for making my long day at school to be colorful with your fanfic.. i was smiling all day at school... keep writting with teen top as the main character ;P kkkk and its a relief that its a happy ending!
Love hanjoe always :D and love you author :3 kkkk
Chapter 32: make a triquel plisssssssssssss . i want them married and have a childdd ... plis author-nimm
Chapter 18: .....

You know Hana's niceness just reached the point where it's really annoying and frustrating.
Is it niceness or stupidity?
Either way, her and L.Joe's relationship is gonna go downhill because she won't ing believe what the people are telling her about Luna.
If she ends up crying after all this, I won't even feel bad cause it's just so frustrating for her to not see the obvious.
Well there's no turning back now, she was already warned waaaaay before when L. Joe said he disliked her.
Kay, now that I got that out my system, I feel less upset.
Sorry for ranting lol
exoshidae32 #6
Chapter 32: I definitely love the ending, after the hurts and sufferings they ended happily together. Sooo Daebak !
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 32: Awwww i love the ending ... serve luna ... btw its totally awesome ...
Chapter 32: aww finally happy ending . haha luna serve you right for making hana sad . hehe i am totaly in love with this story . goodjob authornim <3
Chapter 5: whatt okay i just read chapter 4 and it make me frust . aigoo i dont like luna . hahaha . aigoo so emo of me .ahhh hahaha but gonna finished reading this story :D
Chapter 19: just one thing what i love.. i love when infinite proactive over their band's kid