Chapter 25 - Feelings.

The True Reason

I never expect that this kind of situation will happen to us - to Krystal. After I saw Jess' reaction earlier, while she was having a conversation with the Head of the hospital on the phone, I got nervous, and it didn't help when she ended their conversation and suddenly lost balance - when she almost fell down on the floor. Good thing, that my reflexes were fast that I caught her into my arms. Her face was so pale, that you can immediately notice that she was terrified; her whole body was shaking, and it freaked the hell out of me.


"She's missing.." I was dumbfounded and I didn't know who she was talking about.


"Krystal.. She's missing.. Krystal is missing.." She mumbled. I didn't understand it at first, but when I started to process what she said - I was shocked, at the same time confused.


"Relax, baby.. We're gonna get there.. I promise.." She's fidgeting on the passenger's seat, looking at the car window and her lap. She repeated the same action a few times, and I held out my arm to hold her hand, just to make her relax, while I still have my eyes on the road.


I felt her calm, but she's still a bit fidgety. I just felt her hand on top of mine, squeezing it gently, caressing my pinky with her index and thumb. A small smile formed on the corner of my lips, and from my peripheral view, I saw that she smiled also.


I already told the group what happened, before we got here in my car, and as expected they freaked out. They were throwing me questions earlier, but I didn't answer even a single thing, I really don't know what made her to escape. They told me, that they will find Krystal and I'm grateful for that. Jessica told her parents and they also freaked out. She told her members too, and they are willing to help, to find Krystal.


"Jess, did you tell to your mom and dad, that we are heading to the hospital right now?" I asked, taking a quick glance at her.


"Yes, they said that they will also go there.." I sighed. Ever since we left in my place, she never stop worrying about her sister. I mean, of course she's worried because it is her sister, that is missing, so who wouldn't freaked out on that? I just felt sorry for Jessica, because she's taking so much problems right now.


"Why do you think Krystal would do that, baby?" I felt her tensed after that, because she tightened her grip around my hand.'What was that?'


"Hey, baby.. Are you okay?" I take a look at her for a few seconds, and she glanced up at me, then looking back at her lap."Y-yeah, baby.. I'm okay.. I.. I don't know.. I don't know why.." She whispered, but still audible. I hummed in response.


I am confused. Why would she do that? What is her problem, and is it really that serious?


All of a sudden, I felt my phone vibrated inside my pocket. I took it out using one hand while the other is controlling the steering wheel. I think she noticed it because from the corner of my eyes, she was looking at me. Once done, I looked at the caller ID for a few seconds then saw Taemin's name appearing on my phone. I tap the green button immediately, and pressed it onto my right ear.


"Yes? Is there a problem, dude?" I said, while my eyes were still focused on the road.


"Amber, hey.. Um.. Well.."


I am actually getting a bit impatient, and I can feel Jess' eyes on me."What dude?"


"Amber, um.. I already found Krystal and we're now at the hospital.."


My eyes went round from that information."What?!" I know I startled Jessica with my sudden action. I immediately pulled over for awhile, turning the engine off. I looked at Jessica, and she has this 'what-is-it' look.


"How did you find her? Which hospital are you in?" With that, Jessica shifted her position, as she reached out her hand and held my arm. She's worried; she's anticipating, I can see it in her eyes.


"I will tell you guys when you get here. We're here at Seoul Hospital. I'll be waiting here.."


"Yeah.. Yeah.. Okay.. Thank you, dude..-- bye." And I hung-up.


"Who was that? And where is Soojung?" She immediately asked once I ended the conversation.


"Its Taemin, he found her. They're already there at Seoul Hospital."







"Where is she?!" Jessica hissed quietly at Taemin. She was glaring him, and the poor boy can't do anything but to avoid her feiry gaze.


"U-uhmm.. She's.. She's in her room.. You guys, can check up on her, right now." He stuttered, as he pointed towards the direction of Krystal's room."Uhm, the doctor is actually inside.."


"And you left her alone?" I looked at Jessica, then back to Taemin, as she asked him coldly while raising an eyebrow - still having the straight face.


"A-aniyo.." He shook his hands defensively."Aniyo noo-- I mean, Jess-- I mean, no. Uhm, Krystal told me to leave that's why I'm here.."


I sighed. I took a glance at Jessica, and still she was throwing fierce glares at him, and Taemin don't have a choice, but to hang his head low. I wrapped my right arm to her waist, and caressed her side, giving her a signal to just let it go. She take a side glance at me, and nodded. I released my arm around her waist, and she turned around immediately, not even uttering a single word to Taemin. I eyed her, as she strutted towards Krystal's room, and stopped in front of the door --- 'seems like she's waiting for me.'


I looked at Taemin, and he's looking at the ground."Thank you, dude." I said, patting his shoulder. He looked up, and gave me a smile, which I return, before following Jessica.


I turned around, walking to her direction."Baby, uhmm.. I think you just stay here for awhile.. I will talk to Krystal alone first.." She said, once we were both in front of Krystal's room.


"Hmm.." I paused for a moment."Are you sure, babe?" I held her hands and she intertwined our fingers.


She nodded."Yes, baby. Just wait for me here okay?" I smiled, as I brought her hand to my lips, giving it a soft kiss in response.


She unclasped our hands and move hers to my chest, rubbing it using her palms."I love you so much Amber.." She whispered, while looking at me intently.


I smiled, showing off my teeth."I love you too,baby.." I can't stop smiling as I saw her blush, trying to hide her face on my chest. I chuckled on that.


"Okay, baby.. I'm going inside now.." She said, when she looked up at me, but I can still see a light pink on her cheeks. I nodded.


She looked at her left and right first, and I got a little bit confused. I mimicked her action, and when I turn to face her, she stole a kiss on my lips, before rushing inside Krystal's room. Realizing, what had just happen, I grinned, shaking my head left and right.


I lift my head up, and saw Taemin already sitting on a nearby public line chair. I dragged myself towards his direction, and took a sit beside him. I sighed, propping my elbows onto my lap, turning my head to look at him."So? How are you, Taemin?"


A faint smile crossed on his face. His eyes landed on his lap, leaning back on the chair."I'm okay.. I'm moving on, and I'm almost there but.. I'm okay." He said, nodding.


"Good.." I said, nodding as well."So.. How did you find her?"


He pressed his lips together, blinking his eyes."I was actually driving that time, when I got the information that Krystal has been missing. I was so worried, that I have to cancel my schedule today just to find her."


"You.. canceled 'all' your appointments just to find Krystal?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in amusement.


He merely nodded."Yeah, I went for possible placed that she might went, but even her shadow was nowhere to be found. And then, I remember something, that she told me before, and I was seventy-five percent sure that she might be there, and I was right. She was there.."


"W-wait...What did she tell you, that made you so sure that she was definitely there? And what particular 'there' are you talking about?" I said, putting air-quotes on the 'there' part.


"Its in Hanuel Park.." I leaned back on my seat, eyeing him."She told me that, she usually go there with 'someone' and--"


"With 'someone'?" Cutting him off, I raised an eyebrow - having the straight face. He looked at me and nodded."Yeah, she usually go there with 'someone', especially every time she's stress or she just want to relax her mind.."


I slowly swallowed the lump in my throat not knowing what am I feeling right now. 


I remember that we usually go there, during our pre-debut days, but she never told me that she usually go there with 'someone' else, aside from me. Who might be that 'guy'? And why she didn't tell me about that?


I honestly didn't know, but just by thinking of it, my insides are starting to.. Boil, and I don't know why? I feel like.. Betrayed or something -- I don't know, but I don't want to picture it, because it is making me.. Mad?


"So.. Where did you did you find her in the park?" I asked flatly, staring blankly at the floor.


"Under the big tree, while she was sitting on a bench. She was holding the stuff toy, that I gave her as a gift before.." I quickly lift my head up to look at him, and he has this small smile on his face, that I cannot explain. I looked away, and for some point I wanted to punch his face, for some reasons.


"!!" I wanted to cursed out loud! I'm feeling it again.. This anger.. Gosh, why am I so pissed?!







After waiting for thirty minutes - or so; Jessica finally stepped out from Krystal's room with the doctor. I stood up, but Taemin remained on his position."If there's any problem, just tell me Ms. Jung." The doctor said, smiling at her. Jessica nodded forming a 'weak' smile. The doctor bowed at us, which we did in return, before she walks away from us.


"So, baby? What did the doctor said? And what took you so long?" Slowly raising my brows, I just noticed that her eyes were red and puffy.'Did she just cry?'


"U-uhm, I'm so tired baby.. Can you.. Can you send me home, right now?" She's not looking at me, but instead she was just looking at my face, but not directly into my eyes.





"Amber.. I'm tired.. I wanted to go home.." Her hoarse voice said so, still looking down.


I sighed."O-okay.." I turned my head to look at Taemin, just to say that we're going and he nodded.


I turned my head back, and we started to walk away. I glanced at Jessica, and she has her head hanged low. I sighed, reaching her hand, and interlacing our fingers. I felt that she tighten her grip around my hand, and I can also feel her eyes on me too. 


I heaved out a sigh.. Something is not right.. I can feel it..






A/N: Hi guys! To all of my subscribers and silent readers.. can i have a small favor to ask? I really need your help.. so yeah? Can i? *puppy eyes*

It just that, on every update of my stories i will post a link and all you have to do is to visit the site. Just that! Just visit the link, and it will help a lot!! Sorry for bothering you guys.. mianhe..  *bows head* i hope you can help me. Thank you!!  ^.^v

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probably I will update the next chapter tomorrow or on Monday.. :)


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ed_peniel #1
You made me confused author. You never reveal the true reasons its totally mysterious. I dont get why jess cheated on amber when she said she loves her so much and plus wtf no kryber in ending? This story amazing but the ending is EH? I hope this story have a part 2.
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 45: At least please makes jessica together with yul! :'((
Chapter 28: Aww~ I've read this for a lot of times. Gosh I miss Jessber.
author can you allow me to translate this story in my country language??
TwinTurtles #6
Chapter 45: THIS STORY IS SO GOOD! But we need answers! Why did Jessica break up for Amber is it because of Krystal?? Was manager hyung surprised when Amber told him that the mysterious fan is Krystal when it was Jessica? What made Jessica give up Amber? Why didn't Amber succumb to her feelings about Krystal??? A sequel is needed!!
Chapter 29: Jessica did that so Soojung can have Amber, I swear...
Chapter 45: wae no JessBer happy ending QAQ
Chapter 45: update soon please
Chapter 45: update soon please