
HOT and COLD..


Jieun is sitting on a secluded classroom chair in her university's library. She got a big exam coming up in 2 days, so she did what she always do, studying until she lost track of time. She pur her phone on silence, listen to music from her ipod and read her books.

She was immersed with her books not knowing that someone is calling her nonstop. She feel her phone vibrating on the table. After letting it rang for like tenth times she finally gave up and pick up the phone.



"I'm too busy studying. What do you want?"

"Study? Study for what?"

"I have a big exam in 2 days so yeah I'm studying to make my brain works better. Now tell me what do you want?"

"I want you to bring your books and get your here. Hurry up."


"Hurry up! If you don't come here soon then I'll kill myself and you'll definitely be jobless. Bye." He said then hung up.

"Ya! This kid!" She ruffle her hair in desperation. Packing her books into her bag and walk out of the library.

'Aish! How dare he turn my words aroud like that! Brat.' She mumbles while making her way to YG building.

As she arrived at YG building, she walk through the familiar hallway to jiyong's studio. She open the door without even bother to knock.

"Kwon jiyong, I'm here now what do you want? Don't waste my time. Sajangnim is already kind enough to give me sometime for my exam." She said as she see jiyong sitting in front of the computer.

He look at her when he heard her voice.

"Come here. Sit here." He said motioning her to take a seat beside him which she obliged.

"Now what?"

"Now study here."


"You said you got exam right? So study here!"

"So you called me thousands times and told me to get here fast just so I can study here?"


"Why should I study here?"

"Because I told you too."

"Since when I have to follow your orders?!"

'S-since when? Think ! Jiyong! Think!'

"Since... S-Since you're my manager! I want you to stay here so if anything happen or I need something then I don't have to go looking around for you!"

'That's it! Ha! Smart kwon jiyong!'

Jieun give jiyong a glare but then taking the seat that jiyong pointed. She take out her books, plug her earphone and start reading her books ignoring the fact that jiyong is smiling proudly.

Jiyong sit beside her in silence. He look at the computer screen and focus on the song he's making but take a glance of jieun's once. Her milky skinned face, her serious cold eyes, her perfect pouty lips. Her lips.

~jieun's POV

you know the feeling when someone is staring at you? That's exactly how I feel right now. I'm studying for my big exam in 2 days, and I can barely concentrate when jiyong is staring at me. Obviously.

"Jiyong, can you stop staring?" I said without taking my eyes off the book.

"W-w-what?? I'm not staring! Pfft." He said.

I just rolled my eyes at his response. As I start studying again, I can see him focusing on the computer screen. Finally, no more staring.  After a while of studying in peace suddenly I feel something strange on my ear.

"YA! Why are you touching my ear?!" I yelled at him. Yes, jiyong is touching my ear while doing his work. What the hell?!

"hmm? Why? You don't like it? I always do this when me and my girlfriend are sitting together working on something."

"I'm not your girlfriend. Stop it." I said and sway away my seat from him. This guy seriously.

After hours of studying, jiyong is still beside me doing his works. These studying is tiring. My eyes are hurting, my back sore. I lay my head on the book. Maybe it's best if I sleep for a while so I close my eyes.


"jieun.. Ya.. Han jieun! Han jieun! Wake up!"

"Ughh what? Can't you just stay silent for a while?" I said.

"Oh I did stay silent for like 2 hours since you fell asleep. Minwoo was right, you really sleep like a dead person. But suddenly you became all sweaty and saying some things I can't get. Your eyebrows brooding and all. You want to talk what was that all about?"


"Were you having nightmares? No? Or.. Oh my God, were you.. Having 'that' dream?"

"I don't know what you mean and I don't want to know."

"Oohh.. It is? Is it about me? You're having a dirty dream about me?"

"Shut up." I said then stretch my body getting ready to study again.

"Ya! Stop studying. Come on get up!Let's go somewhere."

"You go. I'm busy." then a sound came out, yeah my stomach is grumbling. I can see jiyong holding his laughter.

"Hear that? That's what you get when you're too busy with books. Come on let's get some food." He said and drag me out of the room.

We go out of YG building. It's really dark, since it's almost midnight. Jiyong walk beside stretching his body to the air. There are street lights, lights from cars passing by the streets, and moonlight shining our way. I didn't even realize how far we walked until jiyong told me that we arrived.

I look up at the place , it's a fried chicken restaurant, a small one. It's placed in a secluded area. We get inside, and the place is so housy. It feels like eating chicken in your own house. We take a seat on the sofa.

"Jiyong-ssi! You're here."

"Neh, ahjumma.."

"eating dinner late again? Ck ck ck no wonder you're so skinny now." The ahjumma said and jiyong just smile.

"Oh! Who's the pretty lady here? You've never brought any girl here."

"She's ---"

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm jieun, jiyong's temporary manager. Nice place you got here."

"aigoo thank you. Nice to meet you jieun-ssi, you're so pretty." I just smile. she's such a nice ahjumma, no wonder this place feels so homey.

"So jiyong, the usual?"

"Neh.. Thank you ahjumma~"

"Arasso.." She said and leave to the kitchen.

We seat beside the glass window. I can literally see the alley, how few people passing by.

"The place is great, huh?" Jiyong said.

"Yeah, it's cozy and quiet."

"I know. I always come here when I'm too stressed with work or anything that's why the ahjumma know me."

"How did you find this place? I mean it's not exactly.."

"Flashy? Visualy attractive?"

"You know the word. So how?"

"when I was still a trainee, I was walking back to the dorm after having a late night training by myself. Yongbae and the rest of the guys already went back. I was walking and thinking of taking a shortcut through this alley. Then I see ahjumma fixing the restaurant sign on the door. I can smell the fried chicken from outside when she open the door, but you know trainee doesn't have that much of money. But it's enough to buy at least 2piece of chicken. So I decided to buy some and eat with the members in the dorm. Ahjumma is so nice, she must've seen how tired I am. So instead of asking me to pay, she decided to gave me a bucket of chickens."

"Really? Wah.. So after that you always come back here for the free chicken?" I .

"Ya! I fell in love with the place, just like you said it's cozy and homey. Well that, and the free chicken." He said an I laugh. I see him stunned, don't know why.

"jiyong usually came here with yongbae , big seunghyun, seungri , daesung, soohyuk, you know his bestfriends. But it's the first time he bring a girl here, you must be special jieun.." Ahjumma said bringing a tray with plates filled with chickens and side dishes.


"Of course I'm special ahjumma, he can't do anything without me arranging schedules. Without me all he do is sleep." I said and she laugh.

"Ya! Han jieun!"

"you should hit his head with chicken leg of he overslept, jieun" she said and I laugh again.


"Mianhe jiyong, teasing you is just so fun and jieun seems to exactly know how." She said ad i can see him throw his glare at me. Ahjumma was right though, teasing him is fun.

The fried chickens are to die for. Those was the best fried chicken I have ever taste in my entire life. If only the place was not hidden like this, then this fried chicken will beat mcdonald's.

We talk about anything while eating those chickens, drinking soda. After done eating and paying, ahjumma gave us ice cream, she really is kind. We bid goodbyes then walk out of the restaurant while eating out ice cream.

The night is getting darker. Both of us are busy with our own ice cream so no words are said. I don't usually enjoy ice cream this much. But this ice cream is delicious.

"Wuaahh! This ice cream is the best!" Jiyong said.

"It is.."

"Jieun, can I ask you something?"

"You asking me a permission to ask a question is never a good thing. What is it?"

"I'm just curious."

"Curiousity kills the cat."

"Yeah but I'm a dragon, not a cat."

"Whatever. Just ask."

"what happened there, when you asleep?"

"Ahhh.. Still can't let that go can you?"

"I told you. Curiousity."

"You got it right though."

"YOU HAD A DIRTY DREAM ABOUT ME?!" Jiyong said and I hit his head on reflex. How can a person can be this y and conceited at the same time?

"Not that, ert. Nightmares. I had nightmares."

"Aaahh.. Nightmares about what? Is it about---"

"My father? Yes. I've been having these nightmares about what happened ever since my dad died."

"Every night?"

"Every night."

"Wow. You know, I don't believe you. When you said that you killed your father."

"Well you should cause I did."

"I will prove that's wrong to you one day."

"Don't waste your time."

"Just wait jieun. One day."

"Are you promising something?"

"I don't make promises I can't keep."

"And you think you can keep this promise?"

"I told you. Just wait and I will show you. One day."

One day. A promise that jiyong made to me on that night. While munching our ice cream. Feeling the cold not only in our mouth but also all over our body.

One day are simple words. No certainty on when it will happen but hearing jiyong said it was like giving me some beliefs that it will do happen. That one day.

"Hey, you wanna do something fun?"

"No. I have books to study."

"Aww come on. You won't regret this."


"ASSA!! Let's go!" He said then throw away his and my already empty ice cream cup into the garbage can.

He lead the way to this unoccupied building. It's not far from the company. There's a guard sitting on the security post on the front gate. Jiyong motioned me to walk around and go to the back of the building. Turns out there's fence door there. A little one.

"This is your definition of fun? Tresspassing? What the hell were you thinking??"

"Calm down. It gets better. Hurry up!" He said. I don't know when but he already got in. Now he force me to get in too. So I did. We walk slowly up the ladder of the building. The building is more like an abandoned one. Wonder what it used to be.

"Here we are." Jiyong said then he open a door.

Then I see a beautiful city view of seoul. Theost beautiful than I ever seen. The lights, the building, the sky everything. It's like it just came out of a painting.

"Beautiful right? Come on." He said again then told me to take a seat beside him near the edge of the building.

"This is the fun part."

"And what is that exactly?"

"Seeing people walking around."

"Really jiyong?"

"Yeahh. I'll show you. See that guy over there? The one with a briefcase, loosen tie."

"Yes. So?"

"I bet he got a rough night. Got home from a bar for a drink or two."

"You're judging people? That's your fun?"

"It's not judging. It's guessing. Think about it as a quiz. Use your inagination." He said and I shake my head.

"Come on, try. It'll be fun. Okay I'll start. I think he's working in a boring company . You know doing all those boring paperworks. Got yelled by the boss, he fed up and like I said go to a bar. Your turn!"

"Okay okay. I think he's working as a boring employess is a camouflage. What if he's a spy from the cops to solve a massive case in the company he worked in. With all the spy gears and stuff. He just got out from the bar to meet with the other employees to get some clues. Like james bond."

"Wooooww you're good."

"Now how about that woman right there."

And we go imagining other peoples life, creating the impossible all night. I started to enjoy it. Like he said, it is fun. Sitting on a place with a beautiful view , laughing with each other. It's been a while since the last time I felt this way.

Suddenly we heard footsteps near the rooftop door. We immediately get up and hide on the corner. The door open and it's the guard. He must've heard our laughs.

"Weird. I'm pretty sure I heard voices from here." The guard said.

As the guard walks to the edge of the buidibg with his back facing the door. Suddenly jiyong grab my hand and drag me to the door. Running.

"HEY! YOU!! STOP THERE!!!" The guard is chasing us. We keep running down the stairs to the front gate out of the building complex. The guard is still chasing. And he's pretty fast for an old man.

Jiyong pull me to this alley. He cover my mouth with his hand. I turn my head to the road and see the guard is taking his breath just in front of the alley.

"THOSE KIDS. HUH." He said and walk the other way.

Jiyong let his hand on my mouth go. Our breathings are rough from running. We look at each other's face and just laugh. I mean that was such and intense chase. I look down and see his hand still intertwined with mine. I look up and meet his face inches from mine. I can hear his heavy breathing. I can see his cheeky smile came from his thin lips.

then I feel it. His lips. His soft lips against mine. He move his other hand to caress my cheek. The kiss is not filled with lust it just a kiss. A soft gentle kiss. I can hear another crack on the wall of my heart. But this time not just one crack. There were cracks. I can feel the wall starts tumbling down. One part of me wants to stop this. The other part of me just gave in to his lips.

He pulls away from the kiss and rest his forehead against mine. No words said, all we do is look at each others eyes.

"Let's go back to YG." Was all he said before walking taking me with him as our hands still intertwined with each other.

Just like he said, we go back to the building. I need to go home or go anywhere. We go into the studio and he finally let go of my hand. I pack my books to my bag and walks to the door before a hand grab mine again.

"Jieun.. I.." I don't know what he's gonna say. I'm waiting for him to finish it but then another voice came in. A voice that I never heard. A cheerful voice that scream out :


That voice.

It's a girl's voice.

The girl that I soon learn to be the long lost girlfriend of his.

Kiko Mizuhara.


Sorry for being away.

well I'm not exactly away.

but my inspirations was.

just got the inspirations back.

another new character came up!

Enjoy~ ^^

Love ya!


and happy belated birthday to my love, my bingu, my bias.


ps :

am I the only one who can't stop singing RINGA LINGA?



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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?