The beginning

HOT and COLD..

~Jieun's POV

Earphone plugged into my ears with songs playing. A pencil in my hand drawing lines on my sketch book. The wind blowing softly as I sit at the balcony of my house. the sky is dark because it’s already night, only the sound of howling owl filling the world if I pull out my earphone from my ears which I don’t. the night is the most calm and soothing time of the day. Every night when everyone are already drifted far far away into their dreamland, I always here doodling, drawing random things that came into my mind. This is the time of the day that always makes me forget whatever hectic things that happened. With the song playing in my ears, my mind drifted away to my imagination world.

I’m an outsider, you can say that. I’m always better when I’m alone. Even in my own house, I always feels like an outsider. An isolated one.

The morning feels like every other morning. It’s Saturday that means I have to stay home, not being allowed to go anywhere. No friends to hangout with. No Saturday night. Boring? Very. That’s me, boring is my middle name. the things makes this morning different is that it’s too early to wake up at this time and  the voice of my nephew nagging me in my room asking me to go to a concert with him and his mom which is my sister tonight. It’s not that I don’t want to go, but it’s just I feel more comfortable only listening not watching and I have never been to a concert before because my mom won’t let me go there with anyone except my family members.

“noonaaa~ please.. go with us.. hm?”

“minwoo yaa.. just go with your mom.” I said

“omma is going, but I want you to come too.. please please pretty please..” there he goes again with his puppy dog eyes.

“jieun~ah.. please come with us. It’ll be fun. I mean you know their songs too, you like them right.” And that will be my sister coming to my room.

“I like the songs not the person who sing them.”

“but you’ll love them when you see them in person!”

“not interested. Besides, what will I do there while both of you are screaming, spazzing or whatever you call it?”

“you can sing along.. because you said it yourself that you like the songs.”


“and…. you can take pictures of them for me, noona!” minwoo said cheerfully.

“doesn’t that makes me look like a stalker or something?”

“NO! of course not! All of the people there will take thousands pictures of them too, noona~.. please.. come come come..” he said again.

“please.. jieun-ah.. for me? for minwoo?” now both of them are using their puppy dog eyes technique at me. like mother like son.

“fine. I’ll go. Whatever.”

“YEAAAYYYY!!! Omma!! We did it!!” Minwoo jumping around in my room. That kid.

“arasso.. arasso.. now let me sleep.” I said, pulling my blanket back to my body.

“okay! Let’s go minwoo yaa, let noona sleep for a while. so she’ll be ready to go with us tonight! Yeay!” then they went out of my room, leaving me laying on my bed again with silence finally back surrounding me. I don’t know why I agreed to this, but I just can’t say no when I see their face. I close my eyes again and get back to my sleep for a little while.

The night finally come. the three of us go to the concert venue. All the people there including my sister and minwoo are hyped. They all wearing t-shirt with bigbang written all over it. some of them even dressed as a roleplayer. Playing someone who I think supposed to be the members of the band, I don’t know I’ve never seen the guy anyway. Like I said, I only listen to the song enjoying it without even care what the person who sing it looks like.

After surviving a super long queue, we finally get in the standing pit. It’s so close to the stage. The stage is like super big with the concert banner spread on the sides of the stage.

“minwoo ya.. what is ‘The Final’ mean?” I said pointing to one of the banners.

“noona, this concert called The Final because it’s the final concert of their world tour this year.”

“aahh.. “ I said nodding my head.

“jieun-ah, get your camera ready.. the concert will start soon!” my sister said. I check the camera that hanging on my neck make sure that it’s working perfectly. Then the lights went off. Here goes the concert.

Along the way of the concert, I have to say these guys really know what they’re doing. This is the first time I’ve seen these guys. It turns out bigbang consist of 5 members, the tall one with black short hair, the one with blonde hair and small eyes, the other one with permed black hair that talk so much and have dark circles make him look like a panda, the guy with breaded hair that can’t stop dancing, and last but not least the guy with half black half white hair. Their performances are great I admit. They know how to pumped up the atmosphere. Finally it’s the encore, I keep taking pictures of them while singing to some of their song that I knew. The concert are ending, when the guy with half black half white hair come down from the stage and walk to us while I’m taking pictures of him. I don’t even realize that he’s so close until he took my camera from my hand and lean back his body to my side then surprisingly kiss my cheek. WHAT THE HELL?!. He give me back the camera and it turns out that he take a picture of him kissing my cheek with my reaction on it. is that what people do to someone watching their concert?. Meanwhile, my sister is shaking my body as if I passed out or something and keeps telling me something about ‘kiss’ and ‘dragon’. I don’t know.

The concert finally end. After that incident, minwoo and my sister keeps telling me how lucky I am and how right they are for bringing me to the concert while all I want to do is going home and spend my night like I always do. We’re getting ready to get out of the venue when someone grip my hand. I turn my head at the person, I think it’s the concert staff.

“miss, can you come with us for a minute?”

“what? Why?I want to go home.”

“it’s about the picture that GDragon took with you.”

“jieun-ah.. what happened?”

“nothing, just wait for me in the car okay? It’ll be a moment, I’ll handle this.”

“arasso.. be careful noona.” Minwoo said and I just nod at him.

I follow the staff taking me to the backstage. Maybe the manager wants to get rid of the picture or anything. Uuggh.. I knew I should’ve just stay at home tonight than agreed to came here. 

“miss, the person is in this room. Please come in.” the staff pointing the room with GDragon written on the door and I come in.

The room looks like an artist room, with clothes hanging neatly on the hanger. Sofas are placed comfortably. A lot of drinks and foods for the artist or maybe the crew. Then someone’s voice break my thoughts.

“Hi there..” it’s the black and white guy greeting me with a smirk on his face.

~author’s POV

Jiyong sitting on the sofa as jieun came into the room. He’s always been like this, being in a concert giving him advantage to get girls throwing themselves at him. He’s the GDragon anyway. Looking at the girl, she’s wearing a plain white t-shirt with a leather jacket. ‘Nice choice, whatever that clothes will be thrown away soon anyway’ he thought.

“hi there..” he finally said.

“hi.” She said with a blank face.

“I’m GDragon.” He said try to be nice at first like he always do to any other girls.

“I know who you are. Just cut to the chase, what do you want?”

“feisty, nice.” He said as he get up from his seat and walk towards her.

“what I want? It’s simple. I want you, and I always get what I want.” He said again as he trap her body with his and the wall. Then without any warning, he kiss her lips roughly. She gasped and he just smirk knowing that it’s his chance to explore with his tongue and he did gladly. Suddenly, she push his body away from her and she punch him on the face.

“OUUWW!!! WHAT THE ?!!” He said holding his red cheek with his hand while jieun wipe clean her lips with the back of her hand.

“listen here, gdragon or whatever your name is that written on the door. I’m not your fan or any other girls that will voluntarily throw themselves at you. I don’t like you. So you better stop what you’re doing, because I don’t have time for this kind of .” She said and start to walk to the door but jiyong grab her hand and trap her on the wall again.

“No one, ever dare to punch gdragon. Just stop with ‘I’m not a fan so I don’t want you’ act. I know you want me too. Just get it over with.” He said and start kissing her again and for the second time he’s being pushed away. She wipes her lips again.

“whatever. I don’t have time facing a conceited jerk like you, going to your concert is the worst decision I’ve ever made and news for you, you can’t always get what you want. Now if you still think that I’m your fan, then have you ever seen your ‘fan’ did this?” she said as she lifted up her camera lcd to him and deleted the photo of them on his face. Then she walk out of the room leaving jiyong standing alone in the room with his blood boiling to his head. He feels his body hot filled with anger and humiliation. No one ever did this to him. He used to everyone giving him what he wants. But this girl even dare to punch him and humiliated him.

“jiyong-ah.. I saw the girl walk out---“ his manager said as he come into the room.

“ji, are you okay?” he said poking jiyong’s shoulder.

“find that girl.” Is all jiyong said.


“FIND OUT WHAT HER NAME? WHO SHE IS? ANYTHING!!!” jiyong said bursting out to his manager.

“I-I-I already got her name from her sister after I take her to you, her name is Han Jieun.”

“okay. Now get out.”

“jiyong-ah, what happened?”

“I SAID GET OUT!!!” he yell at him. His manager went out of the room scared.

“Han jieun. No one can walk away from me like that, no one can humiliated me. we’ll meet again, han jieun. Just you wait. And when the time comes, I’ll make you beg for me.” he said with smirk plastered on his face.



so that's the first chapter!

what do you think?

should I continue it? or not? lol ^^



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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?