Care or Guilt?

HOT and COLD..


The fukuoka dome is in panic state. Crew running backstage. Hwangssabu screaming from inside the artist room telling the staff to bring him something. Me? I just stand there , holding everything tht ssabunim told me to hold, standing there to help him while repeating the same sentence in my head over over again "don't overreact. He'll be okay.". The reason why the backstage became this hectic even though the concert has finished? G-Dragon. he's hurt. Something happened with his leg.

"Jieun-ah! Water! Jieun!!" Ssabunim's voice rang through my ear.

 I quickly give him the water for jiyong. I can't focus when all I hear is jiyong groaning in pain with his eyes closed. Yongbae stand beside jiyong worriedly. He came as a guest star for the concert.
After a while, jiyong finally calm down. Ssabunim wrap his hurting leg and told him to take some rest. Ssabu-nim told everyone to get out so jiyong can rest for a while, but yongbae stay with his long time bestfriend.

I walk outside the room and get some drink to calm myself. I don't know why I became so worried like this everytime something happen to jiyong. 'What time is it?' I wonder as I find my phone but it turns out it's not in my pocket. I search my body still not there. Then I realized, I left it inside the room. 'I better take it now before it makes any noise.' I walk to the room turns out the door a little bit opened and I hear yongbae's voice.

"Feel better now? What happened?" Yongbae said

"Nothing. Just slip on stage"

"Don't nothing me. You're already limping this morning before the concert start don't think that I didn't realized it how you pretend to walk normaly. Where were you last night? I came to your room as soon as I arrived and you're not there. Seriously jiyong, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing bae. It's just I slipped when I run around from the hotel last night. Nothing happened. Just drop it will you." Jiyong said.

Last night? He was with me. Then I remember, something is strange by the way he walks when he drag me from the park. Don't tell me... Does he hurt himself looking for me? No it can't be. I took a deep breath and knock on the door before getting into the room.

"Sorry to disturb, I left my phone here, i just want to take it."

"Oh.. Go ahead jieun-ah." Yongbae said while jiyong just close his eyes. I take my phone and excuse myself from the room. Still, jiyong doesn't said anything. Now that I think about it , he didn't said anything to me all day. Maybe it's better like this. Yes it's better like this.



I was walking into my room after having dinner with the crew. We're going back to seoul tomorrow morning. Suddenly ssabunim called my name. I turn around and greet him.

"Jieun, can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"tonight I should be changing jiyong's leg bandage. But something came up and I have to go somewhere. So can you please change it for me?" Meeting jiyong? Can I?


"Thank you! Here's the bandage and apply this to his swollen part. Thank you jieun! I'll buy you meal when we get back in seoul!"

"Neh.." With that ssabu-nim turn around and leave towards the elevator.

I let out a sigh and walk to jiyong's room. As I stand in front of his door, I took a deep breath and knock on his door. Let's just get it over with. After some time knocking, the door open revealing jiyong walking with a cane.

"What do you want?" He said coldly.

"Ssabunim told me to apply this and change your bandage." I said showing him the medicine.

"Just put it on the table and go, I'll do it myself." He said and lay on the bed. 

I put it on his bedside table and look at his leg. If what I thought is true, then he's hurt because of me. I hurt him. Maybe I went too far last night, I even slap him. I didn't even realize that he's limping.

"If you're thinking what I thought you'll be thinking then stop" He suddenly said. He read my mind.

"My leg injury doesn't have anything to do with you nor with what happened that night." He said again then turn his back on me.


"My leg injury doesn't have anything to do with what happened that night."

Jiyong turn his back on jieun. He knew exactly what caused his limping leg. It was last night when he panic after finding that jieun was not in her room. He ran outside without caring anout anything else. He ran and ran the only thing that on his mind is jieun and all the bad things might happen with her. Until he step wrongly on a slope and fell down. He can feel his leg hurting really bad but he don't care.
Suddenly he feel his leg being moved from the bed. He turn around and see his leg is now on jieun's lap while she open the wrap of his old bandage.

"What are you doing?" He ask

"I know you said that it has nothing to do with me but at least let me take care of this. not for you but for me." She said.

"For you? Why?" ‘why? Why did I have to do this? Why do I feel like this? Sad? Care? No, it must be guilt. Yes, he got hurt because of me, it must be guilt.’ She tought to her self

"Because I hate seeing someone got hurt."

He didn't say anything else but just let her handle his leg with care. He look intensely how she's so focus with his leg. How her soft hands touch his leg. How her brows furrowed looking at his leg like it's the most fragile and precious thing.

"Stop staring. I'll be done in a minute." She said.

He turn his back on her again and helplessly tugging a smile on his lips like a kid who got a candy. 'Turns out had a sprained leg is not an entirely bad thing.' he thought while enjoying everytouch of jieun's hand on his leg.



how have you been?

Sorry I haven't been able to reply every one of your comments..

I've been very very busy studying because I have a HUGE and IMPORTANT exam this week..

Wish me luck! ^^

anyway,, what do you think about seungri's album??

me? I think it's AMAZING!!!

I love every single song in the album!

can't wait for jiyong's album to finally come out!

okay, talk to you later readerssss

love ya^^


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MaryJoy15 #1
Chapter 32: please update huhu </3
Lilykwon88 #2
Chapter 32: Please update!! I totally love this story, it's a different kind of story that I enjoy alot.
venomel #3
Chapter 32: That's it!? Why is people always make me hanging???? Even in here? T.T
~~~ authornim must be busy~~~
darkestnights #5
ive been waiting for this ff to be updated since 2014 TTTTTT
haroobommi #6
.....................PLZZ UPDATE!!
update! update! update! :D i'll wait :D
pilyangsweet #8
Is this fanfic dead?