His attempts..

HOT and COLD..

~Jieun’s POV

Days went by like usual. Home. Work. School. Just like what I always do, stick to the cycle and be invisible. The company is getting busier and busier with the preparation of concerts. That means the finance department also in the busiest time calculating all the budgets. My eyes are filled with numbers. But then again, I’m not complaining. This is what I do. Thank god I never had another encounter with that jerk since that day in the cafeteria. It will only make my life worst.

I arrive at the company early in the morning because I have a lot of work to do. the company is still quiet, no one arrive yet. Well except the securities and some teenage girls waiting in front of the building for their oppas. I don’t know how they will react if they knew that one of their oppas is only a conceited ert. I shake away the thought and walk into my desk. I sit and place my belongings when something catch my eyes. Two cups of hot coffee from the coffee shop across the street. one smells like black coffee and the other one smells like cappuccino. It’s still hot and no one even there in the office yet except me. I look at the cup and there’s a note on it. just like people said, be careful what you wish for.


 Good Morning jieun-ssi, I don’t know if you like black coffee or cappuccino so I bought both.

Which one do you like? Anyway, Enjoy~ have a nice day ^^

- GDragon


What the hell is he up to now? and how did he knew my name?. when I place that two cups aside, then a familiar voice came in.

“aren’t you going to answer the question? Which one do you like?” he said from the door frame. Why does he have to show his face when just a while ago I’m relieved not having another encounter with him.

“you’re not gonna answer me? well, okay then I’ll be sitting here until you give me the answer.” He said taking a seat beside me.

“neither.” I said just so he can finally go away. I can see his stunned face, but instead of leaving he just smile at me.

“oh really? Well, what do you like then? Americano? Espresso? Or tea?”

“you got your answer already.”

“okay, whatever. I’ll just buy you another tomorrow. I’ll leave now. bye han jieun-ssi..” he said then walk away out of the office and bumped into one of my colleague. Her name is ah young.

“omo. Gdragon-ssi.. what are you doing here?” she said.

“nothing, just greeting someone good morning.” He said then wink. Did he just wink? Ewwh, gross. He finally out of the office while ah young walk to her desk with a pink blush on her cheek.

“smells like coffee.. oh! Is this yours, jieun?” she said pointing to the two cups of coffee on my desk. I pull out the note, rip it off then threw it to the garbage can.

“hmm? Yeah, you can have them both if you want. I’m not into coffee that much” I said

“jinjja?? Why did you buy it if you don’t like it though?” she ask me while taking both of the coffee.

“I didn’t, some strange guy gave it to me.”

“aigoo… secret admirer? Awww..”

“no.. just a strange guy with nothing better to do.” I said and start with my work shrugged off all the distracting thoughts.


~author’s POV

Meanwhile, jiyong is peeping through the door seeing all she did to the coffee and the note he gave also heard all the things she said. His head filled with anger again because no one ever did this to him. He’s always the one who get what he wants. Until this girl came into the picture.

“OH MY GOD! Did she just ripped away my note?! And gave away the coffee!! And I’m a strange guy with nothing better to do! GAHHHH!!!! If only I can just get in there and rip her heart off her chest!! AARRGHHH!!!!!!! Breath jiyong, breath.. be patient, this is not going to be easy. Just remember all the outcome after this. That time will finally come, the day when she crawling to my feet begging for me. just wait a little while longer, kwon jiyong. this is just the beginning You can do this, you’re GDragon.” He thought to himself trying to calm down.

The next day, jiyong do the same thing to her. This time he bring hot tea and a hot chocolate. Again, he gets the same cold treatment from jieun. He calm himself again eventhough he feels like his blod is boiling through his head.

This is the third day, this time he brings flowers. Baby pink roses. He put down the bouquet of roses on the table complete with the note in it. Smiling proudly to his sense of romanticism. A while later, jieun walk into the office and see jiyong standing beside her desk. She look at her desk and see the roses on her table with a note saying :


good morning, beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl. ^^


Jiyong just smile looking at her reading the note. Confidently thinking that she will fall for this. He’s making the perfect line to say to her. But before he got the chance to say it a voice interrupted him.

“OMO! Jieun.. that’s a beautiful flowers.. is it from that secret admirer of yours again?” it’s ah young. Secret admirer? Jiyong thought. He smile again thinking that this time his plan works.

“oh. Aniyo.. this is actually for you, I just receive it from the delivery man and want to put it on your desk.” Jieun said leaving jiyong jawdropped looking at her.

“REALLY??!! This is must be from my boyfriend, how sweet is he pretend to forget it’s our anniversary but sending me flowers instead..aaahhh” ah young said taking the roses and put it on her table.

“oh! GDragon-ssi, you’re here again..”

“a-a-ah.. yeah.. I just have something to take from here. Anyway, I’ll be going now. annyeong..” he send a glare to jieun who doesn’t even look at him then walk out of the office. He failed again. He stomped madly at the floor. But he will not give up, he will always get what he wants.

It’s lunch time, jieun walk to the cafeteria alone with earphone plugged into her ears. She greet the ahjumma and take her food to the empty table on the corner. She eat there quiet and peacefully until someone sit in front of her. She look up and see jiyong again smiling widely. She rolled her eyes and focus on eating her food. Suddenly he pull out one of her earphone. Her head shots up to meet his eyes. He strucked seeing that cold eyes again.

“sorry, but I need to talk to you.” Jiyong said.

“I told you before, we have nothing to talk about and I don’t even know you.”

“whatever you say, but since you rudely gave away my roses this morning, I think you owe me.”

“I don’t.”

“yes you are. So , what time will your worktime done?”


“meet me at the parking lot, I’ll drive you home.”


“why?” he ask again.

Instead of answering him, jieun get up from her seat taking her ipod from the table. Jiyong eyes wide confused with her act.

“Yah! what are you doing? Why aren’t you eating?”

“Thanks to you, I lost my appetite.” She said then walk away from him.  

"What?!! YAH!! HAN JIEUN!!" Jiyong scream at her instead jieun just walk away.


At the end of the day, keeping on what he said jiyong wait for her in his car at the parking lot. He waits and waits while looking to the company door to open. He take a deep breath, calming himself not to be eaten by his anger towards her. Remembering what seungri said to him a while ago "you can't always be mad at her hyung, be nice and gentleman. A cold girl needs a warm boy." Be warm. Be nice. He said repeatedly in his head.

30minutes past. No sign of anyone. One hour past. Still nothing. Two hours and he completely lost his mind. His temper is all over his body. And just that time the door open revealing jieun walk out from the company. With his unstable breathing, he stormed out of the car. Don't give a damn about all the "be warm" thing. He walks towards her and grab her hand.

"YAH!! WHERE THE HAVE YOU BEEN?!! I WAITED HERE FOR FREAKIN 2 HOURS!!" He yell again. She srugged his hand off her.

"No one ask you to." She said.

"WHAT?!! I Told you to meet me here 5pm!!"

"I'm not your slave, you can't tell me what to do." She said again with her signature cold face. Jiyong take a deep breath, calming himself once again.

"Okay.. Come on, let me drive you home." Grab her hand once again and Pull her towards his car

"No." She said. He turn around and look at her disbelief.

"What? Seriously, just this once.. Will you just do as I say.."

"Seriously, no. "


"Because I'm not going home." She said and start to walk the other way.

"What the hell? Are you running away from home or what?" He walk fast to get in front of her and stop her track

"I have a class to attend. So I'm not going home. Now just get out of my way." She said.

"Wait. You make me waiting here like an idiot for two hours and now you said you have a class to attend so you're not going home?!! Why didn't you tell me before?!!"

"You didn't ask."

"FINE! where's your school? let me take you there then!" jiyong ruffle his hair with his hand getting really desperate.


"YAH!! you make me wait for 2hours to get you home and it turns out that you have class so you're not going home. Now I want to take you to your school and you say no?! WHY?!"

"Because I don't want to." She walk pass him. Her step is stopped by the words that comes from his mouth.

"Why are you being so difficult? So distant? So cold??" He said. He's desperate. He never met a girl like her. A girl that cold, a girl that makes him look like an idiot. To his surprise, she turn around and face him again.

"Because I don't like you. I don't know why are you being like this, but I don't have anything that has to do with you. You being like this annoys the hell out of me. Just leave , go away. Find another stupid girl to play with. I'm don't have time for this." And with that she completely walking away from him. Jiyong once again left stunned. He don't know how to react. Shocked? Yes.  Angry? Very. What makes it worse is that the look on her face showed nothing. That makes him more angry and confused.




finally a new chapter!! yeay!!

can I ask you something?

am I making the flow of the story too fast?

should I slow it down a little?

tell me what you think.. ^^

thank you thank you thank you~

love ya! ^^


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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?