
Heart & Key: The Sequel


You were walking to the table where Teen Top, BAP and Luna are at. You were walking really fast because you thought about Sungyeol changing his mind and letting you go.


What a snuggly Daebu.

You sighed in relief as you reached your friends and sat beside L. Joe, who immediately gave you a peck on the cheek.

“Eeeeew!” Niel beamed making weird faces.

“Hyung you look so erted right there.” Ricky snapped making you laugh and L. Joe glare at the visual maknae.

Ricky immediately docked behind Jongup who was laughing his off with BAP.

“You look cute together.”Jongup beamed at you and L.Joe.

L. Joe smirked and slung his arm around your shoulders. “See, babe? We are perfect for each other! Everyone says so.” He beamed happily and confidently.

You just sighed and smiled at Jongup.

Well, at least you are not in an awkward relationship with him. But, yeah. He let go of you in a manly way and it is really so gentleman-like of him to finally set you free.

That’s one point that you admire about Jongup.

He’s a fighter and a friend.

Somehow, you felt so happy that your old pals are here again, making college feel like the old times.

“Noona, how about we play arcades like the old times?” Zelo asked you enthusiastically.

You smiled and nodded. “Sure!” you replied.

L. Joe looked so shocked beside you. “You play arcades? Wow. That’s new.” He said as he obviously didn’t know about that fact.

Zelo nodded at L. Joe. “Yeah hyung! We used to play there and she always loves to see Jongup hyung dance on the dance revolution.” He beamed, making you blush and the rest of the Teen Top look at you in disbelief.

Zelo must have sensed the tensed atmosphere and coughed. “I mean, that was before, hyung. I’m sure everything changed.” He said sheepishly smiling.

L. Joe smiled back awkwardly and nodded. “Sure. I know everything has changed.”He replied as he tightened his grip on your shoulder.

You smiled and nodded. “Of course.” You said, making L. Joe feel better.

He smiled at you and pecked your lips. “I know.” He said as he smiled at you.

Teen Top and BAP cringed at that intimate skinship between you and L. Joe. Yeah. It creeps them all out.

Luna was also watching you and anger rushed in her as he saw you so intimate with L. Joe.

Well I guess now, you all know that she is jealous.

Chunji was still eyeing her from her every move and saw everything as well. *She likes L. Joe.* He concluded in his mind. *This is so not good.* He thought as he looked at Luna glaring at you and L. Joe.

*Must make a move before she ruins everything.*













“Are you Lee Byunghun?” One muscular man came to you and L. Joe as both of you are hand in hand and were about to walk home.

L. Joe blinked at him as he recognized that this muscular man standing in front of him is the captain of the baseball team in the university. Who would not know someone as big as a superstar in college that is present in almost all of the posters around the campus?

Probably not L. Joe and you.

“Yes, I am.” L. Joe replied. “What do you want from me?”

You looked at L. Joe as his question sounded so arrogant. You squeezed his hand.

The baseball captain smiled. “I was just about to ask you if you want to be a part of our team.” He reasoned politely.

L. Joe raised his brow. What in the world would make the captain of the baseball team of the champion college ask L. Joe, a high school baseball star, to be a part of their super team? It just doesn’t sound right. Not in any angle.

Sure, L. Joe is a great baseball player but the level of TOP University’s players is just on a godly level. They won’t need L. Joe in the team. And that’s for sure.

“Think about it. We’ll be having our practice tomorrow.” The captain snapped. “If you come, we’ll accept you freely.” He added.

L. Joe just nodded. “Yeah. I’ll think about it.” He said, lying.

L. Joe would not even think about it. He would not join that baseball team. Not with those seniors.

You looked at him as he watched the Captain walk away.

“You should go.” You said.

L. Joe looked at you. “What?” He asked in disbelief. “NO way!” He snapped as he tugged you to go home.

You frowned. “But you love that sport.” You said.

L. Joe looked at you. “I loved that sport. But I love you now, so I don’t need that sport.” He said sweetly.

You slapped his arm at his cheesy remark. But either way, you couldn’t hide your blushing face.

L. Joe chuckled. “Aigoo. You look so cute, Hana.” He cooed as he pinched your cheeks.

“OWWWW!” You snapped as you shove his hands away.

L. Joe was laughing all the way. “I love you.” He blurted.

“I love you too.” You replied automatically as he laced his fingers into yours again. “But seriously, don’t you miss playing baseball?” You asked.

L. Joe sighed. “I do.” He replied. “But playing baseball would mean lesser time with you.” He pouted. “I don’t want that. I want to be with you 24/7.” He beamed.

You shook your head at his childish remarks. “You still have time for me. I know you would find time for me.” You beamed back.

L. Joe was about to protest but you stopped him.

“Come on! Play what you love to play! I will be cheering for you every game.” You smiled and encouraged him to join.

L. Joe sighed in defeat. He couldn’t really win over you.

“Please?” You said with an aegyo.

Something different from before.

Something you have never showed him before.

And yes, if you ask him, it worked.

Your aegyo worked.

“Alright alright!” L. Joe said with his hands on surrender. “You even used aegyo on me now. Are you that desperate to be part from me?” He asked in disbelief.

You chuckled and pecked his lips. “No. I just want you to do what you love to do.” You replied.

L. Joe smiled and held onto your hand again. “Alright. You say it, I do it.” He said as he kissed the back of your hand. “Damn. You really make me crazy.” He beamed.

You chuckled and shook your head.















And L. Joe regretted that he submitted to your demand the next day.

Cheerleaders were practicing with them.

Just like the old times when Naeun and her team practiced with their team.

Well, it would have been better if it was Naeun.

But nope.

It was the “nerdy loser” (as the queenka in the cafeteria addressed her) Luna on the cheer dance team.


Why is a nerd like Luna a part of the y and cheerful cheer people?

Would you mind explaining this to L. Joe?

“It was good to see you on practice, Lee Byunghun.” The captain came to L. Joe and patted his shoulder.

L. Joe, who was tying his shoes, looked up and stood up. “Yeah. Me too.” He said, sarcastically.

The captain smiled. “Let’s start?” He said.

L. Joe blinked. “Already?” He asked shocked.

The captain nodded. “Yeah. You should show them what you got.” He said as he picked the baseball bat and tossed it over to L. Joe.

L. Joe blinked but still positioned himself to his base.

The pitcher threw the ball and L. Joe was able to hit it and scored a home run. Oh hell yeah.

Everyone in the field was awed at L. Joe’s ability.

Not to mention that this pitcher was their best pitcher in the team.

The captain smiled and was satisfied at how L. Joe has surpassed his expectations. He walked to L. Joe and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

“That was one great score, Mr. Lee.” He beamed.

L. Joe smiled with his hands on his knees, panting really hard. Perhaps he wasn’t able to warm up when he was asked to show them what he got.

But still, L. Joe is awesome like that.

The practice went on and it was fun.

At least, L. Joe could say that.

He was walking to the bleachers to drink water when he heard someone calling him.

“L. Joe!!!!!”

He looked back and yeah. His instincts are right. Luna was calling him.

“What?” He snapped, not even looking at him.

Luna skipped to his side happily. “I never thought you are good in baseball.” She beamed.

L. Joe continued to pack his things. “I didn’t know you are a cheerleader either.” He replied, making Luna blush without any reason.

Luna smiled. “Well, I guess, we both like surprises.” She beamed.

L. Joe smirked. “Hell no. I don’t.” He replied as he slung his bag on his arm.

Luna didn’t even notice L. Joe’s rudeness and continued to be bubbly. “Are you going home?” She asked. “Can we walk home together?” She requested.

L. Joe raised his brow. “Why would I walk home with you?” He asked.

Luna smiled shyly. “Because I am a girl and it’s late.” She replied.


“So, you need to accompany me home. You’re a guy right?” She asked rhetorically.

L. Joe just shook his head and walked ahead, totally ignoring Luna.

“Oppa!!!” She beamed as she walked beside L. Joe.

*Oppa? Hana never even called me that!* He thought as he shrugged her off again.

“OWWWWW!” Luna winced in pain as she bumped into the trashcan and tripped over, leaving a bruise on her knee.

L. Joe looked back reluctantly and saw Luna on the floor.

He sighed and shut his eyes as he strutted towards her. “You are so clumsy.” He said as he stretched his arm.

Luna smiled and gladly took it. “Sorry.” She beamed.

L. Joe rolled his eyes. “Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to the trash can.” He said as he waited for Luna to be able to walk.

Luna smiled.

She walked home with L. Joe.

What a lucky b*tch.

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Galaxy04 #1
i really love chunji's role! he's really the awesome lee chanhee!

but sometimes i hate hana for being stupid about what's happening around her kekeke
exoismysanity #2
Chapter 7: I kind of hate that you chose Luna for this role. Because personally I believe she has a very sweet reputation and I just couldn't see how Luna was picked for the antagonist role.
swaggeyy98 #3
Chapter 32: Hello! Im your new reader! Your fanfic sooooooo freakin cool! Plus my bias is jo brother(ljoe+changjo) and i really happy to see yenny at previous chapter :P your words is soo amazing.. i read hanjoe fanfic from the start and i just finished.. thanks for making my long day at school to be colorful with your fanfic.. i was smiling all day at school... keep writting with teen top as the main character ;P kkkk and its a relief that its a happy ending!
Love hanjoe always :D and love you author :3 kkkk
Chapter 32: make a triquel plisssssssssssss . i want them married and have a childdd ... plis author-nimm
Chapter 18: .....

You know Hana's niceness just reached the point where it's really annoying and frustrating.
Is it niceness or stupidity?
Either way, her and L.Joe's relationship is gonna go downhill because she won't ing believe what the people are telling her about Luna.
If she ends up crying after all this, I won't even feel bad cause it's just so frustrating for her to not see the obvious.
Well there's no turning back now, she was already warned waaaaay before when L. Joe said he disliked her.
Kay, now that I got that out my system, I feel less upset.
Sorry for ranting lol
exoshidae32 #6
Chapter 32: I definitely love the ending, after the hurts and sufferings they ended happily together. Sooo Daebak !
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 32: Awwww i love the ending ... serve luna ... btw its totally awesome ...
Chapter 32: aww finally happy ending . haha luna serve you right for making hana sad . hehe i am totaly in love with this story . goodjob authornim <3
Chapter 5: whatt okay i just read chapter 4 and it make me frust . aigoo i dont like luna . hahaha . aigoo so emo of me .ahhh hahaha but gonna finished reading this story :D
Chapter 19: just one thing what i love.. i love when infinite proactive over their band's kid