
HOT and COLD..


The concert hall is so busy, people walking here and there. Checking everything, trying everything if they worked properly. Today is the last rehearsal of jiyong's concert. I'm standing here with a 'crew' identification name tag hanging on my neck, looking at jiyong who's rehearsing on stage. He wears a short pants and a plain loose white t-shirt. His clothes are normal? Pfftt, well you should seen what he wore when he came here. He wore a cream color thom browne suit. Can you believe it? He's going to rehearse with a suit?. The stylist and ssabu-nim told him to change his clothes because it's not good to rehearse wearing a freakin complete full layers of suit. But you know him, being that G-Brat. He keeps on insisting like a little kid. Eventually the stylist and even ssabu-nim gave up and leave me alone with jiyong in the artist room. He slumps on the sofa and take out his phone.

"G-dragon, you should change your clothes. The rehearsal gonna start soon."

"Wae? I don't want to. I want to wear this , and I will."


"Yah! You called me brat again?! What is your problem!!??"

"I don't have any problem. YOU are the one who should have problem with that silly behaviour. what ssabu-nim said was right , you won't be able to move freely and because of that you can get injured. If that happen, that will be one hell of a disaster."

"Well it's MY problem. So YOU stay out of it." He said pointing me with his skinny-filled-with-branded-rings-finger.

"Whatever. Don't blame me, if that precious expensive suit of yours got ripped when you're rehearsing, then the pants ripped too, then there’s photo of you rehearsing with your pants ripped all over the internet, and then---."


Then after I left him in the room, he walk out miraculously without wearing the suit.

It's already midnight and the rehearsal finally end. I already called home, saying that I'll be staying in YG tonight. Unexpectedly, my mom just nod and my sister happily saying "aah! Jiyong must be really busy since the concert is tomorrow.. Okay! You go help him, support him , protect him and me and minwoo will meet you tomorrow in the concert.. Jieun fighting!" Yeah, she and minwoo are coming to the concert.

Since the rehearsal is finished, everyone clapping, giving spirits to each other. Praying that tomorrow's concert will be a succeess. After bowing to everyone, I go to jiyong.

"Jiyong-ssi, do you want me to drive you home? If not, then I'll be going home."

"No, you can go." He said.

"Arasso." I said and walk outside the venue. It's empty, dark, only the streetlights are shining my way to YG building. I keep walking. Then my phone ring. The name G-Brat is flashing on my phone.


"Where are you now?"

"Err.. Outside."

"Get back here, meet me inside the concert hall." Then he hung up the phone.

I sigh. What does he want this time?. I walk back to the concert hall. There are barely anyone left in here, only one or two security guards. I walk inside the concert hall, the stage light is off. Only some light on the seats are on. Then I see him, jiyong is sitting on the edge of the stage staring to the audience seats. I get on stage and walk towards him. He seems lost in his thoughts as I stand beside him.

"Jiyong-ssi." I said. He look up to me and smile.

"Oh, you're here. Let's just sit here for a while then I'll take you home."

"Hm? Take me home?" I said and sit down.

"Yeah, minwoo will kick me if I let his noona went home alone in the middle of the night." He said and smile again.

"Well, he won't kick you but he'll definitely quit being your fan."

"That's worse."

He stare at the empty audience seats again. Silence is enveloping us. No yelling, no arguing with each other.  I don't know what in his mind right now. Why does he want to sit here.

"I always spend my time sitting here every night before the first day of a concert. Even if it's bigbang's concert." He said breaking my train of thoughts while still staring to the empty space in front of him.

"Sitting here, calms me down. I'm nervous, but looking at the small light on the empty seats reminds me of the lights from fans crownstick. The lights that give my strength to do all the performances. Just by looking at those lights , the nervous anxious feeling dissapear. The only thing left is the strong will to give eveything I got for them."  I look at his face, he looks so soft. I've never seen this side of him before. He must lovehis fans so much that he'll do anything for them.

"Looking at those empty seats also remind me of my fears, what if tomorrow no one will come and those empty seats will remain empty throughout the concert. What if no one will like my music anymore, what if all my fans left me because my songs are out of date, boring."

"They won't."


"They won't leave you. A person called a fan, because they appriciate the idol as who he is. No matter what you do, what kind of music you will make, they will always support you. Because they understand the hardship that you went through. Being your fans means they accept who you really are, not who other people expect you to be."

"Hmm.. I hope so." He whisper and suddenly I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look at my side and it's jiyong's head.



“Yah, what are you—“

“Just stay like this for a minute please.” Jiyong cut jieun’s word. She look at his face and he looks so pale and sweaty.

“jiyong, why are you so pale?” instead of answering, he just close his eyes. Jieun became more anxious, she touch his forehead. It’s burning up.

“Hey, hey, are you okay? You’re sick, jiyong..”

“I’m fine, just a little dizzy. Let me stay like this for a while and I’ll be fine.” He said weakly. But jieun can’t wait, the colors from his face starting to fade. She panicked, should she call someone? Who should she call?. She take out her phone and see all the important phone number that sajangnim gave her that first day she start working as jiyong’s manager. Then she finally made the call.

“yoboseyo? Byeong yeong oppa?” Byeong yeong is seunghyun manager. He’s the one that always give jieun direction about being a manager.

“oh.. jieun-ah..”

“I’m sorry to call you in this hour, b-b-but jiyong is sick right now. I-I-I don’t know what to do.. eottoke? He’s burning up and so pale right now.. what should I do?” she said panicking.

“jiyong is sick?? Okay, first calm down. Where are you now?”

“c-concert hall, oppa.”

“arasso, just take him to the hospital. There’s a Himchan Hospital near there. You can drive him there right?”


“okay, go now I’ll meet you there. Don’t panic.” He said and jieun hung up the phone. She look to her side again, jiyong is shivering now.

“jiyong, can you hold up for a little bit? Where’s your car key? We need to go to the hospital” she said

“we don’t have to, I’m fine now. I’ll take you home.” Jiyong said suddenly and get up from his seat taking out his car keys. But his leg is betraying him, he’s too weak to stand up and fall to the ground.

“That is not a definition of fine, jiyong. come on. can you walk? Let’s go to the hospital.” She said and help him get up.

She put one of his arms on her shoulder as support. They walk slowly, jiyong seems so weak. Even though byeong yeong told her not to panic, but she can’t help it. seeing jiyong like this make her mind went blank. She can’t think.

She get him in his car, which is the only car left parked in the parking lot. After making sure he sit comfortably, she start driving to the hospital. The drive was short but it feels like the longest road. Jieun once in a while look at her side and see jiyong with his eyes closed leaning to the door.

She stopped at the emergency unit and hurrily take jiyong inside. The doctor running to her side seeing jiyong walking weakly. The doctor starts asking what happened, jieun explaining everything in stutter. She doesn’t even know why she stutter it’s like her mind can’t work well. Then the nurse told her to wait outside and let the doctor check him up.

She wait and wait, pacing here and there. Then the doctor came out.

“how is he? Is he okay?”

“He’s just drained tired. He said that he felt his body cold this morning so that’s why he’s having a fever right now. but I’m giving him a medicine and vitamin right now. Usually I asked them to rest for few days in the hospital to get their energy back. But he’s G-Dragon , and he has a concert tomorrow right? So just let him rest for a while now.” he felt cold this morning? Maybe that’s why he insisted on wearing that full layers of suit.

“arasso.. thank you, doc.”

“neh, and you are?”

“I’m his manager..”

“aah.. okay but don’t let him get too tired or this will happen again.”

“arasso..” she said and bow to him as the doctor walk away. Her heart finally beating into normal pace again, she can catch her breath again.

“Jieun!” She look behind her as someone called her name.

“oh.. Seunghyun-ssi! How did you came here?”

“Byeong yeong hyung told me everything, how is jiyong? is he okay?” Seunghyun said as he saw jieun.

"H-He's okay, the doctor said that he's just exhausted. He's getting treated right now."

"Ahh..really? What a relieve.. That kid really don't know when to stop working." Seunghyun said again while running his hand trough his hair and jieun just bow her head down.

"But how about you? Are you okay?"

"Me? I'm okay.."

"How did you get here?"

"I-I drove jiyong's car.. Oh my! The car! It's still there!"

"It's okay, give byeong yeong hyung the key, he'll take care of it. Right hyung?"

"Yes, jieun give it to me. Don't worry." Byeongyeong said and with that he go out of the hospital to take care of it.

Jieun sit down and seunghyun sit beside her. All she thinks about is how jiyong is this morning. How can she didn't see this coming. He felt cold, that's why he wears that layers of suit. Pabo jiyong! He knew he's sick and yet he still insisting on taking me home until the last minute. Stupid brat.

"He's awake, you can see him now." A nurse said after an hour of waiting.

"Come on jieun." Seunghyun said and they both go to jiyong's room.

She went inside and see jiyong lay on the bed with injection on his hand. He looks so weak.

"Jiyong-ah.. You okay, man?"

"I'm fine hyung.. Why are you here? Did she called you? Yah! I told you I'm fine, why did you call him?. She just overreacting and exaggerated everything hyung." Jiyong said. And just like that she regreted everything. Overreacting? Exaggerated ? Damn, I just wasted my hours uselessly worrying for a stupid brat. She thought.

"Yaah.. Don't say that."

"Jiyong, the doctor said you can go now." Byeongyeong suddenly appear.

"Okay, tell the nurse to take out this injection and I'm going."

" I'll prepare the care then." Jieun said wanting to get out of the room.

"No, you stay here miss."

"Yeah, stay here jieun. Let me and byeongyeong hyung take care of everything." Seunghyun said and went out of the room leaving jieun who stand uncomfortably near the door.

"Yah.. Why are you standing so far away?" Jiyong said.

"Because I want to."

"Come here."


"Just come here will you."

"What?" She said approaching him

"I'm just gonna say it once so you have to listen it well."

"What is it?"

"Thank you, jieun." That's it? A while ago he scolded me and now he said thank you? Again with his bipolar self.

"Thank you? Oh it's nothing, like you said I'm just OVERREACTING." She said and left leaving the laying jiyong dumbfounded.


Sorry for the late late late update...

I'm such a bad author..


so, what do you think?

is she overreacting? kekeke


anyways, this weekend is the best weekend of my life because


AAkk my ot5 feels..... /cry/



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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?