Vita Dolce

HOT and COLD..


I crack my neck left and right as I get off the plane from fukuoka to seoul. We all decided to go back to seoul because of jiyong's injury. Sajangnim decided that jiyong better stay at seoul and recover his health before continue his tour to seibu dome.

Speaking of jiyong, we haven't been talk since last night. Better that way though. He's been busy with his phone and talking with yongbae as we arrived in gimpo airport. The airport is filled with fans knowing that their leader idol is injured, they come to give him support hoping it will help him heal. We walk pass the thousands of fans in line and guiding jiyong straight to the van parked outside the exit door. Byeong yeong oppa is ready on te driver seat, so I get in right after jiyong settled in the car. The drive is quiet, only byeong yeong oppa's voice talking on the phone is heard. Oh, and seunghyun loud voice can be heard from the phone asking about how jiyong is.

As we arrived at jiyong's appartment, I get off and get his things on my hand, his freakin huge red birkin bag.

"Jiyong-ah, you'll be okay if I go right? Seunghyun need me in his filming site."

"I'll be fine hyung."

"Okay then. Jieun-ah, want me to give you a ride home?"

"No--" my sentence got cutted with jiyong's.

"No, she's staying with me . I need her help with something."

"If that's the case then, I'll be going now. Seunghyun has been calling me nonstop that bingu."

Byeongyeong oppa said and drive away from the parking lot leaving me and jiyong standing there. I turn around to get inside but his voice stopped me.

"Han jieun." He said , I turn around to face him but he throw me something. A key. His bentley key.

"What? Your bentley key?"

"Yes, we're not going home. I want to go somewhere else. Since my leg is like this then you drive me there. Get my bags in the car." He said and walk to his bentley which parked in the exclusive part of the parking lot. I sigh and follow his order.

I settled his bags and belongings in the car and get to the driver seat seeing him sitting on the passanger seat beside me with his cane on his thigh. His head resting on the window with his eyes closed.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Vita Dolce."

"And that is where?"

"Are you kidding me? You don't know where vita dolce is?"

"Do I suppose to know it?"

"Of course you do! Everyone in korea, well even outside korea know what and where exactly vita dolce is! Don't you ever read the news?? 'VITA DOLCE, GDRAGON'S PENSION AS A SWEET GIFT FOR HIS PARENT.' Ughh where have you been, did you live in a cave or something?!"

"Well sorry to break it down to you, turns out not everyone knew about vita dolce. Maybe you nees a proper advertising for your beloved villa."

I start my drive to this vita dolce jiyong directed me to. It's unexpectedly a long way drive fromthe city. But the journey is beautiful. The view of trees lining side by side. The fresh air. Damn this man really know how to pick a perfect place for a villa. I thought seeing jiyong who is now sleeping on the passanger seat beside me.

Then I see the sign 'Vita Dolce' written on a wood sign with an arrow pointing to where exactly the place is. I follow the sign and there it is a big pension with a minimalist theme standing proudly beside the lake. It's beautiful. The color, the view, everything. It's like the long way here was worth it.
I park the car right in front if the house. I look into my side and jiyong is still asleep.

"Jiyong.. We're here." I said poking his arm. He stirred up a little and open his eyes.

"Hmmm.. Already?" He mumble

"Yeahh.. Wake up." I said and he stretch hie body and go outside the car.
I walk outside then look around. The pension is undeniable beautiful. The design everything is great. The lake in front of it just complete the view.

"Amazing isn't it? Impress? I know you do." Jiyong said.


"That's it? Hmm?seriously?!"

"What do you expect?"

"I don't know, something's like 'amazing, beautiful, awesome' maybe?!"

"Whatever jiyong." I said and shrugged it off. I walk back to the car and get his things out. Meanwhile jiyong is to busy looking around. After getting every one of his things out, i walk to the driver seat.

"Ya! Where are you going?" Jiyong said

"Home. Your things are right there in front of the door."

"You can't go home."

"Oh I can."

"NO. You're staying."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's my car! You can't use my car for your own thing!"

"Fine. I'll used the bus."

"You won't find any bus."

"I can call a taxi."

"NO! It's too dangerous!"

"Dangerous? Okay then I'll use your car."

"NOOO! You can't go anywhere!"

"Kwon jiyong! What the hell is wrong with you? Why can't I go?"

"because you're my manager! You should stay where ever I want you to!"

"Well I'm your manager jiyong not your shadow. You're on your day offs, means you have no schedule, meaning you can take care of anything by yourself so there's nothing for me to manage. Bye." I said and try open the door but his hand beat me to it. He lean his body to the car door and put sweep my hand away taking the key.

"What the hell!" I said and he just smirk. Then I can hear a car coming from behind me ad a familiar voice came into my ear.

"Sorry we're late! Thanks to our top star over here." It's seungri. I knew the voice without even bother to look. My eyes is still lock angrily on jiyong's while trying to get the car key from his hand.
Suddenly I hear the voice. More familiar than seungri's. The voice I once knew so well. The voice I though I'll never heard again calling my name with the one nickname only him can call me.

"Eun?" My eyes widened. My hand fall down from jiyong's. I finally turn around and there he is.

"Sung oppa?"

He's back.

He's here.

Jo in sung oppa is here.




To make it up to you, I WILL DO DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY! YEAY!

a new character is revealed!

Who is jo in sung? it'll be revealed soon. LOL

thank you for supporting this story, for commenting, reading, subscribing.




ps :

This is Jo In Sung..

Handsome right? hahahaha


and this is our leader who once again shake my whole world with COUP D'E TAT


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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?