Cloudy thoughts and pouring Rain.

HOT and COLD..


The next morning, jiyong is pacing back and forth in his apartement. He's anxious again. He keeps looking at his phone. Still no sign of anything. 'Where is she? Why doesn't she pick me up? Why didn't she reply my text?' Jiyong said. 'Did I say anything weird yesterday? Oh yes I did.' He said again running his hand through his hair.

"I will be the one who protect you." He said mimicking how he said those line to jieun yesterday.

"What the hell kwon jiyong?! Why are you saying that?! Uughhh.why can't I seems to talk right with her." He scream. Suddenly his phone ring, without even looking at the caller id he pick up the phone.

"Hello? Where are you?! Why didn't you reply my texts?!!" He yelled to the phone

"Woah.. Man, chill. It's me yongbae."

"Aahh.. Sorry bae. I thought you're someone else." Jiyong said.

"Who? Jieun?" Yongbae said while holding his laughter.

"W-what? Pfft. No. Seungri.. I thought you're seungri."

"Oohh.. Seungri.. That's weird, because seungri is here with me and he said he doesn't reveive any text from you." Yongbae can't help his laughter. Jiyong eyes widen as he heard yongbae followed by seungri's laughter on the phone.

"Are you both done laughing? What do you want?"

"Nothing, just asking if you wanna hang out today. But I think you don't."

"yah. yah." Jiyong said

"Okay then, bye man. Oh! One last thing, if you can't contact jieun and you're worried then why don't you just go to her house."

"Aah! That's right! Wait. How did you-- I'm not looking for jieun!" Jiyong said as he realized what he accidentally blurted out. Seungri and yongbae laughter get louder then they hung up the phone. Jiyong put his palm on his face. Embarrassed.

'Stupid! But what yongbae said was right, why don't I just go to her house and check it for myself? What if she's sick? Nah, she must be just being lazy sleeping in her room. But what if she realy sick? What if she got mobbed by fans again?? what the hell is happening to me?!' Jiyong stomped his feet in frustration.

'Whatever, screw this.' He said the pick his car key and ran to his car start to drive. The destination? The house he knew perfectly.

As he arrived in front of a familiar house, he saw a group of people get out of a white suv. He knew it's her family, but he still doesn't see the figure that he wanted to meet. He get out from the car and walk towards them.

"Jiyong hyung! Omma! It's jiyong hyung!" The little kid said. Minwoo.

"Annyeong minwoo-ah!" Jiyong said waving to the kid.

"Oh! hi jiyong, What are you doing here?"  Jihye ask.

"Ah.. Jihye noona.. I want to meet jieun, is she here? She didn't came to pick me up or reply my texts so..."

"She didn't tell you?" Jihye said.

"Tell me what?" jiyong ask confused.




"Today is the day of our father's death, 5 months ago. All of us are visiting his grave every month in this date. But jieun always stay there longer that's why we went home first."


Jihye's words are repeating in his mind as he drove his car to the graveyard that jihye said. Why didn't she said anything about this?. He drive passing the empty streets towards the graveyard.

He stop his car in front of a small hill covered with green grass. He get out of the car and walk on the pathway searching for that one petite girl that he familiar with. After a short walk, he finally see her. The girl is kneeling in front of a grave , he stops a few steps behind her close enough to hear what she's saying.

"I'm sorry, appa." Was the only words she said over and over again.

 'Why is she saying sorry?' Jiyong thought. Jiyong stare at her figure for a while until she suddenly get up and turn aroud. Her eyes meeting his.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"You didn't come to my apartement to pick me up nor reply my text. So I went to your house and jihye noona told me that you're here and here I am."

"I already told you that I won't come to work today."

"You told me? When?"

"Last night. The elevator in YG Building."



Jiyong drove to the YG Building with his mind clouded with thoughts. 'Why did I say that?' He's thinking about what makes him say that he will protect her next time. 'Woah, there'll be no next time, If anybody dare to lay a hand on her. Wait. Why am I getting angry again?' He's thinking hard that he didn't notice that he's already in the elevator with jieun.

"Jiyong, I have to do something important tomorrow, so i can't come to work. You don't have any schedule except finishing your recording in the studio for tomorrow. It's okay if you go here by yourself right?" Jieun said but jiyong doesn't give her any respond. Instead jiyong seems lost in his mind, looking into nothing and his eyebrows brooding.

"Jiyong!" She called him.”

"Ah! Yeah, what you're saying?"

"I said, is it okay if you go to the studio by yourself tomorrow?" She said then the elevator open.

"Yeah yeah it's okay." Jiyong said without looking at her and stormed out of the elevator leaving jieun behind.



"Aaahhh so that's what you're talking about that night." Jiyong said but he realized that jieun is already walking away from him. So he run after her.

"Hey, but why didn't you tell me about this?"

"About what?"

"About today is the day of your father's death."

"Why should I ?" She said looking at him with her cold pair of eyes. Jiyong is taken aback.

 'Yeah, why should she? Why do you have to know everything she do?' Those question came up to his mind. But he can't seems to find the answer. Hearing no words from jiyong , jieun shakes her head and start walking along the path with jiyong following behind her.

The trees are decorating their way. No sound made from both of them, only the sound of wind blowing and birds chirping filling the air. Long walks with different thoughts filling their minds. Jieun's filled with the memories of her father from the happiest until the most tragic that ends her father's life, regrets. Meanwhile jiyong is trying to read what's in her mind hoping it will help him find the answer of the questions that has been haunting him.

Finally they reach up the peak of the hill. The view of entire seoul and gloomy sky welcomed them. Inhalling the scent of nature, jieun take a seat on the bench facing the view. Followed by jiyong who is seeing this amazing view for the first time.

"Still following me , huh?" Jieun said noticing another figure who is sitting beside her.

"I'm not following you. Curiousity takes me here." Jiyong said.

"why are you doing this ? Jiyong, do you like me or something?" Jieun suddenly ask. She needs to figure out what he wants, she needs to protect her already cracked wall of heart from him. She won't let him made another crack. Jiyong once again stunned with her sudden question.

"What?" Was only the word that successfully came out from his mouth.

"you can't like me jiyong. Don't develope any useless feeling towards me ever. Stop acting like you care. Just look at me as a stranger who works for you." She said.

"And why is that? I can do anything I want."

"Because I won't let you."



"Because I won't let you."

With that, I get up from my seat and leave jiyong who is seems till trying to contemplate the reason behind my words. I walk down the path finding my way home.

I won't let him make another damage to the wall of my heart. I can't take another risk of it. I keep walking until I finally reach the main road and walk on the sidewalk. But it seems like nature find a way to punish me, I feel a water drop on my face. I look up to the sky and the rain start pouring down.

Suddenly my body trembles. The more water pouring me it's like the water is draining all of my energy away. My knees fail me as I fall to the ground. Slowly my eyes covered ny the image of that day. A man walking towards me with worried plastered all over his face, then a bright light coming closer to him from my side. My ears filled with the sound of engine , horn and the sound of my scream.

"APPAAAA!!!!!!NOOOO PLEASE NOO!!!" I scream to the top of my lung. I cover my ears and shut my eyes hoping it will prevent those sounds and image. But it's useless. My body is cold from the water that drenched me. I can't breathe, the air is betraying me. The sounds, the image it's like a horror movie playing nonstop.

'Stop.... Please... Make it stop....’ Hoping someone will grant my wish. Suddenly I hear another voice.

"HAN JIEUN! hey hey, what happened?? Talk to me please!! Say something!" That voice, I knew that voice.

"Make it stop......."

"Hey hey.. Look at me, I'm here.. Jieun.. It's okay.. You'll be okay.. I'm with you." The voice said and I feel my body lift up.

Now I feel warmth enveloping my body. I feel weak but safe for the first time in a long time. I take another breath feeling the warmth radiating into my body , until I finally give up into the darkness.


so , how's the cliffhanger?


make sure you read the next chapter when I post it, then you'll understand..


Untill then, see ya ^^

LOVE YA as always! ^^

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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?