Chapter 18

The face I fell in Love with

Donghae heard Eunhyuk’s voice go cold again.He wanted to see Eunhyuk today but he didn’t want Henry to be all alone at home.Good thing he was there.He heard that a thunder storm would be happening at night.When he got home he went straight to his bed room filled with excitment, expecting to find Henry watching Tv on his bed or something but he wasn’t there.He looked in the bathroom,kitchen and living room but still there was no sight of him.”Where is he?”he said as he went back to the kitchen only to find a paper folded into two on the table.He picked it up and opened it.It read:

Dear Hyuuung,

I went to sleep over at Zhou-mi’s house.Isn’t it great????He finally asked me if I wanted to sleep over at his house.He said he’s going to teach me how to play some video games. I hope I won’t get on his nerves to much because I may be a slow learner at times and he doesn’t seem to be one of the calm tempered person when you get to know him well.Wish me good luck hyung and I hope I’ll still be alive to see you tomorrow.I also made some food for you and left it in the fridge so heat it up a bit.

(P.S Lock all the windows and doors.I heard that there’s going to be a thunder storm tonight so I made you a special CD and hopefully you won’t hear the thunders.)

Good night Hyung.Love you always.

Henry xxxxxx

Donghae smiled to himself and then went to take a shower.He wondered how Eunhyuk was doing. Probably prepairing for work. Washing himself,eating something,packing his things in his bag. It felt like Dongahe wanted to die. He wanted to see him so badly but he couldn’t. He wanted to phone him but why was he feeling as if he was a burden to Eunhyuk?

He decided to take a wash before heating up his dinner and when he was inside he heard his phone ringing but he decided to ignore it while he contined to wash in silence. ‘It’s probably Heechul anyway.’he thought to himself.When he was ready he went outside and checked his phone. “Hyukkie?”Eunhyuk had called him....But he haden’t picked it up.He now felt bad for ignoring him and instantly returned the call. ”Hyukkie?You called me?” “Hae.I thought you already slept.” “No.I was in the bathroom.Are you okay?You sound terrible” “Seems like I caught a cold and I can’t go to work.Will you be okay with Henry since there’s going to be a thunder storm?” “Actually....” “Don’t tell me that he left...” “He went to sleep at Zhou-mi’s.But I should be okay.He made a CD so I’d sleep to it and not hear the thunder sounds.” “Hae...” “What is it Hyukkie?” “Will you come here?Come sleep next to me.That way I’ll be sure that you are safe.” “It’s fine Hyukkie.I don’t want to be a burden to you and Tiffany noona.” “You won’t be.Tiff is already asleep and I couldn’t sleep with worry so please come here.That way I can sleep peacefully with you next to me.”Donghae felt his face burning for some reason “Are you sure hyung?” “Yes.Now hurry before it starts raining.I’ll wait for you outside.” “What if your cold gets worse?” “That’s why you shouldn’t keep me waiting here for much longer.I’m already out so see you soon.Bye.”

Eunhyuk hung up and after he snuggled into a blanket he went outside to wait for Donghae.It wasn’t long before the rain started pouring harshly and Eunhyuk was now very worried.Why wasn’t Donghae coming?Had something happened to him?

While Eunhyuk was pacing in and out of the door he saw a small figure appearing.It was Donghae trying to shield himself with his hands while trying to get to the elder’s house.When he got even closer Eunhyuk could see that Dongahe was soaked with the rain and he couldn’t help but feel sorry for asking him to come to his house.Now he was probably going to get the flu as well and it would be all his fault.When he was in reach Eunhyuk grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside and closed the door quickly.He took him to his bed room and then rushed off to the bathroom to get him towels.”I’m so sorry Hae.I didn’t know that it was going to rain this soon.Now you’re soaked becuase of me.Let’s get you all dried up.Take off your clothes first.” Eunhyuk went to his wardrobe and picked out the fluffiest and thickest pyjamas he could find.When he looked back at Donghae he found that he was still wearing his clothes and staring at him with a shy gaze.”What is it Hae?Take your clothes off.” “But hyuung.I’m shy.” “Aissh fine.Go into the bathroom and dry yourself up.Then come to the kitchen.I’ll go make some hot chocolate to heat you up a bit okay?” “Mhm.”

Eunhyuk went out of the room with a still worried expression on his face.He felt his face heating up and he was now sweating too but he still went to do what he promised the younger he’d do.He finished the hot chocolate and went into his bedroom but Dongahe still hadn’t gone out yet so he knocked on his door. “Hae.Are you ready?” Eunhyuk didn’t hear anything so he tried again “Donghae.You can come out if you’re ready.”but still the younger woldn’t respond so he pushed the door open and went inside to find Donghae standing on top of the toilet seat looking around him in wide eyes. “S-stay there.” “What’s wrong Donghae?” “I saw it.” “Huh?” “There’s a a m-mouse.” “No way.How cold a mouse get in here?” “I’m telling you I saw a mouse.It was walking next to my wet clothes that I left on the floor.”Eunhyuk closed the door quickly and looked around but he coldn’t see anything.”AHHHH THERE HE IS!!”Donghae said as he pointed towards a cabinet with his shaky finger.Eunhyuk looked around expecting to find a big fat mouse but he couldn’t see anything.

”Where?I can’t see anyt-oh there it is.”He went over to the cabinet and the mouse looked at him.”Aww this little guy is so cute.Look at him all white and pink.” “He is not cute.He’s a scary ugly thing.” “No he’s not.Look at him.”Eunhyuk picked it up in his hand and took it next to Donghae. “G-get it away from me.” “Aww come on.I have a cage and I can put it in it.Come out when you’re all dressed up.And nice boxers by the way.” Donghae looked down and he noticed that he was only in his boxers so he covered himself as much as he could with his hands but not before he turned into a tomato.

Eunhyuk went to find the cage while he was still holding onto the tiny mouse in his hand.When he found it he put the mouse in and gave the little critter some bread and then closed the cage.When Dongahe came out of the bathroom he didn’t find Eunhyuk in the bedroom so he went into the kitchen where he saw the elders back while he was whispering sweet nothings to the mouse in the cage. “Don’t worry little mousey.I won’t hurt you just think of this cage as a hotel.You can sleep here permanently and I even gave you some food.You’re still a baby so I’ll let you go tomorrow morning but tell your family not to come here okay?This will be our little secret so don’t tell anyone about our little conversation.”Dongahe crept from behind him and then said in his ear. “Why are you talking to the mouse?” “O-oh Hae.You’re back.” “Made friends with him?” “He’s a cool little dude.” “Hahaha.If noona sees him she’s gonna go crazy.” “Yeah.I’ll take him in my room.Let’s go sleep now.I feel tired.” They went inside Eunhyuk’s room while he carried the little cage.When they were inside Donghae gulped down his hot chocolate and Eunhyuk put the cage on the floor and then layed on his bed.Donghae jumped next to him and soon the thunder storm began.

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Chapter 46: awww.. the ending was such a nice twist! I love it! Sooo cute! :))
Chapter 42: So cute!!! :D Finally, and she asked him xD. Update soon! ^^
Chapter 41: Aw Jaejoong please don't be like that :(. Update soon!
I hope Fany will give Jaejoong a chance.