Scandal with Kim Jonghyun



The reporter immediately scanned the contract and send out the article. ‘’KIM JONGHYUN RELATIONSHIP WITH ~~~~~~ PROVED TO BE FAKE.’’


The whole article kept saying that it was you who force Jonghyun to sign the contract and all along both of you have fooled everyone. The article immediately became popular the reaction was overwhelming. Everyone who was on your side turned mad and your anti fan club of yours grew; they are even planning on attacking you!


You’re in great danger and yet you don’t even realize, you were asleep on the couch of your house because you were tired after cleaning. What’s worse is that you don’t even bring any guards along!


Seung jin was calling Jonghyun’s phone repeatedly but he wasn't picking up! Seung Jin was asking everyone he passed if they saw Jonghyun,’’Have you seen Jonghyun?!’’

’’I saw him earlier on at the president’s office,''one of the staff answered.


Seung  jin ran to the room to find that there were guards in front of the office. *Have to find another way* Going from the back, Seung Jin found a window and saw Jonghyun inside.


Knocking on the window to get Jonghyun attention and Jonghyun notice and rushed to the window. Seung jin wrote on a piece of paper and showed it to Jonghyun,’’THE PRESIDENT HAVE REVEALED THE CONTRACT AND ~~~~~~~ IS IN DANGER.’’


Jonghyun eyes widened. *NO*



He looks around for a exit and the window is the only place big enough to escape, Jonghyun was trying to break the glass window using a chair and the window have started to crack. However at the end only when Jonghyun kick the window the glass shattered. He uses his hand to get the glass off and wince at his bleeding hand. .


He didn’t care about his hand that is bleeding instead Jonghyun quickly wasted no time and escape. He ran to your house, ‘’Please be fine. Wait for me ~~~~~~.’’



You were asleep when you’re woken up by a sound. Someone was throwing stones to your house’s window,’’What’s going on?’’ Alarmed you walk out of the house to see a furious crowd gathered outside,’’Fake ! Attack!’’


They started throwing aimlessly at you, you were too stunned to move. You don’t even know what’s going on, why did the girl call you a ‘Fake ’? A stone hit you and you fell to the ground.


You turned to them and saw Jonghyun running towards you and hugged you. He cover your ears while they continue to shout nasty crude comments of you, ’’!’’, ’’!’’ , ‘’!’’


Jonghyun was taking the hit and he lunges closer to you whenever he got hit. He cupped your face and make you stare at him,’’Don’t listen to them. Just look at me.’’


You were staring at Jonghyun as he continues to wince whenever he get hit. Tears was forming in your eyes as Jonghyun get hurt, you have to stop them. He was getting hurt protecting you. A brick lastly hit him on his head, and he faint while having his head leaning on you. You hold his head when you realized that there was blood!


You let a tear fall as you took out your phone and shouted to them,’’THE POLICE ARE ON THEY’RE WAY!’’All of them started running and disperse immediately.


Jonghyun lie down as you look at him, his back was bruised and his head was slightly bleeding. You were crying while shouting for help, ’’somebody please help. ANYBODY! PLEASE HELP HIM!’’


Jonghyun eyes was closing, he hold on to your hands while using all of his energy to say, ’’I love you ~~~~~~~~.’’



Seung jin appeared and called a ambulance while you keep Jonghyun occupied to avoid him closing his eyes. '‘Stay with me oppa! STAY WITH ME!’’


Jonghyun gave you a small smile before he close his eyes and fall unconcious.  *NO*

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I just realize that Scandal With Kim Jonghyunr reached over 100 subscribers! Thank you so much guys


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Chapter 72: I think the story for each chapter is extremely too short and therefore the plot is going too fast. I believe that some parts could be extended and developed (e.g. when jonghyun tried to avoid her, I almost got the feeling and honestly almost crying but then the scene had already moved intova different part)
However, for a first timer, I think it's absolutey great and cute at the same time. Keep writing!
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 72: Awww really cute story ^_^
Awww so cute and adorable love the story and the ending. :)
Chapter 72: Yeaayyyy!!! Happy ending with an extra sth(pregnant thingy) love it sooo much!! Aa!! Good job on the ff :))
Chapter 72: Awww *wipes away tears* that was such a cute and fluffy story. Can't wait to read some of your other ones!
2031 streak #6
Such an amazing story author-nim :)
Chapter 72: could you please make sequel of this story.. i really really like it
Chapter 25: Wow... I've had Juliette stuck in my head ever since I've read the first chapter! O.O
michiru #9
Chapter 23: It's hard choosing between joong ki and jonghyun oppars but i love jonghyun so much sjchdhudkewmxkckckdiekdf
Chapter 72: Sequel sequel!!