Love Blizzard.

HOT and COLD..


Praises can be heard everywhere he walk after he wrapped up his 3days solo concert in a success. These 3days have been tiring but fun for him. He always lovethe feeling of performing on a concert. Thanks to 2ne1 who helped him after the hospital incident. So he can have some time resting while they're on stage. But there's one thing that's bothering his mind and that is none other than Han Jieun.
She's been different. Well, she's in her usual self alright but something seems different. Jiyong doesn't know what it is, but he felt closer to her after minwoo's birthday and now he feels like they're getting some distance again. No more long talks.

Jiyong take a seat on the sofa in the artist room after greeting everyone who came backstage to congratulate everything. His phone beep.

From : Dong Yongbae

"Ya! Don't forget about your after party. Meet you there."

'Aaah.. Right the after party, how can I forget. I should go home and wash up.' Jiyong thought but then jieun came into the room.

"Jiyong-ssi, Are you done? I should drive you home now." She said.

"Y-yes, we can go now." 'Why the hell did I stutter??'

The ride to jiyong's house is filled with silence. Jieun focusing on the road, but deeply she's just trying to figure out why did she react like that last night? Maybe because she's his manager.

"Jieun, I'm having an afterparty do you want to come?"

"No , jiyong-ssi. Thank you for the invitation."

"Yah.. What's with the formal speech."

"What's with it? I can't speak formal now?."

"You didn't speak formally before.. Listening to you now is weird!"

"Well, be prepare then because I'm speaking to you formally from now on, jiyong-ssi."

"Yah! Why did you talk like that??"

"I'm just trying to be professional with my work. So things like me overreacting to you like yesterday won't happened again." And just like that he can't say another word anymore.

Jiyong lost in his thoughts again. Looking outside the window and take a sneak glance at jieun. Something with  Her cold eyes are still there, her pretty bare face, that pulls him to her. He shake his head to get rid of his thoughts. 'What the hell am I thinking! Pabo!'

"We're here , jiyong-ssi."

"O-oh.." Jiyong step down from the car

"Do you want me to drive you to the afterparty?"

"No, I'll bring my own car."

"Okay, then I'll park this car and leave now, jiyong-ssi." Jieun said and drive away from jiyong's apartement.

Jiyong walks into his apartement then get ready for his afterparty. Hopefully he can forget about everything there. 'Let's just have fun!' He thought.

Jiyong steps into the club greeted by the other guest. He smile here and there then went straight to the VIP place where all s are. They talk and talk, but jiyong doesn't know why jieun's face keeps appearing in his mind. 'So she's like that because of that day? Well, It's not my fault. She is overreacting. But why am I being so anxious and nervous with her behavior towards me today?' He thought. He take drink after drink.

"Hyung, you're not coming with jieun noona?" Seungri ask.


"That's weird. You usually bring her along everywhere you go." Daesung said.

"You know, jieun is hurt because jiyong said she's overreacting that day when he got sick. You should see how she panicked that day seeing you pale and weak in front of her don't know what to do. You should've thanked her, ji. Instead you told her she's overreacting." Seunghyun said.

"I said thank you to her already. I mean come on, I said I'm fine and she still took me to the hospital. And now she said she wants to keep talking formal to me and do her job professionally. See? She is overreacting right?" Jiyong said and looking at his 4 members. Expecting to hear words like 'yeah hyung, she's overreacting' or 'yeah you're right man' but instead all he got is unpleasant look from all of them.

"Wait, that’s weird. Let me try again, She is overreacting right?" he said again but still got the same reaction.

"Aisshh.. I can't believe it , how can G-Dragon be so dense?" Seungri said frustrated.

"What maknae? Me? Dense? What the did you said?"

"The maknae is right man, it's so obvious, why can't you see it?"

"What? What? What didn't I see?"

"Hyung, that day when you're sick, she panicked. And by what I heard from byeongyeong hyung, she even stuttered that means she really is panic." Seungri starts explaining

"Her face when I came to the hospital show it all, she can't even sit." Seunghyun added.


"when a girl extremely panicked seeing a boy sick until she can’t even sit, that means she starting to care about you. She's not overreacting. If she starting to care that means, the chance for her to fall for you is bigger, but you scolded her saying she's overreacting with everything then the care feeling fly away, I bet she regreting it now." Seungri continues

Jieun? The cold ice girl cared for me? Those guys must be hallucinating.

"So because of your stupid choice of word, just say goodbye to any of your plan to make her beg for you. Adios. Annyeong" daesung said waving his hand goodbye in front of jiyong.

"Aahh! Whatever you said! I don't care. I'm leaving!" Jiyong said and get up from his seat.

‘so that’s why I’m being anxious, because of this can ruin my perfectly made plan! Aiishh!’ he thought ruffling his hair while walking out of the VIP room, and out of the club.

The 4 members just smile looking at how their leader's act. They knew, what they're anticipating is coming. The 'falling-in-love-with-jieun' blizzard is getting closer, and they can see soon enough jiyong will get hit by that blizzard.

Hello everyone~^^

The chapter is super short, I know..

I'm so sorry~ :(

well, the blizzard is coming closer~

by the way, in case you got confused..

the italic sentence means it's what the character's thinks in their minds ..

See ya on the next update^^



ps :

it's D-5 to the day I can meet GD and TOP again..



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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?