Change the plan

Operation Banda

‘Oppa, I’m really happy!’ you said as the two of you walked the last few meters to the dorm.
‘Me too…’ Micky replied dreamily as his arm, that was around your shoulder, pulled you a little closer to him.
You noticed he was slowing his pace as you neared the door.
Just before you reached out to open the front door, Micky stopped you and turned you around.
He looked at you with a warm smile and sincere eyes that seemed to look straight into your heart.
‘I was really worried.’ he said as he held your hands, looking at them as he your fingers with his thumbs.
You wrapped your arms around him in an attempt to comfort him and take away all the tension he had felt when you were away.
‘He didn’t do… he didn’t touch you, did he?’ Micky asked, revealing the real reason for his worries.
You thought about HeeChul’s attempt at and the kisses he had forced on you…
‘No… No, he didn’t…’ you answered Micky, aware of the small dishonesty in your words.
He was never going to find out, he mustn’t, for he’d be hurt…

After hearing the liberating words from you, Micky embraced you and softly pressed his lips down on yours.
The kiss was tender, but full of unsettling emotion and a calm need for closeness.

Suddenly you heard a cough.
Quickly you broke free from the kiss and turned to see who had been the cougher.
‘Oh good, glad that I don’t have to break you apart!’ U-know smiled wryly, making you blush in embarrassment, however Micky let out an amused chuckle.
‘So… Are you two coming inside or what?’ U-know asked, balancing on his heels, without doubt anxious to get back in.
‘Suppose we should.’ Micky smiled and followed U-know and you inside.

On the couch in the living room Max was sitting with a cup of coffee in his hands.
‘Are you planning an insomnia?’ Hero asked, a little taken aback that his youngest male-dongsaeng had chosen coffee to drink before going to sleep.
‘Wae?’ Max asked.
‘Don’t tell me you, our whiz kid, has no knowledge of the effects of coffee on your brain…’ Hero let out, wondering how anybody could have missed that little bit of common knowledge.
‘Hyung, I’m not stupid, of course I know how caffeine works! Trimethylxanthine, the medical name for caffeine, or C8H10N4O2 which is the chemical formula, will make my brain release dopamine which will give me energy. This cup of coffee will stimulate my brain, enhance my memory, inspire my enthusiasm, clarify my thoughts and reduce my fatigue and sleepiness. If I drink one cup more, it can also give me a feeling of anxiety and unrest, could cause me heart palpitations, headaches, diarrhea and insomnia. Yes, hyung, I know what coffee does, but I’ll just have one cup, because I’m too tired to even sleep!’ Max responded, making Hero close to permanently speechless.
‘Okay… then good night… I’m just going to sleep now…’ he stammered, clearly never again doubting Max’ knowledge, which just wasn’t common anymore.
‘Good night hyung!’ Max replied, taking another sip of his coffee.
He was the last person downstairs, everybody else had gone upstairs, ready to call it a day.

‘Quick, quick!’ EunHyuk half whispered, half said to YeSung and DongHae, who were carrying a large chest filled with drinks.
EunHyuk himself only carried a sack of buns, of which the weight was obviously no problem.
‘Hyung, can we switch?’ DongHae asked, panting a little.
‘It’ll take less long if you just continue and when we’ll walk back I’ll switch with you.’ EunHyuk promised.
‘Hyuk-ah~…’ DongHae whined, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
‘Come on, come on, we’re almost there!’ EunHyuk encouraged the boy.
When the three arrived at the cottage, they opened the wooden door and went in.
Luckily for them the few persons who hung around yesterday night were nowhere in sight.
While YeSung took away the hypnosis on the president, they gave him to drink and to eat and hypnotized him when he was done.
That process was repeated with every family member of the presidential family, until they had all filled their stomachs.
Then the three left the cottage again and went back to their hiding place.
Although it wasn’t officially decided that anyone would look after the presidential family, they did.
They couldn’t fathom the idea that the president, his wife and his children might die from starvation or dehydration because of them.

In the early morning, TaeMin shook his girlfriend’s shoulder lightly.
‘Wake up, JiYa~’ he softly sang into her ear and then planted a kiss on her cheek.
TaeMin was already dressed and had made breakfast too.
‘Let’s go and visit your family.’
JiYa smiled as she woke up with TaeMin’s face hanging above hers.
‘I think I’m still dreaming!’ she let out softly and moved up to kiss him, but TaeMin moved away.
‘Uh-uh! Better get out first!’ He said enthusiastically and started running downstairs.
‘Yah~!’ she yelled after him and got up, quickly put on some clothes and hurried downstairs.
When she reached the kitchen, delicious smells entered her nose and involuntarily she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.
‘You’re hungry?’ TaeMin asked, giggling at his girlfriend’s spontaneous behavior.
JiYa nodded, opening the rice cooker eagerly.

An hour later, the two sat in the first train to Seoul.
‘Oppa, I’m still so tired.’ JiYa yawned and rested her head against his shoulder.
‘You’re such a sleepy head!’ TaeMin teased and ruffled her hair.
‘Aniya~’ JiYa disagreed and closed her eyes.
‘Lair…’ TaeMin whispered amused as he watched her sleep on his shoulder.

When -a full 2 hours later- JiYa and TaeMin stepped out of the train, they stood in the middle of busy Seoul.
‘Read, read! Please read and become wise! Here, here!’ a street vender pushed a newspaper into TaeMin’s hands.
‘And one for your girlfriend!’
The man tried to give JiYa a newspaper as well.
‘No, no, one should be enough.’ TaeMin waved his hands politely and paid the man for his newspaper.
As they walked on, TaeMin held the newspaper in his hands, not sure whether he was going to read it, when suddenly JiYa tugged his sleeve and smiled apologetically at him.
‘Hmm?’ TaeMin asked, raising his eyebrows a little.
‘Oppa, I have to use the bathroom…’
They walked over to a restaurant and as JiYa went to the bathroom there, TaeMin decided to take a look at the newspaper.
“President abducted by aliens?” he read and had to hold back a chuckle.
The press sure had a lot of imagination!
“The Federation of Existing Alien Radicalism (FEAR) wants money from the government to start an investigation, because they are positive that only the creatures from outer space can abduct such a protected citizen. One of them claims to have seen a saucer-like flying object on the night previous to the discovery of the president’s absence.”
TaeMin laughed internally, if only that person had known that the president was long gone since that day…
‘What is so funny?’ JiYa asked when she came back and saw the amused smile on TaeMin’s face.
‘They think the president got abducted by aliens!’ TaeMin laughed and then became silent as he realized he was talking about her father.
‘That means the press is all over the Blue House… We can’t possibly go there!’ JiYa said as her eyes grew wide and TaeMin realized they had to change their plans.

________~END OF CHAPTER 49~_________


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amazinggg <3
amazing <3
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
@xxtokyoxx: Aw, thank you! ^^ I left Flower's real name unknown on purpose, so the reader can imagine herself in Flower ;)
^^ Aaah, I see now! xP LOL, I should read better. I see where it's a little confusing in my story. xD Flower likes Xiah as a good and close friend, but not as something more =) only I didn't write that out so well XP I just said '(...)not because she liked him too, but(...)' xD<br />
It's almost the last chapter though... *sniff, sniff*
Sandara28 #6
I KNEW THAT Xiah liked her xDD But I didn't know that FLOWER liked him, or something :B
=0 You forgot? x) I think it's because of my sporadic updating... xP<br />
But do you remember Xiah being so keen on redecorating Flower's room after EunHyuk, MinHo and TaeMin had trashed it? =)
Sandara28 #8
O..o Flower liked Xiah? I never knew or plainly forgotten LMAO. XD!<br />
But heey what a sweet confession. Micky knew about this all along then eh? :B s'why he left o3o.. UPDATESOON<3
Sorry!!! For the loooong time absence! =$<br />
I'll do my best to update another chapter within the following week! =)<br />
<br />
@Sandara: ^^" That was a shocker, no?<br />
@Irene: Had to do something funny with HeeChul x) He's like 'the funny note' in this story! =P