Chapter 5

The face I fell in Love with

A couple of weeks after

Donghae slept till 10:00 am and he was still a little sleepy when he woke up. When he went to the kitchen he noticed that his mother wasn’t home. ‘Maybe she already went to work?’ he had thought while he toasted some bread. As he was eating he remembered his noona’s cooking and he sighed when he tasted the bread in his mouth instead of the bacon from yesterday. After he was done eating he wore some clothes and went for a ride on his bike. He passed by Tiffany’s house and she wasn’t there so he just went to the park. He found a quite bench and he sat down on it and looked at the people that were jogging in front of him. He felt so bored. Heechul said that he had to go on some fishing trip with his father and he had begged him to go with him but Donghae had thought that it was boring. In fact it was. That’s why Heechul wanted Donghae to go with them just so he could pass his time talking with him instead of fishing but Donghae passed on it. He was regretting not going with them now. He thought that it was better to hear Heechul’s father explaining about some fish than staring at a bunch of strangers sweating their shorts off running in front of him.

“Donghae. Donghae!!”Donghae stopped daydreaming and realized that someone was calling his name. He found Eunhyuk in front of him jogging on the spot and looking at him a little out of breath. “What are you doing here?” “I’m people watching...” “And what is that?” “Watching people living their lives while my best friend is away on some kind of stupid fishing trip.” “Ohh. Do you wanna come jogging with me?” “Really?” “Yeah.It’ll be fun to have someone to talk too instead of hearing other people panting beside me. So are you in?” “Yeah but....can I not jogg? I’ll bring my bike instead.” “Sure kid, now get to your feet before I dig a hole underneath me.” Donghae jumped up and climbed on his bike happily while Eunhyuk started jogging again.

While they were on the road Donghae was still curious on what that shop was. Eunhyuk had said that it wasn’t an arcade. So what was it? “So hyung. About last time....Do you work there?” “Yeah...Didn‘t expect to see you there.”  “So what is that? Some kind of jazz club?” “No it’s not a jazz club. But it is a club though.”  “Oh cool so you’re a barman.I always thought you could have a job like that I mean-“ “Yeah let’s say that it has something to do with that.” “Hmm?Wh-what do you mean?” “Nothing. Why were you there anyway?” “We were trying to take a shortcut and we saw these new shops and when we saw that we could play with the Mighty Fireman we entered to see who he was.I mean even his name shows how great of a gamer he is.” “He’d sure be grateful to hear you saying that.” “Do you by any chance know him?” “Yeah we’re like the same person. Only closer.” “By any chance...are you the Mighty Fireman?” “Ani.I’m just any regular worker there.”  “Oh.”They kept going forward until Eunhyuk was really tired.He sat on a vacant bench and relaxed himself on it.”I’m so tired today.I shouldn’t have come jogging.” “Ani.This is good for you.It makes you stronger.” “Not when you’re feeling this thorn down it won’t.”

Donghae nodded in agreement and then an idea came to his mind.”Hyung why don’t you ride behind me and I’ll take you home?” Eunhyuk looked at Donghae’s face while laughing and then he said”I thought you only gave rides to pretty girls like my sister.” “Well....I’ll make an exception for you since you’re my hyung.” “Oh really?And why is that?” “One you’ll be my brother in law one day and two I must help a brotha when he’s in need.” Eunhyuk laughed out loud when he saw Donghae moving his hands like a rapper and at his statement.After he got his breath back he looked at Donghae with teary eyes and said”Ok.But will you let me ride in front?I haven’t rode it in a while now.” Eunhyuk waited a bit for the answer and then Donghae said“Ughh yeah.Sure.”

Donghae was a bit dazed when he saw Eunhyuk laughing like that.And the tears that formed on his eyelids lost him completely.It reminded him so much of the day he first saw Tiffany at the baker’s shop.You could tell that they were really siblings.Even their laughs were exactly the same.He shook his head and then gave the bike to Eunhyuk.After he started paddling and he got on the side bars Eunhyuk said”Are you sure you want to stay there?I might be a little rusty so you might fall off.” “Oh then I better sit on the seat right?” “Mhm.”he said as he waited for Donghae to sit down properly.All of a sudden they started moving and Donghae almost fell off when they were suddenly going this fast.”You should probably hold on to my shirt.Just in case.”Donghae grabbed the back of his shirt but as soon as Eunhyuk increased in speed he felt frightened and he grabbed Eunhyuk’s waist.It was like he was hugging him from behind.

”Are you afraid?” “No”Donghae said while letting go of his waist and instantly taking a hold of it again. ”You better keep holding on cause I’m gonna go faster.”Donghae tightened his hands and held on for his life even though they weren’t actually going that fast.He felt his heart beat quickening and he didn’t want to let go of him.But he soon had to let go since Eunhyuk neared his last stop.His house.He got off and then when he was about to leave he remembered he wanted to ask Donghae something”Have I ever seen you before? know when we were younger.” “I don’t know.Why?” “Well when I first saw you leaving on your bike your face seemed really familiar.Like I’ve seen it some place before.” “Well we do live near by so maybe you saw me around here or when you still were in school.” “No it can’t be when I was still in school.I’ve been in the states for three years and then I came back so I must have seen you on the road .” “Maybe.” “Do you want to come in?” “Can I?” “Sure you can kid.We can play some video games and I’ll call for some takeout since it’s nearly mid-day.” “Can we have pizza?” “Yup.” “Then yes. XD.” “Come on in then.I’ll call the pizza place.”

They both entered his house and Donghae sat on the couch while Eunhyuk grabbed the phone and punched in the numbers.”What do you want on the pizza?” “Mushroom and peperoni please.” “Oka-Hello ah yeah I’d like to order two pizza’s please.” Donghae sat there quietly while Eunhyuk continued talking on the phone.After Eunhyuk was done ordering he put the phone down and went to set up the table for him and Donghae.”Hey let’s play until the pizza comes.”Donghae nodded and they stayed there for at least 45 minutes playing games.As soon as the pizza came they sat at the table and they started eating and Donghae couldn’t shut his mouth up even though it was full of food and he was spraying it all over Eunhyuk’s face every time he opened his mouth to speak”Hyung-“ “Aishh I already told you.Don’t call me hyung.”Eunhyuk said while he rubbed a piece of mushroom off of his eye.“Arasso*spit* arasso*spit*.” “Don’t talk before you eat what’s in your mouth.” Eunhyuk lectured him and after he ate it all he starting talking again.”How come noona is never home?” “That’s because she works the morning shifts at a the same place as me but in the morning it’s a cafe.” “Oh I didn’t know that she always worked in the morning. ” “Yeah she does her best to earn all the money that she could.” “One more thing.Don’t you feel weird sitting here with a seventeen year old and eating pizza with him?” 

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Chapter 46: awww.. the ending was such a nice twist! I love it! Sooo cute! :))
Chapter 42: So cute!!! :D Finally, and she asked him xD. Update soon! ^^
Chapter 41: Aw Jaejoong please don't be like that :(. Update soon!
I hope Fany will give Jaejoong a chance.