
Operation Banda

‘Where do you want to put this thing?’ Micky asked, maneuvering around with your mattress.
‘Eh, what about there…’ you said, pointing to the opposite side of the room, as far away from Micky’s bed as possible.
‘That’s not a good spot, Xiah sleeps directly on the other side of that wall, you’ll hear him snore…’ Micky said sheepishly. ‘You know what, I’ll arrange your bed and you can go and gather your stuff. Deal?’
You laughed. ‘Araso oppa!’

Ten minutes later you came back into Micky’s bedroom.
You placed your toothbrush and some make-up in the cabinet above the sink and went to look at your “bed”.
To your surprise Micky had placed your mattress only a few centimeters from his own bed. And that wasn’t the only thing he had done, he also made it very neatly and placed a cute teddy bear on your pillow, like it was sleeping in your bed.
‘Do you like it?’ Micky asked as he saw you gazing at your bed like you saw a bed for the very first time.
You nodded and sat down to pick up the teddy bear.
‘Aw, this is so cute~!’ you cooed once you felt how soft it was.
‘You can have it if you want.’ Micky smiled. ‘His name is YooChun…’
‘YooChun?’ You asked. ‘Aniyo, he has to stay with you, he’ll miss you!’ you added as you the teddy bear’s head once more.
‘Chunnie likes you… besides females are more his thing…’ Micky winked at you.
Somehow it felt like Micky was talking about himself rather than the teddy bear, but you brushed it off, thinking it must be you and your weird hormones.
‘Awh~ I love Chunnie too~!’ you said and hugged the teddy bear.
Micky was grinning sheepishly because of his little achievement, but you didn’t see it as you were too busy cuddling with Chunnie the Pooh…

‘Micky, I forgot to ask… Can I borrow a pair of pajamas?’ you asked embarrassed, when you remembered the complete content of your closet was thrown into the washing machine after the home wreckers had thrown it around the room.
‘Sure, why didn’t you ask right away?’ Micky laughed.
‘Thanks…’ you laughed shyly.

After you had changed into a navy blue, large sized shirt of Micky, you walked out of the bathroom and saw Micky brushing his teeth at the sink in his room.
He was standing broad shouldered, wearing only a boxer and a pair of male flip flops.
He looked good…
You mentally slapped yourself, what were you thinking? It’s just sleeping…
Suddenly he looked at you via the mirror and smiled with his toothbrush still in his mouth.
‘Do you need to be at the sink too?’ He asked, making room for you.
Hesitantly you walked to the sink and grabbed your own toothbrush.

When the both of you were under the sheets in your own beds, you held Chunnie close to you.
You were already attached to the stuffed animal, even though you just got him.
‘Night~!’ you whispered to Micky and turned to face the other side of the room.
‘Sweet dreams~!’ Micky whispered back, he seemed to be smiling as he said it, you couldn’t see since the lights were out and your back faced him, but you could hear it.
A strange and new sensation went through you upon realizing you were sleeping in Micky’s shirt, in his room, with him so close that you could hear his steady breathing.
It wasn’t a suffocating feeling, you actually liked it.
You held onto Chunnie tighter as you fell asleep, smiling.

‘Eek! Get that little girl to stop crying!’ KangIn instructed Key.
‘Araso, araso!’ Key said, walking towards the president’s youngest daughter with a huge smile on his mouth.
The little girl looked at him with big eyes, wondering what he was going to do.
‘Don’t cry~…’ Key started, but as soon as he opened his mouth the little girl lost all interest in him and broke down in a series of deafening cries.
‘AISH! I can’t do this!’ Key gave up and turned to SungMin, giving him a pleading look.
SungMin got the hint and squatted down beside the girl.
Without hesitation he lifted her into his lap and started singing a lullaby to her.
The girl looked at him amused, smiled and soon fell asleep in his lap.
Carefully SungMin laid her back on the blanket.
The twin brothers and their older sister were sleeping as well, because they were hypnotized into sleep.
The president and his wife were kept in another room, where YeSung was sleeping as well.
The only way to get YeSung out of his hypnotic sleep again was to snap his own fingers, but until now, they haven’t been able to snap YeSung’s fingers.
They did make some improvement though.
SungMin had found out the president was wearing contacts, which caused the hypnosis to fail.
Also YeSung had probably looked into the president’s eyes during the session causing him to catch on the hypnotic spell, because of the intensified reflection in the president's eyes caused by the contacts.
For now, they drugged the president and his wife with chloroform, but on the long run, they needed to hypnotize the president in order to reach their goal.

‘SungMin hyung, how do you do that?’ Key asked in awe.
SungMin smiled and patted his dongsaeng on the shoulder.
‘You’ll know when you’re older…’

‘Hyung, I’m so scared…’ TaeMin said to no hyung in particular.
‘I know, HeeChul’s going to kill us…’ MinHo replied.
‘… and then feed us to the dogs and then kill the dogs and feed them to the sharks and then kill the sharks and eat shark fin soup…’ EunHyuk added miserably.
‘Ew… that’s disgusting…’ both MinHo and TaeMin let out.
The trio was walking around, as slowly as they could.
None of them was ready to confront HeeChul and risk seeing the last few minutes of their life.
‘Why can’t we just pick a girl from the streets and claim it was her…’ TaeMin said.
‘Did you forget your head in her room?!’ EunHyuk asked. ‘That’s like playing with your life! HeeChul has her photo and all… By the way, didn’t you notice how gentle he was concerning her? I think it’s rather fishy…’ EunHyuk concluded, changing the focus of the topic.
MinHo and TaeMin nodded, they had noticed their leader’s weak spot as well.
‘The question is… Do we go back to their dorm and try getting that girl? Or do we go to HeeChul?’ MinHo asked.
After exploring the possibilities, they decided to go back to HeeChul, even though that was going to be very unpleasant.
You didn’t sleep in your own room after all, so they had no chance of kidnapping you from out of your room.

________~END OF CHAPTER 23~________

Waah~ that was the last chapter that I had already written out... ^^
Now I'll have to write faster! X'D
^^ I'll do my best! =)

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amazinggg <3
amazing <3
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
@xxtokyoxx: Aw, thank you! ^^ I left Flower's real name unknown on purpose, so the reader can imagine herself in Flower ;)
^^ Aaah, I see now! xP LOL, I should read better. I see where it's a little confusing in my story. xD Flower likes Xiah as a good and close friend, but not as something more =) only I didn't write that out so well XP I just said '(...)not because she liked him too, but(...)' xD<br />
It's almost the last chapter though... *sniff, sniff*
Sandara28 #6
I KNEW THAT Xiah liked her xDD But I didn't know that FLOWER liked him, or something :B
=0 You forgot? x) I think it's because of my sporadic updating... xP<br />
But do you remember Xiah being so keen on redecorating Flower's room after EunHyuk, MinHo and TaeMin had trashed it? =)
Sandara28 #8
O..o Flower liked Xiah? I never knew or plainly forgotten LMAO. XD!<br />
But heey what a sweet confession. Micky knew about this all along then eh? :B s'why he left o3o.. UPDATESOON<3
Sorry!!! For the loooong time absence! =$<br />
I'll do my best to update another chapter within the following week! =)<br />
<br />
@Sandara: ^^" That was a shocker, no?<br />
@Irene: Had to do something funny with HeeChul x) He's like 'the funny note' in this story! =P