Chapter 39 - The Awkward Tension Betweem Them.

The True Reason

On the day of our producer son's baptism, I admit, I wasn't really anticipating any of it. I know, I may sound as an here, but knowing Jessica was also invited, I don't have energy to even come there. I was planning to ditch the event, actually.


But of course, I couldn't do it. PD nim would might feel bad, if I couldn't come to his son's baptism, and besides, I owe him one, because he was the one who gave me the opportunity to be a host.


So here was I, talking to him together with his wife. The event wasn't that big, but it was crowded because many of his guests came. "Well, thank you Amber for coming. I thought, you won't come."He said, smiling.


I laughed as I gently squeezed the cheeks of his son, that was on his arms. "How can I resist this little thing? Of course, I will come. Here I am - see? I should be the one thanking you guys, because you invited me. It means, I am important in your lives."


We all burst into laughs at my cranky joke. "Of course, you are Amber!"


"My husband and I were worried when we heard about your accident. Its great that you're okay now." His wife said, and her husband nodded in agreement. I smiled at her. "Oh! Isn't that --?" I followed her gaze and looked over my shoulder.


"Ms. Jessica!" I heard him called. My smile faded as she walked towards us. She was holding a pink paper bag, and when our eyes met, she almost smiled at me, but I ignored it by turning my head back.


"Hello, PD nim and Mrs. Chae. This is my gift for your child. And thank you for inviting me." I heard her said, a bit of enthusiasm in her voice. We stood beside each other, but I made distance away from her. I wasn't looking at them, actually.


"Jessica-ssi, you don't have to bring us a gift." His wife said, and I saw her accepting the bag, from the corner of my eye.


"My wife is right, Ms. Jung. You and Amber's presence is enough." I smiled as I heard my name.


"Thank you, PD nim." Jessica said.


All of a sudden, I felt out of place. I didn't know, but when she came I just felt it. "Hey, Amber.." My head shot up, looking at PD. "You okay?"


I forced a smile giving him a thumbs up. "I'm okay.." And again I felt her eyes on me.


"How about we moved to that table so that we can talk comfortably?" His wife suggested, and we all followed her finger, and I saw a 4 seated round table. I sighed. I know, this is not gonna be good.


"Amber, Jessica." We snapped both of our heads to that voice. "Go get your food over there, while my wife and I will go there. Feel free to choose there, and Amber there's a burrito in it."He said with a wink, and I just chuckled. They both walked away, leaving both of us again.


As they walked away, I went to the food section-slash-buffet style immediately. I didn't know if she followed but then again, I didn't care.


As I finished stuffing my food on the plate, which contains pasta, fried chicken and of course, burrito, that was when I realized that she was just beside me. I almost jumped, because I didn't notice her there. Her plate was still half empty. Without her, I turned around, walking towards the table where PD and his wife were sitting.


"Yah, you kid. You should've wait for Ms. Jung" PD whispered, and I almost wanted to tell him that, I didn't care, but of course, I held it in. I just smiled instead.


The table was just small, enough for four people, actually, and I didn't know why Mrs. Chae chose this table. On my left it was PD nim and his left again was his wife and on Mrs. Chae's left was an empty seat, well.. It was obviously for Jessica.


It'd be better if the distance between each other was an arm length, but my god - it just measures half of my arm. How could I eat my food, peacefully now?


When I saw from the corner of my eye that the chair on my right was pulled out from its place, I sighed. "Amber, you okay?"


I didn't know that they heard it, even Mrs. Chae was looking at me worriedly. "Huh? Oh.. Yeah. I'm okay, PD nim."


"Where's your son Mr. and Mrs. Chae?" Jessica asked, and I could tell that she was already on her seat.


"Oh, I gave him to my brother for awhile" PD said.


How could I say this? I was a bit talkative, means I was always talking while we were having our food - well, it was a nice conversation, actually. Jessica.. Well - she was quiet during the whole conversation, sometimes the couple would ask her if she was okay, then she would say I'm okay. Don't worry about me. Then she would show her weak smile - I mean, how could I know? I wasn't looking at her, the whole time. Thankfully, the couple didn't notice, but do I care?


Jessica and I left when the event ended, PD briefed us for the show tomorrow, before we left - separately.


I was already in my condo, when someone, "BOO!" startled me from behind.


I jerked in surprise, turning to see the culprit. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Soojung!" I glared.


She giggled and I was still sending daggers at her with my eyes, while I tried to control my breathing. "I just wanted to surprise you, Amber~"


"You didn't surprise me, you actually scared me."


"Aww.." Then she moved closer, putting her arms around my waist while pouting cutely at me. My chest, started to pound hard. "I'm sorry.. Ddudongie is sorry.. Will you  forgive me?"


My irritation instantly melted by her aegyo. I sighed as my face soften. She was so cute, makes me want to kiss her. Did I just say.. Kiss her? I leaned forward, that our faces were just inches away with each other. Krystal's sharp intake of air was audible, and she didn't pull back. Her eyes were darting back and forth from my eyes to my lips, and I also noticed that her chest were rising and falling at the same time. "You're forgiven." I whispered. I almost didn't notice the huskiness of my voice when I said those.


Then, that was when I realized our current position. Blinking, I immediately pulled away, when I saw her slowly leaning forward and almost closing her eyes.


"I-I'm sorry.. I-that was.. That was rude of me.. -- oh! What is that?" I actually couldn't look at her, but when I saw some food on the table, I walked towards the table just to ease the tension. I sighed in relief when I was already away from her. What the hell did I just do?


"Uh.. I made you dinner.." She said, coming over towards the table.


"Thank you, Soojung.. I really appreciate this, but you don't have to do this. I don't want you to tire yourself." I said, looking over at her, where she was standing at the other side of the table. She walked towards my direction, and placed her hand on my arm. I immediately felt the electricity that ran through my body.


She locked her gaze at me, as she moved closer, making me gulp. "I want to do this, Amber.. I wanted to do this for you.." She trailed  and I suddenly felt her thumb gently rubbing my arm. "I want to take care of you.." She whispered.


We didn't say anything for the next minutes, just staring at each other, and her eyes were almost making me melt. When her hand moved to cup my cheek, I felt like crying and I didn't know why. I almost closed my eyes to the warmth she was giving me. You're still broken! You'restill afraid!


Fortunately, my phone rang. Saved by the bell! I stumbled back, letting out a breath. I couldn't look at her in the eyes. I didn't even looked at the caller ID  when I answered the call. "Y-yeah? A-Amber here.." I stammered, the tension was still in my body.


"A--" I furrowed my eyebrows. The caller didn't continue to speak.






This time, I heard a soft sigh coming from the caller.


"Who is that, Amber?" I suddenly heard Krystal. I looked up and just gave her a weak smile. I just couldn't tell her, that I didn't know, because I didn't look at the caller ID, right? That'd be stupid.


"Hey are you--" Then the caller hanged up. Whoever that was, he or she was rude! I pulled my phone away, then I found out that it was an unknown caller again. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. The mysterious caller again. Stupid, Amber.


"Amber, who was that?" She asked and her face was contorted in worry.


I slipped my phone back into my pocket, grinning at her. "It was just Jackie. Just trolling again. You know her." I lied.


"Oh.. Okay.."




Then the awkward tension was starting to build between us. If I didn't move, she might go back about what happened or she was saying earlier. "Uhm, hey. I should go change first then we will eat okay?" I didn't let her answer, and just head straight to my room. As I closed the door behind, I slid down, as I bury my face into my hand. I let out a deep sigh. "Stupid, Amber! Stupid! Stupid!" I muttered to myself. Ruffling my hair in frustration.


God, how can I handle this? I need the help of divine intervention to this problem. I need to be extra careful on choosing my actions next time.. Especially to Soojung.










A/N: I already have an idea about the ending.. :) and maybe for the next update.. i think its already complete.. :)

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probably I will update the next chapter tomorrow or on Monday.. :)


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ed_peniel #1
You made me confused author. You never reveal the true reasons its totally mysterious. I dont get why jess cheated on amber when she said she loves her so much and plus wtf no kryber in ending? This story amazing but the ending is EH? I hope this story have a part 2.
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 45: At least please makes jessica together with yul! :'((
Chapter 28: Aww~ I've read this for a lot of times. Gosh I miss Jessber.
author can you allow me to translate this story in my country language??
TwinTurtles #6
Chapter 45: THIS STORY IS SO GOOD! But we need answers! Why did Jessica break up for Amber is it because of Krystal?? Was manager hyung surprised when Amber told him that the mysterious fan is Krystal when it was Jessica? What made Jessica give up Amber? Why didn't Amber succumb to her feelings about Krystal??? A sequel is needed!!
Chapter 29: Jessica did that so Soojung can have Amber, I swear...
Chapter 45: wae no JessBer happy ending QAQ
Chapter 45: update soon please
Chapter 45: update soon please