Her life.

HOT and COLD..

~Jieun's POV

I walk to the bus station and catch a bus to home. Why do I have to met that jerk?. That's why when I read that dragon name on the wall the first day I'm here, that name sounds so familiar. so he's an artist here? My bad luck just went into worst.
I get off the bus and walk to my house, it's 15 minutes to midnight. I stand in front of my door taking a deep breath then open the door.

"I'm home." I said as I step in and take off my shoes.


"I'm sorry mom.. There's so much workk to do in the office." I said bowing my head at her.

"Oh! You're home! Yeah mom, she already texted me saying that she'll be working late today.. Have you eat jieun-ah?" That's my sister.

"Yes, I have already---"

"BUT STILL! WHAY KIND OF GIRL COMING HOME AT MIDNIGHT ALONE!! If you have a lot of works to do, then works harder in daytime! Don't make people die worried and waiting for you!! Oh, but maybe that's what you do best right? Making people worried until they die just like what you did to your father?!" my chest feels like it stabbed by knifes again everytime that topic came up.

"MOM!!!" Jaehyun unnie start to defending me again but I hold her back.

"Unnie, it's okay." I said to her

"I'm sorry,mom. It won't happen again." I said to my mom and she just shrugged it of then walk to her room.

"Jieun-ah.." Unnie said and walk to me

"I'm fine.. Let me get some sleep, hm?" I said and walk into my room. I close the door behind me and slide down to the floor leaning against the door. My tears starts coming out as I remember my father. I'm sorry, dad. I'm sorry. It's all my fault.

It’s another morning, I go to the company as usual. Focusing my brain on works and just works until the time for me to go to college comes. When I arrived in the company, my stomach is grumbling soundly. Ahh, that’s right. I haven’t eat since last night. I walk to my desk to put my belongings then take my phone and walk to cafeteria to get some breakfast. This is one of the reason why I like working here, the company really giving extra attention to the staff, not only the artist but all the people who work in the building. They don’t force us to wear office clothes but something casual as long as it’s presentable. It sounds cheesy, but they always said that this is not a company, this is a family. YG Family.

I walk to the food counter and meet the ahjumma. They are really nice to everyone even if we’re not the artist.

“oh! Jieun-ssi..”

“neh, ahjumma..”

“aigoo… you look so skinny! Eat a lot, jieun-ah.. here, I made it for my son today but I made some extra too, so here’s for you.” She said and give me a chocolate pudding.

“thank you, ahjumma..” I said and smile at her. See? They’re really really nice.

I walk to the empty seat right on the back corner. I plugged the earphone to my ear and start eating my breakfast . I don’t think my noisy stomach can wait any longer.

~Author’s POV

“hyung~ we’ve been recording all night, can we just get relax for a while and get some breakfast? I’m hungry hyuuung~” seungri said nagging at jiyong while rubbing his stomach. Jiyong has been recording for seungri’s part all night. They even doesn’t get any sleep. Something is obviously bothering jiyong’s mind, her eyes. Her cold eyes is filling his brain. He shakes his head to get rid of her image.

“arasso..arasso.. come on, let’s go the cafeteria.”

“yeaayy! Finally.” Seungri said and receive a smack from his hyung.

Jiyong and seungri walk to the cafetaria while talking, joking and laughing at each other. They can be so noisy or extremely quiet sometimes. But as jiyong step into the cafetaria, his eyes see an extremely familiar figure at the table in the back corner. He keeps his eye lock on her while walking to the food booth. After seungri finished taking his food, it's jiyong's turn.

"Jiyong-ah.. What do you want to eat?" The ahjumma said to him but his eyes are still lock at jieun.

"Yah! Jiyong!" The ahjumma yell that startled him.

"HAH! Oh! Ahjumma.. Wae?"

"Yah, I've been asking you what do you want to eat.. What are you looking at?"


"Eeyyy~~" the ahjumma as he start picking his food.



"Do you know her?"


"That girl, in the back corner."

"Aahhh.. Jieun-ie? Of course I know."

"What is she doing here?"

"She's working here jiyong-ah.."

"What?? Working as what?"

"An accountant or something. It's been a month since she start working here."

"Aahh.. Really?

"Why are you asking?"

"Nothing, it's just I met her last night in the elevator and she's seems..... Cold."

"She's working late again? That girl, no wonder she become so skinny now. she's a good girl, polite, sometimes she likes to bring some snacks for us. But I don't know why she become that cold. Some says it has something to do with her family. Wae? You like her?"

"WHAT?! Pfft n-n-no.."

"don't play her jiyong. I may not know her for a long time, but as a woman I can see that she already has a lot of troubles and pains that burdened her life. So please don't add to that." the ahjumma said as she put the last food on jiyong's plate.

he thanked the ahjumma or the food and walk to the table where seungri sit. his mind is clouded with what the ahjumma said. he became curious about her. he look at her, sitting alone eating her breakfast with her expressionless face again. 'Maybe I should talk to her nicely. wait. what are you thinking jiyong! you want revenge right. remember, what she did to you 6months ago!' he thought to himself. he eat his food still thinking if he should confront her or not. 'I will confront her. and make her understand that she can't mess with the almighty GDragon!' he decided and smile devilishly while seungri just looking at his hyung, clueless.

Hello guys!

Sorry if I haven't been able to updated..

I've been sick these days..


So there's an update for you~

Thank you for all the subscribers, readers and all the comments!


ps : if you know any good graphic/poster maker, please do tell..

I want to request a poster for this story~ lol

thank you ^^


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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?