His Intervention

HOT and COLD..

~Jieun's POV

It's been days since my breakdown with jiyong happened. Until now, I still can't understand the effect he has that can make me explode in tears just by being hugged by him. I have never cry in front of anyone since the day my father died. I don't understand.

I'm driving to jiyong's apartment in the morning to pick him up. We're going to japan for his tour. I text him as soon as I arrived and he just reply it with a simple 'ok' . Typical jiyong.

After a while, he finally came out. Wearing his g-boss jacket and shades with his bright red hair. He get inside the car and without any words, I start driving to the airport. As expected, incheon airport is filled with fans. They're waiting patiently for their idol to bid goodbye, give him encouragement for his overseas concert. Many of them giving him presents, letters, taking pictures of him. So this is the fame of G-Dragon. G-Fame.

I walk behind him silently carrying his thom browne black bag. He keeps looking back once in a while don't know what for. Is he looking for someone? Or maybe waiting for someone?. I have no idea where he's looking at thanks to that huge shades he wore. We walk to board in the airplane right away. He took a seat beside the window and I placed his bag in the compartment then took a seat beside him. Pulling out my earphone and start plugging it into my ears. But his voice stop me as I plug my last earphone.

"Next time, when we're walking don't you ever walk behind me again. Stay in front of me." He said while keep looking to the window.

"Are you talking to me?" I ask then he turn his head to me.

"Of course I am. Who else? Are you even listening to what I said?"

"Oh. But I think it's better for me to walk behind you--"

"Ya! I hate to keep looking back while walking just to make sure you're not being mobbed by the fans again! So from now on, walk in front of me and that's that. No more buts." So that's why he keeps doing that?.

"If you hate it, then don't do it." I said.

"Han Jieun!"

"Whatever." I said and plugged my earphone ignoring how he still ranting. This will be a long flight.

The walk in the airport in japan is the same with incheon. It's filled with fans welcoming their idol. As I start walking behind him, jiyong pull my hand and stand me in front of him making me walk in front right behind Jaeho the guard just like how he wanted. We went straight to the venue to see how it is. The stage is the same with the one in seoul but the audience part is bigger. I stand in front of the stage looking around while jiyong is talking to the stage director on stage.

"Jieun-ssi.." Suddenly one of the crew came to me. He looks so panic.


"Can you help me with something?"

"sure, what is it?"

"the thing is, today is actually justin's birthday. You know? The guitarist?"

"I know."

"So, all of us planning on a surprise party for him. We ordered the birthday cake and I'm supposed to be the one who pick it up. But something went wrong with the stage so I can't go anywhere."

"Aah.. You want me to fetch the cake and bring it here?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind though. The cakeshop is just one block from here." Great idea, I can take a walk while picking the cake.

"Sur--" my word got cutted by another voice I knew so damn well.

"No. Jieun is staying here. Go find someone else to do your errands." Jiyong said standing behind the male crew.

"But jiyong-ssi.."

"What?? No don't worry, I'll fetch the cake."

"Jieun is MY manager. If I want her to stay here then she will STAY here. Now excuse me, I need to talk to my manager." He said while sending a glare to me. Conceited. Cocky. Jerk. He walk away leaving me with the crew named Daehyun.

"Just ignore him, daehyun-ssi. I'll fetch the cake, just give me the address." I said.

"No it's okay jieun-ssi. I'll just call the shop and see if they can delivery it here."

"I'm sorry.." I said.

"It's not your fault." Daehyun smile.

"HAN JIEUN!!!!!!" Jiyong screamed my name as soon as he realized that I'm not following him. I rolled my eyes and mouth sorry to daehyun once again before walking towards the brat who doesn't stop screaming my name all over the venue.

Jiyong's interventions keeps going until now. Everytime I want to walk out of the venue alone just to pick something from the car, or even when jieun the sylist told me to buy some make up from the shop across the street. He always had the talk to prevent me from going. I don't know what he got in his mind or what he's planning. He's been like this since the day in my father's place.

This is the night before jiyong's concert. After the dinner party with all the crew and dancer, everyone given a free time. Some of them using it to sleep , some using it to have fun in a club. But do you know what jiyong said?

"Han jieun! You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

I'm standing looking at the view through the window then I decided to take a walk around fukuoka. Don't care what that g-brat said. It's been a while since I came here. The last time i cane here was with dad, when he took me to go on a trip all around japan. Besides, I need some time alone. I changed my clothes into a hoodie and jeans then walk out of my hotel room. Which is unfortunately beside jiyong's room. I walk straight to the lobby towards the front door and met ssabu-nim. After some small talk, I bid goodbye to ssabu-nim and walk out of the hotel inhaling the night breeze.

I walk along the sidewalk don't know where it takes me. The street lights are shining my way. The view of couples walking hand in hand looks so happy smiling ear to ear. After a while walking, I find a small park. I walk and sit on the swing. I take out my ipod and plug my earphone start listening to the songs. The sound the singer’s voice singing every word of the song flowing through my ears.

Just like the star that doesn’t leave the dark night sky
We’ll carry this dream forever together with love and trust
If I were that person
Once again
I’d hug your hardened heart tightly in my arms forever
Against the wall of reality
Even the coldest of hearts
At the end of the flowing tears
The fuzzy stream of light
Shines brightly in the darkness
Passing through that time
Able to feel each other’s body heat
In the heart that stops breathing
Everyone has scars and heavy sighs
I’m trying to find that space in time when I can draw you into my arms

The melody is beautifully playing through my ears but it suddenly interrupted with a very familiar voice. A very loud one.


~Author's POV

She look up to find the source of the voice evenr though She know exactly who that is. There he is, the idol. The brat. Standing in front of her wearing black chrome hearts hoodie that cover his face.

"YA! I'm talking to you!" He said getting no response from her.

"You called that talking? That's screaming jiyong." She said and gave him a smirk. Instead saying anything he grab her hand and drag jieun away with him.

"Jiyong! What the hell?! Let me go!"

"Kwon jiyong!!!!" jieun screams again.

"Oh so you're talking to me now? Just save it. We're going back to the hotel."

"What? No!"


"What the hell is wrong with you jiyong?! You've been weird! First you won't let me walk behind you, then you won't let me go anywhere out of the venue, now this? I've had enough." She said and shrugged her hand away from his hold.

"it’s just--- Nothing."

"Nothing? Then go the away." Jieun said and turn her back on him. But his hand grab her hand and turn her around back to facing him.

"YA! Where the hell are you going?! I told you we're going back to the hotel and that's that!!"

"No. You can't control where I'm going!"

"AARRGH!" He run his hand through his hair, he's desperate.

"WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!! You can't go anywhere! Not without me!!"

"And why is that?"

"Because you'll never know when it will rain! What if it's raining?! Who's gonna help you from breaking down in the middle of the road again?! HUH?! PABO!"

"so that's what's this all about. I can take care of myself."

"OH really? Because from what I see, you're just pretending that you can. You're just pretending to be strong but turns out to be that fragile. Face the fact jieun, You're a weak ed up girl who spent her life pretending to be strong, You need me." Then SLAP! The stinging pain filled jiyong's cheek. He look at her face and he saw it. He greeted by her cold eyes looking intensely at him.

"Listen, just because you know my weakness doesn't mean you know everything about me and obviously doesn't mean you can control my life. I don't need anything from you. I don't need you to protect me and I most importantly don't need your pity."

"Weak ed up girl? Well that's not a new thing to hear. yes I'm ed up , I told you that before. So just go away and save your energy go protect someone who cares, because I don't." With that she walks away into the darkness of the night. This is the reason why she doesn't open up to people, she hates being pitied. Because it only make her regrets and guilts get stronger.

Meanwhile jiyong is standing there. Holding his left cheek with his hand. He hates the way he feels inside. He hates how he feel like he need to know where she is and everysingle thing she do. He hates how he got worried everytime she's not around. He hates how every thing she do make a great effect on him. What am I going to do with you, han jieun?



Hello guys,,


what do you think of the new chapter? kekekeke

soooooo sorry for updating super late

thank you for keep supporting this story~


ahh, in case you're wondering..

the song that I used here is 'Love in the Ice by TVXQ'

ps :

Have you ever feels like what you wrote became some kind of a jinx on you?

like it suddenly happened in your real life?

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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?